Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 50

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I was reincarnated as an all-time talented genius of a famous family Episode 50

25. Familiar Egg (1)

The familiar’s egg was something I received on my 7th birthday.

For the next 7 years, I infused the familiar’s egg with magic every morning and evening, but there was no noticeable reaction.

It was reacting now.

I immediately thought of the variables.

The place changed to the Academy.

But probably not.

Although the Academy is a mysterious place, the distribution of magical power here is not much different from the room I stayed in in the castle.

That means… … .


Today, the most likely cause is the ancient circle that was created by absorbing the concentration of ancient magic power from the fountain.

I thought about it for a moment and then added more magic power.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Then the familiar’s egg begins to react even louder.

I kept pouring in my magic power just in case, but it seemed to never end.

If there was a rejection reaction or if it was high enough, I would have to vomit out the magical energy I had released, but that didn’t happen at all.

It reminds me of myself starving for several days, then making stew with supplies that arrived late and eating it in a panic.

“Is it really hatching now?”

The reaction also gradually increases.

The more magical power I poured into it, the more the familiar’s egg cried out as if it was asking for more, so I stopped it for now.

“It won’t work here.”

The first person I thought of was my younger sister. As soon as I tried to communicate with the crystal ball, I heard my little sister’s voice.

– Dane? Today is roll call day, have you entered the dormitory? Nothing special happened?

As expected, she was the little sister who poured out her worries about me as soon as the communication was made.

First, I quickly explained the whole story.

I heard my little sister’s startled voice.

-Is Al reacting? now?

“huh. now. And it seems to continue to vibrate even after I stopped putting in horsepower.”

-Why now… … It wouldn’t be good for you if you missed the first roll call.

I looked at the familiar’s egg again.

Even if you don’t know exactly, you can get the general idea.

If you leave it that way, something will definitely happen.

In the worst case, there is a possibility that the familiar’s egg may be lost.

I can’t do it.

There is no choice but to ignore the roll call.

Of course, I have no intention of receiving penalty points for that.

“Sister, are you in the lab now?”

-huh. I guess you’ll probably stay all night today?

“Then I’ll be there soon.”

– Now? Are you coming now? how? If you miss roll call on the first day, you’ll be kicked out of the student club, right?

I grinned and opened the subspace, recalling the item my eldest sister had given me, saying it would definitely have some use.

I never thought I would write it like this.

* * *

The roll call of all dormitories within the Imperial Academy is conducted uniformly, regardless of whether it is the Amaldi Hall, Orwell Hall, or Danter Hall.

Of course, there is no interference from the school since it is carried out by the dormitory student council, which has been granted de facto autonomy, but it is conducted so tightly that some students say it is better that way.

If you are late for roll call, which is held once a month, you will receive 1 penalty point.

Failure to attend will result in 2 penalty points.

Regardless of penalty points, if you are late more than three times per semester, you will be subject to disciplinary action and service in the dormitory.

If you fail to attend more than two times, you will be demoted to the dormitory.

And then, if you can’t do it, you get kicked out of the dormitory.

“Oh, Arnold. “Are you afraid now that you’ve piled up penalty points?”

“Shut up, Droyan. I said it. “Two of them are clearly unfair.”

“If you’re being treated unfairly, you should go to the student club and complain. Why are you doing this?”

Thanks to this, everyone on the 9th floor of the Danter Building was able to stay in their seats, as if they could not escape the fear of penalty points and roll calls.

Except for Priscilla.

“Why did she escape again?”

“You said you know the person from the sasaeng club who is being tested today?”

“Is that okay? “You almost got caught once before.”

“I know. “It seems like you’re in love with the girl you’re meeting this time.”

“In the first place, love destroys people.”

Priscilla is not here now.

Assuring me that I wouldn’t get caught, I left the dormitory.

Their guess was that they went to meet a male student from an undergraduate school they were dating.

“But can the Department of Divinity be like that?”

“I know that? It is said that secret relationships are released in the 4th year of the Department of Divinity. “I heard that if you do it before and get caught, you will die from your seniors.”

“This is absurd.”

In the first place, the Department of Divinity itself is a place where those who dream of becoming priests in the future study. Also, priests cannot start a family and are prohibited from dating.


