Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 414

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Episode 415

Han Se-yeon, who returned to work, met Elin right away.

Although she always showed a confident appearance, her face looked haggard when I saw her after a long time, perhaps because of the association’s pursuit.

“… … Wasn’t it difficult to get here?”

“It wasn’t that hard. The association’s tracking was a bit annoying though.”

Elin said that and then she slyly

He turned his gaze to the swordsman standing behind him.

Did she feel nervous at the thought of having one of the strongest players in front of her? Ellin’s expression hardened for a moment before she turned her gaze back to Han Se-yeon.

“I have something to ask you.”

“Please speak.”

“Kim Jinwoo. Do you know where he is?”

The expected question was asked.

And asking this question at this time means that she knows that Kim Seon-woo and Kim Jin-woo are the same person.

It was beautiful.

“… … Unfortunately, I don’t know either.”

“… … So you don’t know? I thought you would know.”

Ellen let out a short sigh.

It was a completely different look from her, who only showed a relaxed appearance.

Han Se-yeon felt doubtful as she looked at her.

“… … But why did you think I would know where Jinwoo was?”

“That’s right. That person… … No, Kim Jin-woo has been paying a lot of attention to you. You

“I tried various things for that purpose.”

At those words, Han Se-yeon felt a pang in her heart.

Kim Jin-woo was that kind of person.

A person who has done you a lot of favors.

But right now, I couldn’t be of any help to him.

He took a short breath to collect his thoughts and asked again.

“I also have a question. What about Jinwoo?

“Are you in a relationship?”

Ellen shook her head at that question.

“I don’t know either.”


“I knew it, but I didn’t know it. No. Would it be correct to say I became confused?”

It seemed that Ellin was very confused by the rampage that Jinwoo Kim had shown.

I understand.

Because he himself was very surprised when he first saw it.

And seeing Elin like that

I was sure.

She is not Kim Jinwoo’s enemy


“Ms. Ellen.”


Elin looked up at her. Han Se-yeon looked straight into her eyes and said.

“Would you like to work under me?”

Choi Jae-hyung, the head of the Choi family, looked at the empty seat at the table and let out a short sigh.

It has been three days since he forcibly brought his daughter, Choi Seo-yoon, to the mansion in preparation for any unexpected accidents.

She was refusing to eat in protest at being deprived of her freedom.

His daughter had always been a good follower of him, so experiencing her rebellion for the first time left him perplexed.

“Is Seo-yoon still not coming out of her room?”

Choi Jae-hyung, who had finally finished eating alone, asked one of his disciples who was managing the mansion,


“Yes, the door is completely locked.”

Choi Jae-hyung sighed.

Kim Seon-woo… … .

He’s the one who started all this.

Since meeting that guy, my daughter has been continuously influenced by him in a negative way.

This isn’t the only case.

In the past, Seo Yoon also committed an unusual act of following Kim Seon Woo into a mysterious world.

I’m glad it worked out, maybe I’ll be stuck in the virtual world for the rest of my life and have to say goodbye to my daughter.

It was a situation I didn’t know about.

“… … Kim Seon-woo.”

Knock, knock. He repeated the name while tapping the table with his hands in an anxious gesture.

I feel like I’m getting emotional because of my daughter.

I promised myself that I would make rational decisions no matter what.

I kept seeing myself as a child in my daughter, and that made me even more nervous.

“I’ll go see Seo-yoon for a bit.”

Choi Jae-hyung got up from his seat and headed towards Choi Seo-yoon’s room.

The door was firmly closed as usual.


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I tried turning the doorknob, but it was locked and wouldn’t open.

“Seo Yoon-ah.”

Choi Jae-hyung called Choi Seo-yoon beyond the door.

But there was no answer.

I knocked on the door, wondering if she was asleep.

“Seo Yoon-ah.”

Still no answer came.

Even if you knock on the door with the doorknob

There was no reaction as there was no one inside.

“If you don’t answer, I will have to force the door open.”

But the answer still hasn’t come.

Choi Jae-hyung, who felt a moment of anxiety, urgently drew up his magical power in his hands.

And he broke the doorknob and opened the door.

“Seo Yoon-ah!”

When I opened the door, all I saw was an empty room.

Choi Seo-yoon, who was supposed to be there, had disappeared without a trace.

