Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 554

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Chapter 554: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

372. I have a place to go (1)

“The drinking water is coming in!”

“The third search of the village is complete! Nothing unusual!”

The plague situation in Opt is slowly calming down.

Although it was a bit late, the number of infected villagers was still just over half.

Not only did the priests arrive early to pour out unprecedented divine power, but yesterday, a cure finally arrived at Opt.

“Is this the 200th?”

“Yes. I have heard about the mass production situation. Thank you, Professor.”

Mass production of the treatment was also continuing smoothly.

The line has been completed and production is underway, so the required quantity will be produced within a week.

There, Hanson is also planning to start mass production of a cure after collecting samples of the plague that he was trying to spread anew in case things don’t go well.

“I didn’t know that being rich would make me feel this proud.”

Professor Cross, who had almost no restrictions on teleportation due to his physical characteristics as a lich, played a huge role there.

It’s a nearly impossible spell unless you pre-install the platform, but Professor Cross is a lich.

“You must be happy because you’re rich.”

“Hmm. Since you asked me that, it seems like you’re trying to feed me something, so I won’t answer.”

“It is a shame that you doubt the sincere intentions of my disciple.”

“So, you’re saying that if I talk to you, I’ll get in trouble? Huh?”

So the situation became relaxed enough that we could joke around like this.

It’s not that it wasn’t true, but the people who received the treatment were happy as their conditions improved one by one.

Of course, it is difficult to move around freely since the epidemic has not completely subsided yet.

There may be aftereffects, and there is even a risk of reinfection.

“Still, it seems like everyone has been cured. From what I’ve heard from that nobleman, Viscount Otier, it seems like the disease they were treating back then was very similar to the plague they were treating.”

“Yes. Almost completely. That’s fortunate.”

Of course, the spread of the plague is by no means a fortunate thing.

I guess it’s just a blessing in disguise.

“Then the group of guys you mentioned… … are they guys that existed back then?”

“I don’t think so. I think I just happened to obtain the plague seal that was being spread at the time.”

“Then the guy who spread the plague back then… … .”

“It could be some crazy wizard. Or maybe he’s not a wizard. So he must have created this new plague seal after seeing that plague seal.”

I gave Professor Cross the plague box that that guy Hanson was trying to blow up again.

“This… … has a pretty high-level magical seal applied to it. It looks like it was sealed by someone with good skills.”

“What level is it?”

“Of course, you’re worse than me. I could do this with my eyes closed while I was still alive.”

Then Professor Cross added quietly.

“Of course, it may not seem like much to you or me, but it’s definitely a high-level skill by general standards. At this level, it seems like someone who has devoted himself to sealing magic and has made a name for himself. Let’s see, I guess it’s okay to start here.”

Professor Cross seemed to think for a moment, then mentioned about five people.

“The five guys I just mentioned are magicians who can create seals of this level. Three of them are from the Niroxion Tower, one is from the Northern Magic Squadron, and the remaining one is from the Imperial Family.”

“You are masters of sealing magic.”

“That’s right. The school is also that way. But sealing magic is usually learned as a side subject rather than delving deep into it.”

First, I remembered the names of five people.

If one of them were a member of that group, the story would be quite interesting.

Because it means that a bigger figure than expected is belonging to some group and helping to threaten the empire.

Of course, I am not delving into this situation just because there is an entity threatening the empire.

“You will learn what it means to touch my hometown.”

That it touched right where my family and people I know are.

That fact is important.

“That’s the angriest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“is that so.”

“And yet, he didn’t even kill that guy named Hanson.”

By the way, Hanson is alive.

That too, just fine.

However, I am currently suffering without rest.

They have been regulated to prevent death or critical injury, so they will be taken out and handed over to the capital as soon as this plague situation is over.

“If you kill them, you lose more.”

“Yeah. I thought about it carefully. If you kill people too easily, their souls will eventually be destroyed.”

Killing people to live. At some point, I began to treat death as just another part of my daily life. So, what kind of soul did my past life have?

Let’s stop with the philosophical thoughts here.

“young master.”

Just then someone came to visit.


And it was his wife.

“Oh, Rec. How are you?”

“It’s very, very comfortable. The spots are almost gone, and the stabbing pain in my chest and stomach are almost gone now.”

The two couples who were the first to receive the treatment are now completely fine.

There may be some aftereffects, but it’s a good thing I came back alive just before crossing the threshold of death.

“You are truly… … a savior to my life.”


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“Thank you very much, Your Majesty.”

“I did what I had to do. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. Are there any other areas that are uncomfortable?”

“No. I feel very comfortable. I do cough occasionally, but it’s hard to say I’m sick.”

“However, it could be an aftereffect, so please be sure to tell the priests. Every word from the two people who have recovered first will be of great help.”

