Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 493

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Chapter 493: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

347. Secrets of the Small Town (1)

Igor, who was recently assigned to guard the city hall, was still suffering from a hangover from the previous day’s perm.

But you can’t screw things up from day one.

What is the viewing fee?

Isn’t this the easiest and most well-paid security job in this small town of Linsk?

Since it was a place where you had to have that much skill to get in, Igor wanted to maintain this good position for a very long time.

‘By the way, if you’re good at it, you should let me hunt, but I don’t really understand why you’re making me stand here blankly.’

Actually, if you think about it, shouldn’t the skilled ones be sent somewhere other than city security, especially ‘night’ security?

What do you think?

They pay a lot and the work is comfortable.

It’s a bit tough to change the day and night, but how can you complain when your salary has increased by 50% compared to before?

“Don’t chatter. If anyone moves, it’s a warning. Be careful, because three warnings will result in a change of position.”

Everything was fine, except for the officers in charge of security going around and threatening people.

‘Oh, I’m going to die.’

Igor tried hard to suppress his anger, but he tilted his head as a question suddenly occurred to him.

I have no complaints since they are giving me a lot of money, but I am curious about something else.

Why on earth do they have to deploy so many night guards to guard this tiny city hall?

Linsk is a quiet city.

With the curfew in place, the already quiet city has become even quieter.

Of course, the viewing area is an important place, but why should anyone guard it when everyone has already left work?

Before deployment, the officer explained:

The reason is to check the mayor’s political enemies and strengthen security.

Well, it’s not a convincing reason, but… … .

‘You should stand up straight. Oh, I should have drank more water. I’m really upset.’

What Igor is wondering now is how much time is left until the break shift.

I want to change shifts as quickly as possible and drink water gulps down, but why does time pass so slowly?

Then suddenly I raised my head.


For a moment, I thought I saw a flash.

4th floor of the city hall.

From the window.

‘Did I see something wrong?’

Igor rubbed his eyes and was certain that what he had just seen was definitely a light.

I’m sure there’s no one in the viewing room.

But what about the light?

‘What the heck?’

The doubts did not go away.

But there was no one who could answer that question.


There was a person who passed through the city hall front yard, which was guarded by security personnel, and headed toward the back yard.

* * *

50 people.

There are guards in the backyard as well as the front yard.

It could be considered as guarding treasure or important figures, but why on earth are there so many people?


That must be the reason for the faint wave of magical power I felt along with the flash of light in the mayor’s office on the fourth floor.

Of course, I’m not sure if the guards on guard know the reason.

[It seems like something is going on on the 4th floor. Could it be that Lord Dekanius’s lab has been discovered?]

“You’ll know when you go.”

The mini golem was visibly anxious.

When I asked him why earlier, it seemed like he didn’t like the idea of ​​someone other than himself or me discovering his lab.

It is understandable, as it is a laboratory filled with the knowledge of the master who created him while he was alive.

“Even if someone takes it, don’t worry, I’ll get it back.”

[Please, Dane Sogress.]

Anyway, I looked for a place to enter while hiding in the shadows and staring blankly at the guards in the backyard.

Although this shadow-hiding body perfectly hides itself, it still requires a certain amount of space when moving.

That is, if you stay still, no matter who passes over you, you won’t get caught, but when you move, you use up as much space as your body.

So, to get into the city hall, I need a space where I can pass through, whether it’s an open window or an open door…

“I can’t see a suitable place.”

What should I do? As I was worrying, Mini Golem gave me a simple answer.

[How about the rooftop?]

“That sounds good.”

I moved straight along the shadow of the city hall building wall.

The rooftop door we finally arrived at was firmly locked, but it wasn’t particularly troublesome.


A door that opens after a simple task.

Never break or damage a lock to open it.


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After all, it was just opened naturally.

[How did you do it?]

“I learned it from a former legendary assassin.”

My mother taught me a lot about being an assassin, including these basic methods.

Of course, the lock picking method that my mother taught me was completely different from the general method.

Even though he is a legendary assassin, I guess that makes him different.

Anyway, when I opened the door, a very nice environment filled with shadows and darkness unfolded before me.

“It will lead straight to the 4th floor.”

The fourth floor is the mayor’s office, except for a few parts, so it’s time to pay a little more attention from now on.

Once I got down into the shadows, I made sure there was no one near the door leading to the office.

I also focused on the feeling once and it was certain.

There are so many troops deployed outside, but there is no one inside.

That means… … .

They say that they block out anyone from the outside and do their work secretly inside.

[The waves feel clearer, Dane Sogres. They seem stronger than during the day.]

As the mini golem said, something stronger than daytime is felt beyond this door.

