Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 492

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Chapter 492: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

346. It was quiet this time too (3)

The signal is felt, however faintly.

I headed in several directions to check the mini golem’s reaction.

“Is this the right direction?”

[This seems to be correct. It reacts the closer you get.]

“Oh, this time too, things are going to go wrong.”

Professor Cross clicked his tongue.

Because the place where the signal got stronger the closer you got was the city hall of Linsk.

“City Hall… … Of all places, it has the tightest security.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the mini golem’s words were heard.

[This looks like the right building, Dane Sogres.]

“That’s right.”

“I knew this would happen.”

Professor Cross just shrugged, as if he wasn’t surprised anymore.

Well, I’m not really surprised either.

It doesn’t matter where you are.

To be or not to be, that is what matters.

“If it’s a city hall, I guess I’ll have to take a look around. Hmm. Maybe it’s underground? That seems most likely.”

“While we’re at it, let’s take a look around. Just as an excuse.”

“Do you have any good excuse?”

“What if I say I’m here to get a stall permit?”

“The seat?”

“Yes. Normally, in a small town like this, you need a permit to set up shop and sell things.”

“You bastard, how on earth do you know such things when you’re an Alteonian?”

Well, he was a Draenic in his past life.

Of course, as time has passed, this information may be incorrect. Even if it is a story I heard from someone I met on the battlefield.

Well, fortunately I was not wrong.

“A stall permit? For that kind of work… … Instead of here, go to the 3rd floor of the Linsk City Economic Planning Department. Fill out the paperwork there, prove your identity, and then you can receive it.”

The staff on the first floor showed us the way, and instead of going straight to the third floor, we took a quick look around the first floor.

[This is it. This is the point. It feels the strongest.]

And finally, the location was found.

Near the west side of the city hall.

“You’ll know if it’s up or down when you climb up.”

“Let’s go and see.”

So we walked up to the second floor, but what we heard was different from what we expected.

[It’s gotten stronger. It’s not underground.]

Not underground.

“Let’s go up one more time.”

And then the words that came next.

[It got a little stronger.]

“So you’re talking about the 3rd floor?”

“There are four floors, so let’s go up.”

When we finally reached the 4th floor, the mini golem finally said what we had been waiting for.

[The core is resonating. It’s right nearby.]

Surely it’s not the basement but the top floor.

If so, then surely… … .

“What’s the matter? If you have come to see the mayor, please wait in the reception room for a moment. I will check the schedule and then assist you.”

As expected, nothing in this world is easy.

No way… … .

The place where the core resonates the most is the 4th floor, the mayor’s office.

“Oh, I got the wrong floor and came up to the wrong floor. I was supposed to go to the 3rd floor, but I ended up on the 4th.”

“Is that so? Then.”

We greeted the guard calmly and went back down one floor.

“The mayor’s office. Things aren’t going so well here. Is it inside the mayor’s office?”

“That’s probably the case. We’ll have to go in to find out what happened.”

Is the market already aware of the lab’s existence?

Or, could its existence be hidden in some other way?

We left the viewing area, found a suitable spot, and spoke to the mini golem.

“So, there is absolutely no information about the lab other than its location?”

[Yes. I don’t know exactly how that lab was hidden. My memory is not perfect.]

Decanis’ laboratory may be buried underground as before, but given his nature as a wizard, he may have hidden it in a completely different way.

“Or maybe we should just assume that they’ve already been caught.”

“Well, I can’t rule it out completely.”

[Decanius’s lab is completely hidden.]

The mini golem never doubted its former master.

Well, you’ll know when you see it.

“I can’t go in right now.”


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“You can go, but there isn’t enough shadow.”

Observing the inside of the city hall, it was difficult to find shadows because lights were on everywhere.

So even if they infiltrate now, the situation is not favorable.

“I guess I’ll have to wait until night.”

“Hmm. I guess I’ll have to go in another way.”

What Professor Cross handed me was a small sign.

“Place this in an appropriate location and inject magic power into it. Then, the magic power inside it will react to your magic power and summon me.”

“Have you recently shifted your research direction towards teleportation?”

“I had fun researching it. I also got a lot of inspiration from Miss Arabella.”

Professor Cross seems to be working hard on developing teleportation magic these days.

Certainly a genius is a genius.

I never thought you’d make something like this.

“It’s complicated to explain, but the gist of it is a change in thinking.”

“I see. Okay. Okay, I’ll go inside and just disable the alarms and call you.”


We then started discussing invasion plans, escape plans, what spells to place or cast, etc.

The sun was slowly setting.

* * *

There are several city laws in Linsk. One of them is that you cannot move around after 10pm without special permission.

