Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 569

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Chapter 569: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

380. Isn’t this it?

It wasn’t that far to the academy.

But anyway, I failed to register for classes, and for the second semester of my third year, I will just have to take the remaining classes.

So I didn’t pull the reins in a hurry.

I just moved along the route at a reasonable speed.

In the midst of all this, I heard some shocking news.

“But you didn’t register for the course?”

“I did it.”

It was Benatio who applied for the course.

“Did you go to the academy while I was in the mountains?”

“No. That’s impossible. How far is it, sir?”


“Surely you didn’t do it, senior?”

“Of course. What should I do? It’s far away.”

“Oh… … You didn’t see the bachelor’s degree notice?”

It’s a real treat.

I asked with a sigh.

“What was in the bachelor’s degree notice?”

“I heard that this time, a remote course registration system was established due to student requests.”

“… … Was there something like that?”

“Yes. You can receive the course code via communication and enter it in advance. Well, it’s not as good as going to the class in person, but you can still get a few lectures. That’s how I did it. Even though I couldn’t do all of them.”

While I was able to obtain information on the forces threatening the empire as soon as I got it, why didn’t I know this information?

This is really ridiculous.

“Senior, you really didn’t know.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I naturally assumed that you would have prepared perfectly, senior. Isn’t that always the case?”

It’s too perfect a compliment to refute.

This guy knows me.

“I didn’t know this time. At all.”

“Oh no. Senior, have you completed your liberal arts credits?”

“It’s already over.”

“That’s fortunate… … Ah, but I guess it’s okay for you, senior. Since it’s an autonomous major, you can take any number of classes and still get credit for them. And there’s no required major. And since only seniors can take the autonomous major courses anyway, there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“Does that mean I listen to just any lecture?”

“That’s true too.”

Benatio’s words are not wrong, but lectures should be interesting to listen to.

“I guess there’s nothing I can do. I guess I’ll just listen to something fun out of what’s left.”

Well, actually, I don’t feel that bad about the situation. I just feel a little disappointed.

Among the remaining lectures, there will definitely be one or two that are interesting.

So we rode slowly and finally entered the capital.

The capital’s scenery was still vibrant.

I was thinking of meeting with Count Otière while I was here, but decided to go back to the Academy for now.

“Aren’t you going?”

“I’ve already applied for all the classes.”

“… … .”

“I’m going to go play outside for a bit, senior.”

Who knew that guy could look so annoying?

So I passed through the main gate of the academy alone and lonely. However, the security guards recognized me and greeted me, so I didn’t feel that lonely.

“Oh, Dane. Long time no see. Are you out and about?”

“It was a rather long outing.”

“Haha, really? How much do you plan on going out this semester?”

“I don’t know. I just go out when I have something to do. I’ll prepare a bunch of other passes.”


After finishing the pointless conversation, I decided to head to the central building to inquire about academic matters.

But it was just then that I started walking.

“Student Dane Sogres?”

Long time no see.

He is a postman belonging to the Academy.

“How have you been?”

“Yes. How have you been? It’s been a while.”

If you were to name the most mysterious being in the Academy, this would probably be the first person to come to mind.

This is the Academy Postman.

It’s to the point where I wonder if the empire has a separate training system for postmen.

Or maybe you could just draft assassins and have them do the work.

By the way, if the postman came like this, it means he has something to deliver or something important to do.

“I have two requests. First, please accept this.”

The postman handed over a small box first.

“This is a gift personally sent by His Majesty the Emperor.”


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I accepted the box with the utmost courtesy and opened it carefully.

A sweet smell wafts from the moment you open the box lid.

This is my favorite tart.

But this time there was something else mixed in.

“It’s a blueberry.”

“This time, I was told that the best blueberries were delivered.”

“I am simply touched by your kindness.”

Honestly, money and weapons don’t interest me anymore.

I have so many things better than that.

But tarts are a different story.

It looks so delicious.

“This is a personal gift, and it is said that he will give it separately as a congratulations for his great contribution to resolving the current situation.”

Then I have to go to the palace again, but now I’m used to it so I don’t feel hesitant.

“And next is a call from Dean Archwald Homet.”

The dean’s calling.

“Okay, I’ll go right now.”

“Yes, I will put the message in. Okay.”

The postman disappeared like the wind, and I turned straight towards the building where the dean’s office was located.

If the postman comes and delivers a call like this, isn’t there something going on?

Did something happen in our department?

If that’s the case, you would have told the two professors first, so there’s no way I wouldn’t have known.


What is there to worry about?

You’ll know when you go.

* * *

Dean Homer heard that Dane had just passed through the Academy gates and contacted the postman in advance. The waiting period was a time of worry. It was the first time he had received such a message from the royal family.

‘Please give me some convenience for my studies.’

