Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 378

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Episode 379

Time passes and it is Monday.

The Taehwi Festival, the only festival of the Magic Academy that countless students have been waiting for, has finally begun.

The festival will be held over three days, just like last year, and this year, it will once again begin with an ‘opening ceremony.’

For that reason, as the ‘student representative’ in charge of hosting the opening ceremony, I started as early as 8 a.m. at the multipurpose room behind the main auditorium.

I’m sitting on a chair.

“… … But do I really have to do this?”

“There are so many eyes watching, so of course you should do it. From all the sponsors and broadcasting station people, they’re all only looking at you, senior.”

And now, I have completely entrusted my body to Choi Seo-yoon for the sake of decoration.

My hair was changing quickly as Choi Seo-yoon’s delicate hands dried it, and creams I didn’t even know about were being applied to my face.

“I don’t think we need to go this far.”

“Ah, but it’s the student representative position, so I have to look a little better. Oh, and this isn’t makeup, so you don’t have to worry about it. “It’s just a cream that slightly corrects skin tone.”

Choi Seo-yoon, who was massaging my face with the cream on her hands, stopped moving for a moment.

Then he comes closer and looks at my face.

At that moment, when she was starting to feel a sense of unnecessary embarrassment, she said.

“I felt it last time too, but I think your skin is really good.”

“My skin?”

The skin is nice, though.

The waste water completely disappeared from the Gretel fruit I ate last year.

“Yes, I can sense a faintly nice scent there…” … “Do you have any special secrets?”

“There is a secret… …but.”

Choi Seo-yoon looked curious at what I said. I said to her with a grin on her face.

“Just eat good fruit.”


Seo-yoon Choi blinked. Then, as if lost in thought, she nodded.

“Hmm. I heard that fruit is good for beauty, but it seems like it really works. “By the way, I didn’t know you liked fruit.”

Fruit, fruit… Choi Seo-yoon muttered to herself so that she couldn’t be heard, then took out an eyebrow razor.

“Finally, I will tidy up my eyebrows.”

A small sound could be heard in the quiet room. Peaceful time passed.

Feeling embarrassed by the gaze, I quietly closed my eyes.

Then I thought about my schedule at Taehwije.

First of all, my top goal is to collect points by achieving as many hidden achievements in Taehwije as possible.

‘Student Representative’ is also one of those hidden achievements, and there is a high probability that it is hidden in several small incidents that explode like plays and happenings.

Now that events that I don’t even know about keep happening, it’s better to collect as many points as possible, so I’ll probably have a busy three days.

Just then, I heard small footsteps coming from beyond the door.

And soon the door opened with a squeak.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked towards the door.

“Oh my~ Seonwoo, are you pretending to be the student representative?”

The person who opened the door and came in was the teacher, Lee Hee-young.

Seo-yoon Choi looked at Hee-young Lee, bowed her head slightly in greeting, and then smiled and answered on her behalf.

“It’s an important position, so you have to leave a good impression.”

“Yes, the student representative is the face of the school.”

Then he continued speaking.

“Oh, by the way, an important guest came today and I wanted to say hello in advance.”

At that time, a familiar face appeared behind Lee Hee-young.

And the moment I saw that face, my expression hardened without me knowing.

It’s not that I didn’t know he was coming, but when I actually met him, I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Heeyoung Lee introduced with a small smile.

“Isn’t this a familiar face? It’s Han Se-yeon from Hansung Pharmaceutical, the biggest sponsor of Tae-hwi’s event for the second year in a row.”

Han Se-yeon looked at me and Choi Seo-yoon alternately with a thoughtful look on her face, and then smiled slightly.

“hello. See you again after the night of the full moon. This time, I took on the role of student representative.

“You said you were a crab?”

“… … Ah yes. hello.”

I lowered my head in an awkward gesture.

Han Se-yeon looked at me and then turned her gaze to Choi Seo-yoon, who was standing across from me.

In that moment, her expression changed subtly.

Choi Seo-yoon lowered her head with a bright smile as if she felt Han Se-yeon’s gaze.


“… … Ah yes. nice to meet you.”

