Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 514

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Chapter 514: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

358. The Converts (1)

Karnas doesn’t seem to like Torki.


“Caeng… … .”


When I released the two into the room, Karnas kept poking and Torki ran away, and it was chaos.

“Karnas, get along well.”


Look at this guy.

Judging from the way he turns his head, is he going through puberty?

“Creak, creak!”

The guy was flapping his wings as if protesting.

I’m back in my dorm room after a long time, but I can’t even rest.

I had no choice but to take out the special snack and tempt Karnas.

“Want some?”

“Kkuruk… … ?”


Every time I do, I realize that even dragons have throats.

Should I say that it is amazing how it passes over with such a gurgling sound?



Karnas was so excited that he took the special snack, and in the meantime, Torki snuck into my arms.

This guy really does look like a little devil, but his eyes are so bright and round that he’s kind of cute.

“Why didn’t you go back?”


The guy kept rubbing his face against my chest.

There’s nothing I can do.

I think I should take it with me for now.

“Aren’t you hungry?”


According to Hamilton, it is possible to survive on just nuts and small grasses.

For now, I don’t have to worry about my mouth anymore.

[He is definitely different from other Torki. He probably still has some intelligence and memories from his previous days.]

However, if this is a bit of a problem, then it is a problem.

I guess I’ve lost my wildness because I’ve lived like that for so long.

Listening to the memories told by the mini golem, it seems that it is a monster that has lived for an incredibly long time, if you just consider the time it was confined to the dimension.

Anyway, why do only these unique guys gather around me?

This applies to both humans and non-human creatures.

“Should we make a zoo somewhere?”



Mini golem.

And to Torquay.

What fun would happen if we left them in one place?

[What do you think?]

“Interesting thought.”

[You’re thinking useless thoughts again.]

You have to be quick-witted.

[By the way, the mini dragon seems a little heartbroken.]


[Of course. A guy who threatens his position appears.]


[According to Arcana’s parenting theory, firstborn children sometimes instinctively feel threatened by the birth of a sibling.]

“Did I give birth to a child?”

But even so, I thought I knew what it meant.

Well, these days, Karnas has been going out less often since he’s been hanging out with people other than his club members.

First of all, it’s a dragon.

Because it’s a story that’s on a whole other level than showing off my abilities.

It’s hard to even call it a summoned beast, because there’s no one that breathes fire that powerful.

However, it is a bit big to be dangling around like a mini golem.

So I thought about a method a little bit… … .

“Karnas. Shall we go on an adventure together to a place where people won’t recognize us?”


A guy who just stopped eating his snack and lifted his head and his eyes started to sparkle.

Yeah, that’s it.

There’s also a place to go for Karnas.

That’s right, the dragon’s nest.


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I was originally planning to go after finishing the second semester of my second year, but due to circumstances, I ended up going a little later.

“Let’s go this time. Take Chiron.”


The guy nodded as if he agreed.

Yeah, it was time to go.

Above all, Karnas also needs to build a nest someday.

Because dragons can’t live in people’s arms forever.

Rather than a breakup… … a feeling of independence?

Anyway, I think that if you visit the dragon’s nest, you might be able to get some direction and clues about it.

[Shall I go too?]

“You’re not going?”

[No. Let’s go. By the way, when do you plan on going to the hut of Alphanius in Torki’s memory?]

“If you’re interested. Not now. Even if I go, I won’t take Torki with me.”

[Hmm, that would be good.]

Alphanius’ laboratory later.

First of all, now that I’ve finished the expedition and returned, it’s time to go back to being a student.

Then, when the holidays come, I can take these three along with Chiron, who works as a physical training instructor outside.

“Phuhihing, puhihing.”

“This horse is laughing! How long are you going to chase after me!”

“Gasp, huh!”

I looked out the window and chuckled.

Wendell and Elgran.

One of them has nothing to do with combat, and the other is in the middle of physical training after changing his job from warrior to wizard.

The method is for Chiron to pursue.


“Hey, stop chasing me, please!”

Anyway, our club was going very well.

So, enjoying this peace is one of the good ways.



[Very noisy… …Mini Dragon! Where are you hitting!]

It’s a bit noisy thanks to the addition of one more thing.

I wonder what my parents’ reaction will be when I bring all these guys home later.

* * *

Academy life continued again.

In fact, it is a bit of a stretch to say that it was connected.

It’s not like I took a leave of absence or skipped class.

I just went here and there.

Therefore, as always, I went to class diligently and studied hard.

“Dane Sogres, would you like to answer?”

“Yes. There are two important things about food supplies provided in the field. One is portability, and the other is preservation.”

“That’s right. You’ve said it well. As such, the type of food is considered very important in the field. The problem that arose when the importance of food was ignored was exactly what happened 250 years ago… … .”

I also took liberal arts classes.

“Today, instead of direct summoning, we will learn about ways to strengthen the link. Dane Sogress? What are some ways to strengthen the link?”

“If there is a way to strengthen the link with a specific summoner, it is through continuous summoning and communication. Rather than using the summoner in battle, it is better to summon the summoner and have frequent conversations with it, feed it, and have a direct communication with it.”

“That’s a classic answer. Very good.”

I also took general major classes.

“I plan to rest today.”

“Aren’t you going to spar?”

“You can just practice while meditating.”

“Well, if someone saw you, they’d think you were seriously injured in a punitive expedition.”

“You bastard. I’m old.”

“I heard a rumor that course evaluations will be introduced this semester… … .”

“Big. Where were we last time?”

I also took my major classes.

“Try to visualize it.”

“Now you’re not even telling me what to do?”

“Just try it. I think you’ll know already if I tell you.”

