Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 530

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Chapter 530: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

363. The Covenant of Magic (1)

If it’s the dragon’s body, then I don’t know.

Just thinking about it doesn’t seem to have any particularly strong effects.

Isn’t it literally an idea?

If I was possessed by an evil spirit, I would have lost my mind by now.

But I am not under the influence of thought, and I do not feel particularly threatened by this current storm of magical power.

Instead, I felt something bigger and more overwhelming from the dragon body I first encountered when I opened the door.

Simply put, this idea cannot harm me.

I waved my hand and injected my magic power into the now gathering magic.



The magical power that had been gathering exploded.

Even though it is an idea, it is probably the dragon’s magic power, but since it is an idea, the amount and power are not that great.

That’s why it blew up like that.

[… … blew it up… … and threw it away.]

“That’s what it is.”

[The dragon’s magic power… … Your magic power is just… … .]

Of course, just because I’ve accomplished something like this doesn’t mean my magical power is superior to that of a dragon or anything like that.

Actually, if the dragon wakes up and engages in a duel using magic power, you wouldn’t know.

Until then, it is impossible to know which magic power is superior.

But what should we call this magical power that can withstand the dragon’s magical power and even break it, even though it is just an idea?

Now I’m a little curious.

Where does this magical power come from?

Considering that none of our fathers, mothers, sisters, or ancestors had this kind of magical power, it doesn’t seem to be bloodline.

Well, I’m curious, but I don’t really have a clue, so let’s put my curiosity aside for now.

[My… … thoughts… … .]

Because I could hear the voice of thought that was quite surprising.


[… … This is ridiculous… … .]

The other side seems to be just as surprised as the mini golem.

I guess the guy didn’t know his thoughts would be destroyed so easily.

Could you have ever imagined?

It’s a dragon, you know.

[You… … are not even one of our kind.]

“Yes. A student.”


The idea asked me whether, as befitting a dragon’s idea, it had its own ego.

[You… … why did you come here?]

“To explore.”

[Are you an explorer?]


[Then… … you are someone who wants something new and fun… … .]

“Well, that’s what it is.”

Even though the short answers continued, the dragon’s thoughts continued to ask questions.

[This is the first time since Sionif that someone has embarrassed me.]


As soon as the name was mentioned, the mini golem reacted.

[If you are Zionist… … you are also called ‘the master of curses.’]

“Do you know him?”

[I don’t know. It doesn’t mean ‘person’, but ‘status’. In old Geordi, the word for ‘price of curse’ is Sionif.]


The price of the curse.

“Then… … that person with the title of ‘Zionif’ put a curse on the dragon out there and put it into eternal sleep?”

[Then that’s the calculation.]

Then the dragon’s thoughts took over and continued speaking.

[I was attacked by that Zionist… … and am now locked up like this. For a very… … long time… ….]

“Then what were you trying to do with this magic just now?”

[I tried to capture you… …. To completely control you with my thoughts… … .]

That’s a really scary story.

[But… … I can’t understand why it failed… … .]

I stepped forward and answered, grabbing the staff still floating in the air.

“Well, that’s because I wasn’t even influenced by your thoughts in the first place.”

[… … .]

I stared blankly at the cane.

It looks like a normal walking stick, nothing special… … .

Looking closely, I saw that there was a letter engraved on the black gem set into the tip of the staff.

I took it to the mini golem and he answered right away.


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[This is also old Jordi.]

“Then is it an item created by the cursed Sionif?”

The answer to this came back from the other side.

[The thought… … It was… … It remained despite the curse… … Zionif who cursed me is dead… … Those who remained chose it as a way to control my thoughts… … .]

Please be kind too.

“Is it true that dragons are always this good at explaining things?”

[Well, maybe it’s because of my thoughts. Maybe it’s because I’m happy to see a living being after such a long time.]

A punishment that requires one to sleep for a very long time in return for tormenting people endlessly.

Well, it is difficult to immediately judge the severity of the crime and the appropriateness of the punishment… … .

One thing is certain.

You must have been very bored?

In fact, what he wanted more than that was for someone, no matter who, to come out of him.

[I… … I have been locked up for too long… … Please… … get me out of the world… … .]

That voice, which seemed desperate, seemed much more persuasive than when he tried to control me with his thoughts.

Of course, that’s true. I had no intention of letting you go, saying, “You’ve had a hard time.”

“Unfortunately, that won’t work. Above all, I plan to get rid of this idea.”

[If I… … get rid of my thoughts… … I will no longer have a way to… … ask for help in this world… … .]

“That’s your problem. There is one person who is suffering because of this ideology.”

The one I’m talking about now is Ben.

A man who is still obsessed with this thought because he happened to go to the place where it flowed.

[I, I am obsessed with thoughts… … I can solve this… … So please, just give me that staff… … .]

Will I ever hear a dragon plead in my lifetime?

Isn’t this more than the emperor’s plea?

I’m not the type of person who enjoys being superior and seeing others suffer, but it feels really strange to see a being as big as a dragon being like this, even if it’s just an idea.

[You don’t have to listen, Dane Sogress.]

It seems that he thinks that the mini golem is not worth anything.

