Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 545

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Chapter 545: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

368. Smell (1)

According to the definition of a thought form that I know, it is not strange for even a dragon’s thought form to occasionally break off speech.

Rather, it is more surprising that an idea from such a distant place has a self and can even exchange questions and answers.

In that sense, it would be difficult to call the slight interruption in speech a ‘problem’.

It was just a problem for me, after all.

And the reason is simple.

Because an ideology is something that is unstable to begin with.

But that instability seems to have been resolved at this moment.

[It’s strangely comfortable. I never imagined something like this.]

Right, combining with my magic power.

The magical power of the ideology comes from the magical power of the dragon in the jewel attached to the staff.

This is what happened when I combined the dragon’s magic with my magic and mixed them completely.

[I didn’t know you had this much magical power… … What on earth are you? Are you really not human?]

“Humans seem to be right. They breathe, sleep, eat… … .”

[No need to say more than that.]

Anyway, since the conversation didn’t stop intermittently, the answers seemed much more comfortable.

I think he likes it too.

[I haven’t had a single day of peace since I created the ideology, but it feels like the curse has been lifted.]

“Really? Then I don’t have to look for Sionif?”

[You damned damned bastard. Fulfill your promise!]

“You are cursed.”

[I hate you the most.]

It’s fun to tease them.

It’s more fun because you answer well.

Anyway, the dragon guy seems to like the current situation more than expected.

[If I ever go back to where I am, can you use this method on the ideology there as well?]

“Because I saw what you were doing.”

[… … What do you want? I can give you as much as I want.]

I was giggling when the guy approached me to negotiate.

“I don’t want anything right now. You’re not like a dragon.”

[That’s not dragon-like?]

“I don’t have any treasures, and I don’t have any particularly strong weapons either.”

[That… that! When I was cursed and fell asleep, the guys who put me to sleep stole everything!]

“Then why did you do such a damned thing? Live a better life.”

[… … .]

Is it a good thing that the guy is a ideologue?

Otherwise, it would not be strange for him to get hit with the dragon’s huge fist.

But what can you do?

While in a ideological state right now.

[You really… … .]

“Oh, I said I would do it because I saw you doing it?”

[… … I was about to say he was a good guy.]

“Yeah. Keep doing that.”

[f*ck… … .]

I got up, leaving my trembling thoughts behind.

And then, just then, a knock is heard.

“Your Majesty, it is dinner time.”


It’s already evening.

This is the last evening of my visit to my hometown.

“I am coming.”

I stretched and straightened my clothes.

* * *

“Is there anything you forgot to pack?”

“I packed everything.”

“Do you need anything?”

“are you okay.”

As always, my mother asks me about various things as she watches me return to the academy.

I really did pack everything, and if there was nothing, I would reply that there was none, but when I actually said this, my mother’s expression was filled with regret and disappointment.

Who said that?

Mothers say that their children look like children no matter how old they are.

So after thinking about it for a while, I said.



“I’ll contact you often. If I need anything, I’ll contact you again right away.”

My mother smiled brightly and patted my head.



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Mom, your wrinkles… seem to have gotten worse, but I can’t bring myself to say anything.

I think my father already talked about it once.

If it were my father, he would say that and more.

“By the way, if you need an assassination, find the person Mom introduced me to last time.”

“… … .”

Anyway, after hugging my father, I ended my short but warm visit to my hometown.

“Be careful of people. Don’t just eat food that someone gives you. And now that you’re older, be careful of alcohol.”

My mother’s earnest requests were endless.

“Ahem. When I return home next year, let’s have a drink with Dad to celebrate. Drinking is something you learn from your father.”

My father used me as an excuse to bring up the topic of drinking, but then quietly turned his head away at the look in my mother’s eyes.


Still, as a son, I will secretly bring you an amazing drink.

Instead, if I get caught, I plan to say that my father told me to do it.

“Benatio, stay friendly with our Dane from now on.”

“Yes, ma’am. Don’t worry. You will have a wonderful time in the South with such wonderful hospitality.”

Only after Benatio and my parents had said goodbye did I get to board the Chiron.

“Take care.”

“I’ll contact you, Mom. Dad.”

When we left Baekjakseong, passed Baekjakryeong, and finally entered the official road, I felt a strange sense of excitement.

An emotion I could not feel in my previous life.

I’ve lived this life for over 15 years, and I’m feeling this way all over again. Does that mean I really value the meaning of family?

“I should contact you more often.”

Amidst such muttering, Benatio spoke absentmindedly.

“Senior. It really is not an empty phrase, but it seems like I had a dreamlike time in the South.”

“What did you like best?”

“The food was great. I think anyone who spent a year in the South would double in size.”

I agree.

Even the climate is good, and there are lots of delicious fruits and snacks.

If you eat without thinking, you’ll end up gaining weight.

If I were to live in the South and eat snacks and food, I would think that it wouldn’t be so bad to just live like this.

