Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 484

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Chapter 484: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

340. The heat of the entrance exam (2)

459 participants.

One of them, Wendell Thalia.

In fact, Wendell shouldn’t be here at this time. As a member of the Empire’s greatest ‘art family’, he had a lot of important things to do.

2 weeks.

There are many things you can do during that long period of time.

For example, you could invite celebrities from the art world to go on an art tour, or you could create a social gathering by holding an exhibition.

But not this time.

I decided to participate in a club activity for the first time, something I had no interest in or reason to do, in order to win the heart of an artist.

‘I never thought I’d end up joining a club in my lifetime.’

Wendell, who thinks it’s already been decided.

That’s understandable, because Wendell thought that someone as talented as him would naturally be able to join a club like this.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the romantic club, I would have joined a long time ago.

Who you are.

When I entered as a freshman, wasn’t it the case that almost all the club presidents ‘personally’ came to me and invited me to join?

Although family doesn’t have much influence within the academy, it’s a different story for a family as big as Thalia’s.

“By the way, what on earth is the test?”

“Senior Wendell, I heard that this is a very difficult test.”

“Extremely difficult?”

Wendell frowned at the words of a student who followed him around like a maid.

It’s a test.

There is nothing wrong with that.

After all, in this world, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished under Thalia’s reputation.

Now, the talent of Ernest Dylan is also hiding behind the window.

‘You are mine to take.’

What Wendell wants is Ernest’s work, or is it his talent?

Maybe both.

Or else… … .

It might be Ernest himself who has both.

Anyway, the motivations of the 459 people here may be slightly different, but their goal is the same.

Joining a romantic club.

And finally, the test explanation began.

“Welcome to the club entrance exam. I am Ernest Dillon from the Exploration Department, who will be guiding you through the exam today.”

Ernest began his explanation without even looking at Wendell.

“For two weeks starting today, you will take tests at specific locations. The locations are mountains and forests.”

“Mountains and… … forests?”

“Are you telling me to go and catch some kind of monster?”

The commotion was brief.

“I’ll get straight to the point about the exam. You’ll be grouped together for two weeks and go on an adventure.”

And the moment he finished speaking, two signs suddenly appeared in front of the participants.



Each one was written like this.

“From now on, you will each form a group.”

“You want to form a group?”

“Yes. You are free to form a group. You can form a group with people you know, or you can form a group with people you don’t know. You can form a group freely.”

Everyone tilted their heads at the suggestion to form a group, but they got going anyway.

First of all, among people who know each other.

But only people who knew each other formed groups, and most of them just stood there blankly.

Here Ernest threw a subtle bait.

“This club entrance exam will be evaluated on a variety of items. For your information, the evaluation has already begun.”

From then on, everyone started moving busily.

The evaluation has already begun.

What this means is that from now on, everything you see will be evaluated.

“Here, everyone who wants to form a group with Senior Lentus, come this way!”

“It’s hell if you go there! I, Romero from the Martial Arts Department, am going to form a group! Everyone, come here!”

One by one, guys who claimed to be leaders started to appear and slowly started to lead the participants in the direction they felt like going.

And Wendell didn’t stay still.

“Everyone move.”

“Yes, senior.”

The maids he had brought with him scattered in all directions, and soon they mingled with the crowd and invited Wendell to join them.

“Come with the Thalia family. Wendell has a plan.”

“If you work with Wendell Thalia, you will be able to pass this entrance exam with ease.”

Wendell is in the art department.

I have no power.

However, the reputation of the Thalia family is different.

Something enough to attract people without any special force.


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That reliability is… … .

Of course, Wendell Thalia is on the list of people that students entering the Academy must catch their eye or, if not, not bother with before they enroll-

One of the family names that I had heard mentioned before I even entered school was Thalia.

Although not one of the traditional noble families, they maintained great friendships with many traditional nobles under the value of art.

Because of this, more people than expected gathered on Wendell Thalia’s side.

“About 150 people. I thought there would be 200.”

“I’m sorry, Senior Wendell.”

In other words, it became the largest group.

The rest are small groups of 30 to 40 people, or at most 70 people.

Wendell can’t use a sword or a spear, and he knows nothing about magic, so the fact that this many people have gathered means that the family’s power is enormous.

“It seems like it’s all sorted out?”

-Let’s make one last announcement and wrap up the group.

At Dane’s words, Ernest informed him once again.

“I’ll give you one minute to organize the group now.”

1 minute later.

Finally, the adventure group was confirmed.

“Then, the leader of the group, please come forward now and choose one area, either the forest or the mountain.”




