Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 526

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Chapter 526: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

362. The Legend of the Dragon (1)

Ben looked at his pockets and was conflicted.

Meanwhile, I kept an eye on him and also roughly checked the gazes of those around me.

A coin of an incongruous color has appeared in this old, cheap inn that serves old, cheap beer.

“… …Why on earth would you go to the mountains and shell out such a huge sum of money?”

Ben seemed to have sobered up again.

Even when you’re drinking, you can sober up with just one gold coin.

“Well, I’m interested. I have the interest and the gold, and you can satisfy the interest. Isn’t that a fair deal?”

“… … .”

“I don’t often make losing trades.”

20 gold coins and a few more.

If I add up the gold I have and the money I have saved at the Imperial Bank, it’s really nothing.

But I don’t waste what I have on useless things.

Because that was the law of survival I learned from my past life.

In short, now is the time to hand over gold coins without any worries.

“… … plague.”

Ben took a deep breath and carefully lifted the leather pouch.

“This is the first time I’ve seen a bag of gold coins. It’s incredibly heavy.”

Looks like it’s been decided.

“You can rest assured. It’s not money stolen from somewhere.”

“Whether it’s stolen money or something else, it doesn’t matter. Money is money.”

One gold coin is enough to feed and live comfortably for an average family, and twenty of them would be enough to solve the current situation.

“I don’t know if I’ll ever find my wife and daughter. They seem to have gone so far away. Since they left, I haven’t seen them even once and I haven’t received a single letter… … .”

Ben muttered lonely.

Well, I could spend my money elsewhere, but that’s not my concern.

The important thing is that this man named Ben leads me to a point where I can no longer hear his voice.

From there my exploration begins.

“I thought no one would want to see me anymore.”

Ben finally got up, stuffing the leather pouch into his bosom.

“Shall we leave now?”

“Let’s go right away.”

“The mountain at night is still quite dangerous, so prepare thoroughly.”


Ben looked completely sober.

But that thought was fleeting.


I thought he had walked a few steps, but then he started rolling around on the floor.

In this place where night and intoxication ripen like sweet apples, there is nothing to worry about… … .

Some people are watching this way.

From earlier, continuously.

“Can you walk?”

“It’s okay. My legs just hurt a little. I’ve been getting beat up a lot lately.”

“If it’s inconvenient, it’s okay to go tomorrow.”

“Why would a drunkard like this believe that we should go tomorrow?”

Hehe, Ben, who had been laughing, slowly got up and put his hand on the pillar.

Then, after calming down for a moment, he slowly started walking, and I followed him.

The streets were deserted in the darkness of night.

Ben’s gait, which had been staggering, was gradually becoming more stable.

“Is there anything I need to pack?”

“I came by horseback, but I’m going to the mountains so I’ll leave it behind.”

“You were a nobleman who rode a horse? Well, you were always handing out gold coins.”

As the pointless conversation continued, I slowly slowed down my pace. It wasn’t because Ben was walking slowly.



“I need to go somewhere where people can’t see me for a moment.”

“Is there anything I can prepare that won’t be noticed?”

“That’s what it is.”

“Ahem. Well then. How about that alley? It smells a bit.”

“That’s exactly it.”

The fact that it smells bad means that it can mask other smells as well.

We turned into the alley, and I looked at Ben and pointed to the end of the alley.

“You’d better go over there.”

“What kind of secret is this?”

“There’s nothing secretive about it. I’m just saying that because there’s nothing good to see.”

“That’s true.”

Ben, who had been grumbling, went to the end of the alley.

In fact, it’s not that far. It’s a distance where you can see what’s going on even if you have bright night vision.


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And after a while.

“I didn’t know you guys would end up in a dead end alley.”

“I’m lucky today.”

“Well, I don’t know where you’re from, but you seem to have some money. Why are you handing out gold coins like that?”

It’s always like that.

Money attracts flies.

Of course, that may be because I took out the gold coins out in the open, but that doesn’t mean I did anything to deserve it.

Well, whether that’s true or not, there are people everywhere who covet other people’s things.

“Hey, when you say nice things, leave it all behind.”

“We know quite a few people in this city. There’s no point in reporting it if we get hit for no reason.”

The guys who approached me with outrageous threats were all quite large.


Or the city’s thugs?

Or is he just a city thug who isn’t even a thug?

For reference, all three are types I have encountered countless times in past lives.

All three types are often dragged into battle.

At first, they are the type of guys who can’t shake off their temperament and are rude and don’t follow orders, but after going through a single battle, they become more terrified than anyone else.

That’s why I know how to deal with guys very well.

“There are five of us, and even if you add that rascal who abandoned his wife, there are only two. What should we do?”

The guy in the front snickered, hitting his club against his palm.

What should I do?

These guys are not easy.

“You’re not answering? Or are you unable to?”

“You seem too scared? Should I just hit you once or twice?”

And then the guys came, and the guy in the front was swinging his club at that moment-

Puck! Ugh!

