Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 515

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Chapter 515: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

358. The Converts (2)

“Caeng… …!”

A dog with its body hunched low, tail held high, and a sharp but low bark.

“Ugh… Ugh!”

Karnas lowered his body just as much as he could, as if he was trying to imitate that.

It was quite a cute sight, but I think it would be more important to look out the window than to admire it.

I walked over to the windowsill, leaned against it, and looked out the window. I saw people moving in the darkness.

To be exact, the air was rippling, like mist rising from a pipe on a hot day.

To put it simply, to my eyes, who have heightened their senses, it looks like a person, but to others, it just looks like the air is rippling.

What kind of guys are they?

Are we going to go on a restricted area expedition like we used to?

Even though it was only two years ago, it was once.

“Caeng… … .”

By the way, why is Torki so alert? Even though it’s night, the Academy security guards could be patrolling.

“Is that what you’re saying after seeing that?”


What should I do?

I’m a little tired though.


If left alone, it seems obvious that Torki will continue to act like this.

“let’s go.”

I put on my outer clothes and packed Karnas and Torki into my bosom and pocket respectively.

It may sound a bit strange to say that I packed it, but I don’t think there’s a more appropriate expression.

“It’s been a while since I escaped the dorm.”

So I opened the door, walked down the hallway and headed to the lobby, where an unexpected person was sitting on the sofa.

“Dane? Where are you going?”

It was Priscilla.


“What are you going out to do again?”

“That’s what it is.”

“What a shame. If only I hadn’t drank.”

“… … .”

I was dumbfounded when I saw the bottles and glasses on the table.

He escaped from the Great Hall and is now living a very debaucherous life.

“Drink in moderation. If Dorian finds out, there will be chaos.”

“Are we drinking together these days?”

“… … .”

Is that what life is like in high school?

“Do you want to have a drink when you come back later?”

“Okay. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

“Well, do whatever you want. I won’t worry about you.”

I think you should be worrying about yourself, not me.

I think I read it in the Book of Arcana.

A sobering spell developed by a wizard who loved alcohol so much that he could drink all day long.

The joke is that in order to use the sobering spell, you have to be drunk, but since you can’t use your magic properly when you’re drunk, you ended up not being able to use it.

“I will be back.”


After getting on the elevator and leaving Priscilla, whose tongue was about to roll off, I hid in the shadows as soon as I got down.

After that, we passed by the guards in front of the Danteria Hall and arrived at the place that Torki had been watching and guarding earlier.

Finding the traces wasn’t difficult.

The reason is simple.

“I tried hard to erase the traces.”

Because they were moving while thoroughly erasing any traces of their presence here, as if it were a secret.

However, I know very well the ways to erase those traces.

Although the results are slightly different, they are because the traces were hidden using tools that combine chemicals and materials.

I’ve captured its unique smell and texture.

“What kind of guys are they?”

I thought about it while following the traces.

Why would these guys who erase their traces so professionally come into the academy?

Even if we find out the reason later, I’m curious about who those guys are.

If these guys are so good at erasing traces, then they must be professionally trained.

There are two candidates.


Or counterintelligence.

The former is dangerous, but the latter is not a situation in which I can intervene.

In fact, I have no way of interfering with the former.

It’s more that I came to watch because I was just curious.


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The only thing that catches the eye is… … .

“Caeng… … .”

As expected, it’s Torki’s vigilance.

It’s only been a few days, but the guy has never shown this much caution in all the time I’ve had him around.

There must be a reason for that.

Is it related to the knowledge you originally had?


I left it behind.

Mini golem.

“I have to let you go later.”

For now, we continued tracking.

Then, slowly, their tails were caught, and they were quickly moving towards the outskirts of the academy.

The ripples in the air begin to appear again.

The sway was moving quickly, and it felt like a hot flame moving that was invisible to the naked eye.

What on earth is that?

It’s my first time seeing that kind of hiding.

In a situation where everything was questionable, I continued to pursue and eventually looked at the point where the ripples had stopped.

Outside the academy.

A remote place where even the guards come and go only a few times a day.

There were a few warehouse buildings that were as far apart as the forest of Bonia and, crucially, were now barely used.

The reason I came to a place with few people is… … .

There must be a reason for everything.

And then the guys finally show up.


The ripples disappeared, and three men dressed entirely in black appeared.

The clothes were tight fitting, and it would have been extremely embarrassing if it had been daytime.

The guys dispersed without any conversation.

One guarded the perimeter, while the other entered one of the warehouse buildings.

Another one goes back to the back of the warehouse.

“Caeng… … .”

The sound of Torki’s crying can be heard.

I hesitated for a moment, then put my hand in front of my pocket, and Torki immediately said, “?” and stepped onto my hand.

I’ve been feeling this for a few days now, this guy understands the gist of what I’m saying.

Should we say that this is the result of communicating with a mini golem?

Should we say that it is the result of that crazy wizard instilling knowledge and intelligence and then separating only the core?

So, I’m going to try something this time.



“Hey, wanna go behind the warehouse and see if there’s anything that catches your eye?”

Of course, I’m not doing this with any expectations.