After that awkward greeting, Choi Seo-yoon started to trim my eyebrows again.

Feeling some discomfort, Choi Seo-yoon stopped moving at the moment he was secretly observing Han Se-yeon.

“Senior. Just stay still. If you make a mistake, you’ll be in big trouble.”

Choi Seo-yoon held both my cheeks tightly with both hands.

Lee Hee-young looked at Choi Seo-yoon and smiled slightly.

“Those two students. Aren’t they nice to see?”

Han Se-yeon raised the corner of her mouth awkwardly in response to Lee Hee-young’s question.

“… … Yes. I’ve heard that the two of you are close. You’re closer than I thought.”

As Han Se-yeon muttered blankly, Lee Hee-young twitched the corners of her lips and whispered to Han Se-yeon.


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—There are also rumors that the two are dating!


I was embarrassed for a moment. Where did that rumor come from?

Has this spread?

“… … Oh, really?”

And at the same time, Han Se-yeon’s face, which had been maintaining a poker face, suddenly collapsed and she took on a look of bewilderment.

—Yes, but looking at the two of them, it seems like the rumors are true. Aren’t they so innocent and pretty?

“… … “I see.”

Han Se-yeon is looking at me blankly.

I froze.

Right then.

Choi Seo-yoon stopped moving her hand and fell away from me.

Then he looks at my face and smiles happily.

“Senior, it’s over.”

At her words, I turned my gaze to the large mirror hanging on the wall.

“Oh. What is it?”

A slightly exposed forehead with parted hair and a well-groomed face.

He originally had a warm(?) face, but

The look in his eyes gave off the feel of a sophisticated city man.

[The hand of one with the ‘Artist’s Touch’ trait has passed through you.]

[Attractiveness temporarily increases significantly.]

[The probability of someone liking you greatly increases.]

… … Artist’s touch?

Did Choi Seo-yoon have those characteristics?

“Oh my.”

Lee Hee-young looks at me with surprised eyes.

“Student Sunwoo is so cool, isn’t he? People look completely different when they decorate. Yes?”

In response to Lee Hee-young’s question, Han Se-yeon looked at me and carefully nodded.

“… … Yes, it really looks different.”

Lee Hee-young smiled faintly and clapped her hands.

“Okay, if you’re ready, get up now. “There’s not much time left.”

I nodded and put on my school uniform coat.

I glanced at my watch and, as she said, there were only about 10 minutes left until the opening ceremony started.

“Have you memorized the script?”

I chuckled at Lee Hee-young’s words.

” of course.”

“Okay, let’s go then.”

So we left the room and walked slowly to the main auditorium.

When I took a quick look inside, I saw that all students were sitting on chairs, filling the auditorium.

Next to it were various broadcasting stations, reporters, and sponsors.

Now I have to conduct the opening ceremony in front of them as a student representative.

“Senior, I’ll just go to my seat.”

Choi Seo-yoon smiled and said to me. I gave her a small smile.

“Thank you for today.”

“no. Good luck then, senior!”

Choi Seo-yoon spoke to me with a smile.

I feel like my heart is warming up from her powerful energy.

“okay. “Go ahead.”


With those words, Seoyoon Choi returned to her seat. When she left, this time Han Se-yeon called me.

“… … Student Seonwoo?”


“Don’t be nervous, you’ll do well.”

I nodded with a small smile.


Afterwards, at the teacher’s signal, I slowly climbed onto the stage.

So many eyes on me.

He met his gaze calmly and spoke.

“The Taehwi Festival opening ceremony will now begin.”

The opening ceremony of Taehwije has ended.

As a student representative, I conducted the opening ceremony cleanly and did not make any particular mistakes.

Considering that it was my first experience, I think it was pretty successful.

[Achieve the ‘Student Representative’ achievement.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

[Many people feel a strong attraction to you.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.


After finishing the sweet 10,000 point collection and coming down from the stage, the teachers came up to me and said a few words to me.

“Student Seonwoo, you worked hard.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Student Seonwoo, you looked great today.”

“thank you.”

As I was receiving greetings like that, this time, Han Se-yeon, who was attending as a representative of the sponsors, approached me.