Choi Jae-hyung looked around the room with trembling eyes.

The window was wide open and inside there was a TV on.

And then a sound came from the TV.

[… … There is speculation that the identity of the wizard who defeated the Black Demon is the missing Kim Seon-woo. The association has also stated that they will investigate this possibility.]

Then, a disciple who arrived late ran towards him and shouted.

“Go, my lord! The young lady’s things are gone!”

Choi Jae-hyung did not answer and slowly entered the room.

The disciple felt puzzled as he looked at the calm appearance, then discovered an empty room and a wide open window.

“… … Huh? Miss, you escaped?”

“… … I think so. Who does he resemble?


Choi Jae-hyung let out a deep sigh.

“Uh… … I’ll call the kids and start searching right away!”

As the disciple was about to run away in a hurry, Choi Jae-hyung spoke.

“Okay. Let him do what he wants. I don’t think I can stop him.”


Choi Jae-hyung looked at a small note placed in the room.

[I have to go to school because I have someone to meet.]

[Six days have passed since the new king of mines was born. There has been a big change in the mines’ behavior as well. The number of damages caused by mines has noticeably decreased. According to mine experts, the current mine regime… … .]

Three days passed again.

The news streamed from the small TV in the hospital room.

Was coming out.

After changing clothes and preparing to leave the hospital, Yoon Ha-young looked out the window.

The dazzling morning sunlight was shining warmly on his face.

“Yoon Ha-young, congratulations on your discharge from the hospital!”

At that moment, the door to the hospital room opened wide and a welcome face came in.

It was Shin Young-jun, holding a small set of fruits in one hand.

Yoon Ha-young smiled slightly as she received the gift.

“Thank you, Youngjun.”

After that, Lee Seo-jun, Yoo Ah-ra, and Lee Hyun-joo also appeared.

They also congratulated Yoon Ha-young on her discharge by giving her a discharge gift.

Yoon Ha-young smiled as she looked at her friends who had gathered for her.

“Thank you for coming. It’s been a while since we’ve seen so many of you. Right?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I can see the empty space though.”

There was a brief silence after Shin Young-jun’s words.

Shin Young-jun’s remarks are always tactless

Lee Seo-jun let out a deep sigh.

Then, belatedly, someone appeared.

“Senior! Congratulations on your discharge!”

“Seo Yoon-ah!”

The identity of the surprise guest that even Yoon Ha-young could not have expected was none other than Choi Seo-yoon.

I was even more delighted to see you today because I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you since there were rumors going around that you had been forcibly taken to your parents’ house.

“What happened? Did you get permission from your family to come here?”

“No. Of course I snuck out!”

Everyone smiled bitterly at Choi Seo-yoon’s confident shout.

Yuara looked around at everyone and muttered.

“Now everyone is here except one.”

Everyone was once again silent at Shin Young-jun’s remarks that poured cold water on him.

“I know.”

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. It’s so stuffy.”

Yoon Ha-young was the first to come out of the hospital to change the atmosphere.

A cold winter wind blew.

Yoon Ha-young took a quick breath of cold air and then said.

“Ugh~ Finally, liberation.”


Then an old man approached her.


The old man was Yoon Ha-young’s grandmother and had been by her side while she was hospitalized.

At the same time, everyone bowed their heads politely and greeted each other.

Grandma looked at Yoon Ha-young’s friends.

He looked at it and smiled happily.

“Are you friends? You all look familiar.”

“Oh, Grandma, you have a nice personality too!”

When Shin Young-jun, who is very sociable, spoke first, Yoon Ha-young’s grandmother burst into laughter.

“Yes, Hayoung. I heard that school is closed for a while. What are you going to do? Are you going to come home?”

Due to several incidents, the Magic Academy is closed for the time being.

Of course, it is expected that there will not be a long break as final exams remain.

“No. I’m going to stay in the dorm for the time being. I have work to do.”

At Yoon Ha-young’s words, the grandmother looked at her with a worried face.

This is because she also knew about the recent incidents that occurred around Yoon Ha-young.


“Yes, you don’t have to worry. And I’m stronger than you think, Grandma.”

The grandmother looked at Yoon Ha-young, and as if she was overcome with emotion, she bit her lip and spoke.

“… … When did our Hayoung grow up so much?”

