Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 482

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Chapter 482: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

339. Bigger and Greater (2)

Primal magic.

The magic of the beginning.

Whatever the term, it’s incredible magic.

Everything has a beginning. How something was developed, how a certain food originated, where a certain weapon was first used, etc.

Magic is the same.

Magic itself already existed in nature, but there must have been the first being who arranged this magic to create a code and manifest magic.

But no one knows its origins.

Even in the Academy’s magic classes, their origins were only guessed at, and even Professor Kelthas did not know.

Also, it is not written in the Book of Arcana.

However, it is only assumed that various magics that existed in ancient times, such as those contained in this brooch, may have become the origin of magic.

But now I understand.

Knowledge flowing from this brooch.

“Magic… is one of the many forces that make up this world?”

It says so on the brooch.

[Is that the beginning of magic?]

“To be exact, it seems like the story is about a being who taught magic to humans.”

[Well, if the wizards of Arcana were alive, they would have denied it when they heard it.]


[It was believed that the current magic originated from ancient magic that was created simultaneously by chance at some point.]

“That’s what the brooch says.”

The brooch clearly says so.

Someone told me about this so-called primordial magic.

[So then, who is the being that taught magic?]

“Well, I don’t know about that.”

[Aren’t you curious?]

“It might be interesting to know, but is it really necessary?”

[… … Perhaps the wizards of Arcana will deny your existence, Dane Sogress. They have discovered such great power and such great secrets, yet they have no intention of digging further.]

I chuckled at those words.

“It’s not something I need right now. There are so many more fun things to do.”

Academy life, club activities, adventures, business, time with family, training, etc.

There are countless fun things for me.

There are many things that need to be done before this.

“And there’s no clue right now, right?”

[That’s right. Hmm. Well… I guess I just need to find a few more ancient magics.]

“I don’t even know where it is.”

Instead, I know how many there are.

A total of three.

Now that I have one, I’ll have to get the other two sometime in the future.

I also acquired five ancient magic power concentrates.

[Then I will analyze the information contained in the brooch a little more. However, I think I will be able to reach a conclusion a little faster if I go to the lab.]

If there is any direction, it is to revive the knowledge of the mini golem.

He is the one who inherited all the knowledge of Decanius, who was said to be a great magician even in Arcana, so if we revive him, something will work out.

I guess I’ll have to go to Decanius’ lab soon.

By the way, it’s ancient magic.

I glanced at the codes flowing in for a moment, then snapped my fingers.

Then, sparks fly out from the tip of your finger.

[What did you do?]


[… … Is that the magic of the brooch I just gave you?]

“Yeah. I reported the code.”

[Just looking at that code… …is that what it says?]


I tried other codes with that statement too.

This time, the fireball shoots out from the palm of your hand rather than your fingertips.

It’s bluish white.

[Oh, it’s so hot.]

“I don’t feel it.”

[So it’s primordial magic. It has no effect on the caster at all. Instead, it will burn everything it touches.]

This is an incredibly dangerous magic.

I already knew that it was a magic that had to be used carefully, just from what the priests in Drenic had used… … .

When I cast it, it feels different.

I feel a little sorry for that priest and bishop, but it feels incomparably more powerful than that?

“It’s probably unusable.”

Considering my magical powers, which are different from others, it is true that it is of no use at all in normal circumstances.

What if you had to burn someone without a trace to destroy evidence?

That’s not really my thing.


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Is that why it’s called primordial magic?

However, it found use in unexpected places.


“Carnas, why?”


Karnas just tapped my palm, which had just lit the fireball.

“Isn’t it hot? It’s not hot.”

“Creak, creak!”

Judging from the way you’re shaking your head, you’re not worried about me.

Look at this guy.

Are you telling me to try blooming again?

A sudden thought occurred to me, so I decided to light a firework.


Karnas wasn’t hot at all.

It’s so close.

[This is no way… … .]

Yeah, it looks like the mini golem noticed too.


Karnas looked at the flame I had lit, then, as if he had nothing more to look at, he came over and swallowed it.


A passing flame.



A red glow that starts from Karnas’ neck and spreads throughout his scales.

[Are you saying you figured it out so easily…?]

It didn’t seem hot at all, and instead flapped its wings as if it was in a good mood.

Karnas is eating it up, saying it’s good to light the fire again.



“how much?”

“Creak! Creak! Creak!”

