Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 525

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Chapter 525: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

361. Angat Mountain (4)

The man threw a sarcastic laugh with a drunken expression.

“Phew… If you don’t have any business, then go. If you’re going to fight, then at least give me money in advance.”

At those words, I took a gold coin out of my pocket and placed it on the table.

The eyes of a man shining for a moment.

“… … How much are you going to hit me with?”

I wonder if the alcohol has worn off a little.

Well, the amount of gold isn’t enough to cover the drinking table on the first floor of this inn.

But there is a reason why it was all uploaded.

An employee came over as soon as I raised my hand.

“Here, take this money and give me as much alcohol as I want.”

“Uh… … That… … .”

The amount was so large that even the employees were taken aback.

“Will it be four days?”

“… … A week is enough.”

This meant that one gold coin could buy you a week’s supply of cheap beer here.

“Then let’s do that. For the next week, you can give me as much beer as I want.”

“Oh, I understand.”

Although he seemed flustered because it was the first time he had received such an order, the employee did not make a wrong choice when the gold coins were right in front of him.

“Um… … Then, would you like a drink too?”

“I’m done.”

As I said, when I’m ready to drink, I’m going to down the best glass with the best snacks in one go.

I can’t let this cheap beer ruin my goals.

A moment later, a glass of beer was placed in front of me.

The man stared blankly at the beer mug, then suddenly shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

“Did you really come here to pay for the trouble? There must be more than one or two guys who beat me up.”

Hehe, he laughed like he had given up and then met my eyes and asked.

“Or… … did my wife’s new husband send it to me after she left home?”

After watching his reaction for a moment, I got to the main point.

“Angat Mountain.”

The laughter suddenly stopped at those words.

In that moment, I saw the man’s eyes return to normal.

The blurry eyes briefly became strangely colored.

But he pretended not to notice, quickly hid his eyes again, and muttered weakly.

“Why on earth do you bring up such a worthless mountain name?”

Ironically, it was the derogatory term “insignificant mountain” that gave rise to the man’s interest in Mount Angat.

“What happened there?”

“… … .”

The man was silent, and I turned around to look in our direction, gesturing to the employee who was ready to come running at any moment.

“You can ask for as much change as you want, even if it’s just gold coins. Then, this one drink will be the end of the night.”

The man looked at the beer in silence.

Then suddenly he muttered.

“That damn mountain… … .”

Brrrr, clenched fists trembling.

I felt angry and curious about the story, but I waited in silence until the man finished his beer.

And as the man was finishing two more drinks, his mouth finally opened.

“Can you tell me what happened there?”

I could sense the man’s hesitation.

Although drunk, he tries to keep his wits about him at this moment.

“Why… … do you want to listen?”

“Because I was curious.”

“Ha… … Have you heard any legends somewhere? Those ridiculous, absurd legends?”


A man looking at me with his eyes wide open.

“But why on earth are you going into Angat Mountain? The rangers have withdrawn and there aren’t any monsters left.”

“Didn’t I say that because I was curious?”

“… … You really didn’t hear a legend?”

“Let’s first hear what the legend is.”

As I pulled up a chair and sat down, the man sighed and began to talk.

“There is something called the legend of the dragon.”

The Legend of the Dragon.

This fits perfectly.

“I knew it.”

“What did you say?”

“No. Please continue talking.”

“So… … I’m a native of this place. When I was young, there was a beggar who no one paid attention to. He was a common beggar with one leg missing, a bushy beard, and a bad smell all over his body.”

The story that followed was like this.


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It is said that one day, the man suddenly felt compassion and gave the bread he had been given to eat to a passerby.

Although it was a black, hard bread, the pedestrian ate it with great relish.

And the story he told me as a way to repay him was the legend of that dragon.

“The story I heard back then was this. It was actually that there was a dragon under Mount Angat.”

Dragon under Mount Angat?

Is this not the Dragon’s Nest?

The story continued.

There was a greedy dragon.

A wicked dragon who tormented people and even bullied other dragons.

In addition, he was very greedy and piled up treasures he had taken from various places like a mountain.

However, he was so ferocious that no one could touch him, and it is said that the punitive force sent by the king was all swept away by a single breath from the dragon.

Eventually, the method that people came up with together was to put a ‘curse’ on it.

Since he couldn’t defeat him physically or magically, he came up with a plan to use a different power.

“They say that it took 10,000 corpses to put a curse on that dragon. Of course, there was a war going on at the time, and the fields were littered with corpses. If you add in the people that the dragon killed for fun, they could have easily collected 10,000 corpses.”