The grandmother held Yoon Ha-young’s hand tightly. Then she turned her gaze to her friends.

“Friends. Please take good care of Hayoung.”

Everyone nodded and smiled gently at Grandma, so that they could trust and feel safe.

“Then Grandma, I’ll go now. Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

“Grandma, I’ll bring it to you.”

“No, that’s fine. I’ll go alone.

“I’m with you.”


After that, the grandmother said goodbye and disappeared.

The group, including Yoon Ha-young, blankly stared at the back of the head and then looked at each other.

“Whew… …He’s gone. So what are we going to do now?”

Shin Young-jun’s short words. Everyone noticed the implicit meaning contained in those words.

“Shouldn’t we look for it?”

“… … That’s true. I’d like to hear the story of what happened.”

As he said that, Lee Seo-jun looked around.

A man sitting on a park bench reading a book, a woman talking on the phone in front of the main gate.

They had already realized that all of these people were agents of the association that was watching them.

“How? I completely hid because of the association, so how can I find it?”


“You have to use the compass of fate.”

At Choi Seo-yoon’s words, everyone’s eyes turned to her.

Compass of fate.

It was an artifact that allowed one to find the location of a person connected to one by fate.

He buried it underground for 20 years to protect his privacy and prevent it from falling into the hands of villains, but in the current situation, it was the only way to find Kim Seon-woo.

“… … The problem is the association.”

They were currently under surveillance by the association.

This is because he was the closest person to the King of Mine, who was designated as a dangerous person by the Association.

“We have to find a way. One thing is certain: if we move rashly, the compass could end up in the hands of the Association. We have to avoid that.”

They can’t let their mistakes have a negative impact on Kim Seon-woo.

Because everyone thought that Kim Seon-woo wasn’t a mine.

It was just then.

“Student Yoon Ha-young!”

A woman in a white gown was running.

It was the doctor in charge of her ward. He handed her the basket he was holding.

“You left this behind.”

It was a small basket containing several flowers. Yoon Ha-young stared blankly at it and then said.

“Isn’t this mine?”

“Huh? It was placed in front of student Yoon Ha-young’s hospital room?”

At that moment, her eyes trembled slightly as she looked at the flower basket.

“The gift has been delivered.”

Mine’s hideout, brightly lit to suit my taste.

The officer who came up to me gave his report. I nodded while sitting on the sofa.

“great job.”

I just got a small gift through the messenger.

Sent .

‘Basket of Healing Flowers’.

It was not an ordinary flower basket, but a mysterious magical tool with a mana recovery effect.

I didn’t buy it with my own money or anything.

I gave it to Yoon Ha-young as a way to clear out inventory because I thought it would be helpful to her while looking through the numerous treasures piled up in the hideout.

At that time, Haryeong spoke to me in a cautious tone.

“… … Your Majesty, I am in love with those children.

I know it’s deep, but I think it would be better for those children if we cut ties for now.”


I know what Haryeong is trying to say.

Now that I have become the ‘King of Mine’, my relationship with them is more likely to cause them only crisis.

I felt bitter and changed the subject.

“How about the damage from the Black Magic?”

“It is a growing trend. There is no major damage in Korea yet.

But the damage on the Mongolian side is increasing exponentially.”

“is it……

The rate of encroachment by the black beast is faster than I expected.

The situation was already painful because the original story’s events were brought forward, but the difficulty has increased even further.

“Who will participate in the battle?”

“I’ve gathered about 50 Class A mines… …

Haryeong sighed softly and said.

“The Minjoo Party is currently going through a period of turmoil. I think we need more stability for the sake of public sentiment.”

That’s not wrong.

It may seem like you’re following my advice right now, but there’s no way a coup like the one during the time of the Second Mine King won’t happen again.

“Nothing is easily solved.”

Being the King of Mine doesn’t mean you have great power.

If that had been the case, neither the first king of mines nor the second king of mines would have been betrayed.

There is no guarantee that I will not see the same ending as them.

“So gaining trust is the priority? Okay. I’ll go now.”

Haryeong bowed his head to me and then disappeared.

I stared blankly at the wall for a moment, lost in thought, before opening the [Ancient Mine Chronicles] I had obtained from the treasure vault.

The countless magical techniques contained in ancient books… … .

I spread out my hand and magically manifested the alcohol contained within it.

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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