But it wasn’t much of a problem for Dane, Professor Cross, Mini Golem, and Karnas.

“Can I just stay there?”

“Yes. It’s a prototype, but it’s close enough. I’ll stay around here. It won’t be hard to hide.”

“Okay. See you later then.”

Professor Cross was hiding in a convenient alley, and Dane was heading to City Hall.

There were a few patrols of guards along the way, but since it was dark, there was no chance of being caught.

[No matter how many times I run the simulation, I still don’t understand the mechanism. How on earth does it hide in the shadows like this?]

That’s why I was amazed by the mini golem all over again.

It’s not like there weren’t assassins in the Arcana era, and there were certainly ways to hide in the shadows, but there was no technique to hide as quickly and naturally as Dane.

“Thanks to the direct teachings of a former legendary assassin.”

[Hmm. I don’t know who it is, but it seems amazing. Suddenly, this theory comes to mind. It’s not that times when magic is less developed are relatively slower in development, but rather that other areas are more developed… ]

“Quiet, the guards are coming.”


While Dane was hiding, the guards happened to pass by nearby.

And then I heard the sound of a conversation going on, and the content was quite interesting.

“Did you hear the story? I heard that the lights flashed at City Hall today.”

“Are you believing those rumors again?”

“It’s not the first or second time. There are more than one or two people who have seen a flash of light in the mayor’s office on the fourth floor of the city hall.”

“I must have seen things wrong.”

4th floor of the city hall.

The mayor’s office.

They say that lights flash there.

“Even if it’s true, you’ll probably stay and work overtime. Don’t you know? How much does our mayor think about this city and its citizens?”

“That’s true. Thanks to this curfew, even if there are some complaints, hasn’t the crime rate dropped significantly? Before you were elected mayor, there were often dead bodies found in the alleys overnight, but now it’s completely clean.”

We also found that the curfew was initiated by order of the current mayor, and that citizens have considerable trust in the mayor.

“Anyway, I told you not to go around and raise suspicions like that. You must not know much since you came from somewhere else, but if you bring up the mayor’s story in this city, you’ll get beaten up.”

“Okay, I got it. Wow, that’s so scary I can’t even speak.”

“Okay, that’s fine. Come on, let’s go to the shift change quickly and have a beer. After having a drink and falling asleep, there’s no better rest than waking up.”

As the guards passed by, Dane slowly appeared from the darkness in the alley.

“The rumors about the market are interesting.”

[I heard that he is a sincere and trustworthy marketer, but do you think there is something behind it?]

“Since I’m going to see it anyway, I can just go and check.”

Dane walked a little faster.

Finally arrived at the city hall.

Certainly, something seemed to be felt at the entrance to the fourth floor of the city hall building.

However, it was not easy to identify them because something was mixed up in a somewhat confusing way.

Of course, you’ll know this when you go in.

Dane scanned the guards near the city hall and noticed something a little odd.

“There are a lot of numbers.”

There are a total of 50 security guards around the city hall.

With the curfew in place, it shouldn’t be difficult to maintain order and manage threatening forces in a small city, but for such a small city, the numbers are considerable.

And that’s not all.

“The level is quite high.”

Judging by their attire, 47 were guards and the remaining three were officers.

But the level of the officers is quite high.

It’s not just that they’re considerable, but if you hit them with Alteon, they’re warriors of at least 3 core level or higher.

Of course, the city hall is the most important building in this small town, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be guarded to this extent.

Even the number of troops guarding the perimeter is like this.

Considering the number of troops guarding the interior, it is a level that is not commensurate with the size of this small city.

“Why is that?”

There was no need to think deeply about it.

The fact that this number of troops was deployed means that there is something that must be protected or not discovered by this number of troops.

Dane was gradually becoming more confident, as it felt like the number of troops simply needed to protect the new mayor was excessive.

[Dane Sogress, a wave of magical energy is detected from within.]

“I checked it too.”

There, a wave of magical power can be felt from the viewing area.

A wave so faint that it would be difficult to detect unless you were a Dane or a mini-golem that could sense the resonance of the core.

But the two could feel it, and this made them gradually more certain that something was happening in the mayor’s office on the fourth floor of the city hall.

“Is the market a wizard?”

While waiting, Dane thought back on the information he had gathered about the market.

The new mayor of Linsk is a native of Linsk.

I have never heard of any stories involving magic.

Well, maybe someone like Elgran noticed his talent for magic too late… … .

This is Drenique.

A nation that fears and rejects magic.

“I guess I should go and see for now.”

Dane sneaked into the shadows and slipped past the guards.

It wasn’t difficult.

The Draconic guards had no idea that something could be moving among the shadows.


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