Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 376

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Episode 377

“… … Are you serious about that? “You’re going to kill the king within this year?”

Seonhwa reacted in bewilderment to my remarks.

Her reaction was, in a way, natural.

As early winter is approaching, there isn’t that much time left until the year ends.

“There’s nothing I can’t do. It’s the Sipmahoe anyway.

“Isn’t it on the verge of collapse?”

Currently, there are a total of four S-rank demons remaining in the Ten Demon Association.

Excluding Seonhwa and Ha-ryeong, who had hostile feelings toward the king, only two people were left.

In addition, since the Mine Gate incident, the Association’s tracking network for the Ten Demon Clubs has been narrowing, so there will be restrictions on their movements.

“… … That’s true. In the span of one or two years, six S-rank mines have died under your hands. Strictly speaking, it’s not impossible.”

Then he spoke with a slightly fearful smile.

“Even so, you’re going to kill the king within this year? That’s quite a feat. His prophecy is not wrong after all… …

Seonhwa mumbled to herself and then continued.

“I suddenly feel like I made a mistake. I feel like you are the reason our entire clan is headed down the path of destruction.”

I chuckled at those words.

“You don’t need to worry about that part. me

“I don’t have any hard feelings toward Mine itself.”

Seonhwa looked puzzled at my words.

“No hard feelings?”

“My target is always the King of Mines and his loyalists. Once this is over, I will stop hunting Mines.”

This was sincere.

Although Mines are a species that survives by feeding on human blood, they are also a part of nature just like humans.

Just as we do not exterminate mosquitoes because they are harmful to humans, there is no need to exterminate them.

There was no reason to seek them out and kill them unless they were directly interfering.

“That’s strange. You don’t have any ill feelings toward Mine, but your goal is to kill the King. Then why are you targeting the King?”

I said while thinking about how to answer.

“Because that’s my role.”


Seonhwa blinked her eyes blankly and then burst out laughing.

“Are you saying it’s your destiny?”

“You can think like that.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

At that moment, I felt a thick magical energy from somewhere. As time passed, a man appeared from the darkness.

“Haryeong. Are you here now?”


Haryeong called her name briefly and then turned her gaze towards me.

“… … Are you the child of prophecy?”

Haryeong’s voice was filled with complex emotions.

In the original work, Ha-ryeong is a villain, but he is known as a person with quite a lot of stories and secrets.

Knowledge of the future learned through the previous king.

And because he shows peculiar behavior by giving some hints and help to ‘Lee Seo-jun’ and ‘Yoon Ha-young’ in order to take revenge on the current king who drove the previous king to death.

If we were to be specific about Ha-ryeong’s position, it would be more accurate to say that he is a character who straddles the line between being a villain and being a good character.

I asked, calmly examining his face.

“You wanted to meet me?”

“Yes, you are the last will and testament of the lord to whom I have been loyal my entire life, and the only key to killing the current king… … I have been looking forward to meeting you just once.”

Haryeong’s voice contained deep sincerity.

I nodded and said to the guy.

“I’m not curious about what you think of me, what I want is a clue to Jin Cheon-woo’s fourth journal.”

Haryeong looked at my face and said.

“Previously. “I want to know why you’re so obsessed with the fourth journal.”

I was silent for a moment at that question.

The reason why I am obsessed with the fourth journal.

The reason was simple.

Because I thought that maybe it contained the true purpose of Jin Cheon-woo summoning me to this world, or a secret about me.

But I couldn’t tell everything the truth.

To explain these things, I am all

Because I have to reveal that I have come to another world.

At that time, Haryeong said.

“Do you perhaps have the power of prophecy like him?”


I looked at Haryeong’s face at his unexpected remark.

His eyes met mine and there was more seriousness than ever before.

“To know about the existence of the Ten Demon Association. Also, we anticipated the movements of our clan in advance and moved… … the power of prophecy

“Have you not figured it out?”

Well, it’s not really wrong.

Because it is true that we know the future to some extent.

How should I answer this… … .


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“I can’t say it’s exactly the power of prophecy, but it’s true that I know the future to some extent, just like you said.”


At that time, Seonhwa, who had been watching quietly, looked surprised.

“what. “Did you also have the power of prophecy?”

“Well, it’s not perfect.”

“… … “If it’s a prophecy, it means I have the same abilities as him.”

Seonhwa’s face showed deep confusion. Then she narrowed her eyes.

“Wait, something strange?”


“How can a human being have the power of prophecy? “Now that I think about it, you also have super regenerative abilities.”

“Super regenerative abilities?”

Haryeong’s eyes turned to me.

“Oh, that guy is human, just like us.

“I can use super regenerative abilities.”

At those words, Ha-ryeong’s eyes, which had remained calm until then, trembled for the first time.

“… … How do humans have super regenerative abilities?


I kept my mouth shut. I had no way to explain.

I can’t tell you anything about the benefits to outsiders.

“There is a way. I can’t answer that question, so don’t ask.”

“… … is it.”

Haryeong, who was mumbling like that, opened his mouth again.

“Child of Prophecy, there is one thing I would like to ask you.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to see your face.”

My face?

“When having an important conversation, shouldn’t we check each other’s faces?”

Well, from his perspective, I guess he might feel that way.

