Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 547

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Chapter 547: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

368. Smell (3)

“Reck. Where are all the patients now?”

“They are isolated in the hall. But even there, there isn’t enough space, so they are in a nearby warehouse or a large hotel room. Cool.”

It looks like Lekdo’s symptoms are starting to show up little by little.

I looked at him, who seemed to have calmed down for a moment after suffering from excruciating pain, and asked.

“Rek. Would you like to try some medicine?”


Once again, Reck coughed harshly, this time coughing up bloody phlegm.

While the urgent patient is important, the person in front of you right now is Rek.

There are enough samples, so there is nothing you can’t do.

“… … Is there any reason to hesitate? If I continue like this, I’ll die anyway.”

Unlike his haggard and dying face, his eyes were full of the will to live.

“I have a family.”


Yeah, there’s no motivation stronger than that.

“So please give it to my wife before me. My wife also had a high fever last night.”

And family is more precious than one’s own life.

“Okay, I’ll show you home.”

“This way.”

“Do you have any children?”

“Fortunately, there was someone who claimed to be the children’s guardian before the incident occurred. The last time I asked, fortunately, no symptoms had developed on that side.”


“Yes. He is from this village, and he stopped by to visit his hometown a while ago, and this plague broke out… … I heard he is a skilled wizard, and he moved quickly as soon as something happened in the village.”

Benatio reacted to those words.

“Senior, it’s fortunate that there is at least one person who can help. Could it be that you are the same magic tower as Seedrain?”

“Well, we’ll have to see each other to find out. Rek, first, let’s take you home.”

“All right.”

Reck led us to his home, walking with unsteady, difficult steps.

I thought about giving it some magic power while I was going, but I didn’t think that would be of much use.

My magic power does not have the ability to heal illnesses.

[If only my power remained, I could have dealt with this plague with ease.]

And then the voice of the thought form was heard.


[As I said, there are many types of dragon powers. One of them is the ability to drive away evil powers like plagues.]

That’s dragon-like.

“But I can’t use it now.”

[Yes. My body is asleep.]

“Then teach Karnas to fly as fast as possible.”

[Unfortunately, it takes at least several decades to learn such advanced powers. Of course, this little guy is quite gifted, so it should take less time than that.]

It’s a shame.

If I had that kind of power, I would have taken care of it right away without even calling Professor Cross and headed to the capital.

“Who are you talking to? Is there another guy I don’t know about?”

At that moment, I handed my cane to Professor Cross, who happened to be talking to me.

“Would you like to talk?”


After a while.

“… … Oh my god. Is this real?”

[Here it is, watch your words.]

“Really… … Really… … Is that it?”

“Yes, in my opinion.”

[A claim! You saw it too!]

This rare sight of the dragon’s ideology being questioned and the lich being bewildered.

And in this situation where I am caught between them and a human being, I feel a strange sense of pride.

“What’s going on?”

“Um. No. Nothing.”

We arrived in front of Reck’s house while talking to Benatio, who didn’t know the exact English.

The village itself wasn’t that big, so it took only a moment.

“Here it is.”

“Let’s go in. Professor, Venatio. Please wait outside for a moment. Venatio, the priests will be here soon. When they come, talk to me.”

“Okay, senior.”

The scenery inside the house where only the two of them entered was strangely warm.

A scene that makes it seem like dinner will be prepared at any moment.

But the sight of a woman lying on her bed, groaning, means that the plague really did hit the town in an instant.


“Reck. You… … .”

She struggled to get up, and although her complexion was not good, she looked at her husband’s face first.

“Are you okay? Your complexion looks more… … .”


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“The cycle will come soon, but it’s okay. More importantly, I brought someone who can treat you.”

“Can someone please treat me?”

Reck’s wife looked over his shoulder at me, her eyes widening for a moment.

Silver hair is really convenient in times like this.

That’s an uncommon hair color.

“By any chance… … you’re not the person I know?”

“That’s right. Lord Dane Sogres of the Sogres Counts.”

“oh my god…….”

Even if I say it myself, it is an unimaginable experience to see the youngest son of the Count of Sogress in this situation.

Even someone who can cure you.

“Madam, the treatment may not be perfect. It is a situation that needs to be confirmed first.”

“If you say confirm… … .”

“I have brought all the remedies for diseases similar to this plague. I will see which one works best.”

“… … .”

“Treatment may not work. It may even make things worse.”

To be honest, there is no other way.

But you can’t tell this person to cooperate because he’ll die if he stays that way anyway.

It’s just giving you the opportunity to choose.

I want to save the people of this small town in the South.

However, we have no right to force someone to do something that could lead to their death just because they don’t have much time left.

“But if you succeed, you can live.”

“… … .”

In fact, even if a treatment is effective, it is difficult to guarantee a complete cure.

But if we can alleviate symptoms and delay death, it will be a great help in fighting this unchecked epidemic.

In reality, the plague cannot be ‘cured’ even by priests.

After all, the priests’ specialty area of ​​’healing’ is mostly trauma or light internal injuries.

Although it does cure illnesses, Priscilla says it only serves to boost strength and give people the stamina to overcome illnesses.

“… … I will do it.”


