Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 392

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Episode 393

After meeting Han Se-yeon, I returned to the dormitory and immediately looked for Gretel.

“Gretel, look at this.”


Gretel blinked as she looked at the photo I held out.

A photo of a tree monster that has a similar feel to Gretel, although it is not exactly the same.

Did Gretel show any special reactions?

I thought they would give it to me, but I just stared at the photo blankly and there was no response.

“Don’t you see this picture?”


Gretel nodded. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to know what the tree monster in this photo was.

But Gretel couldn’t take her eyes off the photo, perhaps because she was interested.

Right then.

A faint light began to rise from Gretel’s body.

[The power latent in ‘Immortal Hell Demon Beast Gretel’ grows.]

[The grade of the unique trait, ‘Rapid Growth (S)’, increases.]


Suddenly, one of Gretel’s skills grew.

Rapid growth.

Now that I think about it, there was a trait like that. I had no use for it so I forgot about it for a while.

I immediately checked the contents of the characteristic.

[Rapid Growth (S)] [Rank: 2]

Description: The Demon King uses his magical power to its limit to grow rapidly in a short period of time.

►Growing Power

The demon beast’s body grows for 15 minutes.

Upon completion of growth, all abilities are tripled.

Rising and strengthening of characteristics. 15 minutes

After the duration ends, it will become a sprout for 3 days.

Waiting time for re-response: 30 days

From what I remember, the original effect of [Rapid Growth] was to double all abilities for 10 minutes.

However, the rating increased and changed to a three-fold increase in 15 minutes.

“… … Does it have anything to do with the photo?”

The fact that the characteristic level increased after looking at the photo means that it has some connection with Gretel.

In addition, the fact that the level of rapid growth has increased rather than other characteristics may mean that the monster in that photo may be the grown-up Gretel.


My mind became confused as I thought that the monster in that photo was a grown Gretel.

I felt excited because I saw Gretel’s potential, but more than that, I was curious about Gretel’s past or secret that I didn’t know about.

I thought it might exist.

Gretel’s hidden secret…

What is it? I thought Gretel was a little different from ordinary summoned beasts… … .

But since Gretel doesn’t know, there’s no way for now.

He lightly patted Gretel’s back, who still couldn’t take her eyes off the photo, and stood up.

I decided to think about Gretel slowly.

There’s something I have to do first.

I took out the processed ‘Mysterious Demon Tree Fruit’ that I received from Han Se-yeon in the subspace.

“You’re finally eating.”

I am more excited about this magic fruit than any other magic fruit I have eaten so far.

This is because you can obtain S-grade characteristics just by consuming it.

What kind of ability could it be?

It’s an S-rank trait, so it’s not normal, right?

I swallowed my saliva and felt the hand of Mother Nature

The fruit contained in the bottle was slowly taken out.

Then he opened his mouth and chewed the fruit.



The taste was similar to a peach. It had a soft texture and a sweetness that spread in the mouth.

And the moment I swallowed it, my body reacted greatly.


[I took the elixir.]

[The enemy type trait, ‘Weakness Explosion’ effect, grants additional ability points.]

A hot energy began to surround my body.

That energy spread throughout my body, moving through every nook and cranny as if I was swimming. And then the burning, terrible pain that followed.

“Ugh… …

As always, a powerful elixir turns into poison rather than medicine the moment you let your guard down.

It can be.

You must concentrate from now on, because if you cannot control this explosive energy, your life could be in danger.

I sat down and started practicing mana.

… … How much time was spent like that?


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I felt the hot burning energy melting away inside my body.

[The mysterious magical power contained in the fruit grants you new strength.]

[Obtain the blessings of your contract summon, ‘Gretel, the Immortal Demon Beast of Hell.’]

[Acquire ‘Protection of the Demon World (S)’.]


When I came to, my whole body was covered in sweat.

Perhaps because it was a potion with special properties, it was a much more painful time than usual.

I wiped the sweat off and checked out my newfound talent.

[Protection of the Demon World (S)]

Classification: Characteristics

Description: The blessing of Gretel, the immortal Demon Beast of Hell. As you grow in rank, new abilities are unlocked.

