Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 581

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Chapter 581: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

390. Field study is necessary (1)

It’s not necessarily a characteristic of mercenaries, but people usually give up when they lose their motivation.



And money.

They say mercenaries follow money, but that’s because money is their most important motivation.

So when the mercenaries saw that the person who was supposed to pay them was captured by Dane, they immediately confessed everything.

“Well, we just received a request. That guy over there, he suddenly came to us three months ago and said that he would provide us with a small amount of money and a deposit, so let’s go to this temple in the valley on this date… … .”

“We didn’t know either! But, when we got here, that guy had already forcibly injected power into us, so we had no choice… … .”

Dane also discovered that a man from an organization whose name he still doesn’t know had been infusing these mercenaries with powers.

As he did to the Rangers, and as he did to Hanson, who was trying to spread the plague in the South.

“Did you drink some strange water?”

“Oh, how did you know?”

I knew it.

“How did it feel to drink that water?”

“I felt so energized… … I could easily carry twice the weight of my luggage.”

It’s certain that the Rangers will become stronger, just like before.

“But now I have no strength at all… … .”

So Dane blocked these guys’ magic power with his magic power before the newspaper.

If you catch wind of something and start to run wild, the temple and the valley will all be blown away.

“Good. Cooperative. I like it.”

“Go, thank you.”

“Don’t get too excited, I’m not saying I’ll let you go.”

“… … .”

The mercenaries looked extremely disappointed.

But now that I have witnessed Dane’s inaction with my own two eyes, it is better for me to keep my mouth shut.

‘What the hell is that guy? I’ve heard the name, but he’s really that strong… … .’



And then there was the summoned creature that suddenly started spitting fire and turned one of my comrades into ash.

Of course, I couldn’t even guess that it was a dragon.

“Be quiet.”


“I didn’t say that to you.”

“Ah! Oh, I see.”

When I see him talking to himself, I sometimes wonder if he’s crazy, but I also remember the popular saying that geniuses are usually a little crazy.

[I am in a great hurry now, Dane Sogress. The way to lift my curse lies underground right now.]

“It might be, it might not be. The professor is gone, so wait a minute.”

[Okay, I get it. But I can’t wait that long.]

“What if you can’t wait?”

[… … .]

After a brief conversation with Poenes, Dane gave a brief warning to the mercenaries and left for a while.

“You guys stay quiet. Jenna, keep an eye on me.”

“Yeah. Don’t worry.”

Dane faced the man again.

The name is Rolta.

Hanson and Tasdo were also strangely short names.

To be exact, there was no surname.

There are far more people without surnames in the empire than with surnames, and it’s not particularly strange since they make up the majority.

By the way, Rolta’s magic power has also been completely blocked.

Thanks to this, this guy’s power is now only at the level of a novice wizard who has just shed his 2nd circle.

The guy looked quite gloomy, but he looked up in surprise when Dane approached.

“Did you say Rollta?”

“That, that’s right.”


“……That’s right.”

Dane, who had a firm grip on discipline, asked.

“What were you trying to do here?”

“… … .”


A fireball rose up next to Dane.

‘Does that make sense?’

Roller was in a state of total madness.

Is the rearrangement process that fast?

How can a fireball come out in less than a second?

“It would be interesting to see the other arm burned as is.”

“Ma, I’ll tell you! So, just one more thing… … .”


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Rolta, who became one-armed.

But I couldn’t express my anger because one of my arms was cut off.

The situation was so disadvantageous to him right now, and it seemed like expressing his anger wouldn’t make a difference.

Now is the time to sleep.

And very thoroughly.

“Okay. Tell me.”

Dane asked without putting away the fireball, and Rolta swallowed dryly as he felt the heat before opening his mouth.

“The order was to let the power of this canyon… … run wild… … .”

Dane asked with a questioning look.

“For what?”

“Well… … the aura emanating from this valley is of a tremendous level. If it were to run wild… … it would certainly cause chaos in the empire… … .”

“There are soldiers stationed around here, but they are quite few in number. Even if they were to run wild, the damage would only be done to the area around the valley.”

This is precisely why I have doubts.

There aren’t many people around this canyon.

As Dane said, even if there were only a small garrison?

In the first place, access to the area was blocked, and the valley itself is very high, so the existence of this temple makes it virtually a dead land.

Of course, if you let your power run wild, there will be chaos. It will be a bit awkward for the Empire.

However, it is a very small scale compared to the southern plague outbreak they caused or the recruitment of the Ranger Regiment.

“Is that really all?”

“Well, that’s all the orders I received.”

“Okay. How exactly did you make it go wild?”

“After installing the magic stone core underground, I was working on it… … The organization told me to just draw the blueprint and operate it.”

Whether you believe it or not is your choice, but at least in the current situation, there seems to be no reason for this guy to hide the truth or lie.