Anyway, shouldn’t we relieve the pain of alcoholics who suffer from addiction and whose families are torn apart?

I told you to wait, but who knows, he might be drinking somewhere right now.

Breaking this jewel shouldn’t be difficult.

I don’t know about other people, but I think I can control my thoughts quite well.

[Please… … Please, that thought… … The person who is infected with that thought… I can somehow… … release him… … .]

But as I watch you beg, a good idea comes to mind.

“Are you sure you can release that thought?”

[Yes, you can do that.]

The urgent reply came back, and I smiled inwardly and asked back.

“Can you prove it? For example… … .”

[If necessary, I will make a pledge… … … .]

“Is a pledge in a state of thought meaningful?”

[The oath that is made through my magical power… … has nothing to do with thoughts… … .]

Got caught.

“What kind of oath?”

[The conditions of the oath are… … to relieve the confusion of those who are possessed by evil thoughts… … .]

“No. We need to be precise. We need to return the man named ‘Ben’ who was possessed by an ideology back to normal.”

The more precise the oath, the better.

No, it has to be that way.

The more vague the covenant, the more open it is for the parties to interpret it.

[……I’ll do that.]

And when it comes to negotiations or treaties such as oaths, the one who is disappointed is the one who has to bow.

In this case, the one who is disappointed is the dragon’s thoughts.

Of course, if it ends with this condition alone, it is not a covenant.

If something comes, something must go.

[Then you… … take my thoughts outside and find ‘Zionif’ who will lift my curse… … .]

Yeah, that’s it.

I gave you what you wanted, so you should give me what you want too.

What the Dragon’s Thought wants is to take its thoughts out and find ‘Zionif’ who will lift the curse.

“Is it possible to lift the curse without Zionif?”

[That’s right… … That’s right. This secret technique that has been passed down from ancient times and has become stronger over the generations… … can only be solved by a sorcerer… … .]

“Even if it’s a dragon?”

[There will be none among the dragons who will help me… … … .]

Could it be that he doesn’t know that all the dragons have gone beyond the horizon?

After being locked up for so long, it’s only natural.

But since he himself admits that there is no dragon that can help him anyway, there is no need to tell him…




“I don’t think they know you as a baby wyvern, not a dragon.”

There’s a dragon here too.

[What are you saying.]

“Because there’s a dragon here too.”

[… …There’s such a small dragon?]

“Kkuruk! Kkuruk! Kkuruk!”

Karnas seemed to react to the word small.

I stopped Karnas, who was puffing out his cheeks as if he was going to destroy the ideology at any moment.

“It’s okay. It’s just an ideology anyway.”


No matter how many times you tell Nana that the mini golem is small, the guy who would rather get tangled up in it feels a bit strange when hearing it from a fellow dragon.

“You should have counted more.”


“You are a mutant.”


Only then did Karnas raise his head and act superior, showing off his arrogance.


It’s not easy.

[… … Dragons are with other races?]

“as you see.”

[… … I can’t… understand… … .]

Anyway, back to the main topic.

“If it’s a dragon… … can it lift this curse?”

[If only I knew the curse spell… … it would be possible… … but that dragon… … .]

The thought form that had just finished speaking had no more words, and Karnas, perhaps feeling heated again, tried to rush in.

But there was a reason for saying that.

[It seems… too young to handle the curse spell… … .]

“… … Kkuruk?”

Karnas returned to my arms with a sullen expression, as if he had been convinced.

It’s not that difficult.

It hasn’t even been five years since I hatched from the egg.

[The lifespan of dragons is usually around 5,000 years.]

This was the explanation added by Mini Golem.

Anyway, to summarize, it’s like this.

A covenant is a kind of exchange of conditions.

What I want is to make Ben, who is suffering now, comfortable.

In a literal sense, it means to make the current situation, where the voices are heard and daily life is almost impossible, easier.

In return, what the dragon wants is for him to take this medium containing his thoughts out and find ‘Zionif’.

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like a bad deal.


It’s a bit much to ask for, considering you’re just releasing Ben.

It’s not beneficial to me. Let’s start some real negotiations now.

“I guess I can listen to you as long as you bring your thoughts out.”


If we make this pact, I must find Zionif at any cost.

However, it is unknown where Zionif is now.

Are you telling me to give up all the fun I’ve had in life so far and devote myself to that?

That’s ridiculous.

If you find it by chance while doing something else, or if you find it when you need it, then that’s fine.

Above all, if you lift the curse, this guy will be freed.

“I can’t make an oath under those conditions.”

[… … .]

“One at a time. If you want to ask for more, wouldn’t that require additional pledges?”

After a long period of silence, the dragon’s thoughts eventually came up with a rather surprising suggestion.

[How about some of my… … strength?]


[Yes… … . I will give you the magic power of my heart… … As a result, you… … will be remembered as the most powerful human being for the rest of your life… … .]

But I don’t feel like eating it.

“Not that.”

[Just now… …what did you say?]

“Other than that, is there anything else interesting?”

I negotiated with Karnas about the number of times I would be given snacks.

I never thought I’d have to negotiate with a dragon like this in my lifetime.


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