Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 359

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Episode 360

I took a deep breath as I stood on the stage.

At first, I wasn’t nervous at all, but when I actually got everyone’s attention, my heart started pounding a little.

“It’s a familiar face, but… … Let me ask you what the procedure is. Participation number 4. Special expression system. Age 19. “Are you Kim Seon-woo?”

“yes. you’re right.”

The judge nodded at me.

“The first test is your ability to utilize magical power. You have to accumulate damage by shooting magic at the magical power measurement cube for 3 minutes.”

In front of me was a square silver cube floating in the air.

The way it works is that it is a machine that measures the impact it receives, similar to a punch machine, but if you look at the detailed functions, it is a little different.

Hwii ing!

First of all, this machine moves indefinitely.

It is small in size and quite fast. Additionally, it has a habit of gradually accelerating and becoming faster as time passes.

10 seconds before the end, he moves as fast as an S-class enhancement wizard and is barely visible to the eye.

For reference, points are given in proportion to the speed of the cube, so the more you get it right later, the better.

“Just tell me when you’re ready.”

And I intend to do my best on this exam.

The higher the level of wizard qualification, the more benefits and welfare. And because authority is given.

I looked down at the stage.

I felt the eyes of countless extras and main characters on me.

And on the second floor railings on either side, judges, reporters from the magic press, and guild scouts were looking at me.

—It was Kim Seon-woo from the beginning.

—It seems like level 2 of magical power utilization is confirmed, but will level 1 also come out?

—Well, well. There have only been 5 cases in history where a minor was graded 1st grade.

—Is the cutoff score for level 1 over 500 points?

—Uh. 2nd grade is 400 points. 3rd grade is 200 points. 4th grade is 50 points.

—I expect 480 points.

From somewhere, I heard a voice talking about me.

The emotions contained within it are curiosity, anticipation, inferiority, vigilance… … .

It’s very diverse.

At the same time, I felt a pressure that was difficult to explain in words.

I feel like I’m a main character like Lee Seo-jun.

If so, I guess I should live up to those expectations.

“ Phew….♦.

He took a short breath and turned his gaze to the measuring machine in front of him.

“I’m ready.

The judge nodded and injected magic into the machine.

Soon, a circular curtain began to unfold around me.

It was a protection system to prevent harm to people around them.

“It starts when the machine emits blue light.”


As soon as the judges finished speaking, the cube turned blue.

And then it started spinning around me quickly.

Since the cube is quite fast, you should pay more attention to ‘release’ and ‘manipulation’ for precision shooting rather than ‘implementation’.

No matter how strong the magic is, it is meaningless if you can’t match it.

I immediately materialized a magic sphere towards the cube and released it.



The first ride was a hit. Then, the magic was implemented and released again.

The second one was also a hit. It was supposed to be a success, as it hadn’t picked up any momentum yet.

-oh… … It’s implemented neatly.

—That’s right. I’m impressed.

I heard a voice from under the stage, but I paid no attention to it.

Just focus on the current situation.

Bang! Bang!


So the magic continued to shoot towards the cube.

Because I focused on hitting the target, the magic didn’t miss.

The scores continued to pile up.

—Wow this… … It’s already over 200 points. This is crazy.

-I know. If you do well, you can get over 500 points.

Sure, there will be.

—To get over 500 points, you have to start from the last 10 seconds. You have to squeeze it in then.

Paang! Paang! Paang!

How much magic was fired into the cube? For a moment, I felt a headache from the continued concentration.

A slight magical overload also came. It was impossible to use the same magic continuously without any gaps, even for a short period of time.

I stopped the attack for a moment and cooled down the magic that had risen in my body.


—It seemed like I was using it too much, but wasn’t it too long of a break?


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—There are 15 seconds left and I have 420 points. 500 points seems a little difficult.

—It looks like you’re aiming for the last 10 seconds.

I took my time and unraveled the tangled magic power for about 5 seconds.

There are now about 10 seconds left.

From this point on, the cube starts moving at top speed and gives you that many points.

