Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 548

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Chapter 548: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

369. The Source of the Plague (1)

About 200 years ago, I think.

Even before the war between Alteon and Draenic broke out.

It is said that during the time when Alteon was expanding its territory through wars of conquest, a plague broke out in a certain village.

-According to the records, the symptoms that the villagers are experiencing now are similar to the symptoms that have appeared.

“Where is it?”

– It is a mountain village at the westernmost tip. The people there were infected in an instant and most of them lost their lives, and only a very small number of villagers survived and escaped the mountain village to report the incident to a baron of the barony to which the village belonged at the time.

The story that followed was like this.

After receiving the report, the Baron is said to have sealed off the entire village and killed anyone who had managed to survive and escape the mountains.

-The records end here. After that, the plague never appeared again. But it is very strange. That mountain village was a place where people lived without any contact with the outside world. Even the language they used was different because it was cut off for a very long time.

“But a plague broke out?”

– Highly contagious diseases of that kind don’t usually start in such remote places. They often start in big cities with lots of traffic.

The fact that an epidemic suddenly broke out in a mountain village that was virtually isolated from the outside world…

“It’s possible that an animal like a rat accidentally entered the village and infected it, or that someone intentionally spread it.”

-That’s right. That’s why it’s a bit strange. I think that if the disease there subsides a bit, a national epidemiological survey will be necessary.

A disease of unknown origin spread throughout the village.

Considering that this village had previous contact with the outside world, it is quite possible that this disease was brought in by someone from outside.

But there’s something on my mind.

If it was spread by someone from outside, shouldn’t it have already been seen in other areas?

Unless the person had been sleeping with an illness for the past 200 years and woke up a few days ago and the first place he visited was this village.

-That’s all I know for now. I remembered it because it was such a unique case of epidemic spread, but I think I’ll have to look into the related records a bit more to find out more details.

This is a related record.

“Okay, let’s focus on mass production for now.”

-Operation has already begun. The number of villagers is not large, but considering the external transmission, more may be needed. Benefactor, I will produce with all my might.

“Yes, please.”

The communication was finalized and I contacted the appropriate person.


“Ernest. Is everything okay?”

-No. Are you training now? Are you coming back now?

“That’s what I was going to do.”

Since I knew that she would come running if she heard the news, I made the request as casually as possible.

-Ah. You mean that plague-related stuff? I’ve heard of it too. There’s even a record of my visit in my father’s adventure journal.

If Baron Dylan had ever visited that ruined mountain village, the story might have been a little easier.

“Oh, take your time and find out.”

-Now that we’re on the subject, let’s do it right away. Just wait a minute!

I knew this would happen so I asked you to do it.

Once I finished communicating with Ernest, I stopped my deduction.

Now is the time to figure out the situation for yourself rather than trying to reason.

-Senior, the priests dispatched from the Southern Church have just arrived.

“I’ll go that way. Guide me as far away from the entrance as possible.”

-I already did that. Don’t worry.

I checked the condition of Reck and his wife once more. Their breathing was stable and the fever had almost disappeared.

“Your Majesty, I am fine now. Please go quickly.”

The rec looked really comfortable.

“I trust you, my lord. Now that we are okay, please help others.”

“All right.”

“It gives me peace of mind to see people helping my master.”

Strangely enough, it was a meaningful statement.

In a positive sense, of course.


I left Rek’s house without a care and headed back to the village entrance.

The priests’ faces were a mixture of confusion, surprise, and bewilderment. It seemed as if Venatio had given them a rough explanation.

After briefly greeting and explaining the situation again, the priest at the front looked dumbfounded and asked back.

“Then… … The situation inside right now is… … .”

“It’s hell. Fortunately, I contacted a pharmaceutical company I had a connection with and received a treatment at a very low cost, but it will take time until it is mass-produced.”

“Hmm. So, there was a reason why Count Sogress contacted you so urgently. It seems that the situation is indeed urgent.”

The priests were cooperative, and even apologetic.

“If I had known the situation was this serious, I would have prepared more thoroughly.”

“That’s right. Since this is happening, I think all the temples of the Southern Church need to join forces.”

Then, immediately after that, they activated the sign and requested a dispatch team centered around the leader priest from each southern branch.

“Perhaps the contact was also made to the ascetic priests wandering in the South.”

“I am so grateful that you gave it to me after making up your mind to do so.”

“We must show the reason why the Church exists. Rather, it is shameful. The children of the Count family are doing this… … .”

Judging by his genuinely embarrassed appearance, he looks quite different from the bishop of the capital.

Or maybe it’s because it’s in front of me.

Actually, it doesn’t matter either way.

The important thing is to resolve this situation now.


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“If it’s a highly contagious plague, I think we’ll have to use our divine power to the max. It would probably be best to go in and out in two-hour shifts.”

