Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 520

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Chapter 520: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

360. Preparing for Adventure (1)

The next destination is the Niroxion Tower.

I originally planned to go see Seedrain while I was here, but I heard that they are currently focusing on research at the Magic Tower.

The Nixion Tower was not far away.

However, as expected of a magician’s tower, its structure does not look like a magic tower at all.


They say the word ‘Matap’ is used colloquially, and that’s exactly what it is.

It looks like a six-story building, but the structure itself is not much different from a typical building. It is far from the image of a tower that is commonly imagined.

“How did you get here?”

The guard in front spoke. He was carrying a sword, but he must actually be a wizard. The waves of magical power felt that way.

“I am Dane Sogres of the Sogres Counts. I have come to see the Lord of the Tower.”

“Sogress… … Count? Lord Matap?”

I just nodded as two questions came up at the same time.

“Uh, um. Okay. Just wait a minute.”

The guard immediately took out his communication sphere and relayed the message inside.

“This is the main gate officer. Lord Dane Sogress of the Sogress Counts has arrived at the main gate and is requesting to see the Lord Matap.”

A voice that seemed a little flustered but trying to remain calm.

And after a while.

-Who? Dane Sogress? Why is he here?

“Uh… … um… … I don’t know.”

I heard the voice and it was Seedrain.

It’s been a long time since I heard your voice.

Please correct it.

-Try changing it.

“Okay, I understand.”

The guard brought the crystal ball, and I asked him right away.

“I’m here.”

-No, why all of a sudden?

“I’ll just take a look. I’ll go to the palace and come back.”

-The palace? Did you go to the audience again?

“That’s what it is.”

-What the hell are you doing? Huh? I’ll be down soon, so just wait.

Seedrain ended the call as if he was speechless. I returned the crystal ball to the guard and smiled.

“They’re coming down soon.”

“Oh, I see…….”

The guard returned to his seat with a bewildered expression. He glanced at me as if he had many questions, but he didn’t ask any questions.

“Hey you guy!”

And then the magic tower appeared.

“How you doing?”

“Huh, what the heck. What’s going on all of a sudden? You came all the way to the Magic Tower. You never came when I told you to!”

He said it in a ridiculous way to the repairman, but when he actually came, he seemed happy.

“Are you even thinking of coming into the tower?”

“No way.”

“Hey, man. Then why are you here?”

“I came back from the factory and you weren’t here. So I came to see you and see if the child I brought from the jungle was growing well.”

“Ah. So this is what you came for. I had high hopes for this.”

Seedrain grumbled as he guided me into the tower.

“Then while you’re here, why don’t you take a look around? Maybe if you look around the inside of the tower, things will change a bit.”

I guess I’m secretly looking forward to it, but I’m not sure.

“Right. That guy Althur is inside too. He just got back from his field trip today.”

“is it so?”

“Yeah. I’m still a little clumsy, but I’m doing pretty well.”

By the way, Althur is a senior, so he now spends more time in the Magic Tower than in the Academy.

Should we call this a kind of employment privilege?

Of all places, I have entered the highest tower in Alteon.

Originally, the Antalion Tower was the most powerful, but it is now on the verge of collapse after former magic professor Dnabo caused an accident and was imprisoned.

“Let’s go in. This way.”

Anyway, as I entered the tower, a wide-open landscape unfolded before my eyes.

First of all, I saw a lot of people from the entrance.

Everyone was sitting at their desks working, and no matter who came in or out, they were all just focused on the work at their desks.

“These are the administrative staff. As you know, there’s a lot of work to do these days. Office work, accounting, etc. We can’t run without the staff here.”

“That’s absolutely amazing.”

Then, when we went up to the second floor, the scenery changed completely.

The second floor was not as spacious as the first floor, but was divided into several rooms.

“This is the lab for the intern wizards. Roughly five people per room?”

“Altru is staying here too.”

“Yes. Of course, since you have talent, you will go to the third floor soon.”


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“Is it true that the hierarchy changes by floor?”

“Until the third floor. From the fourth to the sixth floor, it’s a lottery.”

The composition is very unique.

After looking around the 3rd floor, I headed to the 4th floor.

“This is my personal laboratory.”

“They said it was a lottery, but I guess I didn’t get to the top floor.”

“That’s true. Where did the authority of the Magic Tower go?”

Even though he says things like that, Seedrain is not the type of person who seeks authority.

“This is my lab.”

And the lab he showed me was a total mess.

“It’s not much different from my older sister’s lab.”

“Wizards are a group that only organize the knowledge in their heads, and they don’t organize their surroundings.”

Judging from the way he spoke confidently, it seemed like this would be the case no matter which lab he went into.

There were documents and various materials scattered here and there, and even half an apple that I wondered when it had been eaten.

“Ah. There’s a preservation spell on it. It’s been about two weeks. It hasn’t changed color and is very clean, right?”

“… … .”

“If you lift the spell and eat it again, you’ll be fine. Leftover food is more efficient. When noble magicians first come in, they can’t do that, right? But when they’re busy researching, they all end up doing that.”

That’s a good idea.

