Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 511

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Chapter 511: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

357. Arcana’s Bio-Golem (2)

“I’d like to report. As a result of the subjugation battle, a total of 426 monsters have been killed, and two captured counterintelligence agents have been rescued. The two counterintelligence agents are not in danger of dying and will return as soon as treatment is completed. There were no other casualties. That’s all.”

A simple and clear report.

It was also the shortest report among all the reports on the punitive expeditions so far.

“It is a great achievement.”

The Emperor of Alteon said so.

And it goes without saying that the adjective ‘excellent’ is actually directed at a certain person, not a criminal record.

“Although the 4th Imperial Knights and the Magic Corps, including Sir Hilderon, also made great contributions, Sir Hilderon, who was also the leader of the punitive force, attributed the achievement solely to Dane Sogres.”

“Hmm. How humble. I’ll make sure to reflect that in my next performance evaluation.”

There is even a commander who doesn’t have any unnecessary greed.

It was a truly perfect expedition.

“If Dane Sogres had been born in Draenik… … it’s horrifying to even imagine.”

The emperor shook his head at the chief of counterintelligence’s words.

“If it was Draconic, he would have been stopped before he could display his many talents. That’s the kind of place it is.”

That’s not wrong.

Drenique is a place that rejects supernatural powers.

Warriors receive the greatest treatment, and magic has only recently been studied at the national level.


Is there any place for summoners, who are fewer in number than wizards?

“We need to provide a proper reward. I will give an additional half of the original compensation to all participants, Officer.”

“I obey your orders.”

Chief of Staff Hank answered, followed by the Chief of Counterintelligence’s report.

“In addition, I have been informed that the mutant specimen of the monster requested by Dane Sogress is currently being studied in a separate laboratory within the Imperial Academy Romance Club’s premises.”

“Research. It seems like they think something will come out of it since it’s a mutant. According to previous reports, it seems like it was more of a risky thing.”

“That’s right. Because at this point, it’s clear that Dane Sogress is the only person capable of controlling the mutant’s rampage of magical powers.”

The Emperor tapped the edge of the throne with his finger.

“Is this something the Magical Corps should reflect on, or something they should be in awe of?”

The magic corps that joined the expedition were the best talents who even went to the Magic Tower and worked with the imperial family.

It is a major event in some ways that such people acknowledge that only Dane Sogres can stop the mutants from running wild.

Because wizards who have trained in magic for decades are inferior to boys who are only academy students.

But if you think about it the other way around, it means that magicians who have trained for decades are so excellent that they admit to having shortcomings.

No, this is probably closer.

“How many official circles are there in Dane Sogres?”

“He has never said it himself, but based on the magic that has been confirmed to have been used so far, I would guess it is between the 4th and 5th circles.”

At that age, that’s an unbelievable achievement, but if you look at it by circle, the Magical Troops are higher.

That means… … .

“There is something more special than that.”

“I apologize for the constant speculation, but we can tell you that there is no other way to explain it. The most likely explanation is that your innate magical talent is completely different from others.”

The Emperor hates reports that include conjecture. He always wants clear and accurate reports.

But when it comes to reporting on Dane Sogres, there’s an exception.

“He’s a boy who’s going to become even more interesting in the future. Don’t you think so?”

And now, I answered with confidence.

“It will be a great help to His Majesty the Emperor in the future.”

* * *

[Alphanius. A wizard who was famous for many things in the Arcana. He showed signs of mental illness during his first promotion, and since then has constantly shown signs of dissociation and madness. However, his overall magical achievements were so great that many schools competed to take Alphanius.]

As expected, the guy who created this bio-golem was an amazing guy.

[His schizophrenia became increasingly severe, but the achievements he left behind were also enormous. He is a wizard who is evaluated to have advanced the level of magic of Arcana by at least 30 years.]

Next, the achievements were mentioned one after another from the mouth of the mini golem. The one who was surprised to hear those words was the eldest sister.

“If that’s the research, then the concept has just been presented here. And it’s already been 20 years since it was buried as absurd.”

[At the time, Alphanius was called a magician who could turn the impossible into possible. At that time, schizophrenia was considered a ‘minor drawback’.]

A genius wizard with schizophrenia.

It smells so good.

[Alphanius’s symptoms worsened when he was in his thirties. Even then, he was still producing numerous achievements. The magicians praised him, and the royal family of Arcana even made moves to elevate him to the ‘Hall of History’.]

“Hall of History?”

[Arcana is a place where only the greatest wizards are chosen. Usually after death, they go through a strict screening process. There are only a few who are chosen while alive, and Decanius is one of them.]

He occasionally surprise worships the person who created him.

[Anyway, big. At that time, Alphanius was into making golems. It’s not strange. All the magicians of that time who used magic powers made golems themselves and used them for various purposes. Alphanius was rather late. However… … Of all things, he was into ‘biological golems’.]

