Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 363

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Episode 364

When I came out of the chairman’s office, I saw Kim Deok-hyun waiting in front of the door.

The conversation with Kim Jin-cheol has been going on for quite some time, but it seems like he’s been waiting outside.

“Is the story over?”


“Okay, thank you for your hard work. I’ll show you the way.”

Deokhyeon Kim said that and walked forward.

I followed him.

I thought he might ask what he had talked about with the chairman, but Kim Deok-hyeon didn’t ask anything.

Instead, I asked something else.

“I heard the results of the water test. You said you got a first-class magic power utilization?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then it would be worth aiming for an A grade in the professional wizard exam.”

“I’m aiming for it, but I’m not sure if it will work out.”

Then Deok-Hyeon Kim laughed.

“It’s too late to pretend to be humble. I think you have the ability to do it.”

I laughed a little too.

“Actually, I’m somewhat confident.”

“Then what are your plans after graduation?”

“I’ve received a lot of good offers here and there, but I’m still thinking about joining the special forces.”

“… … hmm. Is that so?”

Kim Deok-hyeon trailed off.

I don’t know if it was his mood, but when I saw his reaction, he welcomed me.

It wasn’t the same.

I asked because I was curious as to why he was reacting like that.


“No, it’s just my feeling, but I don’t think life on a special forces team would suit you.”

… … Are you saying that life on a special task force might not be right for me?

Kim Deok-hyeon turned his gaze to me and continued speaking.

“I guess I should say that you would like to have more freedom in your activities… … Being part of a special task force limits your freedom to some extent.

You will feel suffocated when this happens.”

I know that.

What does it mean to belong to a special task force?

And as he said, there is a high probability that the special team will not be suitable for me as I have a lot of work to do in the future.

Still, the reason I choose the special task force is because the main episode that will unfold in the future will center around Lee Seo-jun.

“Well, it’s just my personal opinion, so don’t worry about it.”

I wondered if he had been beating around the bush to avoid me coming to the special forces, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

After that, an awkward atmosphere flowed that could not be described in words.

Then a message appeared before my eyes.

[A change in the future has been detected.]

[Causality increases by 1.0.]

After sending Kim Seon-woo away, Kim Deok-hyeon returned to the president’s office.

As I opened the door and went inside, I saw Kim Jin-cheol with his top off, his eyes closed, and breathing heavily.

Kim Deok-hyeon looked at him and inwardly admired him.

This is because I could feel the aura of a thieves that was hard to believe that he was an old man with white hair.

Moreover, his visible muscles showed signs of training over a long period of time.

Deokhyeon Kim waited for him to finish his meditation.

I went.

As time passed, Kim Jin-cheol, who had finished breathing mana, opened his eyes.

“… … Phew. Thanks for not bothering me.”

“no. “But why do you breathe mana?”

“I said that because I think I’ll have to exert myself soon.”

Kim Deok-hyeon felt doubtful about those words.

“If you are the chairman, you will win everything without having to prepare like this.”

“Hehehe. I’m also prepared for this opponent.

“He’s dangerous enough to need to be taken care of.”

It’s incredible that even the world’s best Kim Jin-cheol would give such an evaluation.

What kind of guy is this?

“If anyone saw me, they would think I was going to hunt a common dragon.”

“Oh, it’s a dragon. “How did you know?”

“yes… … ?”

It was said as a joke, but it was true?

Kim Jin-cheol got up and wiped the sweat flowing down his body with a towel.

“Evil Dragon Cruas, take on the fate of immortality

“He is the king of demons who are the cause of suffering and disaster.”

The king of disaster-level demon beasts.

Although it was the first time he had heard of it, it was natural for Kim Jin-cheol, known as the strongest magician in history, to react like that.

But Kim Deok-hyeon felt another doubt.


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“But why are you trying to catch that guy? Could it be Kim Seon-woo?”

“Yes, he warned me that I had to kill the evil dragon. It doesn’t even look like a lie. Well, like a calamitous beast

“I couldn’t just leave this tough guy alone, so I decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to kill him in advance.”

If Kim Jin-cheol felt that way, it would be true. Because it is impossible to deceive him, who has keener senses than anyone else.

Deokhyeon Kim nodded and asked what he wanted to ask most.

“Is Kim Seon-woo trustworthy?”

“I don’t know that. But at least he’s not an enemy of the Association. Right now.”

Muttering that, Kim Jin-cheol picked up the clothes from the floor.

“What is certain is that he is not an ordinary guy. We will have to wait and see what his true identity is, but for now, he is trustworthy.”

Kim Jin-cheol put the clothes he was holding on his body.

“Rather than that, we have to hunt lizards, so please gather data on disaster-level demonic beasts.”

Late evening.

After finishing my work at the association, I went to the dormitory.

I’m back.

The lights were off in the house, and Gretel was lying on her back in the living room, fast asleep.

It looked pretty when she was sleeping, so I turned on a small light and watched it, then sat down on the sofa.


Then I thought back to what happened at the association today.

The tense meeting with Kim Jin-cheol somehow went smoothly.

There were some embarrassing situations where ‘restrictions’ were triggered in the middle, but that wasn’t important.

In a situation where he might turn the association into an enemy, I was able to gain Kim Jin-cheol’s trust to some extent.

Above all, I got the result that Kim Jin-cheol, the strongest wizard, might be able to solve Cruas, which was my biggest problem right now.

“… … But Kim Jin-cheol won’t support you, right?”

Having seen the original, I cannot picture Kim Jin-cheol being defeated by anyone.

Dozens of counterattacks unfold from his hands.

