Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 410

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Episode 411

The Sipma Conference Seoul terrorist attack, which shocked and shocked the entire world, has been completely suppressed.

The remaining Mine remnants in Seoul were quickly suppressed with the support of special agents and large guilds, and the association then focused on recovering the damage using various mysteries.

[… … An unprecedented mine terror attack

The suppression of the incident is coming to an end. The association has announced that there will be no more damage, but the anxiety and fear of the citizens are not stopping. Some citizens are responding positively to the subjugation of the King of Mine.]

[…] … Hansung Group Vice Chairman Han Se-jin, who was found to have conspired in terrorism, was arrested tonight by Chairman Kim Jin-cheol.]

[Vice Chairman Han Se-jin denies the charges

However, the association said that it has already secured solid evidence. Lastly, Kim Seon, the promising star of the Wizard Academy, whose video was leaked and shocked everyone… … .]


The top floor of the Wizards Association, the ‘Chairman’s Office’.

The news that was flowing from the hologram

It turns off and a deep silence fills the room.

It was.

Soon, faint footsteps were heard outside the door.

I came here.

Kim Jin-cheol turned around with a stern face.

-President. This is Yoo Su-min, Director of Information Security.

“Come in.”

A middle-aged woman dressed in a suit came in.

She looked at Kim Jin-cheol and bowed her head slightly.

“I heard there was a battle with the King of Demon. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“… … I am OK. What’s the situation like that?”

“The paralyzed electronic and mechanical engineering facilities are now operating normally, and we are mobilizing manpower to help repair the damage caused by the terrorist attack.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

Kim Jin-cheol walked slowly to the window and looked down at the scenery of Seoul.

A dark dawn.

During a peaceful time when everyone was supposed to be sleeping, numerous personnel were seen using mystery to restore the collapsed facilities.

“… … Ah. Are you talking about Kim Seon-woo’s whereabouts? Unfortunately, we failed to track him down. Whatever trick the Mine used to kidnap Kim Seon-woo used, he has completely disappeared.”

“is it?”

This is an expected situation.

As a demon who was oppressed by humans for a long time, the first thing he learned was to hide his presence.

“What do you think?”

“You mean Kim Seon-woo? It’s a huge shock. Is there a talent that surpasses Lee Seo-jun?

I thought it was Mine. Did she lie about her age?”

Kim Jin-cheol looked down the window in silence. Yoo Su-min continued speaking.

“There are also rumors that this whole situation was Kim Sun-woo’s plan. “The main character who wanted to become the third king, Kim Seon-woo, disguised himself as a human and took advantage of the association.”

At those words, Kim Jin-cheol turned around and looked at Yoo Su-min.

There was a look of absurdity in his eyes.


Yu Su-min paid no heed and continued speaking.

“Isn’t that pretty plausible? Otherwise, there would be no reason for Mine to come into the Association.”

“ah! And mine. No, Kim Seon-woo, who is presumed to have become the third King of Demons, will be subject to a wanted order.”

“… … for a moment. “Kim Seon-woo is not a magician.”

Yoo Su-min tilted his head at Kim Jin-cheol’s words.


Kim Jin-cheol recalled the events that happened with Kim Seon-woo.

It was clear that it was related to Jin Cheon-woo, and there were more than one or two suspicious points, but the magical power felt when holding his hand was clearly human.

No matter how demonic he was, it was impossible to deceive himself.

“Then what is the magical energy that burst out of Kim Seon-woo, and what is the regenerative power and runaway fire?”

However, despite such assurance, Kim Jin-cheol could not answer the question.

It is impossible for any human to use demon energy. Especially when it comes to tearing down and regenerating power.

And the fact that Kim Sun-woo used that ability meant that he became a real mine at that moment.

Kim Jin-cheol’s thoughts became complicated.

What exactly is Kim Seon-woo’s identity? How was it possible for humans to use the abilities of demons?

Jin Cheon-woo’s experiment? Or is there another secret?

The more I knew, the more I felt like I was falling deeper into a labyrinth.

“Unless the chairman can provide evidence that can convince the entire association and the entire nation, the investigation into Kim Seon-woo will have to continue.”

That was correct.

Although it was clear that it had great power, the association exists for the people.