“What did you do with the undead?”

“As I said… …the warlocks activated what they had prepared previously.”

“You didn’t do it yourselves?”

“I, I am not a warlock at all! How can I be with such beings… … .”

“By my standards, you guys are worse than warlocks.”

“… … .”

“Dane student.”

And just then, Professor Bruno also came up from the underground.

“I looked around for a bit. Just like Dane said, I didn’t touch anything or anything.”

“How was it?”

“Hmm. I think I should come down and take a look.”

Dane nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Then, after looking at Jenna’s side and this side’s Rolta, he suddenly looked up at the ceiling.

“Come out and keep watch over here.”


“Oh, there’s this guy following me around.”

And after a while.

“Senior, my goodness. What happened?”

As Dane said, a new person has appeared.

“Who, who are you?”

“This is a guy named Benatio Grun. He’s from the swordsmanship department. Benatio. This is Professor Bruno.”

“Haha, hello. It’s just so coincidental that we ended up meeting each other.”

It was none other than Benatio.

Dane asked vaguely, now too embarrassed to even look at him.

“Since when?”

“Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just came here because I was in the mood for adventure, but what the heck? I didn’t know Senior Dane and his group would be here!”

Actually, I knew.

From the moment you leave the Academy’s main gate.

He was always like that, so I didn’t really care anymore.

The entrance guarded by soldiers was probably easy to get through.

“But how are you holding out here? Where did the device come from?”

“It was in the club storage room?”

“I see.”

By the way, you can use the items in the club warehouse freely as long as you don’t sell them or use them for bad things.

That’s why Benatio came all the way here, even carrying the purification device.

“That’s good. Jenna is watching over there, so you watch over this guy.”

“What kind of guy is he?”

“The guy who was about to cause an accident.”

“What a problem child. If he were an academy student, he would have been expelled immediately.”

“Stop acting. I’ll be back from the basement.”

“Okay, have a nice day.”

So Dane went underground, and Professor Bruno and Benatio, who were left behind, just smiled and laughed heartily.

“Professor, aren’t you hungry?”

“Ah, that… … is okay.”

Professor Bruno suddenly thought.

Have you ever been surprised so many times in one day in your life?

* * *

After going down to the basement, Poenes began to talk nonstop as if he had found relief.

[Dane Sogres, I have a feeling this is going to happen. There must be some damned Sionif record or something related to it.]

Dane ignored the phoney and looked around the basement.

There are dozens of coffins lying around. It’s a sad sight.

Those inside that coffin must be warlocks.

They said that the corpses of the warlocks who were massacred were sealed there.

Besides, there were old books and worn-out parchments around the coffin.

“This is useless.”

Dane shook his head after roughly examining the situation. It would be better if he could decipher even a few letters, but even that was difficult because the text was so messy.

Still, I carefully put it back in its place and then opened the book.

“This is a little better.”

The book was somewhat readable.

The problem is that each page is so worn that it seems like it would crumble rather than tear if you apply even the slightest force.

[What do you think? Is there something?]

“I have to go back and look. If I handle it wrong, it will break.”


Poenes seemed anxious to escape the curse as soon as possible.

Dane thought about it too.

It would be nice to have some records related to Zionif.

Even for Professor Bruno’s sake.

But even if you came for that purpose, there is a more important reason to look underground now.

“Over there.”

Right, the door you see when you move your gaze along the path between dozens of coffins.

Professor Bruno must have come up after seeing that.

You must have felt a strange fear too.

Because the strange feeling that was flowing from there was instilling an instinctive sense of rejection.

Of course, whether or not, Dane walked over without hesitation and opened the door with a bang.

And then, after facing the sight inside, he smiled bitterly.

“This was it.”

Other people might not have been able to tell at a glance, but Dane synthesized his previously acquired knowledge to arrive at a conclusion.

The composition of the magic circle.

And these rearrangement methods.

I once saw it in a book about black magic that I was reading at the library.

“You were thinking of resurrecting the warlocks.”

To be exact, I think he was planning to make them undead and use them.

Then all questions are answered.

These guys said they would come all the way here and let their power run wild.

But even if you cause chaos by causing it to run wild, the damage will only be minor.

Since it was a dead land anyway, I thought it was meaningless considering the scale of the previous situation.

But, if something like this was hidden, it would be a different story.

“If it had been just a few days late, there would have been chaos.”

Raising Warlocks back into undead.

I’m not sure if that’s possible, but if it really did happen, the Empire would be in for an unprecedented turmoil.

Honestly, I can’t even imagine what would happen if he were to be resurrected.

Because according to historical records, they were truly terribly strong guys.

Dane thought of Rolta, who had pretended not to know anything from above.

It doesn’t really matter whether it’s true or false.

The important thing is to change the situation.

“We will need to do some field study.”

Dane made his decision and approached the magic circle.


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