Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 361

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Episode 362

In the evening after all classes are over.

After completing all personal training, I returned to the dormitory.

As soon as I entered, Gretel came toddling toward me, shaking the leaves on her head.



I greeted Gretel with a smile.

Gretel smiled pleasantly and put the sausage with the elixir secretly in her mouth.

When I took a quick look into the living room, I saw four sausage skins discarded on the floor.

“I’ve already filled my quota for today.”


By the way, since I’ve been feeding her a lot of elixirs recently, Gretel’s body has grown at a faster rate.

What is different from usual is that before, I only grew taller, but these days, I should say that only the volume increases on both sides.

“Hmm. Am I gaining weight?”

When I lifted Gretel up, I felt that it was quite heavy. You can use it instead of dumbbells.

“Well, it’s cute so it’s okay.”

If it’s not good for your health, you should go on a diet, but since it’s a tree, wouldn’t it be good for it to grow bigger?

“Grow up well.”

Gretel’s fruit has already ripened considerably.

The size has increased and the color has become darker, making it look more appetizing.

I think it would be good to eat it after about a week.

I smiled and patted Gretel’s back before sitting down on the sofa.


Then I turned on the smart student notebook.

As soon as I turned on my notebook, the alarm started ringing endlessly and then countless messages poured out.

It was a message to recruit me from various guilds after the level exam.

If you look down, there are various conditions.

It was. But the conditions are all unusual.

Then a message caught my eye.

[Hello. I am Shin Seol-hwa, the vice-master of the Plum Blossom Guild. I am contacting you because I want to build a good relationship with student Kim Seon-woo from the Plum Blossom Guild. If you join us, the contract fee will be 150 billion won. If you have any other conditions you would like, I will adjust them. Also… …]

Wow. 150 billion?”

For a moment I thought I saw something wrong.

150 billion won.

Isn’t this almost at the level of a walking company?

“and… … It’s crazy. “Is this true?”

… … Well, in the original, Lee Seo-jun received an offer of 250 billion won, so it’s not that surprising.

Usually, when a guild demands such a high deposit, their intentions are not pure.

There is a hidden intention to see the sprout of a ‘star wizard’ and use it as a model for advertisements and promotions here and there to make a profit.


The reason Lee Seo-jun received an offer of 250 billion was because he was worth that much as a star wizard.

By the way, my 150 billion proposal and Lee Seo-jun’s 250 billion proposal.

“… … “Are you saying the difference is a facial difference?”

what the.

For a moment, I was so dumbfounded that I burst into laughter.

Rather than the bitter reality of lookism, the specific and large number of 100 billion is the difference between Lee Seo-jun and me.

It was because I was dumbfounded.

“My face isn’t that bad.”

Of course, I also have a conscience, so I admit that I am a little(?) behind Seojun Lee.

But I’m not at the point where I’m going to be pushed around.

“Still, it’s huge. 150 billion… …

This is why everyone avoids special teams because they say they don’t make money.

Once again, the other main characters, including Lee Seo-jun, feel amazing.

Because they all gave up astronomical sums of money and chose to serve the safety of the world.

“Ugh. I guess I should just finish drinking.”

With strange thoughts in mind, I put down my student notebook and took out a notebook from subspace and opened it.

It was filled with techniques that Kim Chang-hyun had researched.

I try to interpret the spell every evening, but it is not easy to solve because there are puzzles hidden here and there like a complex code.

“Dimension… the future…

The laws of the world, the interference of the world line… … .

Transplantation of the soul… … freedom… … expansion… … connection… … .


After a while of searching for keywords in a scattered technique that I couldn’t understand, I suddenly had that thought.

“But is this the right technique?”

As I looked at the keywords that appeared here and there, it seemed more like an instruction manual for something rather than a recipe.

Or maybe a guide.

At that moment, a message appeared before my eyes.

[Changes in the future have been detected.]

[Causality increases by 1.0.]


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“Is this the correct answer?”

The causality has increased by 1.

Since it was a fairly high number, I think it will be an important hint for future developments.

“My head hurts.”

I kept looking at the alcohol and it was a little

I felt a headache.

I think I should take a shower to cool off.

The moment I tried to get up from the sofa.


A phone alarm rang from the smart student notebook.

I blankly looked at the name written on the screen.

[Special Team Leader Kim Deok-hyeon]

Saturday lunch.

I arrived at the Seoul Magic Association headquarters.

This is because Kim Deok-hyun called him because of an issue related to ‘Jin Cheon-woo’.

It was something that had been predicted.

As soon as the association realized that there was something hidden between me and Jin Cheon-woo, the association would not have been able to remain silent.

“Hey. “It’s Kim Seon-woo over there.”

“Huh? Really? Why are you here on the weekend?”

As I entered the association, I heard voices coming from all over the place as if they recognized me.

Since I was now used to the situation, I showed my temporary employee ID without paying any attention and entered the elevator.

And then the highest floor, the 60th floor

I pressed the button repeatedly.


As the elevator stopped and I came out, Kim Deok-hyeon greeted me.

“Kim Seon-woo, thank you for coming.”

“Yes. But what kind of research are you doing here… …

You probably know that I have limitations and there are limits to what I can say.

In particular, didn’t Kim Deok-hyeon witness that scene himself?

Instead of answering, Kim Deok-hyeon smiled faintly.

“The chairman wants to see you.”

Kim Jin-cheol?

With those words, Kim Deok-hyeon started to move somewhere.

I blankly stared at his back and then followed him.

After passing through the long corridor, another elevator of a luxurious appearance came into view.

