Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 544

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Chapter 544: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

367. Combination of Magic and Magic Power (3)

“A ridiculous result?”

-It’s a combination of magic and magic. You never know what kind of magic will be created.

“Is this a task that has never been attempted before?”

-Well, there was no such work in the ancient book of Arcana that our youngest translated.

Maybe it’s a new concept.

The combination of magic and magic power.

Combination of heterogeneous magical powers, is that how you would express it?

“A combination of magic and magic… … .”

-There was no reason to try until now. It wouldn’t have occurred to me in the first place. The nature of almost all magical powers that exist in this world are the same.

The magical powers of all living things in this world, including plants and animals, are the same.

There are some differences, but the essence is the same.

But at this very moment, there exist two magical forces that are completely beyond that essence.

Magical power coming from the dragon’s ideology.

And my magic.

The magical power of the ideology is that of a dragon, so let’s say that, but my magical power… … is definitely different from those that existed before.

It’s not from the Arcana, nor is it anything like anything I’ve seen in my countless adventures so far.

-Honestly, I don’t know about anything else, but I’m most curious about our youngest’s magic power.

“Where did you come from and how did you come from?”

-That’s right. It’s the same for me and Claire, but you, the youngest, are the only ones who are different.

I know.

I wonder that too.

I just thought it was a little different, so I never really tried to find out.

-A magical power completely different from others… …Maybe it’s something my mom picked up from under the bridge?

I burst out laughing at my older sister’s joke.

“is it.”

-It’s a bit unfair, it’s a bit unfair. Claire and I combined our talents, and our magical powers are no joke, right?

Well, you could think of it that way.

But my sisters have never been jealous of me or felt inferior to me because of that.

It’s just that it’s a bit absurd from a human perspective.

-Anyway, I think something amazing will happen if we try combining magic powers. First, let’s analyze the code and think about how to combine them.

“Okay. What should I do?”

-First, we need to activate the magic decomposer. It’s been a while since it was serviced, but I haven’t activated it in the meantime, so what’s in there should work fine. Do you have a sample magic stone?


So, as my older sister instructed, I filled the sample magic stones with the magic power of my ideology and placed them straight into the magic decomposer.


After adjusting the input values ​​and turning on the switch, it finally started working.

Whew Whew Whew.

A decomposer that begins to vibrate and break down magical power.

But after a while.

Pishuuuuu… … .

Smoke began to rise from the decomposer and it stopped working.

“I think something is wrong.”

-… … Is smoke rising? That’s the sound.

“Yeah. It stopped working too.”

– As expected, it’s broken. Well, the two magical powers I’m trying to experiment with right now must be special. It’s okay. It was within the expected range.

As expected of an older sister, she replied nonchalantly, and I briefly cooled down the heat of the decomposer with magic before asking.

“So what’s next?”

-You have to take it apart yourself. After all, the horsepower is qualitatively different. Hmm. Then it’ll be difficult there… … .

“let me know.”


“I’ll try. I think I should learn it while I’m at it.”

There was a moment of silence beyond the communication tunnel.

-… … Really? It’s really difficult.

“Why not give it a try now?”

-Yeah, well… maybe… maybe it could happen?

My eldest sister’s words are intermittent and break off like a thought.

* * *

My return to the capital was delayed by a few days due to learning how to decompose magic.

My mother rather liked it, and my father tried to call me to practice fimble while he had the chance, but I stopped him.

Staying a few more days doesn’t mean you’re late for the start of the semester, so it’s actually a good thing.

Seeing my mother enjoying it so much, I wish I had come earlier and more often.

“But you’re not going back?”

“Where should I go when you are here, senior?”

“Don’t you have any plans?”

“My schedule is to be with you, senior.”

“Really? It’s been a bit sticky lately? Are you watching me?”


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“… … .”

And Benatio said that he would follow me since I told him I would stay a little longer.

“But what the hell are you doing here?”

“Let’s go sightseeing in the south, senior. There’s a lot to see here and there. The capital is gloomy, isn’t it? It’s warm here.”

That’s true.

I’m not saying this because I’m from the South, but I feel like coming to the South after seeing the dreary streets of the capital is a real spiritual healing experience.

There’s a reason people flock south every vacation season.

“Aren’t you worried about your family?”

“If that were the case, you would have contacted me, right?”

Yeah, if you hide it, you have to match the rhythm.

“I’ll tell you when we leave, so come when you want.”

“Okay, I’ll go buy some snacks then.”


“They sell a lot of delicious snacks here.”

Look at this guy.

Already getting a taste for southern desserts.

If you taste it wrong, there’s no answer.

“Buy and eat a lot.”

“What do you do, senior?”


“An experiment?”

“Yeah. Because there’s something fun.”

So I returned to my room, or rather my older sister’s room, and started working on dismantling the magic again.

[The dragon’s magic power… do you think you can break it down…?]

Although there was a guy next to me who was giving me goosebumps the whole time, it wasn’t difficult.

“I think it’s half done.”


“Sister, check if it’s correct. I just sent you the code.”

After a while, I heard my older sister’s voice full of surprise.