“I have no choice, Rek. I’m going to die anyway if I keep doing this.”

Although he tries to smile softly, his will to live is clear.

“Okay, let’s start the medication. And Rec. Your cycle will start soon, so take this.”


“It’s a painkiller.”

“Oh, thank you. Painkillers… … There aren’t many in our village.”

By the way, painkillers are quite expensive.

I understand that narcotic painkillers that show symptoms of addiction were once used in warfare, but were later banned in Alteon due to their significant harmful effects.

Then, this common painkiller was launched by Otier Pharmaceuticals.

It may not be as effective as narcotic drugs, but it’s still better than nothing.

“Huh… … .”

It seems that the pain came just as I was pouring painkillers into my mouth.

Reck sat down with a thud, and his wife reached out with a sorrowful expression.

“Rek… … .”

“It will be fine for now, ma’am. Then let’s begin now.”


When treating wounded soldiers in a previous life, the most important thing was disinfection and a clean environment.

But, paradoxically, it is a battlefield, so it is an environment that is difficult to maintain.

The wizards were advanced personnel, so they didn’t have enough magical power left to use purification magic on each and every one of them.

Because it was more efficient to throw another fireball at the enemy than to introduce sanitary management into the treatment of the wounded.

No matter how I treated it, the wound would often rot away. I recalled the situation at the time and cast a purification spell.

“Breathing… feels much better.”

“I used magic.”

“Magic… I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it in my life.”

“You will see it often today.”

I smiled as gently as I could to reassure Reck’s wife, then cast a few more spells.

All of this involves purifying the surrounding air, dusting, and taking additional measures to prevent any possible infection.

“Okay, let’s begin.”

And finally, the treatment began to be administered.

First, I had him drink the restorative medicine that Viscount Otière had sent along with a sample.

“You have to swallow it all at once.”

“Yeah… … Ugh.”

Because I am in a weakened state, I need to recover some of my stamina.

After confirming that her complexion had brightened slightly, I took out the most promising treatment among the sample treatments.

“You may feel some pain while taking the medication. If you feel anything unusual, you should tell us immediately.”

“Oh, I understand. Please take good care of me, Young Master… … .”

Suddenly, that thought occurred to me.

What does it mean that simply having the family name Sogress in your name is enough to show someone you trust with your life?

Of course, there is no hope, and I know that I will die anyway if I leave it like this, but trusting people is a separate issue.

“I will definitely save you.”

So, without knowing it, I made that promise.

“I believe it.”

The medication finally started with a smile.

According to the Count of Otière, the effects of the remedy appear immediately after administration.

“Ugh… … .”

With a short groan, the pain began to spread and the hand holding the blanket clenched into a fist.


Could this be a side effect?

Is the treatment working?

“How are you, ma’am?”

“It hurts a little… … in my chest area… … .”

“Please wait a little longer.”

We have to save this person.

Reckdo is now looking at his wife, barely enduring the pain with the help of painkillers.

And now… … .

Other people who might be groaning too.

“Hoo… … hoo… … .”

Meanwhile, the woman’s breathing began to become increasingly labored.

Could this be a side effect?

However, this is not one of the side effects of the treatment that Viscount Otier told us about.

I decided to watch calmly and looked back.

He nodded to Reck as if to tell him not to worry, then turned his attention back to his wife.

“Hoo… … Hoo… … Hoo… … .”

And how much time has passed?

My heavy breathing gradually calmed down, and my chest, which had been pounding wildly, had now almost stopped trembling.

“I feel like it’s becoming a lot more… comfortable.”

Above all, the spots on my face, although not as much as Lec, have become much lighter than before.

“Thank goodness. It looks like there’s a way.”

“Ahh… … Really… … Is that really true?”

“Yes, ma’am. That’s great.”

I sighed in relief and decided to watch a little longer.

“Reck, you can rest easy now.”

“… …Thank goodness, thank goodness. Cool.”

“Please wait a moment. I will administer the cure to you as well.”

And after a while.

My complexion has definitely improved, my fever has gone down, and most importantly, the shivering has stopped.

“My body… feels much more comfortable.”

“Thank goodness, ma’am.”

Amazingly, the woman recovered enough to get up right away.

Of course, I still couldn’t walk or run fast, but at least I could stand up and sit on a chair.

Thanks to that, Reck lay down on the empty bed, and I finished administering the medication by going through the same process as before.

And we confirmed that even Reck’s symptoms were improving.

“This is… … I really feel like I’ve come back from the brink of death.”

Reck looked at his skin, which had fewer spots, in disbelief.

“Thank you… Your Majesty. How on earth can I possibly receive this favor… .”

“I did what I had to do. This is the South.”

“… … Really, what should I say… … Thank you so much… … .”

Now it’s time to contact Viscount Otière.

He immediately opened up a communication portal and told us about a treatment that had proven effective.

-… … Did that cure really work?

“Yes. He listened well.”

But the reaction is a bit strange.

“That’s not a pleasant reaction.”

-Oh, no. I’m glad you’re cured. But… … the cure… … .

After a while.

-The cure is… … a cure for a very unique disease.

“Is it a unique disease?”

-Yes. It was originally a disease that could not exist in the present era.


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