Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 98

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I was reincarnated as an all-time talented genius of a famous family Episode 98

56. Did you learn something?

“Come quickly! ha ha ha.”

Duke Termion welcomed us very warmly.


“My daughter! She seems to have grown up a lot lately. “How did you do well on the test?”

“sure. “You’ll be surprised when you look at your report card later, right?”

“Don’t look forward to it. haha.”

Of course, the person who welcomed him the most was his daughter, Leila.

They say it’s a family tradition that doesn’t tolerate failure, and Leila seems to be an exception. Well, when it comes to Duke Termion, I think he deserves it.

“Dane. “See you again.”

“Duke. “How have you been?”

“OK. Whoa. It seems like my skeleton has gotten better. “I heard you’re receiving separate training from Professor Kael’thas?”

At least you have sharper ears than Lord Asmar.

“I’ve been meeting a lot of people here and there lately. “I also know that you embarrassed Professor Dnabo of the Department of Magic by passing the special selection test.”

Did they plant a spy in the academy?

“Well, I heard that a club was formed. Dane, you said you took the initiative?”

“Ah yes. That’s right.”

“The name is a bit strange, but… … Did you say ‘Magic Summoning Exploration Spear Sword Art’?”


He is the first person other than me to mention the club’s name as is.

“Father, we will change that soon.”

“right? “I thought it was a bit strange.”

“… … .”

What’s wrong with that name?

It’s just intuitive and good.

By the way, seeing as there is no mention of the prince, it seems like he doesn’t know much about it. Officially, it would simply be a ‘meeting’ with the prince.

What would the prince be doing right now?

Are you going to practice swordsmanship with your now healthy hands?

Well, we’ll find out when we meet later.

“Ah, this is Ernest, the friend you mentioned in your letter, Leila.”

“Nice to meet you, Duke! “I am Ernest Dillon, the eldest son of Baron Dillon, a renowned explorer of the West!”

Yes, it was in front of the Duke.

Maybe it’s because I see it so often, but I often forget it.

Ernest looks just as nervous as when he first met the prince.

“Hehe, there’s nothing to be that nervous about. Today I’m meeting you as Leila’s father. Yes, Ernest Dillon. Our family has several old artifacts that the Dillon family obtained through exploration. “Leila, you have a member of a great family as your friend.”

“sure. “Who did you hit?”

“haha. The jokes have increased. Come on, everyone, let’s go in. “We heard you guys were coming, so we prepared a small banquet in the evening.”

Are there any tarts?

The strawberry tart I ate while waiting for the entrance ceremony often appears in my dreams.

“We also have strawberry tarts. “I told you in advance.”

I swallowed my saliva as Leila whispered.

Leila, you too… … .

Best friend.

“Ah, Dane. I heard the story from Lord Asmar. “Today is the day of knight training, so I think it would be nice to have a little fun before dinner.”

I expressed my gratitude to Duke Termion.

“Thank you for caring me.”

This is a series of good news.

Well, I’m going to warm up properly today.

“no. What about nerves? Considering the friendship I shared with Aken, this is nothing. You know what? When Aken and I first met, we were exactly around the same age as you. People think we developed our friendship on the battlefield, but we first met each other at The Princess’s Debutante. Oh, your mother Lily was there too… … .”

By the way, was this guy always this talkative?

* * *

I ended up staying in the same room I stayed in when I first came to this mansion.

It feels quite familiar even though I only stayed there for a few days.

Ernest was in the room next to mine.

“Dain, then are you going to spar with the Duke of Termion’s knights later?”

“Maybe so?”

“amazing. “I’ll be cheering from the side!”

“Don’t just cheer, but watch how the swordsmanship unfolds. “You decided to learn a weapon later, right?”

“That’s true, but… … To be honest, when I see Dane and Leila’s swordsmanship, I don’t even think about imitating them.”

Ernest shook his head as if it made no sense.

Well, unless you have a special talent, it may be a bit difficult to learn a weapon skill that takes a long time like swordsmanship at the age of 14.

“There must be a weapon technique that suits you.”

“I guess so? “I want to learn the bow you showed me last time.”

“The bow is good.”

Since I saw that there was an archery area the last time I came, it might be a good idea to ask Lord Asmar or Leila to try holding the bow again.

I’ve gained a lot of strength, so I might be able to hang a bowstring now.