What’s going on in the office?

If what the mini golem said is true, then Decanius’ laboratory is inside here.

What on earth could it be?

[What should I do? There’s no room to enter.]

“What can I do?”

If you’re curious, you should find out.

I pulled up my magic power and finished the preparatory work around me, then put my hand on the office door.

As expected, magic power flows through the entire door. It’s clear that something has been done to it…

“That’s beginner-level.”

It’s quite sloppy.

In terms of level, is it 3 circles? Or 2 circles?

No, it’s lower than that.

Even if he was a 1st circle level wizard, if he had learned properly, he wouldn’t be able to come up with such sloppy code.

What is this feeling that I learned it as if I was eavesdropping?

I first simply released the magical power flowing through the door and replaced it with my own magical power, then finished disguising myself and opened the door.

And what I encountered was… … .

“This damn magic… … why is it so difficult?”

It was a man who was angry and had spread out a magic book.

I don’t know where I got it, but he was wearing a robe often worn by wizards of Alteon, and he was even holding a wizard’s staff with a crystal ball attached to it…

It seems like a strict person accidentally discovered the lab.

* * *

After a while.

After I put the mayor to sleep with magic, I looked around the office.

If it’s ordinary, it’s ordinary.

Nothing special, just a place with books, documents, a desk, and a sofa.

But there is one place that is different.

Near the bookshelf.

[Here it is.]

There was a specific point where the mini golem’s core reacted most strongly.

There was a book there, and the moment I touched it, a powerful magical power was transmitted through my fingertips.

“What is this?”

[I think… … it seems to be something that Lord Decanius left behind… … .]

The mini golem, hanging on my waist and feeling the magic along with me, muttered absentmindedly.


And Karnas, who was also attached to my body, also stuck his head out after a long time.

He used to look suffocated when people told him to be careful around people, especially Drenique, but now he looks completely at ease.

“This book?”

[It seems… … like that. It feels familiar.]

“Then what about the lab?”


I looked around, but nothing else stood out.

Then the conclusion is simple.

“Isn’t this book ‘Laboratory’?”

[What do you mean, Dane Sogres?]

“There’s no reason why a lab has to be a ‘place.’ This itself could be a lab.”

While we were on the subject, I opened the book and looked at it.

And what we faced was a huge wave of knowledge.


It was such an intense knowledge that I had to close the book in an instant, and I felt dizzy for a moment.

Words heard at the same time.

[Just now… … knowledge flowed in.]

The mini golem continued speaking in a bewildered voice.

[Decanius left several forms of his laboratory… … one of them is the form of this book.]

It seems like the mini golem also encountered the same memory I encountered when I opened the book.

[Dane Sogress, if you were a normal person, you would probably be dead.]

I wondered what this meant, but it seems like this book is more amazing than I thought.

[That book is an object that has transferred the entire laboratory into a single volume.]

Unlike the labs we’ve encountered before, this man named Decanius seems to have packed a lot of his knowledge into this one book.

[Because it is an object that is made so that the knowledge is automatically instilled in anyone who opens the book.]

So I thought maybe I had a headache, but there was another reason.

[There is a little trap hidden in the book. In order to prevent unqualified people from opening it, the book is designed to open at a different point than the first page, which will cause excessive knowledge to be absorbed.]

Then I almost died?

[But you survived because you were Dane Sogres.]

“That guy Decanius, if he were alive, I would have hit him.”

Well, it’s okay since he’s not dead.

by the way…….

“So did that market guy open it from the first page?”

[In addition, you must have had some magical aptitude. Without that minimum aptitude, the book is just an ordinary book.]

People with magical talents are rare.

In that sense, the probability that someone with magical talent will read this boring book disguised as a theory book is very low.

There are many people in this Drenic who live without even knowing that they have magical talent.

Although he could not have imagined that such a nation would one day be established, Decanius’s cover-up of his laboratory turned out to be quite successful.

“Then I guess I discovered that market by chance.”

[That’s right.]

By chance I discovered Decanius’ laboratory… … .

In this way, I am learning magic by obtaining the items mainly used by wizards in Alteon.

“He would have done anything if he had been born in Alteon.”

I’ve heard that Dranek has been loosening restrictions on magic recently, but even so, the fact that someone as high as the mayor is learning magic is a surefire way to get attacked by his opponents.

To sum up, this market happened to discover the ‘laboratory’ left behind by Decanius, and he realized that he had a talent for magic, so he tried to learn magic.

[If it weren’t for this market, it wouldn’t have been easy to find. It’s also thanks to this market that books are activated.]

According to Mini Golem, he is someone we are grateful to.

“Then should I give you a gift?”


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