Professor Cross seemed bored these days.

To be exact, I think I lost interest in other things after going to Drenique.

“So, when are we going to Drenique again?”

“When I have time.”

“When do you have time?”

“Well, I have a lot to do and take care of right now.”

“I’ll do all the fun by myself. Leave this old man behind.”

This is really ridiculous.

He may be old, but he is still very energetic and full of life.

It is even more absurd that someone who can even change his appearance in a few days if he wants to say something like that.

“Are you bored?”

“Yeah, I’m bored. Isn’t there anything fun to do? Oh, actually, I’m more annoyed than bored.”


“Well, I have to go to the magic department for a lecture.”

“Are you going to class?”

“Yeah. I heard that two professors from the magic department suddenly resigned.”


The magic department is doing well.

It feels like the swordsmanship department and the swordsmanship department are almost falling apart together.

“I heard that he resigned from his professorship and notified the Dean. So the Department of Magic is now finished.”

“I don’t think the treatment will be bad.”

“So what can I do when the Dean comes and complains that they are short-handed? I have to help. Do you want to come with me?”

“I don’t even have a degree.”

“As long as you have the skills, that’s enough. Even if it’s just as an assistant.”

“no, I do not want.”

“It’s not coming over.”

I guess now is the time to introduce myself.

“If you’re bored, come play with this.”




“What is this… …?”


“So, why is that rare monster in your pocket?”

“You know Torki.”

“Don’t you know? I went through all that trouble to find this guy.”

“is it so?”

“Yes. I once wandered around looking for monsters. I even wrote a few papers. Under a different name. Anyway, how did you meet?”

When I gave him a rough explanation, Professor Cross looked genuinely disappointed.

“I… … I should have gone with the expedition… … .”

“Oh, that’s what happened.”

“I didn’t know when I was teasing Professor Kelthas! I didn’t know something this funny would happen!”

Even the expression on his face is truly aggrieved.


“It’s okay. Even though he’s rich, he’s not a bad person.”

“Get rid of the stereotype that rich is bad. Huh.”

Professor Cross grumbled and held out his hand to Torki with an angelic face.

“Come here?”


And Torki hid in my pocket again.

“… …Should I just make them obey with magic?”

“It’s okay, just go and try it anyway.”

Torki eventually hesitated at my words and climbed onto Professor Cross’s hand.

But that only lasts for a moment.

As soon as Professor Cross carefully pulled my hand towards him, he jumped up and went into my pocket.

“What did I do to make you follow me, huh? I’m a lich, so I don’t even smell like a human!”

“Isn’t it because the smell of magic is too strong or rather rich?”

“You’re not the only one following along?”

Well, that could be the case.

Anyway, I plan on keeping Torki with me for the time being.

I don’t know how long this will last though.

“By the way, what a strange thing. A bio-golem. It’s even surprising that it was created by some crazy guy in Arcana and has now been discovered.”

“So, I’m thinking of going to that cabin sometime soon.”

“Then I’ll go with you. Okay?”

“all right.”

I shouldn’t tell you about the dragon’s nest.

Because I decided to go alone this time.

To be exact, we’re with friends who aren’t our people.

Anyway, after the expedition ended, daily life went on like this.

“Elgran, focus a little more.”


“How are things going, Althur?”

“Hmm. You definitely have talent. I wish I had learned magic earlier. But how do you know you have talent, Dane?”

“You’ll know just by looking.”

“… … Is the ‘just’ you’re talking about the same as other people’s?”

Elgrand also teaches.

“Dane. Help me.”

“Why again.”

“Wendell is chasing me!”

“Then I guess I can just run away.”

“I don’t know where you got that magic tool, but it’s tracking me down. Can you hide me?”

“Try practicing hiding while you’re at it, buddy.”


I also feel happy seeing Ernest growing while suffering.

“Dane, I told you not to look at me.”

“Even if you don’t know swordsmanship, you have to learn spearmanship.”

“Still. Try your best!”


Until I trained with Leila, who had recently become interested in spearmanship, by defeating her exactly 50 times in one hour.

Of course, academy life is also fun.

Adventure is important, but that adventure also began when I came to the academy.

“I… … am I talented in spearmanship?”

“I said let’s do it moderately.”

“But I’m starting to see two sums. Let’s try again.”

I don’t know why he’s being so aggressive today, but if it helps with my training, then it will.

Anyway, after fighting Leila until she was exhausted, I was finally able to put away my spear and return to the dormitory.

“It’s hard to see your face these days, Dane?”

Droyan, who had become a senior and whose face he also rarely saw, came to say hello.

“Yeah. You’re busy too, right?”

“I always. Sleep well.”

It’s been a while, you too.

Well, I only showed up briefly during dormitory roll calls, and I mostly lived on the academy grounds.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay in a dorm for a while.


As soon as he entered the room, Karnas popped his head out.


And Torki, who just like that, pops out of his pocket and settles down where his clothes were left.

Seeing that guy with such strong guard standing up like that, I guess he trusts me quite a bit.

What on earth is the reason?

They even put me under anesthesia and cut my body with a knife.

“Caeng… … .”

“Kki… … ugh… … .”

Although they don’t seem to be on good terms yet, they still look similar as they fall into deep sleep when I stroke them with my hand.

After washing up cleanly, I threw myself on the bed.

I’ve never felt tired because I lacked stamina, but today, maybe because I trained for so long, my eyes felt strangely closed.

It was at that moment that I was slowly trying to close my eyes.


Eyes opened again to the sound of Torki’s crying.

I thought Karnas was harassing me, but that wasn’t the case.

Rather, Karnas was also wary of Torki’s reaction.

Looking out the window.


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