-Are you doing well? As expected, our youngest. Hmm. So this is how the code is. The dragon’s magic power is… … definitely unique.

My magic has already finished analyzing the code, and I am currently analyzing the dragon’s magic.

Of course, knowing the code won’t cause you to be destroyed or anything. It’s just that you’ll learn how the code came to be.

But I heard a somewhat interesting story.

-Isn’t Dane’s magic code more interesting than the dragon’s code?

[Just now… … what did that woman… … say… … ?]

-Oh, did you hear that?

“Yeah. I think I heard it very well.”

[The dragon’s magical power… is by no means… at that level… … It’s the magical power of an ideology… … that’s all… … .]

In other words, although it may be the magic power of an ideology, its essence is the magic power of a dragon.

That’s why the story goes that my magic power is more interesting than that dragon’s magic power.

– Seriously. Are you listening? I think our youngest’s magic power could be of more use.

[This is… nonsense… … ridiculous… … .]

-But is it really a dragon? I don’t think so… … .

[Dragon… … That’s right… … !]

While the ideological guy was losing his temper, my work, which had been continuing the analysis, began to gain speed.

It’s definitely not difficult once you get used to it.

It’s probably because it’s your first time, but if you just understand the arrangement and rules of the code, it’s a task that can be completed quickly.

-Youngest, there’s probably no one who does it as easily as you. Haven’t you received any scout offers from the Magic Tower lately?

“None. I guess they gave up.”

-I heard that even the professors at the magic department have almost given up now.

“Was the professor there?”

-… … There are some. It’s because many people go to prison.

I wonder if the guys in prison are doing well now.

After joking around and finishing the analysis, I put the two codes down side by side.

From now on, it’s real.

To make my idea come true, I absolutely have to compare these codes.

“How should I arrange them?”

-First, try fitting them together. One by one. Then, check if the combination phenomenon occurs without any problems. Originally, an experiment is a series of trials.

My older sister is right.

If you get it all done in one go, isn’t there no point in trying again?

So I started trying them one by one, slowly, and guess what?

-What, you hit me again?

“Yeah. There was no negative reaction.”

Mix up the code and see if there is any negative reaction.

However, there is no rejection reaction as soon as it is mixed.

The magical power of the ideology is very well mixed with my magical power.

-Is the code arrangement amazing or… …Is it just luck?

“Or both.”

-… … I have nothing to say.

The older sister muttered, as if she was now tired of being surprised.

[My magic power… is… mixing with your magic power…?]

“I think that’s how it is.”

[This is… impossible… this can’t be… this can’t be… this can’t be… .]

I was a little surprised, although not to that extent.

I didn’t know it would be this simple.

What on earth is my magic power?

At this point, I’m starting to feel a little proud, but on the other hand, I’m ‘now’ curious about what exactly this magic is.

Even if it was an ideological entity, I never thought it would be able to so easily absorb the magical power from the dragon.

“It’s done now.”

My magic.

And the magic power of the ideology.

A magic stone that has been extracted and placed into two pieces.

The reaction is stable and there are no symptoms such as tremors.

-Congratulations. You succeeded in combining magic powers?

“Did it go well?”

-If it is not at a good level and is made public, the academic world will be turned upside down. Of course, I will never report it to the academic world.

For my older sister to say something like that, this must be an incredible discovery.

“Then, I guess we can put aside the Dragon Ne’s ideology problem.”

[… … It can’t… … happen.]

He added one thing while thoroughly denying the ideology.

[And I keep… … forgetting… … my name… … … .]


This is the guy’s name.

But the sound of the name and the actions don’t match at all.

“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll call you that.”

[Damn… … I will be cursed… … … .]

It’s a curse, take it or leave it.

By the way, if I have this kind of magic power, will the curse work?

I’m curious about that too.

Anyway, I laid the staff of thought form on the test bench and carefully separated only the jewel at the tip of the staff.

Afterwards, I analyzed the magical power inside the jewel once again and completed all preparations.

“Let’s get started.”

And finally, the combination of magic and magic power took place.

My magic.

And the magic of the ideology,

The joining between samples is successful.

This combination is to cover the magical power inside the jewel containing the ideology with my magical power and combine them.

There is no need to worry too much about the disappearance of the ideology.

Anyway, they say that you can create as many ideologies as you want.

However, it should be noted that different results may occur.

[Even if the combination is successful… … it won’t have a big impact… … … .]

The ideology boasted.

To be precise, he displayed strong confidence in his own magical power.

I wonder what the result will be.

Shoooooo… … .

My magic power covers the jewels.

And the code of my magical power seeping in between the codes of the ideological magic according to the arrangement.

After a not-so-long period of time, finally.


The connection was successful.


And the changes that emerged were quite interesting.


The color of the jewel changed from black to dark green.

This was probably something that came about as a result of my existing magical traits being added to it.

So it’s not that surprising, but there was something else surprising.

-The magic power… seems to have become more stable than before?

As the magic power stabilizes… … .

[I feel much more comfortable. What on earth is going on?]


The dragon’s ideology no longer spoke intermittently.


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