Anyway, after a short rest, the servant came.


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“Master Dane Sogress, I will take you to the first training site. “Just change into the clothes you left at the door and then come find me.”

With those words, I took Karnas out of my arms and reassured him.

“Can you be alone?”


The guy nods his head as if it’s obvious.

I already need some training to be alone, but it worked out well.

He adapts quickly wherever he goes, so he was already looking for a place to lie down.


And as if he liked this place, he curled up in the middle of the bed and even yawned.

“I guess it’ll be okay.”

I changed into the comfortable clothes the servant brought me and followed him out with Ernest.

“The duke’s knights… … “I’m really nervous.”

Of course, Ernest’s fuss followed. As if responding to this, the servant quickly boasted about his knighthood.

“The Knights of the Duke of Termion are a knighthood that prides itself on being the best in the empire, excluding the Imperial Knights. Even now, numerous knight candidates are applying to join the Termion duchy’s knighthood.”

You seem to have great pride.

This is actually a worthy knighthood.

Aside from the Imperial Knights, it is the best, and in reality, it is an order of knights that is evaluated to be equal to or higher than the 2nd Imperial Knights.

“Of course, only a very small number of them can join the Knights, and even if they have excellent skills, they can only join after being verified.”


“yes. “It’s a way to nominate one of the knights and challenge them.”

It is indeed a cruel method, but on the other hand, it can be said to be the reason why the Duke of Termion’s knights can maintain the highest level.

This is because it provides a sense of tension that they could be expelled at any time for the existing members of the knights who are being challenged, and a clear goal point for the candidates who are taking on the challenge.

“I know that the Knights of the Count of Sogres also have great prestige.”

At that time, the attendant suddenly mentioned my family’s knighthood, and I raised the corners of my mouth.

Our family did not become a renowned spearman simply due to my father’s inaction.

It is no exaggeration to say that the spear-wielding knights are almost unique in the empire.

Starting with his father teaching the knights who followed him one by one how to use the spear on the battlefield, their power grew and a knighthood was naturally formed.

I heard that there was originally an order of knights who mainly used swordsmanship, but it is said that it changed to an order of knights who used spears during my father’s generation.

So, when I was young, I often sparred with other knights besides my father. It’s not fun because I keep losing, so I don’t do it often.

“The training ground will be coming soon.”

So we arrived at the training ground with great anticipation.

First training ground.

There, training for the Duke of Termion’s knights is already in full swing.

“wow… … .”

Ernest exclaimed.

It’s a wonderful sight even for me to see.

About fifty knights were lined up in a line without any deviation, practicing the exact same movements.

Each individual’s capabilities are at least quad level.

The same goes for the level of candidates waiting for opportunities while staying in a separate residence in the duke’s mansion.

“I’m here?”

Just then, Leila greeted us.

Leila pointed to the knights’ training with a proud and proud expression.

“Is this your first time seeing our family’s knights?”


“Awesome Leila!”

Definitely, it’s amazing.

When I concentrate for a moment, I feel a powerful, intense, and orderly flow of magical energy.

And it can’t be a coincidence that my heart is starting to pound a little like this now.

“Are you ready to spar?”

At that moment, Duke Termion also came.

He is a man more powerful than Lord Asmar, who leads this order of knights, and is one of the strongest men in the empire.

Even though I am wearing comfortable clothes, I feel intimidated when I come to the training ground.

“Duke. Thank you for giving me this great opportunity.”

“hmm. It’s a good opportunity. “Maybe that’s what we should say.”

Duke Termion grinned and raised his hand.

Then Lord Asmar immediately shouts out.

“Everyone, stop training and gather in a circle!”

As soon as the words were out, the Knights of Fifty moved in unison and instantly formed a circle centered in the middle of the training ground.

It probably means fighting inside there.

If it were an ordinary knight, the pressure just standing there would be no joke.

“Let’s start off light, Dane.”

Duke Termion then sent a second signal, and this time, Lord Asmar shouted.

“Candidates! Gather around the circle!”

Then, dozens of candidates ran up from the bottom of the training ground hill and formed a new circle inside the circle formed by the knights just now.

They are candidates.

These are people who are always looking for an opportunity to join the Knights.

I heard that there is someone who spent over 10 years as a candidate.

Is that why?