I moved just as I had imagined and knocked five of them to the floor in an instant.

“Ugh… … .”

“Ugh… … .”

It all seemed to happen in an instant, but to my ears it happened exactly five times.

That’s the sound of bones breaking.

“My, my wrist… … .”

“All, the legs!”

These guys are simple.

You just have to press with more force.

Those who have lived by the logic of mediocre power are now being suppressed by the logic of even stronger power.

“You, you, what are you!”

One of them got up in a hurry and asked in a trembling voice.

Instead of answering, I just walked up to him.

“Do not come!”

Whoosh, whoosh!

I easily dodged the dagger that was being swung clumsily, grabbed the bastard by the collar, and pinned him to the ground.


“Ugh, ugh… … .”

The screams died down as the pain became too much.

Now the other guys were just looking at me and trembling, not even thinking of rushing in like this guy just now.

“Is there anything else?”

“… … .”

“What are they doing?”

“… … .”

When there was no answer, I picked up the club that had fallen to the ground.

Then one of the guys got up in a hurry and tried to jump back, but-


“100 million!”

I fell to the ground, my nose banged against the magic barrier I had deployed right behind him.

He was trying so desperately to escape that blood started flowing out of his nose.

“… … .”

“… … What, what is it?”

At that sight, one guy screamed in frustration.

“S-Please spare us! We’re just local thugs! To be honest, we don’t know anyone and we don’t have anything!”


The other guys just stare blankly as if they can’t believe it, even though some part of their body is broken.

“S-Save us! We just really… … .”


Anyway, they didn’t even steal any money, and each of these guys had broken parts somewhere in their bodies, and one of them even had a nosebleed.

It’s pointless to attack any further now.

So I suggested.

I briefly recalled the speech pattern from my past life.

“Then open your pockets.”


“Did you open your pockets? Did you get a stone stuck in your ear?”

“… … .”

You have to be rougher than that when dealing with these guys.

Or even more overwhelming.

Before I realized my talent for swordsmanship, I used the former method a lot.

Well, I had forgotten that phrase because I lived as a noble in this life, but it’s a way of speaking that comes to mind sometimes.

Oh, I tried it and it didn’t stick to my mouth.

Fortunately, there was nothing to write about after that.

Because the guys looked at each other hesitantly and then turned their pockets inside out as I said.

This heartwarming sight of a guy with a broken leg opening the pockets of a guy with a broken hand.


Five silver crown coins.

Just twenty coins.

It’s not even worth a single gold coin, but it’s still a nice touch.

I should buy some snacks with this.


“You know when you shake it and it makes a rattle?”

“… … .”


Two additional silver coins are included.


Even a pocket you’ve opened once needs to be looked at again.

I left those guys who were completely robbed behind and walked out of the alley with Ben.

“That thing… … was this thing… … ? No, was it this thing… … ?”

I burst out laughing at the unexpected politeness.

“Just do as you were doing.”

“From the moment he started handing out gold coins like that, he seemed like he wasn’t an ordinary person… … He wasn’t just someone with a lot of money… … Right?”

I like people who are friendly, but it’s a shame.

“Those guys might try to get revenge, so it might be a good idea to leave here.”

“… … I had that intention ever since I received the gold. Those guys, no matter how much you beg them, they’ll turn around and do the same thing again.”

Ben seems to be completely sober now.

“And thank you.”

“What are you thankful for?”

“Actually, I got beaten up by those guys. They even took my money.”

“It was revenge.”

“Yes, I feel refreshed.”

Ben chuckled with an expression that shook off any remaining doubts and began to walk ahead with a refreshing gait.

“By the way, what on earth do you do? You seem to have some money… … Are you a merchant?”

“Let’s just say I’m someone who’s interested in mountains.”

“Oh, I understand. I won’t ask any more questions.”

You’re very perceptive about this.

Anyway, Ben and I left this place and headed towards the mountain, and after about an hour we arrived at the entrance of the mountain.

A mountain where darkness has gaped open, pitch-black darkness.

“You won’t be able to see very well from now on. If you didn’t bring a torch… … .”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

A sphere of magical power appears in the air when you snap your fingers.

Ben stared blankly at me as I illuminated the surroundings with a soft light.


“Then it’s the same.”

“Uh, somehow… … .”

It seems like Ben will never be comfortable speaking to me again.

I’m not trying to brag, but that’s just the general perception people have of wizards.

I took the opportunity to make another one and placed it next to Ben’s shoulder.

“Oh, hot… You’re not scared?”

“It’s just made of magic.”


Magic is mysterious.

That perception is unlikely to change unless the era of the Arcana returns.

In my previous life as a Draconic, I was mostly on the terrifying side.

Anyway, we entered the mountain like that and proceeded smoothly without any particular obstacles.

Then, Ben stopped occasionally, seemed to gauge the sound of the voice he was hearing, and soon decided on a direction and started moving again.

“The voice is getting quieter.”

How long did it take?

Finally Ben stopped and looked back at me.

“It looks like this place.”


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