“Okay, I’ll make sure to tell you.”

I felt so lucky as I watched the couple walking away.

Even with the consent of both parties, the cure was a gamble.

Even though we administered the most likely conclusion among the five sample treatments, if it was wrong… … .

It’s inevitable that we sometimes have to bet on probabilities like this, but it’s not pleasant to have people’s lives being determined by those probabilities.

“Hmm. I guess I should go back to the capital. There are a lot of things I need to bring back while I’m there.”

“Please, could you please do me a favor?”

“You should prepare ten bottles of this amazing liquor, disciple.”

Professor Cross smiled and disappeared, and I also started walking away.

The place I arrived at was a place with three people.



And then there’s Benatio.

When I got there, Benatio was outside.

“How is it?”

“I heard from outside that he’s trying to persuade them. Hanson is stubborn, but Tass is talking well.”

It was at Tas’ suggestion that we decided to get more information from Hanson.

Although Tasdo knows a lot about the organization, it is said that Hanson actually knows more.

Hanson’s skills are a little better and Tass joined the organization a little later.

In fact, Hanson has a high chance of dying no matter what happens.

To be exact, it is the death penalty.

Even if I don’t do it, my father will, and even if my father doesn’t do it, the emperor won’t stay still.

However, from a political and strategic perspective, Hanson’s information becomes a great weapon.

At least he’s worth keeping alive until he spits out information.

Well, actually, it doesn’t matter if you don’t vomit.

If you don’t spit it out, just find out the information some other way.

Now that we have a clue to the truth, there are plenty of ways to find out.

Because I have many weapons.

From the assassin friend I met thanks to my mother to the countless people I know.

“It’s not like there’s no information at all. It could be disinformation or false information, but… … I don’t think that’s very likely. It seems like they’re really scared.”

The information I obtained in this way didn’t seem to be of much use, but one thing stood out.

“Your successor.”

The successor to the organization that will be deployed immediately in the event of a mission failure.

The name is Illid.

If you can find it, you’ll have another valuable source of information.

I think I can find this guy after I get out of here.


Then the door opened and Tass walked out.

“… … .”

He looked a little surprised when he saw me, but soon opened his mouth carefully.

“Hanson wants to live.”

“That might be difficult.”

“… … Hanson is also aware of that part. He seems to want to increase his chances of survival somehow.”

“Are you cooperating with me?”

“Yes. At first… … he was uncooperative at first. He called me a traitor and cursed me with evil intent. I understand.”

The guy is going to die anyway.

Even from a political standpoint, the odds of survival are not high.

So I thought calmly.

Anyway, other than this guy, there are also Tass and Illid as information providers.

That is, there are plenty of guys who can extract information, and even if they don’t, it’s hard to keep Hanson alive.

“First, I told you to think about it carefully.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you say it or not.”


“It would be nice if I got it, but it doesn’t matter if I don’t.”

This may be the most emotional thing I’ve ever thought about in my life.

I pride myself on being cool-headed thanks to my numerous experiences in my past life, but is this the only way I can be when it comes to matters involving my family and hometown?

Frankly, if it weren’t for political reasons, I would immediately send Hanson to the capital and petition for his execution.

If you don’t do that, you just think it’s not the time yet.

“Do you know about the one called Illid?”

“I’ve only heard the name. I heard he joined the organization long before me or Hanson… … .”

“It seems like there is some degree of information sharing within the organization.”

“It is said that at first it was operated as a point organization, but as it began to expand its influence in earnest, sharing took place.”

How dare you not get caught until now.

But that’s not the case anymore.

“Just ask about the one called Illid. If he spits out any other information, I’ll report back to you without fail.”

“Oh, I understand.”

And this guy too.

Hanson’s situation is no different.

I will be paid for the information, but it will only mean that my chances of dying are slightly lower than Hanson’s.


“Yes, senior.”

“Please keep an eye on the situation here and report back. I have somewhere to go.”

Now the situation in this town, Opt, has been somewhat sorted out.

The sick now only need to be administered the cure, and thanks to Priscilla’s joining, there is no need to worry about the priests.

There is no longer any need to maintain the walls, as our family’s knights surround the village without fail.

“If there’s a place you want to go… … .”

“That organization, the Southern Branch.”


So, I have to go and see what kind of guys they are.

Of course, it all comes down to dust.

It looks like this will be a very long vacation.

“Are you going alone?”

“No, I think I might be a little short-handed.”

“Ah. With Professor Cross?”

“No. The professor is busy.”

I thought of the person I had in mind in advance.

Come to think of it, this seems to be the first time we’ve been in a situation where we’ve actually done something together.

Maybe this time I won’t have anything to do.


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