Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 577

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Chapter 577: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

386. Eternal Curse (3)

“Really… … it was possible?”

The spirit of the ideology was unable to approach the two people.

Even if they try to invade, they disperse or retreat the moment you get close.

As expected, the performance is good.

“If I have this, I can go there without any problems. What is this… what is it?”

“If you only consider the price, it is more expensive than what they sell at the temple.”

“Me, really?”

“Yes. It is a very expensive item.”

It has a special magic stone in it, and it’s something my eldest sister invented, so it’s only natural.

For your information, the ‘footless carriage’ that my older sister and I have collaborated on is incredibly expensive, and the waiting period has been over 4 years.

It is no joke, as there are nobles lining up to buy it even if they have to pay a lot of money.

It is said that the imperial family has tried the carriage and liked it, and that they are planning to proceed with a project to expand and improve the roads in the capital in anticipation of an increase in demand for carriages.

Anyway, the inventor who made the thing that made these things happen is my older sister.

Since it passed through the hands of such an older sister, it is obviously an expensive item.

“Then can I use this…?”

“I will pay you the appropriate amount later. Depending on what is in the temple, I may not pay you at all.”

“… … Thank you. Oh my, this seems like a must-have for anyone studying curses… … .”

Even if you are not a student of curses, there are many places where it can be used, as proven by the plague incident.

So, once the carriage business reaches a stable point, I plan to mass-produce this purification device along with other items.

Anyway, I’ll think about that later.

“Then… is there anything else I need to prepare now?”

“Well, if the energy there isn’t a problem… … Oh, there’s one more thing. Go through the valley and up the mountain, and the temple is quite large, but it’s probably old and quite dangerous.”

Riding a mountain.

And going to dangerous places.

I’ve done this too many times.

So I just shrugged my shoulders without much worry.

“That would be no problem.”

“No problem?”

“Yes. Because I’ve done it often.”


What if we had gone on an adventure like we were playing house?

They stopped sandstorms, purified souls in restricted areas, visited the mountain where dragons sleep, and became the first humans to enter the underground city of Arkrium.

That’s about it.

It seems like it would be simple.

As long as that damn unexpected accident doesn’t happen.

“Then let’s get ready.”

Of course, these unseasonable adventures are always fun.

* * *

It didn’t take long to reach the deep canyon where the cursed temple was nestled.

It took a full half day to get out of the capital, but after that, by riding hard, we arrived near the valley in less than a day.

“Professor, you look very tired.”

And Professor Bruno looks tired from riding his horse all night long until this afternoon.

I’m fine, Jenna is still fine, but Professor Bruno probably didn’t train separately.

“It’s okay. I barely slept last night and just ran. It’ll be fine if I keep going like this.”

Seeing his expression not being very good, I got off my horse for a moment and approached Professor Bruno.

“Excuse me for a moment.”


Professor Bruno was amazed when he put his hand on the leg on the side of the stairs and injected magic power into it.

“Oh my gosh… … What is this? My eyes are so clear. It feels so refreshing!”

“I’ve shared a little of my magic power with you. It’s only temporary, but it’ll help you recover from your current fatigue.”

“Divine power… is that right? No, didn’t Dane learn magic?”

The mechanism of action is slightly different.

If divine power restores the physical body itself, then in my case, I should say that it resets the magical power within my body.

This is a form in which fatigue recovery is naturally accompanied.

However, the divine power also heals internal and external injuries, and heals the body itself whenever it is used.

On the other hand, in my case, it happens twice at most.

Even if you use more than that and force yourself to recover your magic power, your body won’t be able to handle it and eventually fatigue will accumulate.

Of course, doing something like this with magical power was something that was previously unimaginable, so there is no need to compare it to divine power.

“It’ll probably be okay for a day or so.”

“It’s amazing. It feels like I’ve taken a stimulant. It reminds me of when I was preparing my thesis. The effect seems to be even better than then.”

As you can see, the effect is really good.

Since you share my magical power, your abilities will increase to some extent.

However, it cannot be given to those who use divine powers because it is poisonous, and for some people, it may have no effect at all.

Jenna and I, along with Professor Bruno who had recovered in this way, reached the entrance to the canyon.

“Stop! Identify yourself!”

As Professor Bruno said, there were troops controlling entry and exit.


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“I am Professor Franz Bruno from the Department of Programme Studies at the Imperial Academy.”

“Oh, you’re a professor.”

“I came here for research purposes. These are the students I am with.”

The soldier seemed a little surprised at the word professor, but then he brought out a document, looked at it, and shook his head.

“I’m sorry, but due to policy, we cannot allow entry without prior request at least one week in advance.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

As expected, there is nothing easy in this world.

“It’s never been like that before. All you had to do was show your identification and pay the toll.”

