Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 564

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Chapter 564: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

377. Dane did Dane (2)


It was only a moment before Lecter, who had been kicking the sofa, stood up and pulled out a dagger.

As befitting a captain of the Ranger Regiment.

Quick and without hesitation.

He must also be excellent at dagger fighting.

But the fact that I can see all of those processes with my own eyes also means that from my perspective, it’s not happening very quickly.


A dagger that swings in an instant.

I was thinking of using magic comfortably, but after a long time, I took out Nighthorn.

This dagger was not the only gift I received from my mother.

I also learned dagger fighting early on.

Knock! Knock, knock!

The sound made when daggers clashed with each other was quite different from the sound made by normal swords.

A rough, scratching sound.

Knock, tata tak!

After exchanging sword strikes several times in an instant, I concluded that Lecter’s skills were excellent.

But that’s it.

As I injected magic into the dagger and swung it, Lecter’s dagger was cut cleanly.


At the same time, I rushed in and turned his chin, and he fell over.

“Tie it up.”

“All right.”

Afterwards, Venatio quickly captured Lecter while infusing him with magical powers to subdue him.

The guy’s expression was filled with bewilderment.

I guess so.

I tried to attack first, using a dagger that rangers often use.

If we had fought only with daggers, the fight would probably have lasted a little longer.

But if there’s a commotion and other rangers come rushing in, things get annoying.

“Now that you’ve warmed up, let’s talk.”

“Right now… … What are you doing? I am the commander of the Ranger Regiment. How dare you mess with a Ranger?”

“I know, I know. But you’re also a member of some organization. Maybe even an executive.”

“What nonsense!”

“It won’t do any good to pretend it doesn’t happen.”

I went to the chest I had pointed to earlier, broke the lock, and checked inside.

It is exactly as I was sure.

Then he took the box and turned it over in front of the guy.

All kinds of artifacts and magic books pouring out with a bang.

“Did you become interested in magic too late in life?”

Maybe so.

Rangers don’t know how to use magic.

But he must have had a talent for magic.

“You know what? Artifacts and magic books are naturally imbued with the user’s magical power. So if you trace them, you can roughly tell who used them.”

“Those, those items are confiscated items… … .”

“Really? Then where did these confiscated items come from?”

“… … .”

Is there any way there will be an immediate answer?

You must be thinking hard.

I put my hand on the guy’s body.

And then, a very familiar magic I felt from within enveloped my magic power.



And this guy too.

They all have a common magical feel.

“What, what is it!”

“That power is gone now.”

“This f*cking shit… … .”

The guy practically admitted it, struggling.

I’m talking about the existence of that magical power that he possesses.

“What do you think will happen if I do something to myself! This is Ranger Headquarters! You won’t get out alive!”

“Really? That’s what you think.”

“No matter how much you talk, who here would believe you?”

“There might be some who believe you.”

I lifted the guy’s chin.

“But if we make all those guys like this, that’s the end of it.”

“… … .”

“I think you heard the report that three lycanthropes were subdued.”


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Among the rangers, would any one be able to take on a lycanthrope on the night of the full moon?

I guess it must be there.

But no one can subdue you like I can.

“From now on, there’s only one thing you have to do. Just wait here while tied up, and when the Knights come, you just have to be quiet and let them arrest you.”

“… … .”

“For your information, the area around here is blocked off. I made sure no one could leave before I came in.”

“You… … what the hell are you! How… … how do you know!”

“Who messed with my hometown? That’s why I came all the way to the east by chance.”

In fact, I had some doubts from the moment I met Pell and Matisse.

Magic is so amazing, as you live, it affects those around you.

Although Pel and Matisse did not possess this magic directly, it could be said that they exuded a ‘fragrance’.

And the moment I followed those two around the area called headquarters, I was able to be sure.

That’s right, the Ranger Regiment Headquarters is the Eastern Branch we were looking for.

Before I went in, I left the room for a moment to turn that guess into certainty.

I also contacted you in advance.

Issue an order to the Rangers to return in the name of the Imperial Family.

We had already contacted the Eastern Knights who were waiting.

There might be one among the rangers.

Well, actually, I saw more than one or two suspicious guys as I entered the village.

It looks like there are twice as many as in the southern branch.

“You must have had fun learning magic, right? You must have learned it quickly. It must have been amazing. Even if you can’t make a circle, magic is magic anyway.”

Non-chain level magic can be used even without a circle.

However, beyond that, it is difficult to form a circle due to mutual interference as long as the core exists.

My case is unique, almost everyone is like this, so it’s hard for the so-called magician to appear.

However, just by amplifying the magic power, the movements would have changed and become much stronger.

Because power is power.


“I have no more questions for you. I have the most solid evidence. Now just wait quietly.”

“Now, wait a minute! What do you want? Let’s negotiate!”


Negotiation is good.


“Okay, negotiate! What do you want?”

“Does it make sense? The Knights are coming?”

