Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 570

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Chapter 570: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

381. If this continues, I’ll be treated as a spy.

This is a completely unexpected answer.

Bachelor’s degree management is important in the academy.

In particular, most students say that registering for classes is like risking their lives.

To put it in perspective, there was a time when a so-called ‘black market’ flourished during the course registration period.

This phenomenon occurred because the number of lectures and students enrolled was limited, but there were many students who wanted to take the class, resulting in an explosion in demand.

Eventually, the academy came up with its own countermeasures and now it has almost disappeared, but course registration still has an important meaning to students.

There are a lot of required majors that you can’t graduate without taking, and you even have to take certain classes to get good grades.

‘Why are you refusing?’

In that sense, Dane’s rejection was quite a surprise. It was a rejection that was completely unexpected.

“Dane, I know you well, but academic management is very important. Of course, even though it is an autonomous major, it would be a great help if you took popular lectures that many people listen to.”

“Yes, I know. There were some interesting lectures.”

“Then why are you refusing?”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far. I’m already receiving a lot of benefits.”

“… … .”

It was a neat reason, and one more thing was added to it.

“I don’t want to create unnecessary discomfort. I just want to get along well with my friends.”

Dean Homer immediately understood the meaning behind those words.

If Dane gets any bachelor’s degree, everyone will probably know.

Even if you try to hide it, it’s impossible.

The professors already know that Dane has not registered for classes, and that Dane is attending lectures that they have missed.

Then, the way we look at Dane might change.

Of course, Dane is not the type of person who cares about the gaze directed at him, but what he is talking about now is a sense of discomfort.

“Are you sure that’s okay? Maybe you should think about it again. You might just waste a semester.”

“I think there are a lot of better lectures at the Academy than I thought. I think it will be a good opportunity for me.”

Dean Homer felt a little embarrassed at those words.

He said he was wasting his semester, but the student who was actually recommended said it was a good opportunity.

What a disgrace this is as a dean.

Perhaps it was only because of the royal family’s request that I made this repeated request.

“Thank you for your kind words, but I respectfully decline your offer of academic accommodations.”

In the end, the conclusion was rejection.

At this point, Dean Homer was a little impressed.

From a student’s perspective, there is no greater benefit than providing convenience in academic pursuits.

Even children from wealthy families would not be able to refuse it.

Because attending academy classes and getting grades have a significant impact on your future.

Even though Dane was the eldest son of the Sogress Counts, one of the two great families of the Empire, it seemed like the law would not change… … .

‘I was mistaken.’

Dean Homer felt another sense of shame.

If I had known this would happen, when I got the call from the royal family, I should have at least talked to Dane about whether he would accept it.

“Yeah. I guess I was a little mistaken. Do your best this semester.”

It was heartfelt support.

“thank you.”

So Dane left the Dean’s office after a short conversation, and Dean Homet burst into laughter.


The Academy Award senior title is not something to be given up easily.

Born into the Countess of Sogress, you don’t have to worry about your future, and you have ridiculous talents, but don’t you still have something called honor?

But Dane flatly refused.

“Am I getting old now?”

I should have considered what Dane thought first, but I was already thinking of recommending it.

Dean Homet immediately connected the communication.

The target of the communication was Hank, the imperial secretary who had contacted him earlier.

-Dean, this is Hank.

“Oh, sir. Dane Sogres just came by.”

-I see. Did you have a good conversation about it?

“Yes. That’s a good conclusion.”

-That’s great. I know this may have been a bit of an inconvenient request, but I would still like to ask for your understanding just this once.

“No, I don’t think we’ll have to do that this time. Dane Sogress has declined.”


A slightly embarrassed voice was heard.

You refused?

“Of course, I didn’t mention the royal family. I just explained that the Academy was trying to provide this benefit.”

-And yet you refused, is that what you’re saying?

“Yes, he refused without any hesitation.”


Hank also burst into laughter.

-Is it different from when I was attending? I think the undergraduate program is very important to students.

“Yes. I think it would be the same for Dane Sogres.”


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-But why did you refuse… … .

Dean Homer thought for a moment and then answered.

“I felt a little embarrassed. According to the Dane student, he didn’t want to go to the academy and create a sense of discomfort.”


“You asked me to do it, but the person in question refused, so this is what happened, haha.”

Officer Hank seemed to think for a moment and then said this.

-I think His Majesty the Emperor would be a little surprised as well.

“Your Majesty the Emperor?”

-Yes, in fact, this was something His Majesty the Emperor personally ordered.

“Ugh… … .”

Dean Homer was a little, no, a lot surprised.

Even so, the instructions given to one student were actually instructions given directly by His Majesty the Emperor?

“His Majesty the Emperor… … is very favored by you.”

-That’s right. But, perhaps His Majesty the Emperor wanted this answer.


-It is an old habit of His Majesty the Emperor.

Officer Hank, who had spoken up to that point, ended the communication in a much brighter voice than before.

