Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 540

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Chapter 540: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

365. Fimble Championship (3)

2nd game started.

Baron Eldington began to calm the tension and take the lead from the start.

“Oh. Baron Eldington’s quick attack has arrived.”

“That really got Baron Driba down. He really is the best Fimbler in the South.”

In the first game, they used a baiting tactic centered around the king-like Kang, but now they are using a strategy of placing Kang deep in the rear and attacking with the remaining pieces.

Thanks to that, Count Sogress seemed to be pushed back from the start, but his expression did not change at all.

‘It’s just as Dane said.’

Baron Eldington steps forward.

If you don’t use any unusual tactics or decoys in the first game, it means you’re nervous.

Dane also said this:

That’s when the opportunity arises.

‘If they come in through the front, I can just attack with a bypass tactic.’

Count Sogress, who had been pushed back by about 20 moves, finally launched a counterattack.

-Oh, good! Count Sogres, we’ve just completely surrounded and captured Del and are advancing towards Caen!


A term used in the game of Fimble where being caught twice results in defeat.

Del, who was directly escorting Kang, was captured.


Baron Eldington was taken aback by Del’s sudden departure.

This is unexpected.

Up until now, if you attack with the standard method, most opponents will be pushed into a corner and end up self-destructing.

I guess this is what most beginners at fimble look like.

But Earl Sogress boldly gave way and entered the empty space, aiming for Baron Eldington’s Caen.

‘This is going to be a big problem.’

Baron Eldington took stock of the situation and his face hardened.

In the end, Pimble wins the game by capturing Kang twice.

Even if all the other horses die, the lowest horse, Del, survives and if he catches Kang twice, that’s it.

As things stood, it seemed likely that Count Sogres would capture Caen twice before he could capture him twice.

‘It’s a one-sided conversation.’

Cold sweat ran down my face.

Since the introduction of the Fimble from the South and its eventual propagation, there has never been a case like this.

Because Baron Eldington had been practicing Fimble for almost a year.

Of course, I had only secretly translated and read the Fimble introductory book written in Dranid, but that alone was enough to deal with beginners.

But now, this predicament is so confusing that it’s almost embarrassing.

-Ah! Count Sogress has captured Del again! What an incredible advance!

Even in his panic, he misplaced the number and got caught again.

“Oh oh.”

“This is exciting.”

“What did I say? I said something felt different in the first game.”

“Baron Eldington, it will be a sight to behold if you lose. You will be thoroughly humiliated.”

“Honestly, isn’t it too much of a stretch for Baron Eldington to be playing Fimble?”

Public opinion changes so easily.

When Baron Eldington won a series of easy victories, everyone praised him, but now that he was showing signs of defeat, everyone was muttering as if they had been waiting for it.

And this murmuring in the stands was audible to Baron Eldington.

Because the stadium was built that way from the beginning.

It was designed and magic was placed to put pressure on the opponent, but now it was becoming poison.

‘I need to calm down, damn it.’

But there was no way in sight.

No matter which route you take, you will definitely arrive later than Count Sogress.

Count Sogres, who knows this well, will go to Caen without hesitation.

Actually, there was someone else who knew how to overcome this situation.

That’s right, Dane.

‘Two spaces to the right, three spaces to the left. This situation can be easily solved by using Del. You’re focusing too much on Kang.’

This is a situation we have seen many times over the years, from thousands to tens of thousands of fimbles.

In that case, you can use Dell.

It’s just that you can’t see it.

It’s not strange for beginners. They use words, but it takes a lot of thinking to get to that point.

In the end, from Dane’s perspective, even Baron Eldington, who was supposed to feed him in the South, was just a beginner.

‘Father won.’

As soon as that thought was out of his mind, Count Sogres attacked Caen, and on the next move, he leisurely surrounded the fleeing Caen and ended the game completely.

-No, surprise! Game 2! Count Sogres wins! This makes the score even, and Baron Eldington suffers his first loss in this Championship!

There were murmurs, murmurs, and voices full of surprise from the audience.

“Oh my goodness, Baron Eldington really lost.”

“The Count is amazing.”

“How did you win? What was the move just now? Baron Eldington floundered and lost both games.”

“It seemed to have come out the right way… … but it was different from Baron Eldington’s usual method.”


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People couldn’t help but be surprised.

I thought it was unlikely after seeing them lose, but I really thought they would lose.

It was the moment when Baron Eldington’s undefeated legend was broken.


The championship is now only four rounds old.

It’s going to go 10 rounds, but can we guarantee victory at this rate?


That’s not the problem… … .

The problem is that we are losing now.

‘How on earth?’

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand why I lost just now.

I thought I hit it properly with the regular method, but I never thought I would blow Kang away by hitting him in the back of the head with a bypass tactic.

‘Is this really the Count of Sogress?’

As expected, he is a scary person.

You’re obviously a beginner at fimble, so what kind of practice did you do?

And then another sight appears.

Dane Sogress whispering something to his father, Count Sogress.

‘… … No, of course not.’

Still, I can’t believe that Dane Sogress would give me any advice.