Even if a large number of S-rank magicians gather, it is impossible to break through his absolute defense.

I was also confident because I was also a user of circular counterattacks.

But there is another problem.

I recalled what I heard from the nine-tailed fox in Japan.

—Still, it’s impossible to kill him. Even if a being several times stronger than him appears, he can’t be killed.

—Because he was born with the fate of never dying.

Croix was born with the destiny of immortality.

Unless Kim Jin-cheol has the same ‘chaos’ as me, it is impossible to defeat Cruas.

Just in case, I explained to Kim Jin-cheol that this guy was immortal, but looking at his reaction at the time, he didn’t seem to care much about that.

“Are you sure you’re trying to seal it?” If it’s definitely a seal, no matter how strong the opponent is,

Even if it is ‘immortal’, it can be subdued… … .

“I’m shaking for no reason.”

It’s a match between Kim Jin-cheol and Cruas.

I can’t even imagine how the battle will unfold.

However, as a wizard and a reader of the novel “Modern Wizard,” my heart trembles when I think of the battle that will take place between the two, who are close to the strongest in the world.

It will probably be as intense as the confrontation between Choi Il-hyeon and Jin Cheon-woo, which was one of the important episodes of the original work.

“… … “It’s a battle of the strongest.”

As I recalled the episodes of the original story that would take place one by one, a bitter smile formed on my face.

Both me and Seojun Lee need to become strong enough to not be pushed by them as soon as possible.

“How long is left until the next level of magical power control?”

My current horsepower rating is A.

You need to get an S rank to be able to fight the villains head on.

I immediately checked my magic control technique.

[Magic Control Art (A)][Training value: 52%]


Considering that it had only been a year since he had reached Grade A, his training level was higher than expected.

In general, it takes at least 2-3 years to rise from A grade to S grade.

There are a lot of wizards who can’t even achieve an A, let alone an A in their entire lives.

“I think I’ll be able to get to S rank within two years.”

In two years I’ll be 21.

If I reach S rank at the age of 21, the things I can do in my future development increase exponentially.

As I thought about that, I suddenly remembered what Deokhyun Kim said to me today.

-No, it’s just my opinion, but I don’t think life in a special team would suit you.

As I become more capable of doing more things, I think it might be better to move around and kill villains on my own rather than being tied down to a special task force.

“… … “The priority is to survive until then.”

The karma accumulated within me as I changed the fate of the world.

According to the prophecy, it will explode around the time I graduate from wizard academy.

There are only about 4 months left.

Time flies.

“Oh right.”

At that moment, a thought came to my mind that I had to do something.

Kim Chang-hyun’s technique that recently succeeded in solving some of the problems.

Information about time travel passages and the movement of souls… … .

I took a picture of it. After that, I typed a message and sent it to Yoo Ah-yeon.


[I’m sending you a part of the recipe. In my opinion, this is like a time travel guide or manual in the form of a recipe.]

A moment later a reply arrived.

[thank you. I’ll contact you again soon.]

A luxury vehicle skidded to a halt on the coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do, overlooking the East Sea.

Creak. The door opened and a beautiful woman with short black hair wearing a coat, Han Se-yeon, walked out.

“… … This is it.”

Han Se-yeon looked at the scenery in front of her.

The blue East Sea with a wide view of the sea.

And in front of it stood a pure white building that appeared to be a research institute.

[Korea Dimension Research Institute]

Han Se-yeon looked at the name written on the building and took out a business card from her bosom.

[Pilhee Lee, Director of Korea Dimensional Research Institute]

I think I arrived in the right place.

Han Se-yeon put the business card back in her pocket, opened the door, and went inside.

“Hello. What brings you here… … Oh my.”

The receptionist looked surprised when she saw Han Se-yeon.

As if to prove the recent rise in stock prices, he recognized her right away.

“Could it be Han Se-yeon from Hansung Pharmaceutical… … ?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

When Se-yeon Han answered with a small smile, another employee came running up behind her and bowed her head politely.

“hello. This is Baek Jong-woo, the leader of Team 5 of Dimension Research Institute. “I heard from the director that he was visiting today.”

“Ah yes. Nice to meet you. “This is Han Se-yeon from Hansung Pharmaceutical.”

“Haha. I know. Then I’ll guide you straight to the manager!”

Han Se-yeon walked down the long hallway, following the staff’s instructions.

Beyond the window in the hallway

I saw people experimenting with machines.

Han Se-yeon looked at it and felt curious.

“What kind of machine is that?”

“ah! “That is a machine that detects radio waves and energy floating around in the dimension.”

“Radio waves or energy floating around in the dimension?”

“Yes, to put it simply, through this machine, we are uncovering the existence of other dimensions and what activities are taking place there.”

“Hmm. Have any radio waves been detected?”

The employee nodded in response to Han Se-yeon’s question.

“It happened a few times. In particular, there was an uproar last year when extremely powerful energy was detected. Of course, we still haven’t discovered its identity.”


Han Se-yeon felt suspicious, but decided to ask for a detailed explanation later.

As I walked down the hallway, I eventually arrived in front of a small door.

Arrived at the collection office.

“Director, Director Han Se-yeon is here.


—Please come in.


When the door opened and I went inside, I saw the back of a man with his luggage behind him.

“Hello. Director Lee Pil-hee.”

The man turned around at Han Se-yeon’s words. She was surprised when she saw that face.

A face like a half-melted monster.

Even though I saw him two years ago, his face was still not like that of a villain.

However, Han Se-yeon smiled without showing any signs of it.

And the man followed her and laughed and said.

“haha. It’s been 2 years. Se-yeon Han. “Please sit down.”

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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