It is unusual for the palace to mention a specific student’s academic background.

The Imperial Academy operates under a system where anyone with ability can enroll without having to pay admission fees or tuition.

In that sense, although there may be departments or students with strong internal influence, it is difficult for external intervention to be open.

But the royal family has now pointed to a student named Dane Sogress and asked for his academic convenience.

“I want this.”

Dean Homet sighed.

I never thought I would have these concerns as a dean.

During his time as a professor, he was human, so of course there were students he favored.

As humans, it is inevitable that our eyes are drawn to students who work harder, are more passionate, and do better.

But it is not a pleasant thing for someone to intervene externally like this.

Even if they are the royal family.

If you think about it, this academy is run with royal funds and donations, so it’s right to criticize it.

“You are firmly in the Emperor’s favor.”

Perhaps the emperor’s influence was there.

I heard the reason roughly.

I am a bit late in returning to the Academy due to the fact that I am currently working on a major project for the Empire. If there are any difficulties with the academic side, please be considerate.

In fact, the things Dane has done for the Academy are countless.

Just last semester, a former Academy Magic Professor was caught trying to sneak into Draenic.

Not only did they capture the professor, but they also captured the spies.

However, providing convenience to undergraduates is a different matter.

It might be better to compensate Dane financially or provide him with a separate space.

If it is a compensation that can be paid differentially according to skill, then it is certainly possible.

But giving additional opportunities that should be provided equally to all students is a different story.


Dean Homer finally finished his thoughts.

There was a request from the royal family, and in consideration of Dane’s achievements, this was a special occasion.

I will give you a bachelor’s degree just this once.

Dean Homer contacted the professors in the major departments where Dane had taken classes.


“I’m going to fold it. It’s nothing else, but the classes for the Department of Swordsmanship are almost full right now, right?”

-Ah, yes. I already have a headache because there are many students who can’t take the class. Since most of the lectures are physical starting from the second year, there are physical limitations so we can’t accept many students.

The situation wasn’t much different for other departments. The Department of Magic and the Department of Summoning were the same. In the case of unpopular departments, there was no need to ask.

“If it’s okay, I’d like one person to leave the seat.”

-Yes? One person? What’s going on? The Dean says all these things.

“I’ll explain in detail later. For now, please give me a seat.”

-Uh… …I see, Dean. I’m a bit surprised. For the Dean to directly mention the bachelor’s degree.

That’s right.

Dean Homet ended the call, muttering to himself something he couldn’t bring himself to say out loud.

After finishing my correspondence with other departments, I encountered similar reactions.

But what can I do?

Just as the communication was ending, a knock was heard.

“Dean, Dane Sogress has arrived.”

“Um. Let me guide you.”

The Dane I met like that seemed to have grown a lot more than before.

“It’s been a while. Two years?”

“Yes, Dean. It’s been a while.”

After exchanging greetings, the two sat on the sofa with the secretary holding two cups of tea between them.

“How are you doing these days? I think you returned to the Academy late.”

“You already knew.”

“Hmm. I guess so.”

“I feel like I just had a crazy vacation for the first time in a long time.”

“Did you go on an adventure with your friends?”

“This time we didn’t all go together, we went with one person.”

“That’s interesting. It’s important to make lots of memories during your school days. Safety is the top priority though.”

The conversation, which had been going around in circles, soon returned to the main topic.

“Dane, I recently got a call from my professors. Are you thinking of taking a leave of absence?”

“Rumors travel fast.”


Dean Homer was a little surprised.

If you’re on leave, don’t you have to ignore the royal family’s request?

“It’s not a leave of absence, but unfortunately I missed the course registration period. I couldn’t return on time.”

“Hmm. I think the new course registration method was also announced in the academic notice.”

“I missed that too.”

“That’s too bad.”

Dean Homer finally opened his mouth.

“So, I guess I don’t have to worry too much about registering for this class.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That’s exactly right. If there’s a lecture you want to hear, just go to the professor in charge and ask. Department of Swordsmanship, Department of Magic, Department of Spears, etc.”

Dane tilted his head for a moment.

“Has the bachelor’s degree system changed in the meantime?”

“Um. That’s not it.”

“As far as I know, there is no case where the number of students enrolled will increase.”

“Yes. That’s how it was originally.”

Dean Homer continued speaking cautiously.

“But I thought that students like you should be able to take the classes that you want to take.”

“I see. Thank you for your kind words.”

Dane nodded, but soon expressed his intention to refuse.

“Thank you for your kind words, but I am already enjoying my life at the Academy enough. I have no intention of receiving any benefits from the bachelor’s program.”


“I missed it, so I plan to take some undergraduate classes this semester that I haven’t taken before.”

Dean Homer was left speechless.

This is… … not right.


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