Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 384

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Episode 385

The Taehwi Festival, a festival held at the Magic Academy that lasted for three days, has come to an end.

At the closing ceremony, which was scheduled, the awards ceremony for each field began, and the theater team also received a big award for my performance in reinterpreting the fact that the porter in “The Four Seasons”, which had become a hot topic in various media and communities, was actually a curtain. I received it.

[Lucky Stone (B)]

Category: Amulet

Description: When possessed, good luck increases.


And now I was fiddling around with the ‘lucky stone’, the prize I had acquired today.

Lucky stone.

As the name suggests, it is an item known to bring good luck when possessed.

There were a total of three lucky stones prepared at the Taehwi Festival, so Lee Seo-jun, Yoo Ah-ra, and I received them.

Inevitably, the staff of the same theater team shared the prize money instead of the lucky stones, but since the amount was larger than expected, there seemed to be no major complaints.

“… … “Can’t we see the exact number of luck?”

Even if you activate an outsider’s benefit, it is not possible to confirm exactly how much luck increases.

Since it was an intangible ability, I expected it to some extent, but I felt an uneasy feeling that I couldn’t explain in words.

If your luck rises to the point of dust, you won’t feel it at all.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter.”

No matter how low your luck is, it’s better than nothing.


That’s not what’s important to me right now.

“Ugh… … What should I do about this side?”

The multi-purpose lounge at the Mage Academy.

I put the lucky stone in my pocket and approached Yoon Ha-young, who was groaning in front of the hologram computer.

“What’s the problem?”

“Here’s the Woongsi section. “I was wondering how many times I should do it.”

Hayoung Yoon pointed to a part of the screen with her finger.

Woongsi selection items.

I was filling out an application for the upcoming professional wizard certification exam.

“I’m the second person from the Magic Academy.

“Since it’s the present world, let’s do number 3 on this side. The ice attribute is this way.”

“Ah. Thank you.”

Yoon Ha-young entered the TokTok number.

After that, I checked the contents one by one to see if I had missed anything.

I don’t know what kind of mistake I might make if I trust and leave it to him.

“… … Hmm. You filled in the rest well.”

I looked it over, and surprisingly(?) I did well on my own without making any mistakes.

Yoon Ha-young is not a child, she can do it alone

It’s natural that it can be done, but given what we’ve done so far, we looked at it more carefully.

Then, Yoon Ha-young looked around and said.

“Anyway, I can already see people writing resumes.”

As she said, students were seen writing resumes in front of the hall log in the multipurpose lounge.

“It’s not long before graduation. “You have to prepare in advance.”

It might be slow because it is the day when the Taehui Festival ends, but school life is really fun now.

There isn’t much time left.

Since every day from today until graduation is busy for third year students, they must prepare thoroughly without taking a day off.

“Then, since it’s come to this, should I write this resume now?”

“no. “Write it later.”

“yes? why? “I just said that we need to prepare in advance.”


Yoon Ha-young is expected to be scouted for the special forces, her first choice.

Why spend hours on your resume?

She will be able to achieve her desired goals without having to waste time.

Of course, we have to guide the special team well so that they realize that he has the ‘power to destroy demons’ so that the flow of the original story does not change.

“The content you need to fill out on your resume may drastically increase or change. “At least finish the professional exam and write it.”

Hayoung Yoon seemed to be thinking about something when I said that, and then she laughed a little.

“I can’t believe the content can expand. Sunwoo, you. “Aren’t you thinking too highly of me?”

“No. Rather, you are undervalued now, so you should be highly evaluated this time.”

Although her abilities are currently low compared to other main characters, she has strong potential that others do not have and a special weapon called the power of annihilation.

It is true that Yoon Ha-young is currently being significantly underrated.

And as if what I said sounded a little touching, Hayoung Yoon’s gaze towards me was touched.

“Seonuya… …

And then the hoarse voice that followed. I felt burdened for no reason, so I took a step back.

“… … what. “Why are you acting so disgusting?”

“Na-neun-eun…… Seriously, Seonwoo, there’s no one else but you… …

Yoon Ha-young stretches out both arms toward me as if asking for a hug and clings to me.

What is she doing, she’s not even Gretel.

I was terrified and stepped back again.

“Ouch. Get away from me.”


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Nevertheless, Yoon Ha-young fell away from me.

Instead, it stuck even more stickily.

Wrap it tightly around your waist. As if it were a cicada.

“Seonwoo… … We’ll be together forever, right? huh? yes?”

I was silent for a moment at that question. Then she laughed and lightly grabbed her shoulder and dropped her.

“Stop talking nonsense and let’s go do some training for the exam.”

Time passed and it was Saturday evening.

He arrived at a deserted park on the outskirts of Seoul in the guise of Kim Jin-woo for a pre-arranged appointment.

As I walked to the bench, a beautiful black-haired woman spotted me and waved happily.

“Jinwoo. “Here.”

She was Han Se-yeon, the date of today’s appointment.

And at the same time, three men in suits behind her

He bows down and leaves the place.

I looked at the disappearing men and asked.

“Who are those people?”

“The bodyguards. “Jinwoo told me to be careful in advance.”

” ah.”

He did say something like that.

Because we don’t know what crazy things Han Se-jin and the Ten Demon Association, who are cornered, will do to her.

Of course, Ellin, who can be said to be Han Se-jin’s confidant, is providing relevant information.