Compared to the relaxed knights, the faces of the candidates are full of venom.

“You get to spar with the candidates.”

“Yes. “You can spar as much as you want until the evening banquet.”

What is Duke Termion’s intention?

Even though I am the son of an old friend, the eldest son of Count Sorgres, and a guest visiting the dukedom… … .

This one is quite large in scale.

“You can point out someone, or you can be challenged directly.”

I nodded.

I think the method is good.

What I need now is to relieve the fighting instinct that began to reawaken after the battle with Saint Aimar.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me.

“What happens if I beat one of the existing members?”


“Then, will I become a member of the Duke of Termion’s knights?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Duke Termion burst into laughter.

Then he smiled with satisfaction, as if he liked it.

“I didn’t know you would say that.”

“Was that by any chance rude?”

“Is that possible?”

Duke Termion continued speaking in a serious tone this time.

“The rules of our knighthood are simple. If anyone is singled out and loses, their situations are reversed. That’s it. If you win by nominating one of the members… … “I end up accepting a genius.”

I looked at the Duke and grinned at those words.

“I will think about joining the club.”

“Hehehe… … “I never thought there would be someone who would ‘consider’ joining our knighthood.”

Even if he does it like that, he looks like he really likes it.

“Are you planning to use the sword?”

I shook my head.

“I will use the spear today.”

“It’s a shame. “I wanted to see your swordsmanship.”

Although I was a little concerned, at an official event like this, as the youngest son of the Count of Sogres, I needed to show off my father’s image.

This is why I chose the window.

“Okay then, let’s get started.”

“OK. I’m counting on you.”

The tone of voice is as if he is asking you to teach him a lesson.

I nodded my head in response.

Duke Termion added this.

“for a moment. Yes, speaking of which… … “I don’t think you would want to join the knighthood due to your personality.”

Of course, I know it well.

“How about this? Giving you compensation corresponding to that.”

“This is not a sparring hoping for a reward.”

“My face is different. By no means, are you going to keep your mouth shut when I bring my friend’s son over and have them spar?”

I answered those words with a faint smile.

“Then I will be grateful for your consideration.”

“OK. “I will think about it.”

As I entered the circle, I made eye contact with Leila for a moment.

Leila was looking at me with a strange expression.

I don’t know anything else, but one thing is certain.

I was full of determination to see everything with sharp eyes.


Should I show you?

“young master.”

I accepted the practice spear handed to me by the attendant and finally entered the circle.

Appropriate length and weight.

A voice is heard at the same time.

“Everyone listen. “Today, Master Dane Sogress, the youngest member of the Count Sogres family, who has a special relationship with the Duke of Termion, personally requested a sparring match with you.”

It was Lord Asmar.

“Today, the Duke promised a great reward to the candidate who wins in Dalian. Candidates who would like to spar should come forward now, show the courtesy of a formal spar, and then apply for spar.”

No sooner had he finished speaking than a man stepped forward.

“Bojan Delkimar, the 40th candidate of the Duke of Termion Knights, requests a sparring match with Master Dane Sogres.”

I am the 40th candidate.

I nodded.

“Bojan del Chimar. “I accept your request to spar.”

A candidate named Boyan pulled out his sword for practice, and I also took a stance, swinging my spear in the air and aiming it at him.

Wow… … .

With only the sound of the wind blowing, the inside of the circle was filled with heavy tension.

“The rules are simple. When your buttocks touch the ground, kneel on one knee, or drop your weapon. Or, if you declare surrender, you will be defeated. You are free to use magic power, but for safety reasons, generating magic power on the surface of the weapon is prohibited. more.”

These are the basic sparring rules.

“Let me learn a lesson, master.”

A young, gentle laugh at a polite sentence.

It was a provocation.



Candidate Boyan moved first and rushed at me.

A quick and quick rush.

The sword I was holding was aiming at me.




All of this is visible to my eyes.

I instantly struck down the sword that flew sideways with the spear, then immediately turned around and hurled the spear blade.

“… … !”

Dilated pupils.

An expression of disbelief.

The tip of my spear lightly touched the pale neck with that expression and stopped.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Silence spreads everywhere.

It’s quiet.

What this means is simple.

my victory.

Boyan’s tremors are transmitted through the spear blade and through the pole.

I asked him.

“okay. Have you learned something now?”


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