Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 380

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Episode 381

The magic school is very large.

With numerous training and convenience facilities lined up, including the main building, and gyms and parks sandwiched between them, locating a specific person can be a very time-consuming task.

But I don’t need to run around unnecessarily and search for it.

I have special abilities that others do not have.

[Activates the ‘Third Eye’.]

A sphere of pure white light materialized on my palm and rose into the sky.

At the same time, a wide field of vision, as if looking down at the ground, entered my mind.

I slowly looked around using my third eye.

Where is the law professor… … .

It didn’t take that long to find it.

Animal footprints in the pure white snow

As the law professor passed by, there were people who fell asleep due to the drowsiness-inducing effects.

So I turned my attention to the law professor.

“… … What? Am I a step too late?”

A law professor walking down the street with sleepy steps.

After that, standing about 20 meters away were Lee Seo-jun and his group of wizards and teachers.

And I saw ordinary citizens flocking to the sudden commotion.

Lee Seo-jun arrived at the scene.

It means that the case will be resolved soon.

Because, like me, he has a mental strength strengthening characteristic that allows him to withstand drowsiness, [Silver Moon Change].

Of course, ‘inducing sleep’ is not an illusion, but it is only a potential trait, so it would be difficult to put to sleep those with mental powers as strong as Lee Seo-jun or the Association’s magicians.

“… … Hmm. Something feels disappointing.”

My goal was to solve the problem first and earn points before Seojun Lee steps forward.

Well, I guess it can’t be helped since things don’t always go my way.

Right then.

-It’s tricky. It seems like it’s the kind of personality that puts the people around it to sleep… … I get dizzy just by getting near it, so I can’t approach it.

….Yes, even if I get just a little closer, I start to feel dizzy.

The voice of Lee Seo-jun talking to the association’s wizard through the third eye

I heard.

And I felt doubtful about those words.

Do you feel dizzy even if you get a little closer?

If it were Lee Seo-jun, there’s no way that would happen, right?

—Team Leader, how about attacking and stunning them?

—No. If you apply an external shock, it could cause an even bigger outburst.

—We can’t leave it like this. Before more damage occurs… … .


It seemed like they couldn’t even get close to the law professor.

But why?

Although it is said that the potential power has become stronger due to the runaway fire, it would not have been to the point where a professional wizard could not approach it.

“Wow… …

I don’t know what the cause was, but Lee Seo-jun seemed to be in a situation where he couldn’t solve the case hastily.

I can’t leave it like that, so I’ll go straight

He moved in the direction of the law professor.

As I arrived at my destination, I saw a law professor approaching me from across the street. And behind him, I saw Lee Seo-jun, who had noticed me.

_… … Kim Seon-woo?

I looked at Seojun Lee and then turned my attention to the magicians of the association standing next to him.

Unable to stop the law professor’s movements, he uses magic to knock him out.

He was casting magic on his hand.


At my shout, the association’s wizards stopped their implementation and looked at me.

“You shouldn’t shock me. “I will try to stop it.”

—… … That’s Kim Seon-woo, right?

—Yes, he said he would try to stop it, but what should he do?

-… … It’s not just another kid, it’s Kim Seon-woo, so let’s see what he does first.

With those words, I slowly walked forward toward the law professor.

—Kim Seon-woo! Be careful!

He paused for a moment at Lee Seo-jun’s shout, but soon shouted loudly at the law professor.


The law professor made no response to my call.

In other words, the current law professor was in a state of unconsciousness.

Now that this was confirmed, there was only one way to wake him up.

You must contact his runaway body to control his scattered magical power and wake him up.

I activated Silver Moon Shift and slowly approached him.

Right then.


I felt a strong sense of dizziness. She took a step back from the sudden headache and placed her hand on her forehead.



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Surely this level of power was not shown in the description in the original work?

How did it turn out like this?

It was a confusing situation, but we had to find a solution quickly.

As I continued to think like that, a new method came to mind.

The drowsiness-inducing power emitted by the law professor is not ‘fainting’ due to shock, but rather uses special power to induce dizziness and make one fall asleep.

In that case, I just need to re-arm my mind so that I can’t sleep.

And one method emerged.

A way to re-arm your mind without using magic power.


I took a short breath and closed my eyes.

[Potential personality ‘over-immersion’ is activated.]

As soon as I started to immerse myself, I set a goal.

Contact with the body of a law professor.

As soon as I finished setting my goal, my mind was filled with the thought that I had to approach a law professor.

At the same time, my body was filled with an unknown energy emanating from the law professor.

I felt something strange, but I couldn’t feel it directly because I was using over-immersion.

It was a situation that arose due to a conflict between potential personalities.

Tap, tap, tap.

So, step by step, I approached the law professor.

—… … What? How do I approach it?

The surprised voices of people around me.

But as I approached the law professor, I felt as if an invisible energy was pushing away my body.

No, it wasn’t even an intangible energy, but my hair moved in the air as if blowing in the wind.

But I pushed away that energy and got right in front of the law professor.


The law professor showed no response to my call. I just looked down at the floor with unfocused eyes.

Perhaps because of the strong unconsciousness, it seems that even if you call from close by, you cannot bring him back to his senses.

I focused my magic on my fingertips. Then he stretched out his hand and injected magical power into the direction of his head.

The complex magic of a law professor.

As his latent personality went out of control, the flow of magical energy became distorted, and something seemed to have gone wrong in his brain.

I slowly injected magical energy into it, releasing the magical energy coiled within my body one by one.

… … About 30 seconds passed like that.

As if sensing the stability of the magic, the law professor’s focus gradually began to return.