“That was the case until last month. But now there are new guidelines. I’m sorry. If you want to enter, please go back and submit your documents, and come back in a week.”

“What is this all of a sudden… … .”

Sudden rule change.

Professor Bruno seemed very embarrassed and kept looking at us, not knowing what to do.

“What should I do, Dane? It looks like it’ll be hard to get in.”

I looked up at the valley floor near the entrance to the canyon.

It’s pretty high.

There is no problem in going, but Professor Bruno’s stamina and time are the problem.

I have to go back to the academy in two days to attend class.

Since we haven’t even applied for the experiential learning program, we only have about a day left.

“It would be difficult to sneak in.”

“Right? I guess I’ll have to come back again next time.”

I think that would be a good idea.

It is obviously not possible to force your way through, and if you try to climb the mountain by force, it will take a lot of time.

“What should I do, Dane? Jenna? I think it might be difficult to get in and out right now.”

“There’s nothing I can do. I’ll have to come back next time.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea this would happen… … Every time I came here, I just had to prove my identity and pay the toll to get in. Why did it have to be at this time… … .”

There are cases like this and cases like that.

“Let’s go back first.”

It was at that moment that we were about to get back on the horse with some regret.

“Excuse me, are you Dane Sogres?”

Suddenly a voice called my name.

When I looked around, I saw the officer who had blocked Professor Bruno’s entrance earlier smiling brightly at me.

“That’s right! Silver hair! I see you here!”


Is it because my memory is not good?

Why is this a face I don’t recognize?

“Don’t you remember me? Oh, honestly, I don’t think I remember either.”

“Where have you seen me?”

“It’s the East. Even if you don’t remember, don’t you remember that incident? The infiltration and attack of the barbarian camp!”


I remember.

It was when I went to meet Leila’s older brother, Owen Termion.

I remember capturing the barbarians who were hiding in the barracks at that time and stopping a large-scale attack that was detected.

“You were there then.”

“Yes. You saved me back then. No, you saved us all! When the main gate was about to be breached, you brought out an incredibly huge summoner and saved everyone!”

The place that was attacked at that time was the military camp where Edward was.

So Owen and I led reinforcements and rushed there to summon Etherac, and as a result, we were able to hold off all the barbarians.

The officer suddenly came up to me and grabbed my hand.

“You are my savior. I always wanted to meet you someday.”

“The benefactor. It’s thanks to everyone’s desperate fight back then.”

“No. If you hadn’t come, we would all have died. The moment the main gate was about to be breached was really… … It’s a nightmare that still comes to mind often. Oh my, my name is Rockefel. I was in the Eastern Army and was reassigned to the vicinity of the capital because I was recognized for my merits.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“Yes. It’s a shame to leave the East, but it’s safe here. I didn’t expect to be assigned to a place near this scary canyon. Haha.”

He suddenly asked me.

“But if you came with the professor today… … Are you here for research?”

“Yes, that’s right. I followed you, Professor.”

“Ah. I see. Oh my, that was a long walk… … Hmm.”

Rockefell looked around for a moment, then continued cautiously.

“Well, how long were you originally planning on staying inside?”

“I thought one day would be enough.”

“One day, one day… … Hmm. Okay. Just a moment. Hankel!”

A soldier who came running at Rockefeller’s call.

“Hankel, when is your next inspection scheduled?”

“There is one fortnight left.”

“There’s plenty of time. Go and open the way.”


“Stop talking and go open it.”

“Oh, I understand.”

After Hankel left, Rockefell smiled awkwardly.

“I think you want to go inside.”

“Is this okay?”

“Of course, if you get caught, it’ll be a big deal. But there’s still some time left until the inspection, so it shouldn’t be a problem to go in and come out for a day or so.”

Who would have thought that a past relationship could be of help like this.

“Thank you for your help.”

“No. I still have a long way to go to repay the price of my life. Why is this happening? Well then, let’s go.”

So, thanks to an unexpected connection, the three of us were able to enter the canyon.

Of course, no entry or exit records were left.

“Oh my goodness, Dane. What kind of relationship do you have that allows you to enter such a dangerous area?”

The exclamation that Professor Bruno uttered the most after meeting me was probably ‘Wow!’

“As you heard earlier, there was something going on in the East. To be exact, I got involved in something.”

“Really… … you are an amazing person, Dane.”

Jenna chimed in from the side.

“Professor, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like Dane before or ever will.”

“Yes, it looks like that. What kind of student in the world… … .”

Honestly, what’s surprising to me is not that I did something like that, but that I met a past connection here.

Anyway, there were some bad luck things, but there were also some lucky things, so let’s say there were no accidents.

The valley we entered like that.

“It only takes a couple of hours to walk inside. You have to leave your horse in front of the temple.”

This feeling gradually becomes more gloomy the further you get from the entrance.

The real exploration starts now.


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