Right now my face is completely covered by a hat and mask.

You can’t trust me when I look like this.

And anyway, they are convinced that I am Kim Seon-woo.

There is no need to leave seeds of distrust at this point, when it may be possible to persuade the two demons to become allies.

… … But before that, there was something I had to do.

“There are conditions.”


“Who said anything about what happened today?

“Swear not to tell anyone. And swear not to tell anyone. And swear to answer my questions truthfully.”

This was a safety device, just in case.

Especially in the case of Ha-ryeong, since I’m cooperating with Jawoon and the fourth diary, if my true identity as Kim Seon-woo is revealed elsewhere, it could be quite a headache.

“good night. “The oath you’re talking about is a blood oath, right?”

“That’s right, Seonhwa. You too.”

I looked back at Seonhwa.

Seonhwa nodded as if she had no choice.

I nodded.

“I have to do this again. Got it.”

After that, Haryeong and Seonhwa used the blood oath.

As Mine’s black blood rose, a small spell appeared on the two’s arms, then disappeared within.

The magic would have been imprinted in their hearts through their magical power.

“… …Is this okay?”


“Then show your face.”

I nodded and put on my hat and mask.

took off the screen

At the same time, both eyes turn to my face.

Seonhwa said with a stern expression that she was tired of buying my face.

“I knew it was Kim Sun-woo, but… … Looking at you like this, you look really young. “How did you get such strength at that age?”

Instead of answering, I shrugged my shoulders.

Then he turned his gaze to Ha-ryeong. Ha-ryeong was keeping his mouth shut, lost in thought.

Then the guy said.

“Kim Seon-woo, I have something I want to ask you personally.”


“Is Kim Jinwoo your other identity?”

For a moment, my heart sank.

I never thought that Kim Jin-woo’s story would suddenly come out.

“Why is Kim Jinwoo here all of a sudden?”

“You’re out of step. “Did you think I didn’t know?”

Haryeong’s tone was full of confidence. And in response to that statement, Seonhwa

Once again, my eyes became filled with surprise.

“Jinwoo Kim… … Come to think of it… .

This guy seems to know a lot about me.

I never thought that Kim Jin-woo’s story would get any better here. And what he said wasn’t just a question to poke at me.

His question contained a feeling of certainty.

Well, when I think about it, every time I worked as Jinwoo Kim, a message came to mind that Ha-ryeong was interested and interested in me.

Looking at what happened, there is a good chance that he noticed it.

“… … Yes, that’s right. “I’m Jinwoo Kim.”

A clumsy lie can lead to loss of trust.

Ha-ryeong’s expression hardened at my words, but then he smiled lowly.

“… … “I guess it was the same person?”

Then, he mutters in a voice so low that it cannot be heard.

“Now many questions are being answered. Kim Jin-woo and Kim Sun-woo… … Acting like you know the future… … So that’s why… …

Haryeong looked at me blankly and muttered.

With this, I have revealed all my cards.

Now it’s my turn to ask.

“Now answer my question.”

“good night.”

“First, tell me about the whereabouts of the fourth journal.”

Haryeong nodded.

“Okay. Before that, how much do you know about the laws of the world?”

“Oh. I know. You can explain.”

“Then the story will be quick. First of all, the fourth journal was created by taking advantage of a loophole in the world.”

Loopholes in the world.

At the same time, the story I had heard from the apostle of observation at the Holy Office came to mind.

—There is a determined future, and it is impossible to change that future, even if it is a return.

—Oh, it’s not like there’s no way to avoid it. Because you can take advantage of the world’s loopholes.

—I can’t go into detail. Still, to give you an example, the ‘magic frame’ you just saw is a method of exploiting loopholes in the world.

So, the loophole was to avoid the laws of the world by ‘recording’ them in a way such as a journal or painting.

“For that reason, the journal was hidden in a virtual world, not in reality, to avoid the eyes of the world.”

“Virtual world.”

If you think about it, the frame of the spell was also in a virtual world created by the demon of observation.


“And it is likely hidden in the mystery of creating a virtual world.”

Is this something like the [Virtual Reality Creation Device], a relic obtained from the Choi family?

“How to find the mysteries of that virtual world


“I do not know. Isn’t that why you are looking for it? However, there may be a clue somewhere on the African continent. “Because Jin Cheon-woo asked the king for advice while he was alive.”

I decided to ask the following question:

It’s something I’ve been curious about for a while.

“I heard about the God outside of it that the King of Prophecy spoke of. However, since the external god is not part of the laws of the world and cannot be observed through prophecy, how did you predict that the external god would appear?”

“The coming of the external god was not discovered through the power of prophecy.”


“Jin Cheon-woo’s strong ambition to gain freedom and become a god… … and that is what the King inferred after seeing his actions.”

what. Wasn’t it a prophecy?

“But he said that an external god would surely descend to disturb the world and cause destruction and chaos with a high probability. And he warned that if it descended, it must be stopped before it causes even greater chaos.”

I didn’t understand that.

“If an external god descends, everyone will be free from the laws of the world and gain freedom. Wouldn’t that be great?”


Ha-ryeong spoke in a firm tone.

“The laws of the world are a means of protecting us from destruction and chaos.”

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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