Kim Jin-cheol had no choice but to take a step back.

More than anything, finding Kim Seon-woo’s whereabouts felt important to him.


Yoo Su-min handed over the documents. Kim Jin-cheol received the documents.

“I have something to tell you about the dragon, Croas, that was detected yesterday.”

A cold feeling passes through my entire body. Black magic energy blooms, putting oneself on guard.

_… … Hey Sunwoo.

I call his name, but he doesn’t respond.

His usual appearance, which was sometimes blunt but always warm, has disappeared without a trace.


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Eyes that have turned black. The energy has changed horribly… … .

My heart ached.

I feel like this happened because of me, because I wasn’t good enough. Even though I regretted it later, the situation had already passed.

What should I do now?

Hui Ying.

Hayoung Yoon opened her eyes, feeling the warm sunlight and wind passing by her skin.

The first thing I saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Feeling doubtful, she raised her upper body and looked around.


It was a space that looked like a hospital room. Why was I here?

Yoon Ha-young slowly recalled her memories.

The king of mines descended upon Seoul.

A demon who put everything he had into defeating the king… … .

In the end, the king was destroyed and only Seonwoo, who had become a mine, remained in his place.

… … The memory ended there.

This is because the magical power was distorted due to the influence of magic and the body could not withstand it.

Just then the door opened and a familiar face came inside.

She called his name.


“… … Woke up?”

Yoon Ha-young is in her seat when Lee Seo-jun appears.

I tried to stand up.

“no. Don’t come out. “Stay there.”

Seojun Lee sat in front of Hayoung Yoon.

“You’ve been asleep for three days. I think my brain was briefly damaged due to a combination of magic energy poisoning and magic exhaustion. ah! “He said he’s fine now, so you don’t have to worry.”

“… … You were asleep for three days?”

Hayoung Yoon was surprised. She had been asleep for three days.

Quite a bit of time passed while I was asleep.

“How are you feeling?”

“are you okay. What about Sunwoo? “What happened to Sunwoo?”

Yoon Ha-young was the first to ask that question. At that moment, Lee Seo-jun’s face darkened.


Hayoung Yoon kept her mouth shut.

His whereabouts are unknown. But somehow, those words made me feel reassured.

This was because there was a sense of unease that Kim Seon-woo, who was mistaken for a mine, might have been punished by the association.

Yeah, this is better.

“What is the association’s reaction?”

“A wanted order was issued to catch Kim Sun-woo, and there was an uproar. The video has spread and public opinion has become unusual. “In the first place.”

Lee Seo-jun closed his mouth for a moment. He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth.

“The use of demonic energy is a serious matter. There are also rumors going around that he has become the third king. “This is not something that can be overlooked.”

After that, Lee Seo-jun let out a sigh of pain. Then, as if he had finished organizing his thoughts, he looked straight at Yoon Ha-young.

“Yoon Ha-young. Do you know something?”

Yoon Ha-young bit her lip in response to Lee Seo-jun’s serious question.

“… … Seonwoo.”

Yoon Ha-young recalled what had happened with Kim Seon-woo.

“Seonwoo is not Majin. “I’m sure.”

“What is the basis?”

“I have seen Sunwoo’s abilities since long ago. Although he has not revealed them yet, Sunwoo can use various abilities that others cannot. Even a small number of clans

Even the ability to use this.”

“The magic weapon that Seonwoo used. I think it might be one of those.”

“… … “And regenerative power?”


“Runaway fire?”

Hayoung Yoon nodded silently. Although her basis was weak, there was only so much she could say.

Lee Seo-jun stared at her face intently, then lowered his head and exhaled deeply.

“… … really. “I really hope it’s as you said.”

After that, she wanted to ask him about the ‘child of prophecy’ that made him have many questions, but Seojun Lee decided to change the topic for her peace of mind.

“Oh, right. The Magic Academy is closed for the time being. There’s a lot to take care of, and there’s a lot to investigate, especially with regards to Seonwoo.”

“Uh… … Ah. What about the other kids? Are the other kids okay?”

Seojun Lee nodded.

“Youngjun and Hyeonju are doing well. Even infants can rest at home.

I heard that it is there.”