Each group leader, including these three, stepped forward, and they were only keeping an eye on one person.

‘If you go to the same area as Wendell Thalia, you’ll be in big trouble.’

‘If you go to the same area as that, you’ll be compared.’

All I was waiting for was Wendell’s decision.

And Wendell, fortunately, chose ‘mountain’ without any hesitation.

“The boys are paying attention.”

Wendell left after saying that, and the rest of them lingered for a while and quickly went to stand at the signpost in the forest.

With this, the place to go has been decided.

Now, it’s time to talk about the real purpose.

“You will now form a group and go on an adventure.”


“What did you just say?”


The word adventure spread confusion.


Suddenly like this?

“Two weeks is plenty of time for an adventure.”

“Wait a minute! Adventure! Are you telling me to go on an adventure like this without any preparation?”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that part.”

And then a carriage appears right in front of each group.

It was a supply wagon pulled by members of the Romantic Club.

“Here, everything you want is included. There’s also a backpack, so you can take as much as you can carry.”

“What the… … what the heck… … .”

But everyone nodded their heads, as if they had a rough idea of ​​what adventure was all about.

Because the Romantic Club itself was a club that went on adventures all over the continent.

Of course, the fact that they had to go on an adventure was difficult to accept.

Most of them have never left their families or academies in their lives, let alone gone on adventures.

“Are you really going on an adventure like this? Without any warning? Is this really okay?”

“I heard you’re going to the mountains and forests… … If you go, is your safety guaranteed?”

“Is this a valid test… … ?”

The commotion began again, and the children’s songs began to spread.

Naturally, this is difficult to accept.

But then, there was someone who stepped forward.

“Hello, I am Dane Sogress, president of the Romantic Club.”

It was Dane.

“We cannot guarantee your safety.”

“… … !”

“Because that’s what adventure is.”

Everyone was speechless at those words.

Is it even possible to say that safety cannot be guaranteed for something like a ‘mere’ club entrance exam?

But when you listen to what he says next, it’s not entirely wrong.

“I don’t know which of you will be joining the club, but if you do, you will have to participate in an adventure that is several times more difficult, arduous, and time-consuming than the adventure you will experience starting today.”

“… … .”

The adventure story of the romantic club is famous.

Some people say it’s an exaggeration, but in any case, it was an adventure.

That too, among students.

“That’s why we thought that if you want to go on an adventure with us in the future, you need to take this test.”

“I really can’t guarantee your safety?”

“Yes, it is.”

“… … .”

“Let me put it simply. Those who want to give up can give up now. I want to tell you that giving up will not have any disadvantages or other effects on the next entrance exam.”

At Dane’s words, several people hesitated and raised their hands, declaring that they had given up.

In fact, it wasn’t just a few, it was a significant number.

Two weeks of testing.

It’s an adventure that doesn’t guarantee safety.

They were students who had only come to see the entrance exam for the romantic club.

But there was no reason to ridicule them or criticize them.

After all, it was a choice.

Rather, it is a very good thing for those who remain.

With fewer competitors, their chances of getting in have increased.

‘You idiots. Would Dane Sogress really put the lives of students who took part in his club’s entrance exams at risk?’

Of course, there were people who thought like Wendell, but not everyone has the same ideas and thoughts.

Anyway, the number went from 459 to 380, and the number of defectors kept increasing until it suddenly stopped at some point.

Nevertheless, only those who want to go remain.

“Okay. Now, let’s start the test.”


Dane snapped his fingers and a previously unseen teleportation gate appeared.

It was a gate that had been installed in advance with Arabella’s help, as it took some time to move.

“You will now pass through this gate and enter the adventure location. The test method is simple. Each group will bring the prepared treasure from the top of the mountain and the center of the forest.”


“Is this a real adventure?”


Among them, one person asked.

“Then, can the person who finds the treasure keep it?”

“Of course. It’s the rule of adventure. The discoverer takes it.”


“Of course, it is also important to share the process of discovery with friends.”

“… … .”

Wendell had a gut feeling.

Probably, that process will also be included in the exam.

Because you haven’t told me the clear passing criteria yet.

“You will know which way to go once you pass through the gate. Oh, and you can always give up. If you want to give up, just tear up the scroll I gave you in the supplies. Any questions?”

“… … .”

“Okay, then. Good luck.”

A teleportation gate that activates when Dane snaps his fingers.

As everyone gulped, the entrance exam was finally about to begin.

An unprecedentedly large ‘club’ entrance exam in the history of the Academy.


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