Biotic golem.

Breathing life into the corpses of the dead, or creating new creatures through the ‘combination’ of living creatures.

It’s a little different from the mini golem, but the sleeping bio golem over there right now is the product of that.

[Alphanius’s research was soon discovered. At first, those who admired and supported him, as he was a great wizard and had accomplished many accomplishments, tried to cover it up. However, Alphanus did not stop.]

From then on, everything was as expected.

Eventually, Alphanius was no longer protected, and by order of the royal court of Arnaca, he was stripped of all his titles and imprisoned.

Even after that, they tried to cure his schizophrenia and even released him on the condition that he not create bio-golems… … .

[He escaped from prison. And disappeared without a trace.]

“And this guy’s creation is this guy.”

[Yes. It’s a bio-golem whose name I don’t even know.]


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In the end, that crazy wizard named Alphanius did all this for his own quest, not for money or fame.

I feel like it’s a good thing I didn’t use my head elsewhere.

Of course, this is not a good thing either.

I don’t feel guilty towards the monster, but this guy ended up like this against his will and is now in front of us.

“So what’s the conclusion?”

[Alphanius’s magical knowledge seems to be useful in many ways. And, through the knowledge of this bio-golem, I have also discovered the location of the place where Alphanius had imprisoned him.]

“Then we can go there little by little. For now, I think we should start with this guy.”

[The best way is to destroy it. We can’t leave it like this. For our own sake.]

That’s right.

If there is no way, then obviously yes.

“If it was made, there must be a way to undo it.”

[Let’s take a look after absorbing all the knowledge.]

The best thing to do is to turn back.

Of course, it won’t happen overnight since it’s the work of a genius wizard, but it’s at least worth a try.

But no one else should know.

It’s just me, my older sister, and the mini golem here.

You can tell your friends, but this technique has ethical issues, unlike making special magic stones.

Since it is possible to do it regardless of magical power if you know how, if you do get away with it, who knows what kind of wizard will do something bad.

“You have a warm heart, our youngest.”

At that moment, my older sister smiled happily and patted my head.

“Yeah, we have to turn it back. Let’s find a way together.”

So we spent the next few days checking the knowledge that the mini golem was absorbing and starting to look for a way.

Actually, there weren’t many choices.

Transferring life to another body is virtually impossible.

Because that’s God’s domain.

The creation of bio-golems was initially considered the domain of the gods, but in reality, it is a method of combining existing living things or adding a corpse to a living thing.

There is a case of a mini golem, but this guy could be said to have a ‘high level of self-awareness’ as he claims.

I am once again impressed by the great man Decanius.

“First… … separation would be the best option. We’ll remove the parts that are connected, remove as much of the unstable body as possible, and try to keep the remaining parts as much as possible.”

“Just the ‘Torki’ part?”

“Yeah. I think that guy was Torki before he became a bio-golem.”


A monster the size of a palm.

It is a monster that is extremely vigilant and hides well, so even scholars only see it once every ten years.

Because of this, there has been little research on this monster, so its habits and diet are unknown.

“There are only a few places where it has been seen in the last 50 years. It seems difficult to find it… … But, well, there is a little bit of information. There is also a sketch.”

After thinking about what my older sister said for a moment, I asked.

“Then should we call the scholar who witnessed it?”

“That would be best. But where should I contact you?”

“Let’s call little sister.”

“Huh? That girl… … No, why is that?”

“You really choose your title well.”

After a while, a little sister with a tired face entered the lab.

“You shouldn’t go to graduate school.”

For your information, the younger sister is working as a professor in the Summoning Department after a series of incidents.

Thanks to that, I’m teaching five subjects by myself or something.

Things will get better next year, but anyway, my little sister didn’t look very happy even though she got the professorship she so desperately wanted.

“Why, do you want to die?”

“Hey. You do it. Just sit in the corner of the room and make something all day.”

“What the hell. Have you even done any proper research? You’re just struggling to write a paper.”

“Yes, yes. You did well.”

Anyway, this sister.

I intervened to try to stop the fight and gave a general explanation of the situation.

“So, that creature is what you call a bio-golem, and we need a way to save it, so we need a scholar who knows a lot about ‘Torki’, right?”

“That’s what it is.”

“I know someone from the demon side… … Ah. He went to prison a while ago. Why, you know. Our department professors. No, former professors.”

“… … .”

It was at that time that I was trying to think of another way.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m on good terms with the demonology side. Unlike some people who keep a distance from others.”

“Are you talking about me?”

“Then, will you be our youngest?”

“Are you really going to fall behind?”

After a few harsh words, I asked my little sister.

“Then can I ask?”

“Of course. Who am I? I’m an academy professor.”

“… … .”

Just now I was told not to go to graduate school.

It’s a proud expression on the face of the world.


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