I went down to the 4th floor with Seedrain again and met Althur on the stairs.

“Dane? What are you doing here, Lord Matap?”

“Are you working hard?”

“Uh… … That’s true… … But… … I didn’t know you’d come here?”

Seedrain explained it for me.

“This guy is talking about me, the one who’s the top of the tower, huh? Why did he suddenly call me out… …”

He says it as if it’s unfair, but why is he smiling?

“But this guy, huh? He taught me magic when I went south.”

“Then… … you mean disciple?”

“If you think about it, that’s true. Well, isn’t that what it is, Dane?”


“… … Please tell me that.”

The person who actually reacted was Althur.

“Did you learn magic from the Lord of the Tower?”

“I learned it, after all.”

“Then you are not my disciple?”

“If you hadn’t taught me vision magic, I wouldn’t be your disciple.”


“Hey, Inma! I taught you the basics and made you a wizard. So what if you’re not my disciple?”

“We haven’t officially established a priestly relationship.”

The wizarding world is like that.

In this regard, there is a tendency to focus on formalities, especially in the relationship between teachers and students.

There is also a saying that a true priest-disciple relationship can be established only after receiving training in vision magic.

Should we say that these are all the ‘bad practices’ that are rampant in the wizarding community?

I changed the subject before Seedrain could stumble any further.

“So, how is Aon? How is Deweyna?”

“Both of you are fine. I’m really busy researching right now though.”

“You’re teaching well, right?”

“Don’t worry, I can teach you at least one magic trick. Hey. Other people are impatient because they can’t learn everything from me.”

For reference, Aon and Diwena are the people I rescued from the shaman when I went on an expedition to the southern jungle.

Aon is the child that was rescued at that time, and Diwena was the child that was saved from being sacrificed to a sorcerer.

At that time, there was a sorcerer named Annabelle who was pretending to be a witch and she only chose children with magical talents to be sacrificed.

It was probably because of his own research.

The research, the development of a drug that can regrow lost hair, is still ongoing.

It seems like it won’t be easy because it’s so difficult, but I heard that the progress itself is going well.

“Don’t worry. I’m adapting well, and as long as I have a talent for magic, I’ll have no trouble living in this country.”

Seedrain sighed as if he had a headache.

“But I’m worried because there are so many people these days. I never imagined it would be like this… … There’s not enough seats on the rooftop.”

“Really? How much?”

“Considering that it’s the same in the Antalion Tower and other towers, and that talented people will gather… shouldn’t it be twice as large as it is now?”

I brought up a thought that just occurred to me at that moment.

“If you’re going to do it, why not make it three times as big?”

“Huh? Three times?”

“Your stomach would be nice too.”

“… … Is a wizard some kind of bamboo shoot? Can he be born that easily?”

“Well, maybe. And there’s no harm in building it big, right?”

“That’s true. But we need to look at whether it is cost-effective.”

“It will be effective. Probably.”

“… … Do you know anything?”

Seedrain knows I’ve been to an audience with the Emperor. Maybe he’s got something to think about there.

“Well, it’s the Lord’s choice.”

When I emphasized the title of Lord of the Tower, Seedrain narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

“Anyway, I said he’s a suspicious guy.”

And then a nodding head.

“Yes. Let’s go with four times the size you said. If we build it bigger, we’ll have a use for it someday. That’s better. This magic tower building is almost 300 years old.”

Althur asked blankly.

“So… it was something that could be decided that easily?”

“I gave you the magic tower, right? Even if the top floor is taken away by drawing lots, you can decide on something like this.”

“It’s hot and good.”

Anyway, both Seedrain and Matap will be overflowing with money. They have shares in the factory and they will have made a lot of profit thanks to my special magic stone.

“If you need investment, let me know.”

“You little punk, I’ve received so much from you that I feel like I’m going to get sick if I receive any more.”

I snorted.

“There are some incredible stories being told.”

“Whenever you’re with this guy, you always have some crazy stories to tell, don’t you?”

“Well… … that’s true. Always.”

Althurdo shook his head. Well, I’ve had many adventures with that guy. I’ve been through a lot… a lot.

“Then I will go, Lord Matap. Dane, I will see you at the Academy next time.”

So Althur left, and I just stared blankly at his back.

Should I say it’s completely different from when we first met?

“That guy works really hard. Thanks to him, I can enjoy raising him. That idiot just worked that guy to death.”

“He’s a good guy. He’s experienced. I think he’ll know.”

“Yeah. He’s a venomous guy. He’s a guy with a strong desire to succeed. He’s different from everyone else.”

“Why are you looking at me?”

“That’s because you already have a successful life.”

“I’m just trying to have fun.”

Seedrain chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

“That’s a successful life, you punk.”

A successful life.

I do not know.

Wouldn’t it be different depending on where you set the standard?

Anyway, after finishing my visit to the rooftop, I went outside and thought about my next destination.

In fact, it’s hard to even call it a destination.

Now it’s time to go back to the academy.

“It’s almost final exam time.”

The exam is coming up… … .

We need to prepare for adventure too.

This time, an adventure alone, without friends.

To be exact, with one animal, one monster, and one dragon.


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