Now it’s time to start using ‘it’.

I created 10 magic spheres above my head at the same time.

—… …simultaneous implementation?

—Why is he acting like that all of a sudden?

When the cube’s movement reaches its maximum


When implementing 10 magic spells simultaneously in a situation that required even more focus on release and manipulation, questions and concerns were raised here and there.

Normally I wouldn’t have done this either.

But I had special plans.

Immediately activate [Fire].

[Use the use effect ‘Definitely’.]

[Movement of a living object for 5 seconds

The probability of prediction increases significantly, and the hit rate also increases significantly.]

As I started using Piljung, the cube’s movements began to become familiar to my eyes.

At the same time, a strong confidence that I could do anything filled me.

Then let’s go.


As I spread my hands, the spheres that had been floating above my head began to shoot towards the cube in a swirling manner.

Releases 10 spheres. and again

Ten magic spheres were re-embodied and released.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The numerous spheres that were shot were all hitting the cube without missing a single one due to the effect of [Sure Hit].

A voice of astonishment was heard from the podium.

_… … what’s this.

—… … What did I see?

Kwaang! Kwaang! Kwaang! Kwaang! Kwaaaaah Ang!

And a sound rang out.

Beep beep!

[#4 Kim Seon-woo. Test finished.]

The 3 minute test is over.

A heavy silence fell in the main auditorium for a moment.

The rapidly spinning cube stopped in its tracks, and the protective shield surrounding me disappeared.


I did my best.

I haven’t confirmed the results yet, but I was satisfied with the process, so I have no regrets no matter what the results are.

I turned around, feeling satisfied with the thought that I had finished one thing.

Everyone in the audience was looking at me in silence.

There was fear and shock in those eyes.

At the same time, a message appeared before my eyes.

[Many people are astonished by your abilities.]

[The ‘Devil’s Talent’ achievement has been achieved.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]

[You have achieved the ‘Minor’s New Record for Magic Utilization’ achievement.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]

I earned 20,000 points in an instant.

Just when I was once again feeling satisfied with earning points that exceeded my expectations, the judge approached me.

“… … Student Seonwoo Kim? Well, thank you for your hard work.”

The judge said to me with a puzzled look on his face.

“Oh, and congratulations. “This is a new record for minors.”

That’s right. Now that I think about it, there was something called a new record in the achievements.

A new record for a minor.

This is what Lee Seo-jun achieved in the original work.

The previous record was 560 points achieved by Jin Cheon-woo.

And Lee Seo-jun also achieved 560 points, the same record as Jin Cheon-woo.

That means my score is 560

It’s higher than a point. Then it’s definitely a first-class.

I felt relieved and checked the scoreboard on the ceiling.

[610 points]

The judge said.

“You are the first minor to surpass 600 points.”

The water test that brought many shocking results to people has all ended.

Because of my intervention, the original and previous life resulted in different results.

First of all, the grades of major characters have improved overall.

Seojun Lee, who achieved 560 points in magical power utilization in the original, set a record of 570 points.

Yua Ra scored 510 points in the 500 point chin-up.

Other characters also received higher scores, ranging from 10 to 20.

From my perspective, it was a very satisfying result.

In any case, it would be proof that my presence had a positive impact.

And here is my final result.

[Magic power utilization level 1]

[Emergency rescue level 1]

[Magic Interpretation Level 1]

[Demon Beast Subjugation and Dismantling Grade 2]

“… … It’s a bit disappointing that the demon subjugation didn’t happen.”

I muttered quietly while looking at the results sheet I received after finishing the test.

Achieved a Grade 1 in all level tests except for the Demon Slayer Dissolution test.

Actually, there was something a little unfair about the magic test.

The subjugation of the demonic beast itself was more successful than anyone else, but there was a huge twist in ‘dismantling the demonic beast’.

Demon dismantling is a test of dismantling the skin, organs, and bones of demons used as crafting materials.

However, because I lacked experience in dismantling demons, I received a grade 2.