I think it’s possible to deal with it to some extent, but it’s still better to be careful just in case.

When I used [Character Detective] on the men who were quietly leaving, all three of them turned out to be A-rank magicians.

If there was a villain attacking Han Se-yeon, it was likely to be S-rank, which seemed lacking to me, but from her perspective, this was probably the best.

The other S-class magicians belonging to Hanseongga will be held tightly by Han Sejin.


The only strong person who can protect Han Se-yeon is the sword spirit called the sword of the Han Seong family.

It will not be easy to get help as he has been resting since the death of Chairman Dae-Hyun Han.

“I think it would be a good idea to increase the number of security guards.”


Maybe my words were a bit unexpected? She blinked her dazed eyes.

“It’s not that they are lacking in skills, but the person who will become the owner of the Hanseong family is

I think it’s too little for a tiger. Maybe it’ll be different when you’re at the level of a swordsman.”

Han Se-yeon laughs brightly, as if what I said sounded like a joke.

Then he thought for a moment and nodded.

“all right. “We will try to increase the number of security guards as much as possible without causing major problems.”

Han Se-yeon said that and handed me a black case bag.

“It’s the elixir I told you about last time. It’s the elixir made from Gretel’s twigs and leaves.”

” ah.”

The promise I made with Han Se-yeon today was for this very reason.

I opened the bag right away. There were ten bottles filled with a clear liquid with a faint green glow.

[Concentrated Magic Water Potion (B)]

Description: When consumed, all recovery abilities are permanently increased by 200% and all abilities are increased by 3. The effect is halved for each subsequent consumption.

“oh… …

The effect of the elixir, seen as an outsider’s benefit, was not bad.

200% recovery ability. And all abilities increase by 3.

The downside is that the effect is reduced by half for each duplicate intake, but if there is no penalty like this, it’s a fraud.

“It’s really nice. “10 is an appropriate number.”

“I noticed the effect as soon as I saw it this time too

It looks like ricin. “If you don’t have some knowledge of elixirs, it won’t be easy to figure it out.”

Han Se-yeon, who had said that, smiled as if she had suddenly remembered something and continued speaking.

“Doesn’t this remind you of when we first met? “Even back then, I was surprised that Jinwoo immediately recognized the effectiveness of magic herb.”

When I heard those words, I naturally pictured my first meeting with her in my head.

“That’s right. It’s already been almost two years.”

“At that time, we were in contact so often

I didn’t know it would happen. And… …

Han Se-yeon trailed off and then bit her mouth.

When I looked at her face for something, she smiled as if it was nothing.

“No, don’t worry about it.”

I nodded and took out the ‘mysterious magic tree fruit’ that I had packed in my arms.

Han Se-yeon looked a little surprised when she saw the fruit.

“uh… … This.”

“This is the fruit I asked you to make last time.”

Se-yeon Han took the fruit from the magic tree and began to look around.

“I’ve never seen fruit like this in my life. Could it be that you got it from Gretel?”

“you’re right.”


Han Se-yeon’s eyes changed into those of a child who had discovered a toy.

“What do you think? Do you think it could amplify the effects of this fruit?”

“I don’t think it’s impossible, but the unique energy is so strong that I don’t want to bother manufacturing it… …

Han Se-yeon, whose words had been trailing off, turned her gaze to me and smiled.

“But I’m not a typical pharmaceutical company, right? “If it were me, I could amplify it further here.”

also. I thought it would be possible with Han Se-yeon.

Her pharmaceutical skills are ranked among the top five in the world.

Moreover, there was a strong desire for challenge in her eyes.

I’m looking forward to it. I wonder how the Demon Tree fruit will change.

Of course, I feel regretful that I have to find out the effect of ‘Demon Tree’s Protection (S)’ a little late, but I only have to endure it for a few days.

At that time, Han Se-yeon checked the time on her smartphone and made a disappointed expression.

“It’s already this late. I want to stay with you longer, but I have a lot of work to do, so I think I should go now.”

“Ah yes. Please.”

They say they’re busy, but there’s nothing they can do about it.

“I will contact you as soon as the elixir is finished being manufactured.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait…” …

It was then.


A message alarm rang on the smartphone. After briefly asking for Han Se-yeon’s understanding, I immediately checked the contents.

[It seems that the conflict between Mine and Han Se-jin has finally erupted. Probably Han Se

I think this is a problem that arose while talking about kites.]

When I heard the message from Elin, my expression hardened for a moment.

The situation I was worried about happened.

A conflict between two villain groups that are cornered. And the way to resolve that conflict would be Han Se-yeon, who is also interfering with the takeover of the Han Seong family.

“… … Jinwoo?”

Did my expression look a little serious? Han Se-yeon called my name in a voice filled with worry.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

And then, the alarm went off on my smartphone again.

This time, I checked the contents right away without asking for Han Se-yeon’s understanding.

[Maybe something bad will happen to Han Se-yeon today.]

“Your expression doesn’t look good… Is something wrong?”

I put my smartphone in my pocket

I turned my attention to her.

“Mr. Se-yeon.”

Han Se-yeon, who read the mood, followed me and her expression hardened for a moment.

“yes… … ?”

“You said you had a lot of work piling up?”

“… … Yes. That’s right. I’ve been busy with a lot of things lately.”

“I don’t think we can just let it go like this.”

Han Se-yeon blinked blankly at my words.

“I’m with you today.”

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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