Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 562

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Chapter 562: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

376. The Genius Boy of the Empire (3)


Depending on the ‘individual’, they are usually extremely powerful beings with the physical abilities of a beast and the intelligence of a human.

Even the most skilled knights have to fight for their lives, and especially in mountainous terrain, there is no one to fight against them.

Even the Rangers know a little about how to deal with lycanthropes.

It can’t be helped since their fundamental bodies are different to begin with, but the one fortunate thing is that there are only a few lycanthropes.

Of course, the reason for this was the Empire’s genocide of the heterodox race, and that’s why lycanthropes hate the Empire.

Anyway, there are times when these lycanthropes become incredibly strong.

That’s right, the day the full moon rises.

The moment that day comes, he becomes vicious day and night. Not only does his aggression increase, but his fighting power also increases.

So, the rangers are especially careful about carrying out missions on days when the full moon rises. In some cases, they don’t even assign missions.

‘That’s what happened… … I guess I couldn’t help it today.’

However, the mission was undertaken due to a chronic shortage of manpower.

Anyway, I thought I was going to die without being able to move.

There are three lycanthropes.

Even one full moon lycanthrope is a being that requires three rangers to deal with.

Even that is only to the extent of ‘suppressing’ through a thorough division of roles.

But what is this?

“Sir, senior. The lycanthropes… … .”

“I know. I’m watching.”

The lycanthropes are unable to move.

Those ferocious and powerful guys.

As if I had met some kind of natural enemy.

No, if it were a natural enemy, it would lie flat on its stomach or run away.

The lycanthropes simply froze, their snouts emitting screams.

“Cruck, cruck!”


You probably won’t believe me.

Those strong arms and legs and that wide body don’t move the way I want them to.

I can’t believe it even if I see it.

I’m just simply reaching out.

“Senior, how do you do that?”


“No, if you say it like that, doesn’t it make me more curious?”

“Then do you want to learn magic even if it’s late?”

“I’ll decline. I can’t stand being a desk rat no matter what.”

The conversation between the two is also peaceful.

It was as if I was seeing myself and Matisse on the move.

By the way, that hair.

Silver hair.

Where did you hear that?

There is a genius boy with silver hair that flutters like a brilliant light and solves various incidents and accidents in the empire.

The rangers are not well informed about rumors.

Living in the mountains, the only information I get is stories from the supply corps or stories from the villagers below.

So-and-so’s daughter is getting married to so-and-so, so-and-so got so drunk that he tried to break a mill, so-and-so froze to death last night, so-and-so’s child went missing and they searched for a long time, only to find out that a monster had taken it away…

A story that shines like a gold coin among silver coins.

That’s the story of the imperial boy genius named Dane Sogress.

‘Is that really…?’

Pell swallowed dryly.

Rumors are as plentiful as the wild flowers of the northern prairies, and as changeable as the squalls of the southern jungles.

The rumors Pel heard were so many and always different.

They say that boy genius has already made a name for himself with the sword.

No, he is from the Southern Sogres Counts, so he is said to be the best at wielding a spear.

They say magic is the best, and that he’s incredibly good at summoning…

They say that he has powers that others don’t know about, etc.

I don’t know what’s right.

But I do know one thing.


It’s strong because it made the lycanthrope set immobile.

“Even if it’s the full moon, if you attack me any more, you’ll die. Even if your body bursts or your throat gets cut. If you promise to step back quietly, I’ll let you go.”

And surprisingly, the lycanthropes seem to understand this.

It was a full moon and his ferocious wildness must have overtaken his reason, but he suddenly answered with a calm expression.

“I’ll do that.”

Is it fear that comes with power that suppresses wildness?

“Okay. I’ll let you go.”

The moment the unidentified person, Dane, withdrew his hand, the lycanthropes fell forward with a thud.

It seemed like my strength had been momentarily released.


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And surprisingly, it quietly backed away and disappeared into the mountains.

A sight that is hard to believe even after seeing it with your own two eyes.

“What the heck is this… … .”

Communication came to mind.

If I tell you this story as it is, would you believe me?

The full moon lycanthrope was unable to attack even once and was completely bound, but after a single word, it quietly retreated.

It’s a story that even the rangers who love rumors and boasts wouldn’t believe.

“Are you Imperial Mountain Rangers?”

The question that comes to mind then.

“Oh, that, yes. That’s right.”

Dane and Benatio introduced themselves to Pell, who was answering absentmindedly.

“I am Dane Sogress, the eldest son of the Counts of Sogress.”

“This is Benatio Grun.”

As expected, it was right.

Dane Sogres.

This is my first time hearing about Benatio Grun, but anyway.

“Let me introduce myself again. I am Mathis of the 5th Mountain Ranger Brigade of the Alteon Empire, and this is Pel. It is an honor to meet you.”

“I am honored to meet you, the renowned mountain rangers.”

It only feels real when we hold hands.