If I hadn’t had the experience of fighting hunger in my previous life, I probably wouldn’t have developed my talent for eating more in this life.

“Well, and I also liked the cozy atmosphere of the Count’s Castle. It was different from the castles near the capital. But I liked the simple feeling even more.”

It seems like he is very satisfied in many ways.

Looking at it this way, it really seems like they just come here to rest and leave.

Of all the guys I’ve brought so far, this one is the most responsive.

“So, have you looked around other places?”

“If you tell me somewhere else… … .”

“I heard you went to Baekjakryeong to buy some snacks?”

“Ah. You mean the Baekjakryeong?”

“What, is there anywhere else?”

I asked casually, but the guy just brushed it off as if nothing had happened.

“Haha. Of course it’s Baekjakryeong. Yes, um. The cookies were delicious, and the candy was delicious. A resident who was passing by gave me some fruit, and it was a bit unique. The name was… Dole? I think.”

“Ah. That.”

Dole is a rather unique fruit, eaten only in the South.

I used to eat it often, but I don’t eat it these days because it’s too much of a hassle.

It is a fruit known only to southerners, and the reason it can only be found in the South is simply because the taste changes after just 30 minutes of picking the fruit.

I heard that they tried magic and preservation methods to sell it, but in the end it didn’t work out, so it became a fruit only consumed in the South.

“Ah. I see. If you don’t eat the fruit quickly after picking it… … .”

“That’s why it became a fruit that only southerners ate.”

We also grow a few trees in our castle. When I’m bored, I pick one or two and eat them, but now I’m too lazy.

“Anyway, the South seems like a really fun and interesting place. I want to come back again later.”

“What was it like where you lived?”

I asked again this time.

But then, for a moment, Benatio’s face seemed to darken.

“Where I used to live, it was always the same. There’s nothing to see like here in the South. It’s not as warm as the South, and there’s no good food… … There aren’t such nice people.”

Of course, it was only for a moment, but what was the meaning behind that expression?

I think this is the first time I’ve seen that expression.

So rather than asking any further questions, I had no choice but to change the subject.

“Hey, let’s take a break in that town today.”

“If you say over there… … .”


I changed the subject a bit too quickly and ended up talking about something only I could see.

Because it is still invisible to Benatio’s eyes.

But then I saw a faint wisp of smoke rising.

“Ah. That’s what I’m talking about. As expected, you have good eyesight.”

“I know.”

Running all night is a good idea, but Venatio’s horse is not as sturdy as Chiron’s.

More than anything, I wanted to go back leisurely.

While taking in this quiet and peaceful scenery of the South.

“What kind of town is that? It doesn’t look that big.”

“A village belonging to the Marquisate of Raoul. Its name was probably Opt.”

When I was very young, I memorized the territories and villages of each noble in the south, and I still remember them.

“Press the hood and wear it.”


“If it turns out that it’s me, it’ll be annoying for both of us.”

Anyway, I am a descendant of the Count of Sogres.

Wherever I go, the local authorities will feel obligated to treat me with respect.

But now, I would rather just relax and enjoy a comfortable stay than have some fancy ceremony or fancy meal.

So the two of us arrived in front of the village, and we witnessed a strange sight.

“The smoke… is quite large?”

The smoke rising from inside the village as seen from the entrance was quite large.

At first I thought it was just a big pot of stew or something to lightly cook… … .

The smell is strange and the atmosphere is not good.

“Don’t come any closer! Stay there, stay there!”

The guard’s shout is heard at that moment.

It’s strange to see someone shouting from quite a distance.

“Are you a traveler?”

And the guest came back.

“I’m sorry, but today there is an important matter in the village and outsiders are prohibited from entering! Please go back!”

“Is it important?”

“I don’t know the details either. It’s an order from the village chief. I would appreciate it if you could go back!”

I looked at the guard’s expression.

Even though it is the middle of the night, it is not difficult to see them thanks to the light from the flickering torches and the eyes brightened by the atmosphere.

A haggard expression.

Sunken eyes.

And even the dark spots that appear on the face.

You still seem young, so it can’t be a wart.

His hands were strangely shaking, and his legs didn’t look very healthy.

“What could it be, Senior? It seems a bit strange.”

It wasn’t just me, but Benatio had noticed as well, and crucially, there was only one guard.

The basic security guard is a team of two.

In every town or city you go to, there are at least two people standing guard, but there is no case of one person standing guard like this.


At that moment, a wind blew towards me from the village.

Suddenly, a faint, distant smell hits you.


“What is this…? What is this?”

Yeah, this is it.

It smells like something is burning.

However, there are several types of burning smells.

Fire, wood, etc… … Each smells different depending on what is burned.

And this smell that is wafting now is so unpleasant that it brings back bad memories from a past life.

“Senior. This smells so… … .”


This is the smell of burning people.


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