Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 394

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Episode 395

This is a memory of me, Han Se-yeon, that happened today.

[… … You don’t understand what I’m saying at all.]

I was confused by the explanation of the mystery.

In his words, I have a power called ‘freedom’ that others do not have.


And the source of that power is that it was obtained by a ‘special someone’ who had complete freedom.

“I don’t understand what you are saying. What exactly do you mean by freedom?”

[Destiny… … And it can be said to be a special power that can escape from the laws of the world.]

Sinbi continued to speak.

[Even if I explain it this way, you won’t understand. With that said, to help you understand, I would like to propose a deal. How about exchanging some of your memories with my knowledge?]

Exchange some of my memories and arcane knowledge?

“… … Are those all my memories and some of your knowledge?”

[Yes. For your information, giving me memories doesn’t mean you’ll lose them.]

I kept my mouth shut.

Gain some knowledge. Is this really the right condition?

[Don’t worry. I know what information you want from me.]

“Okay, let’s deal.”

How did I get here? I can’t go back without getting anything.

[Okay. Then let’s start the transaction… … .]

At that moment, a faint light began to emanate from the giant eye, and it soon permeated my body.

“… … Ugh!”

At the same time, a lot of knowledge rushed through my mind.

The secret of the world. The limits of humanity that cannot change fate. And ignoring the limits.

The power of freedom to let go… … .

I felt like my head was going to burst from the massive amount of information that kept coming in.

And as time passed, the transmission of knowledge came to an end.

I bit my lip as I recalled the knowledge I had gained.

The world I learned about through mystery was so different from what I had known before and was shocking.

Humans had no free will.

We humans think that we are pioneering the future on our own, but in reality, we are beings who live according to our predetermined fate, like NPCs in a game.


At the same time, I felt anxious.

What have been my hard work so far?

Until now, I believed that the prosperity of Hansung Pharmaceutical and the pharmaceutical technology that I possessed were all created through my own efforts.

And my actions to become the owner of Hansungga are also based on my beliefs.

I believed that it was based on will.

But that wasn’t it.

I was just a machine designed to do that. A machine with a greedy role trying to take over Hansungga.

[… … Uh-huh. I see. Is that so. Hoo.]

At that moment, when I was feeling so empty and hopeless, the mysterious voice was heard again.

When I raised my head, Shinbi was looking through my memories and reacting with interest.

[…] … Now I understand. Who gave you the power of freedom?]

… … the power of freedom. I now know what the mystery is talking about.

Now that I think about it, Shinbi said earlier that I have the power of freedom.

A question suddenly occurred to me.

I am just a human living according to my destiny

But why do I have the power of freedom?

Shinbi said, as if she noticed my question.

[You are free from your predetermined fate. Of course, it may be a temporary phenomenon, but right now.]

“… … What does that mean?”

[You are completely free from fate around you.

I have a special being. I can’t go into detail, but he is changing the fate of those around him through the power of freedom he possesses… … .]

… … There’s someone like that around me?

Who is that?

At that time, when I was reasoning alone, a person’s face appeared in my mind.

“……no way.”

[Hehehe… … He is exactly what you think. I can’t explain it in detail, but you were chosen by him and you were given the privilege of escaping your fate. I don’t know how your life will change in the future, but enjoy your freedom… … ]

… … At that moment, the world began to turn white.

No, the world wasn’t being dyed. A pure white light was radiating before me, engulfing everything: sound, sight, sensation.

And one


As soon as the light flashed, a familiar ceiling came into view.

The feel of the bed and the loud sound of the alarm can be felt at the same time.

It was the starting point of an ordinary day, always the same.

I blinked and looked up at the ceiling, then slowly wiped the cold sweat and got up.

I checked my watch. It was 6:40 AM.

For a moment, the dream I had just had came to mind… … no, the incident that happened on the deserted island yesterday.


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Thinking back, yesterday I experienced something unbelievable.


I turned off the loud alarm and walked out of the bed.



As I drank the glass of water on the nightstand, my foggy mind cleared up in an instant.

After that, I held my smartphone and thought for a moment.

And then I typed in a message.

… … Transmission complete.

Well then, I should get ready for work now.

[A great upheaval occurred in the future.]

[Due to your influence, the fate of someone with a huge presence has completely changed.]

[Causality increases by 3.]

Early moning.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and a message popped up.

Reciprocity of causality.

But it was a little different from what I had seen so far.

They say that someone’s fate was completely changed, and that too through my influence.

I slowly raised my upper body and looked at the message again.

“… … Causality 3 is obtained for the first time this time.

“I think so.”

The causality rate obtained by intervening in incidents up to now has been at most 1.5.

However, for the first time, a causal rate exceeding 3 was obtained at once.

What on earth happened to cause this level of causality?

“What did I do yesterday?”

Trying to remember, I did a lot of different things yesterday.

He went to Yang Tae-min to ask for the creation of a weapon for the church of Croas, met Han Se-yeon, and obtained Gretel’s elixir and a clue about the tree monster from 200 years ago.

It was.

And… … I ate the fruit of the Demon Tree, met Lee Seo-jun and his group, and had a brief conversation.

“… … Hmm. “I don’t think I’ve done anything to change anyone’s fate.”

I wandered around here and there, but didn’t really do much.


A lot of questions filled my mind, but I quickly put them out of my mind.

As always, if you try to guess on your own without any clues, you won’t get the answer.


“Oh. It’s noisy.”


I turned off the alarm and got out of bed.

When I turn on my smartphone, a message arrives.

[Jinwoo, do your best today too.]

This is a message from Han Se-yeon. I smiled and replied.

