Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 404

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Episode 405

Haryeong, who suddenly felt the swirling energy of demonic energy, arrived at Baekdu Mountain.

A pure white snow field dyed red.

The floor was littered with human corpses, and in the center of it all stood the king alone.

Haryeong swallowed dry saliva as he looked at the sight.

The magical spirit felt from the corpses… … .

It was clear that all of these were S-class magicians who were famous all over the world.

And the energy he felt from the king now was a little different from what he usually knew.

I felt a more ferocious force than before, and also a mysterious aura that was difficult to describe in words.

Should we say that the king’s appearance now is… just like the day he killed the previous king?

Even that day, he was giving off this kind of dangerous vibe.

And instinctively, the current king

I had a strong feeling that even the child of prophecy with the power to destroy demons would not be able to do anything about him.

Then the king opened his mouth.

“Are you a junior?”

“… … I came here because I was surprised by a sudden magic attack while descending. Your Majesty.”

Ha-ryeong came to his senses and immediately got down on one knee.

Although he was a servant who secretly developed hostility toward the king, he had to act loyal in front of him.

“… … Those corpses are the humans of the association


“Yes. “I just wanted to test my strength, and a good test subject came to me.”

Haryeong kept his mouth shut.

Judging from the remaining energy, it was clear that these corpses were agents of the special task force.

And the fact that the special team came all the way to Mt. Baekdu meant that the association had almost succeeded in tracking down the location of the Ten Demon Association’s headquarters.

Haryeong glanced at the footprints in the snow.

There was a trace of the runaway soul that was unexpectedly left behind.

If it were the current king, no human would be able to escape.

“I missed two of them.”

King Du, who had read Ha-ryeong’s mind, spoke first.

“They used mystery. “I let my guard down.”

“… … “The association will be visiting soon.”

“Probably so.”

It was a situation that could have been frightening enough, but the king’s voice was calm.

No, rather, I could feel confidence in his voice.

The reason for this is probably because the king is spewing out

It must be a heterogeneous energy that is rising.

What on earth is that power? It’s clearly not a normal power.

While I was lost in thought, the king spoke.

“Turn all the corpses here into magical essence.”

“You mean bloodstone?”

“Yes. We must prepare for the day of prophecy.”

Bloodstone is a stone made from the magic of blood.

The effect of ‘Blood Vampirism’, a unique trait of mine

It was a technology created to maximize .

“all right.”

Haryeong bowed his head again.

Then suddenly something occurred to me.

“… … O king. “The Association will be visiting us here. Do you mind if I ask about your next plans?”

“There are many mysteries that Han Se-jin possesses. We plan to use the power he possesses to buy time.”

The king continued.

“The next thing we have to do is the prophecy of

“To find and deal with this… … we will need to be certain that Kim Seon-woo is truly the child of prophecy.”

“… … “What do you mean?”

“I sent Jeonghwan to him. And in order to divert the attention of the association, simultaneous terrorist attacks will soon begin.”

Jeonghwan. He was an S-rank demon who swore allegiance to the king, who was one of the few remaining members of the Ten Demon Association.

Haryeong instinctively understood the meaning of those words.

It means that he will sacrifice Jeong-hwan to confirm whether Kim Seon-woo is the child of prophecy.

But terrorism?

Why didn’t I notice that there was such a plan?

While I was wondering about this, the king said:

“Sir, I would like to ask you one question.”


“Did you possibly leak information about the Ten Demon Association?”

As the results of the Ten Horseshoe investigation became known, the Magic Association entered a state of emergency.

Of the eight special agents dispatched, six died.

The association was in great shock as it was made up of the most elite S-class agents.

“We must gather troops and dispatch them immediately!”

Executive conference room located on the top floor of the Wizards Association building.


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The association’s top executives gathered together in response to the sudden and shocking incident.

Among them, the first to speak out was Kwak Jin-hyeok, an old man with the title ‘Flame Emperor’.

“We’ve lost six agents, and to the leader of the Mine known as the King! We must strike first before any more casualties are inflicted!”

And this time, it was Mikhail, the wizard with the title of ‘Overlord’, who spoke.

“You have to be calm especially in times like this. There is a possibility of a trap. First,

What we need to confirm first is the identity of the ‘King’s’ extraordinary strength.”

According to the testimony of Jeong Hyeon-soo, a survivor of the investigation team, Wang killed six agents in an instant.

But still. Even though he is the King of Mines, how could he kill six people in an instant by himself?

That strength was extraordinary.

Who wouldn’t know if it was ‘Kim Jin-cheol’, who is called the strongest magician?

“Above all, Mine has the special ability of becoming stronger by absorbing human blood called ‘bloodsucking.’

There is a surname. The current king may have become even more powerful.”

“So, are you saying we should just watch it like this? And. Kim Deok-hyeon.”

Emperor Yeom turned his attention to Deokhyeon Kim, who was present as the ‘representative of the special task force.’

“We lost six of our best agents due to the special team’s careless response. How are you going to take responsibility for this?”

Kim Deok-hyeon kept his mouth shut.

He had nothing to say.

Self who did not receive proper education

Because it was clearly a mistake.

“sorry. I will take responsibility for this matter and resolve it without fail. And once this is over, I will resign from my position.”

“Use it.”

The Emperor briefly clicked his tongue.

That was when.

“Stop it. I’ll step forward.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to that place when they heard a deep voice.

There sat an old man, Kim Jin-cheol, stroking his beard.


“No matter how many agents you deploy, they’ll just die in front of that guy. It’s better for me to step forward so that unnecessary sacrifices don’t occur.”

“… … But aren’t you busy watching over a disaster-level demon beast?”

Since news of the appearance of the disastrous demon, Kruas, was heard, the association has been pouring a lot of manpower into monitoring the dragon.