“You don’t know me yet! No, you don’t know me!”

This person is really transparent.

Since it seems a bit disadvantageous, he returns to his original stance like a sword.

“So let’s negotiate. Okay? I’ll give you whatever you want. What do you need?”

“Well, it doesn’t look like we need anything in this room.”

“Then I’ll give you the information!”

Is it to preserve your position, or is it because you are worried about the death penalty?

Probably both.

This guy Hanson was more loyal than this guy, they’re both bad guys but they’re quite comparable.

“Whew. It was purely a coincidence. There was this strange person I met one day… … .”

To summarize the detailed story, it goes like this.

About 20 years ago.

During my 5th year as a ranger.

There was an unidentified person who was captured and he made a strange proposal.

It seems like you have a talent for magic, and if you let me go, I’ll teach you a little bit of magic.

I knew it.

However, I was unable to learn magic because my environment did not permit it.

The offer ignited a vague dream that had been buried, and Lecter, possessed, secretly released the man and followed him.

There were two reasons.

The fact that he recognized his own talent.

Another thing is that a huge compensation was promised.

Well, and I was also tired of the fact that it was a 15-year mandatory service.

Rangers often face a second crisis around their 5th or 6th year.

The timing was just right.

“… … After that, somehow I was offered the position of branch manager in the eastern region, and so… … .”

“So, you’re saying that they’ve planted members all over the branch?”

“There were people dispatched from headquarters, and some of the rangers agreed with my wishes… … .”

It flows very smoothly.

It really seems like you want to somehow avoid this situation.

In fact, at this point, it’s closer to a question and answer session than a newspaper.

The only thing they have in common is that they are tied to something that needs to be answered.

“So, are you in contact with headquarters?”

“Ha, I am doing it.”

“Where is it?”

“I do not know…….”


Lecter responds in shock when Nighthorn is brought to his neck.

“I really don’t know. I only saw the ‘King’ once when he came to inspect this place!”


“I am referring to the person who leads our organization… … .”

He is a king.

If that’s the title, then does that mean you’re going to destroy the empire and create a new world?

I don’t know for sure, but I’ll find out when I meet you.

“What do you know about him?”

“He was someone who possessed very… powerful magical powers and could create huge fireballs with a single gesture.”

“What does he look like?”

“I’ve never seen your face properly. You always wear a hood and mask… … .”

From what I’ve heard, it seems like he’s trying to hide his identity as much as possible.

But I thought I knew what the mask looked like.

“Baekmyeon (white mask). It was a completely white mask.”

White face.

This might be an important clue.

“And likewise, he was wearing white gloves.”

“Gloves. What else?”

“And he was wearing something like priestly clothing, pure white without any patterns… … He must have come from a mountain path, but it was so pure white that there wasn’t a speck of dust or a single stain.”

Pure white.

White face.

You’re a guy who likes white.

“Benatio, do you have any guesses?”

“Hmm. I don’t know right now.”

“Right now?”

“… … I think I need to think about it.”

I asked the guy a quick question and then continued reading the newspaper.

The rough conclusion is this.

This guy has been a member of the organization for 20 years and is currently the ‘branch manager’ of the Eastern branch.

And it is said that about 30 of the rangers assigned to the 5th Mountain Ranger Regiment were recruited as members of the organization, and the organization dispatched about 10 people to the regiment headquarters disguised as general personnel.

“What’s the list?”

“… … .”


“I’m over there.”

It’s really good for us, but it’s clear that he’s a guy who can’t be found with even a little effort.

I walked over to Lecter’s desk. There was a drawer there that seemed to have a magical power.

A secret space revealed by touching and injecting magic power.

I took out all the documents inside and checked the names written on them.

“You leave it in writing. Is that how it’s supposed to be?”

“That… is not true.”

This is what I said, left behind voluntarily.

Rather, it turned out well.

Because it could be important evidence.

“Is there anyone here who was dispatched?”

When the list was presented to him, Lecter quickly answered.

“Rio, Lance, and Brittan. These three.”

“Then give the order to return now.”

“Three, are you talking to three?”

“No. To all Rangers.”

“……All right.”

After a while, Lecter opened the communication crystal ball and ordered everyone to return.

I thought some of the rangers would ask what was going on, but a group the size of the rangers is different.

After sending a message that everyone understood, they decided to return.

It seems there’s nothing left to find out.

To be precise, I have obtained all the information I need.

Although we were unable to find out the name of their organization, we were able to obtain information about their leader and, most importantly, expose the members of the organization hiding in this eastern branch.

“Thanks to you, things went smoothly. Thank you.”

“Well, then now… … .”

“Hmm. That’s right.”

“Go, thank you!”

“It’ll be a little cold in prison. I’ll cover you with a coat before you go.”


Lecter looked at me with puzzled eyes.

Those rabbit-like eyes.

Your eyes are so clear.

I chuckled and said something to the guy.

“Did you really think we were negotiating?”


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