“… … Hmm. I see. What about Seo-yoon?”

“Choi Seo-yoon… …

Seojun Lee scratched his head.

“I don’t know either.”

“huh? “Can’t I contact you?”

“After the terrorist incident, I was taken to my hometown. “I can’t even contact you because my student notebook has been confiscated.”


Yoon Ha-young was immediately convinced.

The head of the Choi family, to which Seo-yoon Choi belongs

Well, her father, Choi Jae-hyung’s strictness is known to the public.

Especially to his daughter, Choi Seo-yoon.

When it was revealed that Kim Seon-woo, who had been close to his daughter, was a mine, he must have taken special measures to prepare for any unforeseen circumstances.

That was when.

Footsteps were heard outside the door. Feeling like they were popular, Hayoung Yoon and Seojun Lee turned around.

Soon the door opened and Kim Deok-hyun entered.

“… …Are you awake?”

[…] … Some are responding with understanding about the exceptional talent Kim Sun-woo showed. Here’s the next news. Vice Chairman Han Se-jin’s conspiracy to commit terrorism is being revealed, and other crimes committed by him are also coming to light. In addition, suspicions are rising that Headquarters Director Han Se-yeon, a blood relative, may also have conspired in terrorism. Currently Han Se-yeon… … .]

The world is in chaos. No way, this is true

“I never thought something big would happen on the road.”

Hansung Pharmaceutical’s general manager’s office.

The Sword Demon, who was watching the news with his back against the wall, muttered.

Han Se-yeon turned off the TV and placed her hand on her forehead.

Since the recent Mine terrorist incident, every day has been a series of chaotic events.

The entire group was turned upside down when her brother, Han Se-jin’s secret was revealed, and the repercussions even extended to her company, Hansung Pharmaceutical.

Some of her subordinates responded positively, saying that if things continued like this, it was certain that she would become president, but she could not bear to be happy.

“… … “Kim Seon-woo.”

She looked at the papers on her desk.

The hidden side of the world. And through her mystery, she learned Kim Jin-woo’s secret and knew that he had a special story.

Of course, it was definitely shocking to see him handling demonic energy and even using demon’s unique ability, Runaway Fire.

Because he was completely different from the person who always showed a rational side in front of him.

So when I watched that video, for some reason my heart ached.

That certainly wasn’t his intention, so why did it turn out like this?

Han Se-yeon turned on her smartphone.

I turned off the list of missed calls that had accumulated and entered the message window.

Then I found the name ‘Kim Jin-woo’.

[Jinwoo, please contact me when you see this message.]

As I entered, I remembered the message I had sent three days ago.

But no reply has come yet.


I felt like my head was going to explode

opened his eyes.

At the same time, an unfamiliar ceiling appeared before my blurred eyes.

And after a while, numerous messages appeared as if there had been an error.

[You have achieved the ‘Rampant’ achievement.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

[He became the ‘King of Demons.’]

[You are given the power of a king.]

[Future cataclysm detected. The resulting karma is stacked.]

[Causality increases by 3.]

[People all over the world feel a strong sense of betrayal and hostility towards you.]

[The ‘Enemy of Humanity’ achievement has been achieved.]

[You will receive 30,000 points as a reward.]

As I stared at the countless messages floating around, my gaze stopped at a corner.

I frowned.

“… … King of Mine?”

The king of demons. What does that mean? I became the king of demons?

As I felt absurd at the sudden situation, I recalled my last memory.

Soon, memories of that day began to come back to me, blurry like an old film.

Battle with the King. And the message of ‘runaway’ appeared before my eyes.

and… … .

I had lost my mind.

Right then.

“Are you awake?”

A familiar voice came from next to me. But his tone of voice is strangely polite.

I raised my upper body and turned my head, and as I expected, I saw Ha-ryeong.

However, he was down on one knee, looking uncharacteristically polite.


And it wasn’t just Ha-ryeong who was showing this polite attitude.

Seonhwa next to him was also sitting in the same posture.

Seonhwa spoke to me while maintaining her posture.

“… …our new king.”

And at the same time, a loud voice echoed from the darkness behind them.

—O king.

I stared blankly into the darkness.

Inside, there were countless demons kneeling before me.

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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