Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 487

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Chapter 487: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

343. I didn’t tell you this.

Traces of humans were found.

Near the tree.

If that’s the case, then there was someone near this tree, and no other participants could have come here…

“The people who hid the treasure?”

“I don’t know about that, but shouldn’t we look into it?”

Elgran searched through his supplies and found a shovel.

I was wondering why on earth this was there, and now I think my doubts have been somewhat resolved.

“Let’s dig all around here.”

“Did you all hear that? Grab a shovel and let’s dig.”

Wendell also stepped forward.

This time, rather than giving orders, I picked up the shovel myself.

I don’t know if it was because the treasure was right in front of them, but anyway, when the nominal leader came forward, everyone, exhausted, picked up their shovels and started digging around.

Do that for about an hour.


“Car, I think I found it?”

At one man’s words, everyone gathered in that direction, and after digging a little more with a shovel, something solid and metallic finally came into view.

It was a box.

“treasure box?”

As if recalling all the hardships they had endured, some of them collapsed.

I came here after seeing this one box.

Honestly, except for Wendell and Elgran, joining the club was a good idea.

After going through all this trouble to get here, I was determined to get some treasure.

Yeah, how much will my academy life change if I join a club?

Dane Sogress is such a great guy that you wouldn’t even notice him.

Could it be that the extreme circumstances made them like that?

Anyway, the treasure chest that was finally placed before them had no lock whatsoever.


I just lifted it with force and the lid opened… … .

“… … !”

“……oh my god…….”

Inside, it was literally full of ‘treasures’.

“This is ridiculous… … Why is it here?”

Even Wendell, who never regretted having money, was surprised by the items in it.

Two of them, one from Wendell’s dream collection.

I don’t know why this is here, but it’s hard to suspect it’s fake because the shine and craftsmanship are amazing at first glance.

‘Why on earth is this here?’

This is one of those things I’ve been looking for so desperately.

Despite all the hard work put into tracking it, the last owner went missing and it was never found.

‘What kind of club is this? The romantic club is… ‘


A dry cough that passes by itself.

The same goes for Elgrand.

‘You can tell just by looking at it that it’s huge.’

I don’t know how much a few treasures will help the family, but I can tell from Wendell’s reaction.

These aren’t just any treasures.

They are such great treasures that even if you have just one or two, changing your fortune is no problem.

It will definitely be of great help to your family.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Sensitive silence.

What should I do with this?

How should we divide it?

No, but what about the test?

I got the treasure, so is it over now?

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

The voice heard at that moment.

Everyone turned around and saw that the person standing there was Dane.

“D, Dane Sogres? How… …?”

“I have been following you guys.”

“You weren’t waiting here?”

“Then I couldn’t judge them. I followed them around and watched them one by one.”

I’m speechless.

So, you say that they are still fine even after observing and evaluating them all this time?

“I’ll have to get to the bottom of it and let you know the results of the evaluation, but before that, let me make a suggestion. It’s about that treasure.”


“Yes. I told you before that distribution should be free. The treasure is a natural right for those who have come this far.”


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Everyone’s heart pounded at those words.

Even if we divide these treasures here equally, they are still of enormous value.

Now, the test results are secondary, and the reward for all this hard work is overflowing.

“But the results of the test are separate.”

Dane continued in a solemn voice.

“Let me be honest with you. None of you meet our standards.”

There was a commotion.

Doesn’t meet the criteria?

So does that mean everyone is eliminated?

“So, does that mean there are no… successful applicants?”

“Yes, everyone is eliminated.”

The shock swept through the remaining adventurers.

“I… … we finally made it to the top, but we still don’t meet the criteria, is that what you’re saying?”

“That’s right.”

“… … .”

It’s absurd.

The result is elimination?

But most people had no choice but to accept it, knowingly or unknowingly.

Looking back, they didn’t leave much of an impression, except for barely making it to the top.

Of course, what made it understandable was the existence of the treasure that had finally come into my hands.

“So, I think we’ll conduct additional tests separately from the treasure.”

“If it’s an additional test… … .”

“Yes. If things continue this way, there won’t be any new entrants this year. What this means is that all the contestants who chose the forest side have been eliminated. Only you are left.”

It is said that there will be no entrants… … .

“This club’s exam must have cost a lot of money, and even though they’re giving away the treasure, why wouldn’t anyone choose it?”

“Yes. It’s better than forcing people who don’t meet the qualifications to join. If the amount of money was important to us, we wouldn’t have planned this test. We would have just screened them out from the documents and prepared a written test.”

At this point, I started to wonder just how much the Romantic Club had.

Even Wendell, who had never worried about money in his life.