As I was about to leave after receiving the results, I heard a joyful shout.

When I turned around, Hayoung Yoon came up to me with a bright smile on her face.

“Seonwoo! I got a level 2 magical power usage!”

I practiced hard for several weeks because I really wanted to get a level 2, so I’m glad I did.

“Congratulations. Your hard work paid off.”

“yes! “It’s thanks to you, Seonwoo!”

To be serious, it’s not my fault. Because Yoon Ha-young in the original work also received a 2nd grade.

The only difference from the original is that instead of getting a level 2 chin-up, he achieved a level 2 with great ease.

“Oh, right. You’re really amazing. You set two new records. I’m so happy about that.”

Two new records.

In magical power utilization, he achieved the highest record among minors, and in magic dispel, he achieved the highest record among all ages.

Thanks to that, there was a huge mess.

There has never been a case in history where two new records were set in a grade test.

Additionally, this is the first time a minor has set a record for the highest score of any age group.

As a result.

[You have achieved the ‘New Record of Unlocking the Drink’ achievement.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]

Another 10,000 points were earned.

Just by taking this exam, you can get 30,000 points.

I was worried that people might be too interested, but the results were good, so that was okay.

“Well, I was lucky in many ways.”

Now that the level exam is over, all that’s left is to take the ‘Pro Wizard Qualification’ test.

And the goal is to achieve grade A on this exam.

It is almost impossible to achieve A grade through exams alone without achievements accumulated as a wizard, but that is why I am going to try to get the corresponding ‘achievements’ and ‘points’.

And since I had accumulated quite a bit of points, it was time to purchase new characteristics.

[Points held: 183,000]

183 thousand points.

You have collected enough points to purchase one S-grade trait.

What should I buy for the following characteristics?

I think it would be a good idea to save up a bit more and think about reaching SS level.

“… … But where are the other kids?”

I looked around.

Other characters, including Lee Seo-jun, are not visible.

“I saw Jun alone outside earlier. ah! And Yoo Seong-jin? “That person was also there.”

“… … “Yoo Seong-jin?”

“yes. That person was also really great. You received 600 points for using magical power. “After listening to the judges, it seemed like he was a famous person.”

It’s Yoo Seong-jin… … .

I think I know roughly what the situation is.

Yoo Sung-jin has a strong inferiority complex towards Lee Seo-jun.

This is because he is monopolizing the attention of his teachers, Jin and Natasha.

He was arrogant about his own talents.

Yoo Seong-jin wanted to prove that he was superior to Lee Seo-jun.

The time when that inferiority complex explodes is during the ‘Professional Magician Certification Exam’.

“Let’s go out.”

Hayoung Yoon and I hurried out.

As I expected, Lee Seo-jun and Yoo Seong-jin were facing each other.

-I was disappointed because the level was lower than I expected. I wonder how great I am.

—… … I think I got a higher score

Did you call me because you wanted to flirt with me?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the words Yoo Seong-jin and Lee Seo-jun heard.

From the looks of it, it appears that Lee Seo-jun was provoked by receiving a high score in ‘magic usage ability’ like in the original work.

But Lee Seo-jun won’t care.

Seongjin Yoo is 21 years old.

Because there is a two-year gap between the two people.

—I’m not bragging, I’m just saying you fell short of expectations.

I intervened because I thought that if I left it like this, they would continue with their childish wordplay.

“Lee Seojun.”

“… … Kim Seon-woo?”

Seojun Lee looked back at me.

Seongjin Yoo across from me also turned his gaze to me. I leisurely met his gaze and then spoke to Seojun Lee.

“That’s an inferiority complex. “Let’s just ignore that guy and go home.”

Yoo Seong-jin frowned at my words.

“… … complex? A kid like that? hey. What did you just say? You wanna die?”

Yoo Seong-jin yelled at me with an angry face.

I smiled and said to that guy.

“What do you mean your score is lower than me?”

A regressed extra becomes a genius

fantasy, game, possession, munchkin,

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