Although it was my first time here, I had seen a similar description of the scenery in the original work, so I could tell where I was headed.

This elevator is the highest-ranking member of the association.

Floors 61 to 80 are made for cattails. In other words, it was an elevator heading to a ‘special floor’.

As soon as he got on the elevator, Kim Deok-hyeon pressed number 80.

“Is this your first time seeing the Chairman’s face?”

“No. I met you once. Last year, when I received the award for subduing the mines.”

“… … A commendation for subjugating a mine? “I remember I was there too.”

Kim Deok-hyeon was there too.

We didn’t exchange greetings though.

“Oh, now I remember. That’s right. The chairman shook your hand back then.”

He nodded as if he was reminded of Kim Deok-hyeon.

“So, what was it like when you met then?”

“He was bigger than I thought.”

Kim Deok-hyun chuckled at those words.

“Everyone thinks that when they see him for the first time. “I felt that way even more because of the unique aura he had.”

Ding. The elevator stopped again and the door

It opened.

A large door is visible at the same time.

Kim Deok-hyeon said in front of him.

“Chairman, I have called Kim Seon-woo.”

Come on.

Creak. The door opened and the inside of the chairman’s office came into view.

At the same time, I could see the blue sky and the cityscape filled with numerous buildings through the huge window.

And at the center of it all stood an old man with a long beard, Kim Jin-cheol.

[You have achieved the ‘Center of World Power’ achievement.]

[You will receive 3,000 points as a reward.]

There are achievements here too.

The center of world power… … .

Because it’s not really a wrong expression.

“Thank you for your hard work Deokhyeon.”

“no. President.”

Kim Jin-cheol’s eyes naturally turn to me. I feel cold without realizing it.

It’s so tense that just making eye contact makes you feel nervous.

It was a completely different atmosphere than when we met before.

I bowed my head slightly.

“Hello, Chairman.”

“Yes, is this the first time we’ve met since Chairman Han Dae-hyun’s funeral?”

“Ah yes. … … No. There I am

“But it wasn’t there?”

I was momentarily taken aback.

I met Kim Jin-cheol at Han Dae-hyun’s funeral under the identity of ‘Kim Jin-woo’, but my current identity is Kim Seon-woo.

Kim Seon-woo did not go to Han Dae-hyun’s funeral.

“Ah, ah, sorry. I got confused for a moment. I met a friend there who looked like you.”

Kim Jin-cheol reacted as if it was a joke, but from the perspective of the victim, it was a situation that could not be accepted as a joke.

What the heck? Are you trying to float?

Kim Jin-cheol, who was chuckling to himself, turned his gaze to Kim Deok-hyeon.

“I’d like to have a conversation alone, so please save me some space.”

“All right.”

Kim Deok-hyeon went out as is.

So I was left alone with Kim Jin-cheol, the strongest wizard in the world and someone even Jin Cheon-woo feared.

Kim Jin-cheol looked at me with a thoughtful expression on his face, then turned around and walked to the table.

Then, as if he was drinking tea, he poured water into an empty cup and handed it to me.

I activated the outsider’s benefit in case there was something else in the tea. Fortunately, it was just ordinary tea.

“What are you going to do if you don’t accept it? Do you think it’s poisoned?”


I took a sip of the tea after receiving it. It was good because my throat was dry from the long wait.

Kim Jin-cheol smiled and said.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you here and there. Horsepower this time

“I heard you achieved 610 utilization points?”

“I was lucky.”

“That’s a great achievement, Seojun. I always scold him for being lacking, but I’m actually always amazed by his talent. But to produce results that are even better than that.”

Kim Jin-cheon said that and walked towards the window. She then started saying random things.

“But did you know that Seojun’s talent for magic came from heaven?”

Of course I know.

Because Seojun Lee has a genius (SSS), which is a trait worth a million points.

“That child has a talent that no one in human history can match. Should we say this is the end of what humans can achieve?”

What are you trying to say?

I quietly listened to Kim Jin-cheol. He stood in front of the window and looked out the window.

“But you showed more talent than Seo Jun in this test. It’s hard to believe. It’s a subtle difference.

This is because there was a fairly large gap. “The world is praising that a new genius has been born, but I know it.”

Kim Jin-cheol turned his gaze to me.

“If the limit of talent allowed to humans is 100, then the number 101 can never exist.”

My heart sank at those words.

And I also noticed what Kim Jin-cheol wanted to say to me.

He said that my magical ability was not simply a result of my outstanding talent, but of other abilities.

It is to speak with confidence that something is related to something.

When I didn’t answer, Kim Jin-cheol chuckled.

“At first, I suspected you might be lying about your age. And this is a secret, but I have the ability to vaguely know the other person’s abilities when I touch them.”

I know it well.

One of Kim Jin-cheol’s special abilities is [Magic Scan].

“I felt that way when I met you last time.

Well, you didn’t lie about your age. “Because your physical age clearly felt like you were in your teens.”

I was momentarily confused by the current situation, as I had thought that I would just be investigated for something related to Jin Cheon-woo.

Kim Jin-cheol smiled briefly after seeing my stiff face.

“I have a lot of questions about you. Among them are questions related to my foolish student Jin Cheon-woo. So now I’m going to ask you a few questions.”

I answered that question.

“I don’t know if you know, but I have limitations.”

“I know. There are things I can’t tell you. You don’t have to answer every question. Just answer the ones you can.”

At that moment, an aura emanated from Kim Jin-cheol’s body and tightened my body.

“Then that’s the first question.”

Kim Jin-cheol looked straight into my eyes.

“Where do you come from?”

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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