[Yes, Se-yeon, please cheer up too.]

I put down my smartphone and pulled back the curtains, revealing the dazzling morning sunlight.

“The weather is nice.”

The top floor of the Seoul Wizards Association. ‘President’s Office’.

“With the support of Sword Demon Jang Su-gi, the current Hanseong

The trend is leaning towards Han Se-yeon as the next owner of the family.”

Kim Jin-cheol was looking out the window at the city center and receiving reports about the Hanseong family.

“I thought Han Se-jin would be the most likely candidate because he had no support base, but I never thought it would turn around like this because of Jang Su-gi… …

The position of Hansungga’s next president was a topic that even Kim Jin-cheol, known as the strongest wizard, was deeply interested in.

First of all, the Hansung family was the biggest power next to the Association, and if they set their minds to it, they had the power to cause great chaos and danger to the world.

It was also because of that.

Also, they used their enormous power to commit countless illegal acts in the shadows without anyone knowing.

Because the act was so cleverly carried out, no evidence could be found, but the Association was always on the lookout.

I hope that Hansungga is caught in the act of making a big mistake.

The reason Kim Jin-cheol brought Lee Seo-jun to Han Dae-hyun’s funeral and asked him to see the people was to inform him of the dangers of the Han Seong family.

“What do you think, Chairman? Han Se-jin and Han Se-yeon. “Which of the two do you prefer?”

“Of course Han Se-yeon is better. Do you know what will happen if a wicked scoundrel takes over Han Seong-ga?”

Unlike Han Se-jin, who is inherently evil, Han Se-yeon is known to have a very gentle personality.

Because he is a hard worker who is devoted to his specialty, pharmaceuticals, and is also known to place importance on the law.

“… … “If there is a variable, it is that Han Se-yeon becomes our enemy.”

Han Se-yeon has outstanding skill that does not match her age.

It was her ability that elevated Hansung Pharmaceutical, which was a mere pharmaceutical company, to a top-tier company, and because of her cautious personality, she never shows her weaknesses to others.

If you were to think about who was more difficult when it came to becoming an ‘enemy’, it was of course Han Se-yeon, not Han Se-jin.

“… … I hope that doesn’t happen.”

Kim Jin-cheol, who was muttering like that, turned his head and asked.

“Oh, but that guy Croix is ​​still

“Can’t find it?”

Two weeks have passed.

In the meantime, I focused on improving my individual skills through joint training with the main characters, while also working with the Association and Hansungga. And I watched the movements of Mine and Jaun.

Fortunately, there were no special incidents.

The only way to find it is for Hansungga to find Han Se-yeon.

It could be said that a new wind of flow is blowing through the center.

By the way, at some point, there was no news about Han Se-jin.

It seems like he was going to work, but he stayed still and didn’t try to influence public opinion in any way.

It definitely seems like he’s up to something, but I’m a little worried because I can’t tell what he’s going to do.

And today.

“This is a professional wizard certification testing center. “Please stamp your admission ticket here.”

The long-awaited professional magician qualification exam has begun.

The location was the ‘Pro Wizard Test Center’ in North Chungcheong Province, which was announced in advance.

“Wow. There are really a lot of people.”

Exclamations burst out from Yoon Ha-young’s mouth as she looked around the testing room.

A large crowd of people lined up in front of the huge building.

There were a lot of people, from test takers to guild scouts, association officials, and spectators.

“Ugh… … I’m so nervous. What should I do?”

Yoon Ha-young muttered with an anxious expression.

“Just do as you practiced. You’re guaranteed to pass.”

When I spoke with a light smile, Youn Ha-young nodded slightly.

So we approached the entrance. The test staff greeted us at the front.

“Huh? Are you Kim Seon-woo?”

“Oh, yeah… …

“Wow. I’ve been a fan for a long time. Oh! Please put your exam ticket on the hologram here.

“That’s it.”

Hayoung Yoon was the first to stamp her admission ticket on a hologram. At the same time, a mechanical sound was heard.

[No. 251 Hayoung Yoon.]

“oh. done. “Seonwoo, take a picture quickly too.”

I also held up my exam ticket to the hologram.

[#252 Kim Seon-woo.]

After receiving the certification, we used a magic tool to implant a magic spell on the back of the hand.

It was similar to a barcode that lasted for 5 days and contained the test taker’s information to prevent exam cheating.

“Everything is finished. If you go to the right passage, you will find the auditorium. Please wait there.”

I nodded and moved to the passageway indicated by the employee.

The road was complicated, but I went there in my previous life

Because I remembered where I came, I was able to easily reach my destination.

The place we arrived was a huge auditorium.

And then there was a sight of nearly 500 people gathered inside.

-… … hey. This is Kim Seon-woo over there.

—That’s true.

As soon as I appeared, the eyes of the people gathered in the auditorium turned towards me.

A situation that I have often experienced in recent exams

I didn’t really care about that.

“Seonwoo, I guess we have to line up by number.”

“Right. We’re at number 250, right?”

“yes. Line 250… … ah. “There you are.”

A picket sign with the number 250 written on it appeared where Yoon Ha-young was pointing.

We headed there right away. After standing in line, I looked around.

“Not many people came to dial 250.”

“It will come soon.”

Just then, the person in line ahead of us turned around as if he heard our voices.

Familiar faces seen at the same time. The guy looks at me and frowns.

“… … What is it? Kim Seon-woo?”

At the guy’s call, I also stared at him. When our eyes met, he shrugged his shoulders slightly.

“Oh, hello.”

That guy was Yoo Seong-jin.

A regressed extra becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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