[Permanent effect]

►Natural connection

All stats increase by 20% in forest terrain.

[Effects of use]

►The Demon Realm’s Resting Place

—You can use healing magic to recover from various status abnormalities using nature’s mana.

[special effects]

►Protection of the Demon Realm

It automatically activates the moment it detects magical power and determines that there is a fatal crisis.

—Damage taken is reduced by 90% for 5 minutes.

—Shares some abilities with the Immortal Demon King for 5 minutes. (Depending on the user’s characteristics)

(Some modifications are made accordingly.)

*Reuse waiting period: 365 days

“..eww ”


As befits an S-class trait, it has many abilities.

There is also an effect that increases abilities by 20% in certain environments, and there is also healing magic that recovers from various status abnormalities.

“I kind of like healing magic.”

Only attack and defense magic needed for battle

Since I was getting used to it, I always felt regretful that I couldn’t use light healing magic.

Fortunately, there have been no situations serious enough to require healing magic, but you never know when and at what moment a major character may be seriously injured in an accident.

Although there was a great connection that allowed one to share one’s life force, the recipient only received 20%, leaving much to be desired in terms of efficiency.

“Let’s try an experiment right away.”

The ability of a trait is acquired automatically

Since it is familiar to the body, it can be used immediately without separate practice.

First, I used my magic to create a small wound on my left arm.


I felt a little pain, but it was bearable for the sake of the experiment.

Immediately after that, [Demon Beast’s Rest Body] was activated.

[Usage effect: Use ‘Magic World’s Resting Place’.


Natural mana gathered on the palm and green light energy began to materialize.

Although it was cloud-like as it did not have an exact shape, the healing magic contained within it was clearly felt.


This level of power is not inferior to even professional ‘healers’, auxiliary magicians who specialize in healing magic.

I used green magic on my wounded left arm.

Green mana seeped into the wounded area. Soon, a strong feeling of vitality came over me, and the wound on my arm slowly began to heal.

“Wow. What is this?”

The healing speed is much faster than I thought.

With this level of healing power, it is not at a level that would be far behind even healers who are between A and S ranks.

Just then, I felt dizzy for a moment.

“… … “The mana consumption is a bit high.”

This is a natural result as it has a high recovery amount.

If the mana consumption was also low, it would have been an SS-grade trait, not an S-grade trait.

“Good good.”

I smiled with satisfaction and looked at the next ability of the trait, which had the same name as the trait, ‘Protection of the Demon World’.

“… … This is really good?”

Damage received for 5 minutes is as much as 90%


Duration of 5 minutes. And although it is a bit disappointing that it has a long cooldown of 365 days, the important thing is that it is automatically activated in times of crisis.

If you are at risk of death due to carelessness during battle, the ability is activated automatically, making it possible to save your life regardless of your will.

So, it was like gaining one more life.

And another ability underneath that.

“Sharing some abilities with the Demon Count… …

I have no idea what kind of ability this is.

Gretel’s abilities that immediately come to mind are ‘rapid growth’, ‘summoning trees’, ‘fruit creation’, ‘body transformation’, and ‘immortality’.

“… … Could it be that if I use Fruit Creation, a fruit will appear on my head?”

As I was imagining it on my own, I found myself squinting at the sight of that hideous and grotesque sight.

The same can be said of the appearance using physical changes and rapid growth.

I’m not a rubber person, and the thought of my arms growing longer makes me laugh because it’s ridiculous.

Sound comes out.

Where can you use such abilities?

The only abilities I can imagine using are tree summoning and immortality… … .

At that moment, a part of the description of the trait caught my eye.

[Some modifications to suit the user’s characteristics

It’s possible.]

“Some modifications are made to suit the user’s characteristics.”

I don’t know what form it takes, but it seems like Gretel’s abilities have been modified to suit me and I can use them.

If you think about it visually, it is fortunate that the bizarre shape is likely to be alleviated.

“I don’t know what it is, but I’m satisfied.”

I don’t know what the ability sharing with Gretel will be like unless I try it, but I’m quite satisfied with the other abilities because I like them.

I smiled and lay down on the sofa.

A small uninhabited island hidden somewhere off the coast of Incheon.

