Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 381

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Episode 382

“Kim Seon-woo here too. There too, Kim Seon-woo. “Oh, you are the main character of the world.”

10pm, Magic Academy Training Grounds.

Shin Young-jun, who finished training late due to Taehwije work, muttered while looking at the news in the smart student notebook.

‘Promising star Kim Seon-woo, ‘I persevered with a sense of responsibility.’ “Exemplary performance in the midst of the Taehwije incident.”

At 19:00 on the 21st, Kim Seon-woo’s special feature airs on SBC… … “Increasing expectations”

As he said, it was no exaggeration to say that the center of the world today is Kim Sun-woo.

Kim Seon-woo here too. Kim Seon-woo over there too. A broadcasting company was advertising that it would air a special feature on Kim Sun-woo.

“You were very active today. If Kim Seon-woo had failed to suppress it early, the festival would have probably been stopped.”

Seojun Lee, who finished getting ready to go home at the same time, said with a grin.

“… … Well, that’s true, but I’m strangely worried about the recent uproar.”

As he said, Kim Seon-woo’s stock price is rising day by day.

Wherever you go, stories about Kim Seon-woo are coming out, and it is certain that he will become the next best star wizard alongside Lee Seo-jun next year when he graduates.

This is the so-called ‘Kim Seon-woo Syndrome’.

If he’s this popular, shouldn’t he run for president?

“What are you worried about?”

Just then, Yu Ara, who had just finished training, approached and asked.

Shin Young-jun glanced at Yoo Ah-ra and answered.

“Public attention isn’t always a good thing. It can make someone jealous, and um… how should I explain this…

Shin Young-jun stroked his chin, lost in thought, then shook his head.

“… … no. I think it’s pointless to worry. don’t mind.”

But Lee Seo-jun and Yoo-ra had a vague idea of ​​what he was trying to say.

Got it.

There can’t be only good things in the world.

If something good happens, something bad may happen in return.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that it will necessarily happen, but Kim Seon-woo felt like a bomb that could explode at any moment, so he couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of anxiety.

And I was also concerned about the prophecy about Kim Seon-woo’s death that I had heard before.

“You don’t have to worry about Kim Seon-woo because he has always done well. You’ll take care of it

Hey. By the way, did things turn out the way you said today?”

Yoo-ara said to Shin Young-jun to change the mood.

“Ah, looking at Kim Seon-woo’s expression, you think an incident is going to break out?”

“Wow, I didn’t know that something really would happen.”

“When I looked at Kim Seon-woo’s expression, I got that feeling for some reason. “It’s just one or two coincidences, isn’t it?”

“… … So, does this mean that Kim Seon-woo knew in advance about the incident that would occur today?”

Yuara is speaking in a thoughtful voice.

I froze.

“Wouldn’t that be highly likely? I wonder if he has precognitive abilities, but last time I asked him, he said no. Ugh, I don’t know either~”

At those words, Yuara smiled faintly.

“It is a traditional characteristic of a clairvoyant to have many secrets.”

It has been a common feature of people with the ability to ‘prophesy’ since ancient times.

The reason is not clear, but the joke, ‘He’s not a prophet, but he has a lot of secrets’ has been used frequently since past generations.

“What do you think?”

Shin Young-jun asked Lee Seo-jun.

Seojun Lee looked at his face blankly and nodded.

“I thought about that too. It’s hard to explain Kim Seon-woo’s actions without knowing the future.”

They move in advance before an incident occurs, or they suddenly disappear and return when the incident is resolved.

There were certainly many actions that made people suspect that they knew the future.

But now I don’t think Kim Seon-woo has the power of prophecy.

I couldn’t explain why.

His unusual strength, changed behavior…

When I thought about all this, the other side seemed more plausible than the prophet.

“Lee Seo-jun?”

Yoo Ah Ra called out softly to him as he looked lost in his own thoughts.

Seojun Lee, who came to his senses, raised his head and smiled.


The first day of Taehwije, which had a strong sports day feel, has ended, and the second day of Taehwije, which is called the flower of the festival, has arrived.