By the way, these are priests and cannot use the mask invented by the eldest sister. So they have to block the spread of the plague with divine power.

“Let’s proceed like that. When will the other priests arrive?”

“It may vary by branch, but if it’s the nearest branch, it won’t take more than two hours to get there by horseback.”

“Okay. Then, I’ll go in first.”

“We’ll go with you. Janet, Ross. We’ll go with you.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

“The rest of you, hold your positions and be ready to come in as soon as we come out.”

So I and three priests, including the leader, entered the village again.

The priests reacted immediately.

“This is… … a truly ugly and powerful force. I never thought I would see a plague of this magnitude since the war.”

It seems that the priests also feel that this plague is quite strong.

It’s a good thing I raised the Otiaire restriction in advance. If not, what would have happened?

The village chief made a big decision and sealed off the village, but if the plague starts spreading again through someone who visits the village in the future… … .

That’s when it becomes a situation where you can’t do anything.

In the worst case scenario, it could have spread from the South to the entire empire.

“Are you able to feel that much strength?”

“The priests can sense it. Should we say that the divine power sends out a warning signal?”

The leader’s words were not wrong.

The leader priest seemed to have no problem walking and talking due to his high level of divine power, but the situation was a bit different for the other priests.

“Ugh… … .”

“This… … It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way. It reminds me of when I first experienced the energy of the Demon Tribe.”

The common priests seem to be in quite a miserable state.

The leader priest added something about the spirit of the demon tribe.

“It’s probably hard to hold out for long. This is a situation that priests find extremely difficult to endure. A place where plagues are rampant. It’s ironic that in such a situation, the people who are most needed are priests.”

This plague seems to be approaching the priests with a feeling of dread, like that of the demons.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult for me to do anything with the magic I have unless I’m a fellow priest.

“But don’t worry. This is the hardship and suffering that you must endure as a priest. Everyone suffers, but you will be able to overcome it. This is also God’s test. The moment you overcome it, you will grow and become more faithful.”

I heard it from Priscilla once.

Wizards constantly go through the process of refining their magical power to raise the level of their magical power and train in magic, but I was curious about how priests train.

Priscilla responded to that:

Just roll around until you die.

Isn’t this exactly the situation that rolling is in?

Anyway, the time for small talk has passed.

“According to what the person I met earlier said, this hall is the most crowded.”

“We need to be alert. The more people involved in the plague gather together, the more dangerous the atmosphere will be. Everyone, get ready.”

Looking back, the priests’ expressions were obviously not good.

It’s not that I don’t want to do it, it’s just because it hurts.

“Okay, let’s go in.”

As soon as I opened the door, a smell wafted in.

Even if you purify the air, you can’t hide the smell of a dying person.

If I hadn’t had that experience in my past life, I probably would have felt nauseous.

The inside of the town hall was pure hell.

“Ugh… … .”


“Oh, please, please just kill me!”

Dozens of people were lying on the floor, groaning in pain.

The few people who care for them also have black spots blooming.

“This is… … really… … .”

“Ugh… … .”

While the priests were swallowing their sighs, an old man came walking towards us, staggering as if he was dying, and asked us a question.

“Who are you…? You’re not from our village….”

“I am Dane Sogress, the eldest son of the Sogress Counts. These are priests from the Southern Branch of the Imperial Church.”

“How could an outsider… …? I, I am the village chief of this village.”

This man was the village chief who made that difficult decision.

“Let’s start by alleviating the suffering of the villagers. The cure will arrive within a few days.”

“Treatment… … right? No way. You’re saying that you can cure this plague?”

I thought the village chief was simply saying that because the plague was so terrible.

“It’s possible. Some people have shown me the way.”

“… … No way. Tass said that this plague was incurable and that everyone would die… … .”

“If you say Tasra… … .”

“Ah. He’s the only wizard from our village.”

I remembered what Reck had said.

A wizard from this village said he stopped by to visit his hometown a while ago.

“Where is that person now?”

“I went out to get some water. I’ll be back soon.”

I guess we’ll have to talk about it later.

I looked at the leader.

“Priest, please.”

“Um. Okay. Is everyone okay?”

“… … It’s bearable.”

“You can.”

The priests were burning with determination, but they looked quite precarious.

If the divine power that was unfolding like that becomes quiet, they too can contract the plague.

So I thought of a way.

“Your Majesty, how about air purified by magic?”


“I’m asking if it wouldn’t be affected by magic itself, but if we purify it with magic and make the air clean?”

The response that came back was regretful.

“… … It will certainly get better, but even if we purify the air, it will probably become polluted again as long as there are people suffering from the plague. It is disappointing that it is inefficient.”

The leader shook his head, but that didn’t matter to me.

“Then that would be no problem. I could do it all day.”

I opened the subspace and took out the special magic stone.


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