Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 522

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Chapter 522: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

361. Angat Mountain (1)

It was a while ago, but I met Ernest’s father, Baron Dylan.

Baron Dylan deduced that Mount Ariela was where we should go, so we went there, had an adventure, and returned.

But what Baron Dylan told us then wasn’t just Mount Ariela.

It’s Mount Angat.

A place where a dragon’s nest might be.

A place where there is a ‘hint’ that forces people to turn back when they try to approach.

The suggestion is said to be so powerful that people do not even realize that they have been caught in the suggestion and are turning back.

In simple terms, it means that you can’t even detect that the mountain is strange.

Baron Dylan has been exploring for a long time and seems to have figured it out.

Anyway, me and our monsters, animals, and dragon friends went there.


Chiron looked like he was dying to be happy.

He was let loose on the grounds of the Academy, and he often went to the forest of Bonia to catch monsters like rats, but how could he be satisfied with that?

If necessary, I’ll run.

“Didn’t you bother the forest ranger?”


You’ve been harassing me.

Anyway, after riding Chiron, carrying Karnas in my arms and Torki in my pocket, I finally went out to the main gate of the Academy and felt the gaze of many people.

“Wow, what are you talking about… … .”

“Can you see the shine on the horse’s mane?”

“Wait, isn’t that Dane Sogress?”

“That’s right! Dane Sogress!”

Chiron seems to understand people’s words and enjoy their gaze.

How did I end up with people who all understand what I say?


He suddenly lifts his front paw because he feels so good.

It’s not like I suddenly fell or anything.

I stroked his fur and whispered quietly.

“If you show off on the street, they’ll leave you behind.”

“Phuheng… … .”

I think you understand, but why do you seem to be laughing?

Is it because I haven’t been educating you lately?

Well, it takes some time to get to Mount Angat, so we can teach them on the way there.

So, I left the capital and finally reached the road, where I took out Karnas and Torki.





This isn’t some animal orchestra or anything.

Karnas was on top of Chiron’s head, and Torki had only his head sticking out from within Chiron’s mane.

And I look at these three dragons, animals, and monster friends and laugh in disbelief.

It’s a different feeling than when I go on an adventure with friends.

I deliberately headed to a place where there were no people. I also checked to see if anyone was watching or following me.

As usual, there was one guy there, but he kept his distance and followed me around, so I didn’t really pay much attention to him.

“You can’t enter the mountain.”

That guy Benatio.

I ended up losing you again after chasing you like that.

Because I have no intention of going to Mount Angat together.

Well, if you come in, you’ll have a good time.

By the way, does that guy think of Karnas as a wyvern cub?


“It’s quite different from a wyvern, isn’t it?”

Well, that’s true.

There are only a handful of people in this world who have recognized and seen a dragon as a ‘dragon’, and even those are limited to me and the people around me.

So, of course, I can’t help but think it’s a wyvern baby.

Fortunately, my talent for summoning is making that a ‘fact’.

“It will be done in one day.”

The distance to Mount Angat near the capital is not far. It is not a very large mountain and the surrounding area is not dangerous, so the accessibility is very good.

It’s like that in any country, but Alteon in particular feels like it has a lot of mountains.

It is said that mountaineering was once popular among the nobility.

Of course, the fashion of the nobles is always changing, so they say that there are no mountaineers these days.

In fact, considering the monsters and dangerous beasts that inhabit the mountains, mountaineering may not be a completely safe and good hobby for the nobles.



“Whoa? Whoa!”

I rode my horse slowly and leisurely, amidst the pleasant cries of my friends, who had appeared outside for the first time in a long while and were free of any suffocation.


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Then night came, and I found a place between a suitable rock and a tree.

I don’t have much sleep, so I could just keep going, and Chiron has a lot of stamina, but I still need this kind of romance.

Knock, knock.

The sound of a campfire crackling.

Jjur… … beep… … .

The sound of insects chirping.


Even the soft breeze blowing through the leaves.


This kind of solitude isn’t bad either.

If I had come with friends, it wouldn’t have been so noisy and quiet, but sometimes there has to be this kind of quietness.

“Want some?”


I grilled the fresh meat that I had brought in using preservation magic and shared it with Karnas, and then I filled my stomach by boiling some special stew.

Torki gave him the berries he had brought in advance, and Chiron… … .

Doo doo doo doo-!

I thought this was the moment and went for a run.

“Wasn’t running during the day enough?”

They say a horse gets sick if it doesn’t run, so I guess that guy needs to run all day to stay healthy.

Well, I’ll be back in the morning.

By the way, once we arrive at Angat Mountain, we need to start gathering information.

By gathering rumors from people and exploring hard-to-reach spots, you can roughly estimate where the dragon’s nest is.

After that, you can go there and get help from Karnas.

Just like on Mount Ariela.

It’ll take some time, but since it’s vacation anyway, there’s no need to rush.

Take this opportunity to travel.

“Should I go to sleep soon?”