“… … Student Seonwoo?”

A law professor calling my name in a faint, inaudible voice.

And the intense energy that was emanating from his body and putting everyone to sleep disappeared in an instant.

—… … Wow. I think I did it?

—… … Oh, the strange aura has definitely disappeared. What happened?

The law professor then staggered around, apparently feeling very tired, and then

I lost my mind.

I supported the law professor’s body and laid him gently on the floor.


A small exclamation of admiration burst out toward me from among the citizens watching.

“Kim Seon-woo!”

And Seojun Lee’s group, the association, and the teachers came running to me. I looked again at the law professor’s face and said to them:

“I fell asleep for a moment due to the stress of magic.”

“is it? First of all, thank you for your hard work. “Leave the rest to us.”

“Team leader, I’m calling the paramedics.”

Just like that, a case was solved and a message appeared before my eyes.

[Solved an incident that disrupted a festival with many people participating.]

[You have achieved the ‘Problem Solver’ achievement.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

[I saved a person in front of many people.]

[Achieve the ‘Little Hero’ achievement.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

[The case was solved using ‘potential personality.’]

[All abilities increase by 2.]

[The power of over-immersion becomes stronger.]

Acquire a total of 10,000 points and increase your abilities.

I looked at it and smiled with satisfaction.

A siren sounded at the magic academy.

The law professor who had caused chaos at the Taehwije scene was taken to the association’s research and treatment center in an ambulance.

Fortunately, the ‘sleep induction’ only put people to sleep, so there were no casualties.

For that reason, the Wizard Academy, which judged that there were no major problems with the Taehui Festival, decided to continue the festival.

And Jeong Hyeon-soo of the special team was dispatched to Taehwije to investigate the truth of the incident.

“Yes, I think the festival will go on as is. “Citizens don’t seem to care much about what happened in the morning.”

Jeong Hyeon-su, who was talking to Kim Deok-hyeon on his smartphone, looked around and said.

As he said, the festival site was filled with joyful music and wonder what had happened.

I was back in an exciting mood.

It could have been quite serious, but Kim Seon-woo’s quick actions reduced it to a small incident.

—Have you met Kim Seon-woo?

“Kim Seon-woo? Of course, we just talked about it.”

As he said that, he turned his gaze to Kim Seon-woo, who was standing far away and staring into space alone.

What were you thinking from earlier?

I’m staring into space like that, bruised.

—How did you say you were able to get to the law professor?

“Uh, that’s… …

Jeong Hyun-soo trailed off and recalled the conversation he had with Kim Seon-woo earlier.

Even thinking about it again, I laughed out loud at the absurdity.

“… … They say it’s just because you have a strong will?”


As expected, Kim Deok-hyeon’s bewildered reaction came out.

Then, a low laugh was heard from beyond the speaker.

—That’s a Kim Sun-woo-like answer.

“yes? “Is that the end?”

I was momentarily taken aback and asked.

If it were the usual Kim Deok-hyeon, he would have had various questions about Kim Seon-woo.

—That’s the end. What else is there?

“… … No. That’s not it.”

—Don’t dig too deep, just come back once the situation is roughly sorted out.

With those words, Deok-Hyeon Kim’s phone was hung up.

‘At around 11 AM today, at the Magic Academy’s festival ‘Tae-Hwi-Je’, an incident occurred where Teacher A’s latent personality went wild and put the citizens to sleep. □


As I returned to the dormitory after finishing the first day of Taehwije, the news was reporting on what had happened that day.

I watched the news while stroking the back of Gretel, who was sleeping on my lap.

“Fortunately, the runaway incident of latent personality was suppressed in less than 30 minutes thanks to the efforts of one student. The student is said to be Kim Seon-woo, a promising star in the magic world who has recently been attracting everyone’s attention with his outstanding performance.j

At the same time, my appearance at the festival site was shown on the news in the morning.

Eyes in front of the microphone held out by the reporter

My appearance blinking. For some reason, I felt a sense of shame that I couldn’t explain in words.

“The situation was so bad that even the magicians of the Association had difficulty approaching you due to the runaway potential of your personality. Could you explain why you stepped forward first and why you did not fall asleep?”

I answer the reporter’s question in a serious voice (state of hyper-immersion activated).

“… … I think I unconsciously stepped forward thinking about the safety of the citizens.

“I think the reason I couldn’t sleep was because of my sense of responsibility to protect the citizens.”

He continues his shameless answer by saying that it is because of his sense of responsibility due to his overindulgence.

Of course, it’s just a meaningless remark just to get points.

The only reason I came out was to get points.

Soon the news screen changed to show two anchors talking.

“Have you heard the earnest voice of student Kim Seon-woo? I’ve felt it before, but student Kim Seon-woo seems to think differently. He didn’t fall asleep because of the power of responsibility.”

“A little hero. The association’s wizards were also unable to approach due to their own safety, so they took the initiative.J

“Yeah, just say nice things.”

Given the nature of news that is watched by many citizens, additional points are given when a good story comes out.

The chances of earning a tr increase.

If I show this kind of heroic side, people will be more interested in me.

Anyway, at this point, it was time for a message to come to mind.

Right then. As if reading my thoughts, a message appeared before my eyes.

[Many people show you respect and admiration. Now, even the smallest actions will be watched closely by people.]

[You have achieved the ‘New Religion’ achievement.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]

[Change detected in the future.]

[Causality increases by 1.0.]

I got an additional 10,000 points and 1 causal factor. With this, I earned over 20,000 points today alone. I smiled in satisfaction.

“Ugh. This is it.”

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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