Tourists from outside began arriving early in the morning to enjoy this, and students were also busy preparing for the ‘Cultural Arts Competition’ that was held today.

“Huh? Seonwoo is here.”

At the scene of the cultural arts competition,

When I arrived, Yoon Ha-young greeted me warmly.

All the major figures were gathered around him.

“Everyone is already here.”

“You have a lot to prepare for today. You guys have to do a play and I have to prepare for the implementation competition.”

“Was the play the first order of business?”

Hayoung Yoon nodded in response to Seojun Lee’s question.

“Yeah. Next up is the implementation competition… … and then the singing competition?”

At that time, Choi Seo-yoon approached me with a smiling face.

“Oh, right. Senior, did you see the people gathered today?”


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Of course I saw it.

No, I couldn’t not see it.

There were so many people gathered at the main gate that it was incomparable to the number of people gathered during the Taehwi Festival last year.

“A lot of people came. “I was surprised when I saw it.”

“Half of them came to see you? There were a lot of advertisements on the news yesterday.”

Seojun Lee said with a playful smile.

” advertisement?”

“Yeah, they advertised the play on the news yesterday. They said if you’re interested, go see it.”


I suddenly started getting a flood of Woongwon messages last night. Was this the reason?

Well, I don’t really care since the more interest you have, the more points you can earn…

Rather, what I’m worried about are Lee Seo-jun and Yoo Ah-ra.

The terrible fumes of these two will bring

Because I knew the catastrophic(?) ending.

“Hmm. I’m worried.”

At that time, Yoon Ha-young intervened.

“What do you think? Now, let’s show everyone the skills we have honed in everyday acting!”

What is everyday acting?

And Choi Seo-yoon made a questioning expression at Yoon Ha-young’s remark.

“… … Is this the skill you honed through everyday acting?”

“Ugh? ah! It’s not everyday acting… … Uh, so… …

Yoon Ha-young, realizing that she had made a mistake, trailed off.

When I saw that sight, I automatically sighed.

There it goes again.

Surely you’re not pretending to make a mistake and trying to assassinate me socially?

“I’m talking about the acting we practiced together. I needed a practice partner, so I asked Yoon Ha-young to practice with me in secret two days ago.”

Actually, I never practiced at all, but I made it up to avoid the situation.

Seo-yoon Choi nodded as if she understood.

“If it was acting practice, I could have helped… …

It doesn’t feel like everything has been resolved, but fortunately I think I’ve gotten through it.

[From now on, we will begin the 3rd grade Taehwi Festival special performance, ‘Four Lines’!]

The main hall of the Wizard Academy.

On the second day of the Taehwi Festival, the four-class plays, which are called the main characters of the cultural arts competition, began.

A large crowd gathered to see Kim Seon-woo, who had just finished the law professor’s potential personality test yesterday.

There were so many people that there wasn’t enough space for people to watch from behind.

“I honestly have no expectations and I’m just worried. Lee Seo-jun and Yoo Ah-ra are terrible at acting, and Kim Sun-woo has never even worked with me before. Isn’t this a total mess?”

Shin Young-jun, sitting in his seat, looks anxious

When I muttered in a loud voice, Yoon Ha-young let out a small sigh as if she sympathized.

“I know. “I heard Ara is really serious.”

There were numerous broadcasting station cameras installed around the area.

It was partly because of the news that the most promising cast members of Magic Academy, Lee Seo-jun, Yoo Ah-ra, and Kim Sun-woo, would be appearing, but also because many broadcasting stations were flocked to the show due to yesterday’s incident.

“Senior Kim Seon-woo, how are your acting skills? “I heard you had me practice with you for two days.”

Yoon Ha-young pauses for a moment in response to Choi Seo-yoon’s question.


“… … Huh? Seonwoo?”

I have no idea.

The fact that he looked after his acting partner was something that Kim Seon-woo had made up.

“Uh, that’s… … “Don’t make it bad.”

There is a clear difference between life acting and acting from a set script.

Especially if it is a play with a clear tone.

Therefore, it was difficult to answer that Kim Sun-woo would do well just because he was good at acting.

