Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 362

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Episode 363

From Kim Jin-cheol’s first question, I was very confused.

Where did you come from?

It was a question that may seem ordinary, but it was anything but ordinary.

It is because I am an outsider from another world.

If another character had asked me that question, I would have passed it over without even thinking about it… … .

It’s different with Kim Jin-cheol.

He is the president of the Wizards’ Association, which knows the most information and secrets in the world.

Maybe he was asking this question because he noticed my true identity.

After a moment of thought, Kim Jin-cheol said.

“By the way, it would be best not to lie. Unless you want to turn your back on the association with just one lie. “You have come here to clear the charge of ‘atonement for belonging to a criminal organization.’”

It wasn’t just a threat.

Now that it has been revealed that I am connected to Jin Cheon-woo, I am now suspected of being a ‘criminal’, as he said.

And judging from the momentum and aura I felt from him, I felt that he was trying to discern lies by observing every little change in his nerves.

Of course, this is something that can be easily avoided by activating [Overimmersion].

However, if you show the same emotions and ups and downs without even being nervous, Kim

Jincheol will dig into that point further.

“Then let me ask you again. Where are you from?”

I can’t answer. My revelations about my original world are restricted.

“Is it impossible to answer due to restrictions?”

“Yes, I can’t answer that.”

In response to my answer, Kim Jin-cheol looked straight into my eyes and nodded.

“It’s true. Well, ‘I can’t answer’

“It’s a kind of answer and contains information. You can answer like that in the future.”

Kim Jin-cheol showed a surprisingly cool reaction. I thought you were going to ask more about this.

“Then let’s move on to the next question.”

“Have you ever observed the future?”

This time, it was a question that made me cringe again, but I couldn’t tell what the exact intention was.

How to observe the future in this world

There are four major types.

They say it has the power of ‘prophecy’ or ‘return’. He used the ‘mystery of prophecy’. Or, like me, you saw it in the form of a ‘novel’.

“… … “Yes, there is.”

“Then did you know that you would be meeting me today?”

“no. “I didn’t know that.”

“You didn’t know about meeting me… … “If so, can you explain how you observed the future?”

“I can’t explain it.”

Kim Jin-cheol stroked his beard.

“is it… … “It looks like he has precognitive abilities.”

It seems that Kim Jin-cheol is trying to understand me by asking me questions one by one like this.

“Then next question. Was it Jin Cheon-woo who gave you that ‘medicine’?”

“I don’t know what this restriction is.”

“You don’t know?”

“Yes, I haven’t seen it recently either.”

“Hmm. I don’t know.

Kim Jin-cheol, who was mumbling like that, continued.

“I… I have a favor to ask of you.

Kim Jin-cheol trailed off, and I felt suspicious of the changed atmosphere and tone of speech.

What are you asking?

“Can you show me what it looks like under restrictions?”


I was momentarily embarrassed and dumbfounded at the same time.

What the hell is that old man talking about?

As I looked at him with absurd eyes, he chuckled.

“I thought I would know what type of restriction it was when I saw the moment it was triggered. Aren’t you curious too? What restrictions are there? “Cluck.”

“… … I almost died from the backflow of magic when I was restricted.”

“Don’t worry, I can take good care of you and make sure you don’t die.”

I know that too… … but the problem is the terrible pain that comes with that process.

“What if the power of constraints grows stronger without me knowing and I die?”

“Then I will take responsibility for resurrecting you. Even if it means resigning from the position of chairman.”

His words were sincere.

It wasn’t something that would come out of the mouth of the president of the wizards’ association that practices justice.

“… … great.”

I too am curious about the nature of this restriction.

Thinking about the previous mana backlash I’ve experienced makes me break out in a cold sweat, but I think that finding out my secret is more important.

And above all, Kim Jin-cheol is a character as trustworthy as the main characters.

Kim Jin-cheol smiled, as if he was satisfied with my answer.

“Hehe. Good. Ah, but I still have a lot of questions I want to ask, so I’ll look at your suspicious restrictions last.”

“Yes, of course.”


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“Then let’s move on to the next question. You are the law of the world… … Or do you know the existence of cause and effect?”

“I have a vague idea.”

Kim Jin-cheol stroked his beard in response to my answer.

“You vaguely know… … It seems you still don’t know what it means to know the laws of the world.”


“I got to know the other side of the world. That

“Just because of that, you have a different personality from ordinary people.”

You got a different personality. What does that mean?

When I made a questioning expression, Kim Jin-cheol continued speaking.

“The laws of the world are not something that is passed down or learned. “It is a kind of ‘qualification’ given to a small number of people who have endless questions about the world and explore it.”


At that moment, a scene came to mind.

This was a conversation between Seojun Lee and the mystery of necromancy in Aporia.

—Why can’t I hear their conversation properly?

[That’s because I’m not qualified yet.]


[I can’t tell you the details. Do your own research and find out step by step.]

Shinbi definitely said something like that.

Lee Seo-jun is not qualified.

Now I think I know what that means.

Kim Jin-cheol also smoothed his beard with a face deep in thought.

“Hmm, anyway, it’s unusual. You seem to be more deeply connected to the laws of the world than anyone else, but you don’t seem to know anything at all… … “I thought he was a regressor, but isn’t that true?”

You are a regressor.

Kim Jin-cheol, who had been mumbling like that, looked into my eyes and said.

“I’m sure I understand that, though. That you’re not an ordinary 19-year-old kid

“That’s right.”

After that, Kim Jin-cheol’s barrage of questions continued.

About my relationship with Jincheonwoo and Kim Changhyun.

He also asked various questions about the interpretation of the ritual and about Cha Won, Lee Seo-jun, and Jin Cheon-woo.