I took out the tent from the subspace and set it up, and laid down a soft mat inside. After that, I laid down a sleeping bag, and the perfect sleeping environment was complete.

Now all I have to do is fall asleep… … .

“What is he doing?”

There, I felt eyes watching me from behind a tree a fair distance away.

Well, it’s not cold today.

I’ll figure it out.

It was at that moment that I was trying to close my eyes and fall asleep.

What are these ‘guys’?

As I was trying to close the tent door, there were guys slowly approaching me.

There are about ten people.

A figure approaching through the darkness, holding its breath and without any light.


I opened the door again and peeked through the gap in the tent. The shapes and movements of the approaching figures were very awkward.

It looks like they’re forming a large group and then dispersing, but I’m not sure.

That’s a good thing.

Why not move your body a bit before you go to sleep?

* * *

War destroys many things and demands sacrifices.

The confusion after the war usually stems from there.

Of course, Alteon is well aware of this, and has made many efforts to reduce the confusion in various ways before and after the war, but traces of it often remain.

A gang of thieves is an example of this.

In other words, a bandit group.

To put it a little negatively, a group of gangsters who can’t get along.

Most of these forces emerged during the war, reached their peak after the war, and were later captured and disintegrated in a large-scale suppression operation by the Imperial Army.

But as always, there are those who survive.

This is exactly the case for the thieves who barely managed to survive in places out of the reach of the imperial family, but recently changed their ‘business methods’.

By the way, on the surface, they were not a group of bandits at all.

A sort of mercenary group of guys with some good skills.

They were called ‘Jeff’s Mercenaries’ after their leader and were actually considered to be a decent mercenary group.

He carries out assigned tasks with certainty, and is sharp when it comes to calculating money. He also has a service mentality that provides more than necessary results to regular customers.

In this fiercely competitive society, this is truly a mercenary group fit for the times.

However, the fact that they commit theft behind their mercenary activities is a somewhat unique aspect.

“What is the target?”

“Now you’re in the tent. The tent looks nice.”

“Where on earth did the horse go? It looks pretty big just from the silhouette. Isn’t it worth a lot?”

“He’ll probably come back. That’ll come later. Let’s just take care of the target properly.”

Those who are conversing with Captain Jeff are obviously not carrying out a mercenary request right now.

Just now, they were trying to shake off a traveler who had just entered the tent.

“We’re going to make a good splash and then leave the base. Next time, we’re going west.”

As Jeff said, they were thinking of making one last bet.

You might wonder if this one-time hit is just enough to hit one traveler, but based on my experience, it can easily be a one-time hit.

Because ‘adventure’ is popular among the children of the nobility these days.

In reality, it was more of a trip to a destination alone, without any attendants or servants, rather than an adventure, but it seems that going alone after having been supported by servants all their lives was an adventure for them.

“Anyway, the trend is really good. Opportunities like this come up often.”

“The guy I beat up last time was really tearful and snotty. A guy like that going on a trip?”

“The nobles are so pure.”

Jeff sent his deepest gratitude to the genius boy of the empire who created the trend.

What did they say?

That boy named Dane Sogress started a club at the academy, and everyone idolized that club.

The club went on adventures here and there and achieved various achievements, which seemed to have created a great stir among the children of the nobility.

‘It’s all thanks to that guy.’

The noble children who left in such a way, taking on such a ‘risk’, actually had a lot to take away.

Although he dresses modestly, befitting an adventurer, each piece of clothing costs hundreds of gold coins, and his belongings, including weapons, are also incredibly expensive.

And that’s not all.

The horse you’re riding is very expensive, and if you poke around in the hidden subspace, jewels will pour out.

It’s also convenient to shave there.

The basis of adventure is ‘reality’, and even the bodyguards that the family tries to attach to him are trying their best to refuse him, so he is truly an open prey.

“I have to finish this properly this time.”

Of course, if the tail is long, it will get stepped on.

So far, there are only five children of the nobles.

It would be better to slowly disappear with this as the last.

Even though they attack in the middle of the night and their identities are clearly hidden, they still have to be extremely careful.

“Let’s move slowly.”

At Jeff’s direction, everyone moved at once.

He approaches slowly but surely, burying his body in the darkness.

All around is quiet, the only light coming from the dying embers of a tent in the distance.


When they raised their hands, they split into two groups, two at a time, and approached, surrounding both sides.

The retreat is definitely blocked.

After that, Jeff and the other two slowly approached from the front.

It’s still quiet.

I don’t think the other person noticed.

‘How much can I shave this time?’

If you just get one, you’ll hit the jackpot.

Now it seemed like it was time to change the way this business was done.

As we all get older, we should minimize our risks and settle down in a small city to live comfortably…

‘Happy rest of your life.’

Jeff hid his pleased smile for a moment and approached the tent.

Then he looked at everyone once and nodded.

Now it’s time to get all ripped off.

Jeff grabbed the tent door and swung it open in one motion.


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