Hidden in the wooded area was a huge villa. This villa was one of many hidden hideouts of Zawoon around the world.

“Baek Eun-seong. “Did you keep your hideout safe while we worked?”

Baek Eun-seong snickered at Scar’s teasing words.

“What about guarding…? I just slept and played. Are you finding the fourth diary clue well?”

Scar smiled faintly at Baek Eun-seong’s question.

“I don’t know. They say it’s hidden in the virtual world, but how can we find it with just this one clue?”

“… … Tsk. But today is a day when I can have a brief conversation with him. If I ask him directly, everything will be resolved.”

“That’s right. “I’m looking forward to it.”

The members of Jaun gathered at the villa talk about what happened to them in the past.

I spent some time waiting.

Just then the door to the villa opened and Jean and Bert came inside.

At the same time, everyone’s eyes turned to the two.

“You’re here. “Are you finished preparing for necromancy?”

Bert nodded in response to Natyasha’s question.

“it’s over. “All the ingredients are ready and you can start right away.”

At those words, everyone’s eyes trembled greatly.

“… … Are we finally meeting him officially?”

“I feel like my heart will explode just by imagining it.”

Although it was only a short period of time, he reacted with great emotion at the thought of being able to have a conversation with his god.

Bert, who was replacing the position vacated by God as a temporary leader, reacted no differently from them.

She too was smiling with eyes filled with anticipation that was not usually seen.

“But how did you come up with the idea of ​​using necromancy? It wasn’t part of the original plan.”

In response to Lee Cheong’s question, Bert turned his gaze to her.

“It’s because of Kim Seon-woo. I proved that it’s possible to call him Kang Ryung-sul.”

I heard in Aporia that Kim Seon-woo used necromancy on him.

I thought that necromancy would be impossible because the soul was bound by sealing magic, but I learned this thanks to Kim Seon-woo.

The method of use was confirmed through his other journals.

“Okay, let’s get started right away.”

At Bert’s signal, Jin immediately laid out the materials for the necromancy on the floor.

And he put down the sword he had used while alive, ‘Hocheon’, and put down the box that sealed his soul.

After that, the soul powder was sprinkled.

A mysterious energy began to radiate.

At the same time, the surrounding space suddenly darkens.

The world changed as it became colored.


“Is it a mysterious space?”

“Wow. that’s interesting. “I think it’s a space created by the mystery of necromancy.”

“But what should I do next?”

Bert said in response to Jin’s question.

“A mystery that calls to the soul will appear before us.”

As soon as they said that, a human with the face of a goat appeared before their eyes.

[It’s been a while since we’ve had a guest.]

A short word of mystery. At the sight of that, a deep fear spread over the faces of the members of Jawoon.

A pressure that is difficult to describe in words. And then I felt a tremor.

Should I say that I feel an instinctive fear of the presence far above?


Even Scar was so distressed that he knelt down and cried out in pain.

Slowly, as if others were doing the same

I started to collapse after Scar.

At the same time, one question arose in their minds.

Just meeting him puts this much pressure on him, so how did Kim Seon-woo endure it?

Bert spoke, barely able to contain the pressure he felt.

“… … Are you the mystery that calls the soul?”

[That’s right. By the way, I can’t get used to hearing formal speech after such a long time. That arrogant guy who tried to be my friend was strange.

Well, this is a normal reaction.]

As the goat giggled and said something unintelligible to itself, Bert looked at him with questioning eyes.

[Nothing. don’t mind.]

Bert felt a strange sense of fear at the sight and then said:

“We want to talk to the soul inside this box.”

The goat answered the question.

[I’m sorry, but I can’t do it.]


When Bert asked, the goat answered.

[You are destined not to meet this guy. Now go back〜]


At the same time, a strong light was emitted and the body returned to its original world.

The pressure of pressure disappeared.

The members of Jaun blinked their eyes blankly and then spoke.


“I’ve worked hard until now to finally use necromancy, but is this really the end?”

Before they even had time to think about such questions, what the goat had just said came into their minds.

—It’s a destiny that should never meet.

It’s a destiny that we should never meet.

Then what happened to Kim Seon-woo?

The extra who returned becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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