I feel bad if I give people high expectations and then they don’t do well.

“Hmm. Really?”

Choi Seo-yoon nodded.

Just then, with a bang, the lights on the stage went out.

The noisy stands suddenly became quiet.

Soon, the sound of footsteps echoed and Lee Seo-jun, wearing a white shirt, appeared.

—… …Magic power is mysterious and mystical.

Humans can understand.

A voice that crackles unnaturally. Soon she closed her mouth and spoke again.

—It is too vast to understand.

At the same time, laughter erupted from the audience.

Shin Yeong-jun felt embarrassed and then took off his clothes.

—For the advancement of mankind, magic must be clearly distinguished and easily understood by all…

Lee Seo-jun’s acting skills continued. It was so bad that some audience members thought the play’s concept was a gag.

It was such a terrible time that Yoo-ra Yoo, who played the role of the ‘Witch of Death’, walked through it.

Her appearance in a beautiful black dress caused a small stir among the audience.

The bomb exploded.

“Wow. Senior Ara. “It’s so cool.”

Choi Seo-yoon’s eyes were filled with anticipation.

The fact that Yoo Ah-ra appeared meant that Kim Seon-woo, the porter and subordinate of the ‘Death Witch’, would also appear.

—… … Three, the destruction and chaos of the world. That is only bad… … .

But contrary to her charismatic appearance, her words are also awkward.

Sa came out alone.

The audience once again burst into laughter at the sight of the reversal.

At that moment, Yuara stopped saying her lines.

—Only bad things… …?

“… … oh my.”

Yoon Ha-young placed one hand on her forehead.

“Ara, I forgot my lines again.”

Even when practicing for a long time, I would say lines here and there

He showed a forgetful appearance.

She was smart enough to get top grades on theory tests, but perhaps because of the pressure, she couldn’t memorize the script properly.

“Ara what should I do?”

That moment.

Urgent footsteps were heard from the side of the stage, and a man wearing a shabby jacket and carrying a large bag appeared.

At the same time, a small cheer came from the audience once again.

—This is Kim Seon-woo.


Seo-yoon Choi seemed to have been waiting for Seon-woo Kim’s answer and immediately lifted up her smart student notebook.

Hayoung Yoon glanced at her like that and then turned her gaze back to Seonwoo Kim.

“… … It’s not yet time for the porter to appear.”

At that time, Kim Seon-woo said.

—As the witch said, destruction and chaos are not all bad things.

A natural voice that doesn’t feel like acting.

The audience’s immersion instantly increased as this was the first time he had acted like an actor after watching gag acting until then.

“Wow. He’s a good actor too.”

“I know. “The weight suddenly increases.”

The audience let out a faint exclamation of admiration, sensing something different in Kim Seon-woo’s words.

Kim Seon-woo continued his acting.

—Destruction is the seed of a new beginning. Death is the only answer to save the rotten world! Why don’t people understand the witch’s will?

—… … huh?

Yoo Ah-ra looked at Kim Sun-woo with eyes full of confusion in a situation that was not in the script.

Eventually, as if realizing that he was trying to help her who had forgotten her lines, Yuara nodded and spoke.

—… … That, that’s right. Destruction is the new one.

-but! There are people who don’t know our intentions and interfere with us all the time. Taehwi is called the great wizard. He needs to kill the guy right away.

Kim Sun-woo spoke again, cutting off Yoo-ra’s lines. Yuara blinked her eyes blankly, as if confused by the sudden situation.

—… … Uh, now?

—Yes, right now!

—It’s not ready yet… … .

—Now is the time. Don’t we have an important mission?

—Uh… … Ah, I see.

After that, the play was carried out under the leadership of Kim Seon-woo, no, the porter.

The main villain of “The Fourth System”, the Witch of Death, began to follow the porter around, and even in the climactic battle scene with Tae-hwi, the porter spoke all the lines instead.

“… … “What is this?”

The audience tilted their heads when they noticed that the content was different from the fairy tale “The Four Seasons” they had read as children.

“Was the porter’s role originally that of a mastermind who manipulates from behind the scenes?”

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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