Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 485

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Chapter 485: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

341. I think I found the right guy.

The group that chose ‘Forest’ was speechless at the vast series of trees that were visible from the beginning.

But still, it’s better than the mountain.

Everyone thought this way.

“You have to climb the mountain. The forest is better.”

“Right. You said you were going to the center? Look, there’s a forest map in the supplies. Oh my, where are we now? Eastern Kentra Forest?”

“This place… … is a place that would take three days to get there even on horseback.”

“Did we really teleport… …?”

Teleportation is a magic that requires a great deal of care, financial effort, and the presence of several high-ranking magicians in all processes, including construction and transmission.

But I did it.

The romantic club.

To be exact, it’s a single club.

“… … This is truly an incredible club.”

“I know…….”

Because of that, I felt like my desire to go in unconditionally grew even stronger.

“Okay, let’s move.”

“We go first! Let’s move quickly!”

“Oh, move slowly while keeping your distance! Move while keeping your guard up!”

Four out of five groups chose the forest.

Therefore, hundreds of people were rushing into the Kentra Forest, which the Romantic Club had arranged in advance.

The goal is the same.

In the middle of the forest.

There was even a map, and it seemed simple enough that whoever arrived first would be the owner… … .

“Huh, huh?”

“Hey, where am I?”

“I was definitely just entering… … .”

Not at all.

Because the moment the entire group set foot into the forest, they were moved to a different place.

The same goes for other groups.

Each one scattered here and there in the forest.

“What is this… …?”

“Magic… is it?”


The situation had changed too suddenly to question whether magic was possible.

I thought I just had to go to the center of the forest, but I ended up in a completely different situation.

And that’s not all.

“This… … is a trace of a monster. Look, it’s excrement.”

Traces of demons are also visible.

The atmosphere becomes quiet for a moment.

This forest is dangerous.

My instincts were telling me so.

Only then did everyone sense it.

The thing is, this ‘adventure’ might not be all that romantic.

“It doesn’t seem easy to find the location… … .”

Since it suddenly fell into the middle of a forest, it doesn’t seem easy to determine its location.

It’s fortunate that there is a map, but if you take the wrong direction, you might end up outside the forest instead of in the middle of it.

While these groups that chose the forest are struggling… … .

“Everyone listen carefully. Our goal is the summit.”

The only group that chose the mountain.

The adventuring party led by Wendell Thalia was strengthening their resolve at the foot of the mountain.

“You never know what might happen on your way to the top. So from now on, please follow the orders of the Military Science Department Adjutant seriously. Adjutant?”

“Yes, Wendell Thalia.”

The student called Adjutant was a 4th year student in the Department of Military Science who was appointed Adjutant on the spot.

This is exactly what Wendell Thalia did upon his arrival.

Rather than hastily climbing the mountain, they first classified the people needed for the adventure and placed them in the right places.

Born into an artistic family, he developed his artistic ability naturally as he gained many followers.

“From now on, our adventure group will be divided into five groups again. Each of the five groups will climb to the top while maintaining their ranks and distances between groups. The group leader will be the student with the best stamina!”

The adjutant skillfully reorganized the group, evenly distributing roles among the groups under Wendell’s direction.

I thought this would be much more efficient than having over a hundred people rush up at once.

The adventure group was quickly reorganized under the leadership of Wendell, who had a different perspective from the others.

“The last group leaves last and picks up any stragglers from each group.”

There is even a way to take care of those who are likely to fall behind due to the mountainous terrain.

Everything seemed perfect.

Until we finally climbed the mountain.

“Oh, is that a monster?”

“Damn it, get in line!”

The monsters started to appear.


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From the start, there were dropouts and panic set in.

“Whew, everyone has retreated?”

“Check the wounded!”

“Fortunately, there were no injuries!”

I was trying to climb back up, thinking I had barely managed to get it under control… … .


I heard a scream and checked the situation, and found that someone had passed out.

What’s placed under your feet is a trap.

He didn’t appear to be injured, but he was so startled by something that he fainted.

“A trap… … I see.”

Starting with that, various traps began to appear.

“Boy, boy, we have to turn off the lights!”

“Watch the road carefully! You never know what might come out… … Oh, oh, oh! I’m falling! Here, catch me!”

“Whew, it was a branch… … Oh no! Put it down!”

A mountain is a place with as many trees as a forest.

Also, the combination of fallen leaves and the ground makes it the perfect place for traps to hide.

Therefore, the test prepared by the Romantic Club was going very well.

“What’s the situation over there?”

-The forest area is a mess. But there are no casualties or deaths.

Dane nodded to Ernest’s briefing coming from beyond the crystal ball.

“It’s going well. Anything special?”

-The group is starting to split up. They’re fighting amongst themselves and there will be casualties.

The forest side has a stronger ragtag feel than this side.

It may be natural since it was formed hastily, but it is clear that the presence of someone who can control the crowd is important.

“The forest side is clear. Just keep an eye on it. Make sure there are no casualties or deaths.”

-of course.

Dane had carefully considered the placement of monsters and traps from the beginning.

Lightly injured people can come out, but seriously injured people can never come out, and of course, dead people can’t come out.

Benatio, who is on standby in case of a crisis, is also expected to intervene.

And the mountain side is what he is in charge of and is currently watching over.

The mountain side is also confusing.

At first, Wendell, who was trying to take the lead, seemed flustered and didn’t know what to do.