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In places like that, dating is prohibited up to a certain grade, so it’s funny to do it.

Well, since you won’t be able to even dream of it once you officially become a priest, the logic is vaguely correct if you’re doing it in the name of doing it before then… … .

“After watching Priscilla, I came to understand a little about the profession of a priest.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to believe in religion.”

“Uh huh, that’s blasphemy?”

“Either reach the parish.”

While they were arguing, Droyan looked towards Dane’s room. It seemed like it came in a while ago, but there was no news yet.

“You know about roll call, right?”

“of course. So, didn’t you come in earlier?”

“I’ll go and take a look.”

Droyan immediately knocked on Dane’s door.

The door was open.

When I went inside, I saw Dane tidying up the room.

“Dane, you know it’s roll call soon, right? “See you later.”

“huh. See you later.”

It was a strangely low tone of answer.

Of course, DeRoyan didn’t feel anything strange.

DeRoyan, looking relieved, came back, and soon it was time for roll call. Just then, Scald, a member of the Martial Arts Department, opened the door and came out, yawning.

“Wow, feel sleepy.”

Soon, with the sound of the elevator stopping, the doors opened and the members of the sasaeng club entered.

Students belonging to the sasaeng club with solemn expressions walked towards us, led by the president of the sasaeng club who looked very strict.

‘What’s so sad today?’

While Droyan was feeling anxious inside, the president of the private life association put on his thick-rimmed glasses and opened his mouth.

“9th floor of the Danter Building. “You won’t be able to get through today safely.”

“What do you mean?”

Then he snapped his fingers.

Then, an image was projected into the air using magical power.

“This is the magic surveillance video we installed this time. Interestingly… … “There was footage of Priscilla, a sasaeng on the 9th floor, leaving.”

Droyan was inwardly astonished.

“After tracking him down, we confirmed that he had completely left the dormitory premises. And that was 5 minutes ago. But surprisingly, student Priscilla is currently in the classroom.”

‘I’m tired.’

As if there was nothing more to see, the Sasaeng president walked up to Priscilla’s room and opened the door, and after confirming that there was no one inside, he sighed.

“For the most part, we don’t check for occupancy, but from now on, we’ll have to change the rule. “Droyan, do you have something to say?”

“… … .”


As the Sasaeng president said, the 9th floor of the Danter Building was just a quick check of the number of people. Because there is a certain amount of trust.

But today, that trust was shattered, and from now on, a bloody wind of penalty points will blow.

“Arneld, Drojan, and Skaarl. You three pass. However, let Priscilla know that she will be given two penalty points for not attending without permission.”

“… … all right.”

“Hmm, and one… … Dane Sogress. “You’re new.”

The president of the student council raised his glasses and tilted his head.

“You sure didn’t miss the first roll call, did you?”

“Well, that can’t be possible. It’ll be inside. I think it’s because I’m busy organizing my luggage… … .”

“You’ll know when you see it.”

The Sasaeng president approached without hesitation and opened the door. Then I saw Dane getting up from packing up his luggage.

“Dain Sogress? “Didn’t you know there was a roll call?”

“sorry. “I’m busy organizing my luggage.”

It looked like the packing was almost over. The Sasaeng president looked at Dane and waved his hand as if it was okay.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. “It could be because it’s the first day.”

“thank you.”

“I have high hopes, Dane Sogress. I’m glad you were calm from day one. “Unlike my two older sisters.”

The Sasaeng president immediately closed the door and spoke to Droyan.

“Okay, I’m going to go down to the 8th floor.”

“Yes. Please take a look.”

“Be sure to warn Priscilla.”

Like that, the members of the student association, including the president of the student association, got into the elevator, and as soon as the door closed, Deroyan sighed.

“It’s completely ruined.”

Just be patient. Why crawl away like that on the first day?

“Now we’re ruined, what should we do?”

“I don’t know. Mr. A. “I need to take care of myself for a while.”

Droyan, who was grumbling, asked as if he just remembered something.

“By the way, should I order something delivered from Pope’s this evening? “Let’s have a Dane welcome party.”

“That’s good. “Listen to the story.”

“Okay, I’ll ask Dane.”