“great job.”

“Ah yes. “Thank you for your hard work, Han Se-yeon.”

Han Se-yeon smiled at my words. But there was a bitterness in that smile that was hard to describe in words.

“… … Umm. There’s a lot to talk about, though. Oh, I’m busy today, so I’ll just leave. See you again next time.”

“Oh, yes.”

After saying those words, Han Se-yeon disappeared somewhere.

The moment you think you are free,

Familiar faces approached me.

“Seonwoo! You’re really cool! Good job!”

“Thank you for your hard work, senior.”

Yoon Ha-young and Choi Seo-yoon spoke to me with smiling faces.

“great job. “You did a neat job.”

After that, Yuara spoke with a small smile. Next, Seojun Lee came up to me and said one more thing.

“Yeah. It seems like you’re not even nervous.”

“He doesn’t get nervous easily.”

Shin Young-jun said with a sly smile, then looked me up and down.

“But aren’t you looking great today?

Instead of answering, I shrugged my shoulders.

I definitely feel that the gaze towards me here and there is a little different than before.

Even when I look at it, it looks a little different.

“By the way, the opening ceremony is over, what are you going to do now?”

It is traditional for third graders not to participate in the Taehwi Festival.

Seojun Lee stretched a little and said,

I turned my attention to Ra.

“I have to prepare for tomorrow’s play.”

At those words, Yuara’s expression hardens. Her face lacks confidence.

Lee Seo-jun glanced at me.

“Are you coming this time too?”

“No, I have something else to do.”

“ do?”

Everyone looks puzzled.

What I have to do today is to solve small incidents that will occur at Taehwije and achieve achievements.

As I think about the events that will happen in the future, I feel a sense of tension, unlike during the opening ceremony.

Although I said it was a ‘small incident,’ the scale was rather large.

None other than the biggest incident that will happen at Taehwije today… … .

I looked away.

—Ah, why am I so tired today?

—Aaaam. I know. I slept well today.

At the end of my gaze, a law professor was walking slowly.

The students around him are feeling dizzy and have their heads tightly wrapped.

‘Potential Individuality’, a third ability that has not been properly studied even in magic academia.

Although others did not notice, I could feel that special energy radiating from the law professor.

The ‘drowsiness-inducing’ of a law professor who had been asleep for the past two years is a precursor to his rampage.

This incident could be quite dangerous, so be careful.

If we are not careful, there may be victims who cannot wake up from their sleep for the rest of their lives.

As I was organizing my future plans in my head, everyone looked at me with questioning faces, as if they sensed the seriousness of something.

“Senior? What’s wrong?”

“huh? No, nothing. “I’m just going to look around.”

He said with a small smile as if to tell me not to worry.

But Yoon Ha-young, who knew me well, had a stiff expression and was lost in thought.

It became a real face.

“… … I guess something is going on.”

I smiled bitterly at Hayoung Yoon’s words, which were muttering so softly that I couldn’t hear them.

Then Hayoung Yoon, who has a quick sense of strange things, smiled and changed the atmosphere.

“If you say no, it won’t be a big deal~ Instead, Seojun and Ara will practice their play. What are the rest of you going to do?”

As the flow of conversation changed under Yoon Ha-young’s leadership, Choi Seo-yoon looked at me and spoke.

“I also followed my senior and went to see the sights.

“I was thinking of going.”

Yoon Ha-young also smiled at Choi Seo-yoon’s words.

“Then I should follow Sunwoo and go see the sights.”

Yoon Ha-young: Just by looking at that, it seems like she smelled something going on and followed along on purpose.

“Shin Young-jun and you?”

At that moment, Shin Young-jun looked at me with eyes that seemed to sense something suspicious. Then he touched his chin and opened his mouth.

“I decided to help Lee Seo-jun rehearse his play… …

“Then it’s decided. Let’s play separately today!”


As they were about to split into two teams, Shin Young-jun’s small voice was heard from behind.

“Hmm. If Kim Seon-woo had a hardened expression and said that nothing happened, something would definitely happen that day… …

The extra who returned becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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