“Adjutant, isn’t there a trap ahead?”

“No, I don’t know.”

“Find a way!”

Dane also turned his gaze towards Wendell.

It’s not that I lost interest, but rather that I discovered something that caught my eye.

“Are you a first year student?”

A young face.

But the most courageous ones stood up and stopped the monsters, and they did not hesitate to look ahead and check the path.

He was at the forefront of the group Wendell had formed, and judging from the stable posture in which he swung his sword, he seemed to be a student of the swordsmanship department.

“Ernest, how many people participated in the swordsmanship department?”

– Probably not many. In your case, most of the freshmen are forced to join the Academy’s fencing club. But there are still two. A fifth-year and a first-year. Why?

“Is that fifth grader there?”

-Yeah. Here. First year, towards the mountain. Name is… Elgran Ionet?

If it’s the Ionette family, then even Dane knows it.

I heard that this family has been on the rise recently.

Well, family background doesn’t matter.

What we are looking for in this exam is comprehensive ability, adventure, and talent that is suitable for the romantic club.

In that sense… … .

“Behind me! They’re coming!”


The courage to not back down even after seeing that realistic monster made of illusions was quite commendable.

Should I say it’s okay for a first year student?

“Whew. You blocked it. But why do the monsters here disappear when you kill them? That’s strange… … .”

In fact, all the monsters in this forest have already been driven out and only illusions have been placed there, but because the illusions are so realistic, you just don’t know it.

So, there is no chance of getting injured in the first place.

In the midst of all this, Elgran, although a bit reckless, was always the first to set up traps.

“Oh, oh, oh!”

“He’s being dragged away! Save him!”


Accidents like this happened often, but fortunately there were no injuries or anything like that on the ship.

The look of determination in his eyes was quite pleasing to the eye, and Dane decided to memorize Elgran’s appearance for now.

So, it became night… … .

“want to go home…….”

“I should have just joined any other club… … .”


The exhausted students all collapsed and sprawled out in a heap.

Wendell, the leader of the adventure group, was so tired that he just chewed his bread in silence.

Considering the physical strength consumed while climbing the mountain and the mental strength consumed while being nervous, although there were no injuries, it is understandable.

In the midst of all this, only Elgran was suggesting to his adjutant that he stay overnight.

“Adjutant, we still need to assign one person to be on guard in each group in case the monsters approach.”

“But everyone is tired… … and it’s been quiet for hours now?”

“It’s night. If we get attacked, we’re helpless. So we should set up a watch… … I’ll go first in our group.”


When you see the adjutant speak up and say what needs to be said, it seems like it’s either passion or obsession, something is certain.

So, at Elgran’s suggestion, the night watch began… … .

“I, I give up.”

“Hey, hey! What are you taking out! Are you giving up?”

“You picked one person last year too, so what are you going to do about it now!”

Problems started to arise on the other side.

The first day of the adventure.

Tired of the constant attacks and traps from monsters, some have declared they have given up.


And the moment the scroll was torn off, the students who had declared their surrender disappeared one by one in an instant.

After that, the song began to spread uncontrollably.

These kinds of emotions are easily contagious.

Sizzle, sizzle!

Before Wendell could stop them, those who felt hopeless began to quickly tear through the scrolls one by one.

Thanks to that, lights were flashing on the mountain out of season, and at this moment, what mattered was not how expensive that return scroll was.

“Everyone, calm down! If we work together, we can get to the top!”

The adjutant’s cries were hollow.

In fact, perhaps adventure was something completely unfamiliar, unexpected, and extremely difficult for students.

If it’s natural, then it’s natural.

Most of them are students who have never left their families, homes, or academies.

“Me too. I just want to go home. I’m not confident.”

“me too…….”

“I’ll just go to another club!”

Even the students are young.

At most, seventeen or eighteen.

They were still at an age where the world had not yet tainted them, and this was especially true for the freshmen who had entered the academy with rosy dreams.

Because of this, the chaos that spread in an instant resulted in numerous dropouts… … .

“… … The total number of people is 65.”

“Oh my god… … .”

Wendell was left with a number so small that it was disconcerting.

A group that used to have over 100 members has been reduced to less than half.

And that’s not all.

The remaining people were also glancing around, keeping an eye out.

“Wendell Thalia, I think it would be better to collect the scroll separately and keep it… … That way, it won’t run away, right?”

“Do you want to send everyone else away, Adjutant? That would only cause more chaos.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Wendell sighed.

It was reduced by more than half in one day.

Should I call in their family background and keep them?

‘I have to somehow get into the club and catch that guy Ernest… … .’

As I was thinking that way, a guy suddenly spoke to me.

“Wendell Thalia. My name is Elgran Ionet. I am a new student at the Swordsmanship Department.”

The Ionette family.

Wendell knows too.

But that’s not important right now.

“What’s going on?”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll scout out the area overnight and find a way to get there. I checked and there don’t seem to be any life-threatening traps, and the monsters aren’t that threatening either, so it should be fine if you go with a few people.”

Wendell tilted his head at Elgran’s suggestion.

Why would you volunteer for such a dangerous task?

“What is the reason?”

“I hope we can all return to normal as soon as possible.”

“You don’t want to stand out?”

“Even so, in order to stand out, doesn’t this group have to survive in the end?”

“… … .”

At that moment, Dane, who had been listening to the conversation so far, thought.

I think I found the right guy.


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