He may be a genius, but isn’t Pimble different?

Baron Eldington began to devise a three-game strategy in extreme denial, while Earl Sogress was unable to rejoice over his victory.

“Now is the time of destiny.”

“That’s right. You have to win.”

“Yeah. We have to win no matter what. In fact, if I lose that spear, your mother will kill me.”


“I’ve walked around with it before and it was taken away once… … .”

“… … .”

Count Sogress is known as the greatest man and warrior in the South, but in front of his family, he is just this kind of person.

Still, Dane didn’t look worried at all.

“I will make you live long, Father.”


It was a strangely strange line for a son to say to his father, but it was somewhat reassuring.

“Perhaps Baron Eldington feels he is on the defensive.”

“Hmm. Even if it’s a tie?”

“It’s a tie, but it’s not the same tie. It’s a win and then a loss. Above all, it’s the first loss. It probably feels like being chased.”

Dane has gained experience in playing Fimble many times and has a grasp of his opponent’s psychology.

Anyway, from Dane’s point of view, Baron Eldington is also a beginner in Fimble.

The mistake beginners make when they are in a difficult situation is simple.

“In the end, you have no choice but to believe in what you do best and play it.”

“Then… …with the same tactics as Game 1?”

“I have to make my father do it.”

“Okay, I see.”

Dane went on to explain several scenarios, perhaps suggesting that Baron Eldington had acted differently.

The more I hear about this situation, the more amazed I become.

‘He’s my son, but I’m a little scared now.’

Since Fimble is so popular, I feel regretful that I should take a leave of absence next semester and go back after conquering the South.

“I’ll come back and win again.”

“Please finish it and come back.”

Count Sogress sits down again amidst the cheers of his fierce son.

Baron Eldington, sitting opposite, glanced at the Earl of Sogress.

Since it wasn’t a card game, there was no way to cheat, so it was really a close game.

‘I will win no matter what.’

From now on, you have to take out all the cards you have.

All the winning tactics that were saved for when other Fimblers come up after the championship.

‘With this, we can definitely win.’

That sure-win tactic was the one written by the author of the textbook that led him into the world of Pimble.

A tactic that actively utilizes Kang.

In Fimble, Kang is not a horse that simply waits to be attacked and avoids it as much as possible.

It has powerful attack power on its own.

Because you can move two spaces at the same time, including diagonally.

If you do it right, you can eat Kang as soon as you approach him.

Of course, it is a high-risk tactic, but it is not a tactic that cannot be done with the help of Dell and other horses.

– The third match is almost ready, with Baron Eldington struggling unexpectedly! The winner will take home the prize that both sides put up before the match today! Alright! Let’s start the last three matches!

The third game started amidst loud cheers –

Dane, who was looking at the board, smirked after seeing Baron Eldington’s first move.

“It’s a textbook tactic.”

A tactic from the Pimble textbook I read some time ago.

There, the author introduced a method that focuses on Kang’s attack as a sure-win tactic.

Not a bad tactic.

At least in the beginning stages.

The rule is to protect Kang from being attacked, so it is a tactic that overturns common sense.

However, this is only at the beginner level, and once your fimble skills improve to a certain extent, it becomes one of the natural tactics.

In other words, these are the basics you need to know to become a Pimble expert.

No matter how much Baron Eldington fed the South, to Dane it seemed like nothing more than a fight between Fimble novices.

Of course, they were both very serious.

The same goes for the spectators watching.

“After all, the second game seemed like a fluke, right?”

“Count Sogress certainly showed a reversal… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be better to wait and see a little longer? This time, too, things aren’t looking good.”

“Hmm. Baron Eldington comes out strong in the beginning.”

On the surface, Baron Eldington had the upper hand.

They were advancing aggressively towards Caen, quickly taking Count Sogres’s horses, and in fact Count Sogres looked flustered.

‘I won.’

By the time the fourth word was spoken, Baron Eldington had a reassuring smile on his face.

Maybe I was too confident of victory.

The smile I had on my face was barely visible on the outside.

The spectators who saw this scene also began to anticipate Baron Eldington’s victory.

“Look over there, the Baron is smiling.”

“Hmm. At that level… … should I consider it a win?”

“Looking at the situation, it seems that the Baron’s cannon has penetrated deep, but Count Sogres has already lost five horses.”

The situation seen on the board was also like that.

Anyone in the audience who had ever played a game of Fimble would have thought that Baron Eldington would win.

‘Now we can completely surround them with this one move.’

Baron Eldington raised his cane.


This one move can decide the game.

There is a rule in Pimble:

That’s right, saying ‘fimble’ in a situation where victory is expected.

It could be said to be a kind of victory prophecy and ceremony.


So Baron Eldington confidently exclaimed:

I couldn’t shout out the regret I felt during the first and second games.

“Did you just declare Fimble?”

“It’s over. I won.”

“Huh, so Baron Eldington is the strongest in the South after all.”

Everyone had no doubt that Baron Eldington would win.

But that was then.


Another Pimble Declaration is heard.

It wasn’t Baron Eldington who shouted twice.

That was the declaration of Count Sogres.


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