‘So that’s why Ernest refused… …?’

Although there were some misunderstandings, Wendell was able to think again about the dignity of the romantic club that he had only vaguely thought about.

“So what is this extra test?”

“I can’t tell you that. Of course, you can give up. The choice is yours. But the moment you choose the additional test, you will no longer have these treasures.”

“Huh? What the heck is that… .”

Dane answered firmly.

“That makes sense. Didn’t I tell you? Everyone fails the exam. You can take the promised treasure. However, if you want to continue the exam and get a chance to join the club, you have to pay a price.”

There was no one who could refute it.

Because it’s not wrong.

“The test we promised you before ends here. You overcame adversity to come this far, and you have earned the right to possess this treasure. However, if we were to give you another chance here… … shouldn’t we be the only ones to pay the price?”

Silence falls.

And the one who broke the silence was Wendell, who had been silently observing the situation until now.

“Can you give me at least a hint about what the test will be about?”

“Yes. You can’t. The test you took was the same, and this test is no different.”

Wendell sighed as if he had no choice in response to the firm answer and asked another question.

“Then, what if I give up my rights to these treasures and fail the test?”

“There’s nothing, unfortunately. I guess it’s just experience.”

“… … .”

If you give up, you lose your treasure and are left with nothing.

As I said, it will be an experience, but… … .

Anyway, if you give up the opportunity to join now, you can get the treasure. It’s a huge treasure.

That’s why everyone opened their mouths as if they had been waiting.

“I, I give up. I’ve come this far and I don’t want to bet on low odds.”

“Me too. I… … I’ll finish here.”

“I’m so tired… … Honestly, I thought it didn’t matter anymore, so I thought I’d be okay just going to the top.”

Dane reacted indifferently to the sight.

“Those of you who have given up, you may go back immediately. I have already discussed this with you, so if you go back and wait for a moment, I will collect these treasures separately and give them to you.”

Sizzle, sizzle.

There was no need to be cautious anymore. There was no need to protect the team anymore, so the participants tore up the return scrolls they had been saving.

Even the two juniors who followed Wendell around like shadows were like that.

“I respect your choice. Honestly, do you want to go?”

“Mr. Wendell… … .”

“Don’t worry. I don’t intend to cause you any disadvantage because of this.”

“… … I have no face.”

Wendell has been above many people for a long time, but he has never been the type to drive people around unreasonably.

Because of that, the two juniors ended up tearing up the scroll and going back.

So, in the end, only two people were left.


And Elgran.

“Have you two made up your minds?”

The two nodded, and Dane asked them both.

“I want to ask why. Wendell Thalia, the contestant? Why did you stay? If you had gone back like this, there would have been a sure reward prepared rather than a low probability test.”

“… … Well, let’s say I have something I want from your club.”

If Ernest were here, he would probably faint and break out in a cold sweat.

Wendell seemed sincere.

Of course, this is not the only reason now.

‘I became interested.’

Is it even possible for a single academy club to show something of this scale?

I’m becoming more and more curious.

This club.

And, about this guy named Dane Sogress.

“Okay. Then Elgran Ionet? What about you?”

“I, I… I want to make our family bigger!”


“But! Besides making the family great… … I also have a little curiosity and respect for Senior Dane.”

“You usually put the words backwards, but you’re being honest.”

“thank you?”

Elgran tilted his head in bewilderment as he looked at Dane, who seemed to like the idea.

“Good. Now, I have confirmed the reasons why you two took the test. Now, please return the return scroll to me.”


Both of their hearts sank at the words telling them to return the return scroll.



“……Here you go.”

How much more extreme are you going to push it into?

What kind of test is there?

If you have to return the scroll, it seems like you’re not going to accept any returns from now on.

‘Are you going to tell me to roll down the mountain?’

‘Actually this isn’t the peak, there’s another peak… … Is that something like that?’

Finally, Wendell couldn’t stand it any longer and asked.

“What on earth is the test? There are only two left… … Since I’ve already decided to participate, why don’t you tell me?”

Dane shrugged, putting the scroll in his pocket.

“The exam has already started. At the moment when you two decided to take it.”


“And it just ended.”


Dane snapped his fingers and suddenly the air began to move as if it was melting, and a makeshift teleportation gate appeared.

It was the same as what I had seen at the club site and down the mountain.

“Let’s go back now.”

“What is that… … .”

“I told you, the test is over.”

Dane then looked at the two with an exclamation of “Ah.”

“I forgot to tell you. The test is over, and you two have passed.”


“I think you two know what kind of club this is.”

The club building visible beyond the gate has the words written in fancy handwriting.

They call it a romantic club.


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