But I couldn’t just sit there blankly and stare forever.

“Well, first of all, thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to avoid unnecessary battles. Actually… … I guess it would be more appropriate to say that I survived thanks to you.”

“No. I don’t like pointless fighting either. And killing.”

What needs to be confirmed needs to be confirmed.

“Excuse me, but could you please show me some documents or badges that can prove your identity? This is a procedural requirement, so I appreciate your understanding.”

“As much as you want.”

Dane and Benatio each presented their family badges and their academy student IDs.

After checking it carefully according to procedure under Matisse’s watch, Pell returned it.

“Thank you. Everything is fine. Your identity has been verified. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

“No. It’s something that needs to be done.”

But it doesn’t end here.

“Ah… … and there’s one more thing. In fact, this is a place where you can’t enter without a separate permit. After all, there’s the Draconic land right after you go over the peak, and there are dangerous… … creatures like the lycanthropes you just saw.”

This guy is dangerous… I don’t think he’ll be, but I still need to explain.

“So you’re saying I need permission?”

“That’s right.”

“Is this enough?”

Dane took something out of his bosom.

And when Pel noticed that, his pupils shook violently.


“According to the person who gave it to me, if I show it to them, I can pass through most places without any problems. Except for the Dranek border.”

It was the imperial seal.

The third prince, Edward, gave him the imperial seal as a token of friendship and in return for healing his hand.

I received it but hardly ever used it, so I’m just taking it out now.

Pel took the seal with trembling hands and checked the back.

I can’t dare to judge whether it’s a forgery or not, but the name written on the back is very clear.

‘Edward… … Your Highness!’

A token approved by the Imperial Family and guaranteed by the Third Prince Edward.

“Do you need to verify the authenticity?”

In Dane’s question, Pell read two intentions.

Is it really necessary to verify the authenticity?


Don’t you trust me?

Of course, Dane’s intentions were a little different.

I was willing to confirm it as much as needed.

However, the other party just doesn’t dare to consider it that far.

“No. That can’t be.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean that Pel is completely oppressed by authority.

“I just need to report to the regiment, so please wait a moment.”


Pell took a deep breath and said to Matisse.

“Connect to headquarters.”

“Oh, I understand, Senior. Oh, no, Senior.”

This guy also seems quite flustered.

Pell asked cautiously as Matisse struggled to establish a communication connection.

“But, for what reason did you two come here?”

“I can’t tell you right now, but I have no intention of crossing the border.”

Pel squinted his eyes inwardly.

You can’t say it?

“Is there a reason why it is difficult to speak?”

“It’s because of that seal.”

“… … .”

Could it be that the imperial order is involved?

Well, what can they do when they are just the lowest of the low?

But that is only a personal aspect, and it is something you absolutely must know at this point.

“I’m sorry. It will be difficult to proceed without confirming the reason. This is also stated in the Imperial Law.”

It is also a rule for rangers.

Anyone who does not obtain permission and does not state the reason for entering the mountain is no longer permitted to pass.

There are no exceptions.

That’s the rangers’ rule.

I was able to survive just now, but that’s not something that goes beyond the duties and rules of a ranger.

At least that’s what Pell was taught, and that’s what he thought.

Even if I die.

“Seo, senior.”

Matisse, who was listening, opened his mouth wide in surprise.

No, if it’s not too much trouble, it would be okay to just let it pass. It’s not just anyone, he even has the royal seal!

That damn principle.

Matisse watched the situation with a nervous heart, trying to communicate.

Honestly, there is no way to compete with it.

And there’s no communication connection.

I doubt he would kill the rangers, but if he were to use his authority… … .

‘I might never be able to be discharged from the military?’

Rangers who commit serious crimes have their service period extended.

By the way, there are also Rangers in the regiment who are ordered to serve for life.

It’s a terrible thing.

Even though the mountains and rivers change many times, you have to spend your whole life wandering around the same place!


Mathis wanted Pell to step aside.

But contrary to expectations, Pell remained steadfast.

“Please tell me your reason, both of you. If not, you will have to go to the regiment and be investigated.”

There was a dense tension.

At least that was the case for Matisse.

At this moment, there were no birds chirping, no rustling of leaves, and no occasional sound of the wind blowing.

And the one who broke the silence was Dane.

“You are true to your principles.”

“Because I’m an Imperial Mountain Ranger.”

Pel, who finally destroys Matisse’s expectations.

Matisse assumed that the next scene would be decided.

Either by authority, or by the overwhelming force he just demonstrated against the lycanthrope.

But then Dane asked a strange question.

“Have you seen any traces of people around here?”


“We came to find that trace.”

“If there is a trace of a person….”

“As far as I know, there’s no one here besides the Rangers. Is that correct?”

“you’re right.”

“But I hear there are people living here. Quite a few of them.”


While Fel was absentmindedly staring, Dane heard something unexpected.

“It is a force that threatens the empire.”


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