This guy is small, doesn’t understand speech yet, and most of all, he can’t fight someone like Karnas.

“Warehouse, back. Over there.”


Even though I spoke roughly, he must have understood and he jumped down and ran to the back of the warehouse in an instant.

Speed ​​one is quick.

It may look that way because it’s small, but even taking that into account, it’s incredibly fast.

Indeed, it is something that scholars have searched for over the past several centuries, yet has rarely been seen.

Let’s go and see what he’s doing.

It didn’t take as long as I thought.

Torki came back again, climbing onto my palm and putting what was in his mouth down.

“what’s this?”


“Did you bring it from behind?”


I think he understands by nodding.


When Karnasdo Torki returned, he popped his head out and looked at the top of my palm.

What was placed on the palm of my hand was something the size of a fingernail… … .

“A machine?”

Why do things turn out this way?

* * *

Asentrio, a former professor at the Imperial Academy’s Faculty of Magic who had recently submitted his resignation, looked around the warehouse with constantly anxious eyes.

‘When are you coming?’

It was about a year ago that they first contacted me.

He asked for only one thing: a large sum of money, a lifetime residence, numerous servants, and everything he needed for his research.

Coming right over to them.

It was the so-called conversion.

It has not even been half a century, let alone a century, since the war ended.

But for Acentrio, who has lost his family, lost his voice in academia, and is treated like an outcast in the Magic Tower, this is a proposal worth considering.

People look up to him when he says he’s a wizard, but that’s only true for wizards, since he himself isn’t treated very well among wizards.

Even the professorship he had was effectively an honorary position.

It got even worse after Professor Dnabo’s imprisonment.

Because the new department head openly looked down on him.

So I decided.

Decided to go to Draenic.

No, maybe it was because he was this kind of person that he approached Drenic.

‘Surely he’s not not coming, right?’

He even resigned from his position as an academy professor, which was the last remaining string he had.

Because then it can disappear naturally.

If you disappear while still holding a professorship, you may be tracked down.

But then again, what if these guys don’t come… ?

‘I’m finished.’

He resigned from his professorship and closed down his magic tower. He has some assets, but his life as a magician is practically over.

He could go to some remote countryside and become the personal wizard of some rich nobleman, but that’s not what Acentrio wants.

Ascentrio wanted to be recognized.

His own talent, once called a genius.

To be exact, I wanted to be treated properly as a wizard.

That’s why we go to Draenic.

They gave him a huge fortune, provided him with servants to do his bidding, and even provided him with unlimited research support along with national treatment.


But if you don’t come, it’s all over.

If it becomes known that you have come into contact with Dranek… … .

It was at that time that my palms were getting wet with impatience.


There was a sound of something opening, and Ascentrio swallowed hard.

But what was open was not the warehouse door, but a window.

And then a voice was heard from behind.

“Mr. Ascentrio. I am a contact person.”

“Wow, you came.”

The Alteon language sounded a bit awkward, but still fluent enough.

It’s a problem because I hear it from behind.

“Don’t look back and just put on the bracelet I’m giving you.”

Hands coming down next to the head.

It was a little creepy for a moment, but Ascentrio quickly caught it and put it on his wrist.

Then the magical power flowing through the body becomes quiet.

“This is… a bracelet that blocks magical power.”

“This is to prevent your magic from being detected by anyone. Once it’s on, it can’t be released until we release it, so please don’t try too hard.”

You’ve prepared thoroughly.

Did you develop these things after being beaten to death by magic and summoning in the war?

“What should I do now? Should I go right away?”

Ascentrio wanted to get out of this academy and cross the border as quickly as possible.

“There’s no need to rush. There are no pursuers, and we’ll be across the border in a few days.”

“Ugh… … I’m just in a hurry, so please understand.”

“Our colleagues who came with us are now preparing to leave this place. The security around the academy is high, so we need to prepare.”

“I understand. You can look back now.”

Ascentrio looked back, and there stood an ordinary-looking man.

At first glance, he looks like an ordinary Alteonian rather than a spy from Dranek.

“Get ready. I’ll be out in 10 minutes.”

“Oh, I understand.”

Those ten minutes felt like an eternity to Acentrio.

Because even though we were in the same space, no conversation took place.

Then, when the warehouse door finally opened and I went outside, I felt a strange sense of liberation.

Of course, it is not complete liberation.

Only by crossing the border can we achieve complete liberation.

“We’re moving. From now on, we’ll be in hiding.”

“If you say hiding… … .”

“Cover this.”

When the man wrapped a black cloth around Ascentrio’s body, his body miraculously disappeared.

It wasn’t like magic, but there was no time to ask questions calmly.

“I’ll take it off as soon as I leave the academy. I don’t have much time, so I’ll move.”

Ascentrio immediately followed the man, taking his hand.

‘Are we really going now?’

After all the deliberation, it wasn’t an easy decision to go to Draenic… … .

For him, living a new life was more important.

A life that is recognized and admired.

‘let’s go.’

It was a time when my heart was pounding.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Before they could even take a few steps, everyone’s feet suddenly stopped.


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