I answered his questions sincerely.

Answer what you know and talk about what you don’t know

Didn’t answer.

When the long question time ended, many questions still remained on Kim Jin-cheol’s face.

“… … “The more I know, the more I feel like I’m falling into a labyrinth.”

“I answered everything I could.”

“I know. So I’m even more confused. “What on earth is this guy doing?”


Kim Jin-cheol smoothed his beard.

“So are we done with the questions now?”

“No, there is one last question left.”

the last question?

I had a feeling that this would be an unusual question.

Kim Jin-cheol seemed to be thinking about something, then opened his mouth.

“You said you knew something about the future?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then is there anything you want to warn me about what might happen in the future?”

This question was more serious than ever.

I was deep in thought.

Something I want to warn you about in the future… .

This may be something that can be overlooked, but the opponent is Kim Jin-cheol, the president of the Magic Association.

There must be some parts that can be used, for sure.

After thinking for a while, I opened my mouth.

“There is an evil dragon among the calamity-level demons called Croas.”

Evil Dragon Cruas.

Right now, to me, he is more important than ‘Jin Cheon-woo’ or ‘The King of Demons’.

The cause of my regression was ‘Lee Seo-jun’s death’ and fundamentally, it was something that happened because of ‘Evil Dragon Croas’.

But I can’t stop him now.

And I saw that strength directly through [dimensional observation].

The guy is strong.

To the point where I doubt it would be possible to kill him before ‘Lee Seo-jun’s death.’

What is most disturbing of all is that future events are being brought forward.

This means that Seojun Lee’s death may have been brought forward as well.

“The guy is dangerous. We need to get rid of him as soon as possible.”

But it’s different with Kim Jin-cheol.

He is the strongest wizard in human history and a symbol of absolute justice that no villain can match.

If Kim Jin-cheol takes action himself, he may be able to easily solve Cruas’ problem.

And for the first time, Kim Jin-cheol looked a little surprised at my words.

Surprisingly, he already seemed to have known about the existence of the evil dragon.

“… … An evil dragon. Why do we have to kill it?”

“That’s it.”

Right then.


My heart was pounding. I was sweating coldly and my breathing was getting tight.

An unforgettable sensation that I have experienced before.

… … This was a limitation.

And then a message appeared before my eyes.

[ has been forcibly blocked due to lack of cause and effect.]

[Power, not qualified to be ‘Deus Ex Machina’.]

[A big change in the future has been detected.]

[Causality increases by 1.5.]


I curled up, feeling the mana inside my body flowing back.

what? Why did constraints come to mind?

I was just trying to explain Lee Seo-jun’s death.

As I raised my head, complaining of excruciating pain, Kim Jin-cheol was looking down at me with a pensive expression on his face.

“… … Is this the limitation? Interesting.”

“Ugh! report… … But… … not….

I exhaled heavily and shouted urgently at Kim Jin-cheol.

Nevertheless, Kim Jin-cheol’s expression was relaxed. It was like a scientist looking at an animal being tested.

Soon he raised his hand and placed it on my forehead.

“… … It’s an interesting restriction. “It’s not a magic trick, and it’s not like it’s affected by the oath or cursed.”


I vomited blood. The floor began to turn red with blood.

For a moment, the fear of death came over me.

“… … It is similar to, but different from, the deterrence created by the laws of the world. “This is a type of restriction I have never seen before in my life.”


When I glared at Kim Jin-cheol, he laughed softly.

“… … Let’s stop here.”

At the same time, Kim Jin-cheol’s mana began to flow deeply into my body.

Then, the twisted mana in his body began to quickly release.

In the process, I was astonished by Kim Jin-cheol’s mana control ability.

Is it possible for a mere human to control mana to this level?

Did it last about 5 seconds like that?

The pain subsided and soon my body returned to its usual state.

It was magical.

… … No, now that I think about it, it’s magic.

“Ugh… … Ugh… …

I took a deep breath and raised my head.


Kim Jin-cheol looked down at me and snickered.

“I’m sorry. It was more interesting than I thought.”

“… … That’s it. So, did you find out the identity of the pharmaceutical?”

“On the surface, it is similar to the deterrent created by the laws of the world.”

A deterrent created by the laws of the world.

It was the world’s punishment that occurred when one revealed the world’s secrets or attempted to change the predetermined future.

But I had doubts.

I would be free from the laws of the world?

After a moment of doubt, Kim Jin-cheol spoke.

“But if you look closely, it’s different. It’s a chaos that can’t even be compared to the laws of the world… …


When I made a questioning expression, Kim Jin-cheol shook his head.

“… … No. Don’t worry about this.


“What is it?”

“This is a concept I’ve never seen before, so I can’t explain it in words. This is the truth.”

I was dumbfounded for a moment.

I even endured the pain because I thought I might get some hint.

Then suddenly something occurred to me.

The existence of the evil dragon Croas.

Its existence was obviously revealed about four years later.

But Kim Jin-cheol clearly knew about Cruas.

“I have a question.”


“Did you already know of Cruas’s existence?”

In response to my question, Kim Jin-cheol looked at me blankly and nodded.

“okay. “It’s a name I learned a long time ago through someone’s research journal.”

At that moment, one person came to my mind.

Kim Jin-cheol read my thoughts and nodded his head.

“You are right. It is Jin Cheon-woo’s diary.”

After muttering that, Kim Jin-cheol spoke.

“I never thought I would hear that name from your lips again.

Kim Jin-cheol turned around and walked to the window. I don’t know if it was his mood, but the steps felt heavy.

“The evil dragon, Croix… …

Kim Jin-cheol, who was muttering quietly, continued.

“I’ll handle that lizard guy myself.”

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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