-Dear Dean, I apologize for the inconvenience. I have another call coming in, so I think I should end the call now.

“Ah. Okay. Then, I’ll greet you again next time.”

After the communication is finished.

Dean Homer chuckled in disbelief.

“Your Majesty the Emperor.”

There was a time when even the mere mention of it would make one tremble.

For such a person to favor a student, or rather, a child of a noble family, like this… …

“Something might change a lot in the distant future.”

Then suddenly Dean Homet sighed.

I had already contacted the professors before calling Dane.


What to do about this?

* * *

It was a really strange feeling to suddenly reject him and leave.

But I have no regrets.

If I’m lucky enough to get into one of the remaining seats, that’s fine, but I refuse to make a separate seat for myself.

“I guess I have to go back and register for classes again now.”

I walked towards the building I originally intended to go to.

The way there was quite noisy.

As expected, a new semester is a new semester.

But my course registration was too messed up to enjoy the new semester atmosphere.

So, the most urgent task right now is to figure out which lectures I can attend.

“Hello, I’m here to register for a class.”

“Oh, student Dane Sogress?”

The academic affairs officer, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, asked back with a puzzled look on his face.

“Are you registering for classes?”


“Right now?”



“… … .”

“It’ll all be over tomorrow… … .”

“That’s why I came. I wanted to do it today.”


That’s definitely not the norm.

And I, who have never missed the top spot in my grade since I entered school, am applying for classes at the last minute.

“Is there a class you don’t like? Should I cancel it and take a new one?”

“No. I just couldn’t register for classes at all.”

“Ah. I couldn’t do it at all… … Yes? You couldn’t do it at all?”

“That’s what happened. I was a little busy.”

I picked up the course registration pamphlet that caught my eye.

“Can I see it from here?”

“Uh… … Wait a minute. Can you wait a minute?”

The academic affairs officer took a new pamphlet and began checking it off diligently with a pen.

The pamphlet I received a while later was truly hopeless.

“The ones checked there are the ones you can take now. Assuming you’ve taken all the liberal arts, there are only about 30.”

They are all unpopular undergraduate courses, and even the courses at the magic and swordsmanship departments are just theory lectures that only first-year students take.

“Why are you late?”

A sad employee.

I know.

Why are you late?

Why was I late registering for classes and not for anything else?

“For now… … I know that, but even if you register for some classes, there’s a high chance they’ll be canceled. Just a moment, I’ll check that too.”

The employee who took the pamphlet back to me was kind enough to even write down the numbers for me.

“According to the academic regulations, if the class does not reach 50% of its capacity, it will be cancelled. Out of a total of 10 students, there must be at least 5 students.”

If this continues, it will be a problem even if we hear the rest.

A course marked as 1/10 means that only 1 out of 10 students registered for the course.

Even if I go in and become 2/10, I can’t avoid the class being closed.

“But you never know. If a Dane student says he’s listening, maybe students will flock there?”

It’s not a very pleasant thing.

Still, I decided to apply anyway.

“First, please show me the syllabus for all 30 lectures here.”

“All of it?”

“Yes. But I think we should take a look at it.”

“Then please sit over there. I think it will take some time.”

I took a seat on the sofa while the staff pulled out the syllabus.

At that moment, Poenes spoke to me in a small voice.

[Your expression doesn’t look good.]

“You saw it. There are no lectures worth listening to.”

[Hmm. It looks like something important.]

“It doesn’t matter. Very much.”

The employee glanced at me for a moment as I whispered to him, but soon returned to focusing on his work.

“I have to listen to it first.”

[Listen to something. If that doesn’t work, then at least listen to something about curses.]

That damn curse.

Well, that’s not a bad idea.

I saw a lecture from the Department of Theology earlier.

Would you like to listen with Jenna?

“Dane student? Here, the plan.”

“thank you.”

Meanwhile, the staff handed me the plans I’d collected, and I began to carefully examine them one by one.

Among them, the most notable one is the lectures given by the Department of Theology.

To begin with, it is a department with a small number of students, so the quota is around 10.

Things seem better here.

Even though it is a required major, there are still 2-3 vacancies.

“This sounds good.”

The name of the lecture is [Curse in History]. It smells like theory, but it’s actually good.

This solved one problem.

Do you know?

If you listen, you might hear a story related to a curse.

Then, this guy can find a clue by finding the person called Sionif, just like he wants.

The lecture itself doesn’t seem bad.

“Then next is… … .”

After that, I picked out a few, but as expected, this is the only one that seems interesting.

[Imperial Draenic Diplomacy].

“If this continues, I’ll be treated as a spy.”

Well, what can I do?

After selecting about 5 subjects, I completed the course registration form and submitted it.

“… … Wow, these are lectures I never even thought about taking during my undergraduate years.”

I shrugged my shoulders at the employee’s words.

“Let’s listen carefully to how it turned out.”


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