And Kim Jin-cheol was at the center of it all.

“Well, it’ll be fine in a day or two. I don’t think that lizard guy is going to take my place.

“What can I do in between?”

“… … “You don’t know that.”

Hearing the king’s words, Kim Jin-cheol stood up from his seat.

“Fine. I can’t stand watching a lizard only to get beat up by a smaller mosquito. You stay and wait.”

[… … This concludes the Professional Magician Certification Ceremony.]

A multipurpose auditorium located near the Wizards’ Guild.

The long-awaited professional wizard certification award ceremony has been completed.

With this, the main characters who were the same age as Seojun Lee became official professional magicians.

It was something to celebrate, but I couldn’t just be happy.

As the scope of their activities expands, life-threatening incidents will follow.


“Son, you finally achieved your dream?”

As I looked around, I saw people receiving bouquets of flowers and being congratulated.

A picture of her smiling brightly and sharing happiness with her family.

When I glanced around, I saw that the main characters, Shin Young-jun, Lee Hyeon-ju, and Yoon Ha-young, were also receiving bouquets of flowers from their families.

“Congratulations, Youngjun! Don’t get hurt while showing off!”

“… … “The child’s mother too.”

“Hayoung-ah~ Congratulations~”

“Grandma… … “Sniff.”

I looked at them and found Lee Seo-jun.

“… … also.”

As expected, Lee Seo-jun was receiving many bouquets of flowers from here and there.

Looking at the way he is wearing a suit, I think he is from the association.

He was probably the person who received orders from Kim Jin-cheol, his only family member.


“Isn’t that the fire witch?”

“Fire Witch?”

When I turned my head at the sudden commotion, I saw Yoo Ah-yeon wearing sunglasses with Yoo Ah-ra.

It seems that he was conscious of the attention of those around him and tried to hide his identity, but it seems that he was instantly caught by the atmosphere that was revealed on the outside.

“It’s my first time seeing Yoo Ah-yeon and Yoo Ah-ra together.”

“By the way, the atmosphere is really similar.”

Reporters quickly began filming Yoo Ah-yeon and Yoo Ah-ra.

Yuara, who was not used to this kind of situation, rolled her pupils back and forth in embarrassment.

On the other hand, Yoo Ah-yeon did not show any change in her expression.

Looking at it like this, it looks similar on the outside, but there is a strangely different side to it.

While I was watching them, my eyes met with Yoo Ah-yeon’s by chance.

She smiled slightly at me, and I also nodded slightly in greeting.

“Everyone looks happy.”

It’s always nice to have family to celebrate with.

I smiled bitterly and stood up from my seat.

As I came out of the auditorium alone, something suddenly jumped out in front of me.

What I see before my eyes is a huge bouquet of flowers.


“Congratulations on your pro debut!”

A familiar voice was heard from behind the bouquet of flowers.

“Choi Seo-yoon?”


At my call, Choi Seo-yoon’s smiling face, hidden behind the bouquet, appeared with a “ta-da.”

“what… … When did you come? “What about classes?”

“I came running as soon as the funeral was over. “It was a bit tight because I had to go to the flower shop.”

Choi Seo-yoon smiled slightly and placed the bouquet in my arms.

When I suddenly received the bouquet, I burst out laughing without realizing it.

what. It’s very touching.

“thank you.”

“Huh? That’s all?”

“no. really. “Thank you so much.”

Choi Seo-yoon’s expression became awkward for a moment, probably because she answered too seriously what was meant as a joke.

Just then, someone appeared before me from somewhere else.

It was a man wearing a black suit.

“Mr. Kim Seon-woo?”

“……Ah yes.”

“Please accept it.”

The man handed me a small bouquet of flowers and a paper bag.

“… … What is this?”

“It’s a gift. There’s a letter inside, so please check it.”

With those last words, the man disappeared somewhere.

I stared blankly at the back of the man who had disappeared, then checked the letter hidden among the flowers.

[Congratulations on your professional debut. I’ll give it to you directly

I’m sorry I couldn’t come see you because I was so busy with work. -Han Se-yeon]

It was a letter from Han Se-yeon.

I feel a little embarrassed to receive this gift as Kim Seon-woo, not Kim Jin-woo.

“… … Who are you?”

In response to Choi Seo-yoon’s question, I put the letter in my pocket.

“Han Se-yeon.”

“… … Han Se-yeon? “Hansung Pharmaceutical?”

Her eyes widened.

“Why is he giving flowers to your senior?”

“I think it might be because of what happened on the floating island.”

That was the only time when Kim Seon-woo became deeply involved with Han Se-yeon.

Han Se-yeon also said that she would definitely repay the help.

“ah… … “I heard it too.”

Seo-yoon Choi nodded with a thoughtful expression.

“right. “Do you remember that we decided to have a celebration party together today?”

I remember it. I’m not sure if there will be a celebration party since everyone is with their families.

“Oh, right. Was it three hours later?”

“yes yes. I also made a reservation at a restaurant. “You can look forward to it.”

Saying that, Choi Seo-yoon walked down the street. I slowly followed her.

“But all the other kids are with their families. Will they come to the party?”

“Then the two of us can do it.”

Seo-yoon Choi turned around and smiled brightly.

For some reason, I felt a sense of selfishness, and for a moment, I burst into laughter.

It was a time when time flowed so leisurely and peacefully.


A loud alarm started sounding somewhere.

Choi Seo-yoon and I stopped walking.

[Detection of unidentified magical energy flow. Identity

[Unknown magical energy flow detected.]


Unidentified magic flow?

Soon the alarm sounded again.

[Citizens, please evacuate quickly.]

And at the same time.



Massive explosions of magical power erupted from all directions.

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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