So Droyan went back to Dane’s room and opened the door, but-

“Dane, are you okay with today’s time? Have a welcome party… … uh?”

There was no one inside.

As if it was originally empty.

“what? “You were there just now?”

* * *

“… … Anyway, I didn’t like that guy who was the president of the Sasaeng Association from the beginning.”

I chuckled at my younger sister’s grumbling.


“just. You act like roll call is the most important thing in the world. If you don’t show up for roll call, they criticize you as if you did something bad to the world. “What is it?”

Well, it did seem a bit harsh. The voice is high and sharp. Still, it seemed like it worked well and I didn’t particularly suspect that I had left it installed.

“But your sister gave that to you? An illusion that projects you as yourself?”

“huh. “They say most people won’t even notice?”

I waved my eldest sister’s invention, the ‘Illusion Generator Mk.1’, with illusion magic installed.

“You used that?”

“huh. “It was pretty useful, right?”

“As far as I know, it’s very difficult to use… … Since it is controlled remotely, the connection is unstable, and if the flow is slightly disrupted, it is immediately noticeable.”

It was easier than I thought.

For reference, I left the dock connected to this generator in my room before the roll call started.

And as soon as the roll call started, I used an illusion generator to project my image onto the dock, fooling the president of the Sasaeng Association in a nice way.

“Performance is solid.”

That’s certainly true, if it can belie that strict appearance.

Of course, since it is nothing more than an illusion, it has no substance, so if anything touches it, it is immediately discovered. So I felt like I had to use it carefully depending on the situation.

Anyway, I left the dormitory and was now in my little sister’s lab. There seemed to be a lot of amazing items in my little sister’s lab.

“By the way, this is my sister’s lab. how is it?”

“It looks amazing. “It’s very spacious.”

“On the contrary, it is very difficult. There are a lot of things the professors ask you to do. “It’s the Count of Sogres, so it’s a bit worse.”

I decided not to ask any more questions because the words conveyed a sense of sadness.

First, let’s get to the point.

When I take out the familiar egg, my little sister’s eyes widen.

“really… … “You’re reacting, right?”

My younger sister accepted the case very carefully. Her tired little sister’s eyes sparkled. It’s been a while since I saw her eyes like that.

“how is it?”

“Are you sure. This is a reaction to your magic that burned Al. And usually in cases like this, there is a chance of waking up.”

“There’s a chance?”

“huh. As I said last time, there are a lot of eggs that don’t hatch even after reacting like this. Of course, the reaction itself is also very difficult. “It’s just one step forward.”

It’s a slightly disappointing conclusion, but it’s still something. He was a guy who didn’t respond even if I carefully applied magical energy to him for 7 years.

“Anyway, I reacted very strongly. “Has it been like this since before?”

“The more magical power I put into it, the more it seems like that. “I thought something would happen if I added more, so I brought it to my sister.”

“hmm… … First of all, it seems certain that it will absorb magical power. However, not much has been revealed about the familiar eggs yet, so it is difficult to put them in the magic stabilizer.”

For your information, that familiar’s egg was reacting the entire time I was here.

So, in the end, there is only one thing I have to do.

“How about continuing to apply magical power?”

The younger sister seemed taken aback for a moment by those words.


“huh. continue. “I don’t think we should stop here now.”

Buzz buzz!

Al continues to cry out.

There is no guarantee that things will quiet down if left as is.

On the other hand, I also have a feeling that if things quiet down, there won’t be another opportunity.

“… … .”

“This might be the best place. My sister said that back then. “To protect research secrets, a magical shield is constantly flowing.”

“It was like that.”

The younger sister thought for a moment and then nodded.

“good. Let’s do it.”

With the secret agreement between me and my younger sister reached, my older sister cleaned up the experimental table and placed the familiar’s egg on it.

“Dane, just in case, I’ll install a magic filter. “Your magical power is originally of high purity, but you never know.”

For your information, my younger sister knew what happened to me during the day. There is no particular reason for her to hide it from her family.

After all, I know that what flows through my body is ancient magical power.

“Dane, if there is even the slightest danger, tell me right away. “I will stop it.”


So I stood in front of the experiment table and immediately started blowing my magic towards the egg.


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