It is said that by piling up the corpses of ten thousand people like that into a mountain, and combining the death energy flowing out from there with the origin of a very old curse, the cursed bead was finally created.

But here’s where the problem arises.

So, who will take this orb to the dragon?

“It was a young child who finally got hold of the marble after pushing and shoving each other over the issue.”

“You’re a child… … .”

“It’s a dragon that harasses humans but is wary of them, so it’s been able to survive countless subjugations, so I thought I could trick the dragon by bringing in a child.”

Then and now.

I sometimes wonder if humans are the most cruel thing in the world, but I also wonder how much suffering they must have gone through to come up with such a method.

Anyway, the story continued.

After that, the child brought the bead to the dragon, and fortunately or unfortunately, the dragon accepted the bead that the child offered.

“After that, the dragon fell into a deep sleep. The people cheered, because the dragon that had been tormenting them was finally gone. But soon they realized that the child had not returned either.”

The child did not return.

No, I couldn’t.

I couldn’t figure out exactly what happened, but the child disappeared.

“After that, people quickly forgot about the child and built a mountain over the body of the sleeping dragon for decades so that it would not be able to torment them again if it woke up. That is… … the Angat Mountain you see outside the window.”

I turned my head and saw the peak of Mount Angat rising above the building beyond the window.

A mountain that is not very high, but is relatively high.

According to legend, it means that a dragon is buried and sleeping underneath.

“So, you went to Mount Angat in pursuit of that legend?”

“That’s not why I went… … .”

The man now told his story.

The name is Ben.

He was a native of this place, a very ordinary person, and it is said that he got married at an appropriate time and had children at an appropriate time and raised them.

It’s been three years since Ben went to Mount Angat.

After the busy farming season ended, he volunteered to transport the corpses of monsters that the rangers had disposed of as they withdrew, hoping to earn some extra money.

“The corpses were strewn all over the mountain. Some of them were deep inside, and it was a shame to leave them there. For example… … If you cut off the horns attached to the corpse of Molkad and sell them, you can make quite a lot of money.”

Eventually, Ben is said to have gone deep into the mountains to collect the monster’s corpse.

“I found a few Molkad corpses, and I was planning to cut off their horns, hide them, and sell them to buy some meat. But then.”

After that, Ben lost consciousness without knowing it and opened his eyes.

Fortunately, it was daytime, so I only lost consciousness for a few minutes, but when I came down the mountain, I heard that a whole day had passed.

“I spent a whole day in the mountains. But that’s when the problem started. I started hearing voices in my head, and they kept saying, ‘Save me.’”

This is how Ben became obsessed with Mount Angat.

The voice grew louder the farther away from the mountain it went, and Ben tried everything he could to solve it.

I went to see a sorcerer and even spent all my money to go to a temple to receive a blessing.

But nothing changed, and people treated Ben like he was crazy.

Ben is left with only one choice.

All he does is go to Mount Angat, scream, dig the ground, and try to solve the problem, but then he drinks alcohol and falls asleep like he’s dead.

“I can still hear it now. I’m used to it now. But when I sober up, I go crazy again.”

Ben gulped down his beer, grumbling to himself.

“Ugh. I don’t have any money, but I need to drink. That’s about it.”

Putting that legend and this man’s story together, this question arises:

“You said you can still hear that voice?”

“That’s right.”

“So you’re saying that if you go near the mountains, you won’t be able to hear it?”

“It’s not that I can’t hear at all, but I can hear it a little. Oh, um. There was a time when I couldn’t hear at all. I don’t remember it well. I tried my best to find that point, but unfortunately, I got drunk that day and went to the mountains.”

I looked at him giggling, put my hand in my pocket, took out a gold coin, and placed it on the table.

“If you go to that mountain with me, it’s yours.”

“… …What is your true identity?”

“I’m just a person who’s curious about mountains.”

“There was another crazy person… … .”

Even though he says that, his eyes never look up from the gold coins.

I have had countless gold coins through various businesses and awards, but the actual value of gold coins is enormous.

I once took an economics class at the academy, and one gold coin was enough to feed an average family in a provincial city for a month.

Two pieces will give you enough white bread for every meal, and three pieces will give you enough meat to go with it.

So it would be a very sweet offer to Ben right now, and I’m stuck.


Here are two more gold coins.

“Put down the wine you are drinking and come with me, and these three gold coins will all be yours.”

“… … .”

I have an abundance of gold coins.

And, if you need me, I’m willing to spend as much as gold.

My philosophy is to avoid spending money unnecessarily, but to be sure to spend it wisely.

So I’ll write a little more –


I put a small pouch on top.

A leather pouch large enough to hold twenty gold coins.

“And then you can leave this place and go find your family.”


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