A guy who eats everything as soon as it starts to sparkle, as if he found a snack he had forgotten about.

I stirred the flames just in case, then searched through the subspace and pulled out a dagger.

And after creating a safe zone with magic power, I tried throwing fire at the dagger within it… … .

“… …It’s melting?”

[It’s melting… … .]

The blade of a dagger made of iron melts.

But even though Karnas is a dragon, he’s just eating it up.

This makes it more certain.

Karnas, like me, is not affected by this heat.

The hypothesis derived here.

To elaborate a little more, here’s a hypothesis that’s closer to the truth.

It seems that the magic of the ancient times was taught by dragons.

[Since Dane Sogres is a caster, the dragon is already familiar with the flames… … So that magic is the dragon’s flame.]

“I think so.”

[Then wouldn’t that flame be more helpful to this mini dragon?]


I asked Karnas.

“How is it? Is it delicious?”


“Aside from delicious food?”


“Do you think you’re growing a little?”


Judging from the way he nods, it looks like he has another owner.

The growth of Karnas.

It’s already a mutant dragon whose physical growth has stopped, so it would be better if it grew like this.

I found a reasonably strong string in my older sister’s lab and attached a brooch to Karnas’s body.

Fortunately, it’s not bulky or too big, but it feels like a moderately large necklace for a person.

“It suits you well. What do you think?”


And the change that Karnas showed was amazing.

If you’ve only been spitting out flames with your mouth up until now… … .

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Now, the flames form around the body instead of the mouth.


Its grandeur is finally revealed.

[Oh my god, it looks exactly like the dragon in the original.]

“The dragon from the original?”

[The Dragon is the lord of fire. The magicians of the Arcana have recognized and learned it as such.]

Master of fire.

It lives up to its reputation.

What should I call the appearance of a floating ring of fire… … .

I wish it was a little bigger, but it still looks dragon-like.


Then I… … .

Does this mean that we are humans, like the primordial beings who taught magic to humans?

* * *

“Karnas is an ancient being?”

“To be more precise, the being that gave magic to humans in ancient times was the dragon.”

“Aha, that’s amazing.”

My friends’ reactions weren’t much different from mine. They were just curious, nothing more, nothing less.

Because it doesn’t matter.

“But isn’t that a really great fact?”

Only Althurman, who visited the club room after a long time, showed this kind of reaction.

Because, unlike me, he was a wizard from the beginning.

“No one knows the origin of magic. But you, Dane, discovered it.”


“… … I don’t know when I’ll get used to you reacting so indifferently.”

It would be a great thing for Althur. No, objectively speaking, it would be a great discovery.

But not for me.

There are more important matters.

“So, Ernest, are you ready for the club entrance exam course?”

“Okay. Okay, everyone, gather around. I’ll brief you.”

Ernest, now familiar with the board, has finished preparing the briefing.

We now need to discuss the club admissions process.

The method is as I said before… … .

“This time, there is a test that best suits our club. It is an adventure.”

It’s an adventure.

“The method is simple. We will have the applicants form groups and send them on adventures. Then, we will observe their adventures and give them scores to select them.”

It’s simple to summarize, but the process will not be simple.

“How do you weave a skewer?”

“If we consider autonomy, we plan to gather the applicants together and let them figure it out.”

In fact, the beginning of an adventure is not the departure, but the preparation.

Why not?

The most fun part of an adventure is preparing for it, and the most rewarding part is when you finally reach your goal.

Since we all know that, everyone agreed with this opinion.

“That’s right. We also need to see how they are structured together.”

“It would be best to look at autonomy. If we organize it, it would be a bit strange in its own way.”

“I think it would be best to just give them the supplies they need and let them go on their own.”

With this, the test procedure has been unified… … .

“Next is the course. The course needs to be discussed, but for now, I’ve prepared two locations: the mountains and the forest.”

“Are you talking about the mountain where we fought against the demons?”

“That’s right. And the forest was originally going to be Bonia’s Forest, but since it’s inside the Academy, we decided to use a nearby forest. By the way, both are places where monsters have increased.”

The process is simple.

“In simple terms, the adventure group just needs to reach a set goal and bring back evidence. Of course, it’s not just about evidence.”

Adventure requires motivation.

The people we need are guys who are truly interested in adventure and willing to take action.

So I prepared.

“In addition to the evidence, we will also put in treasures to be given to those who arrive.”

“Really? Is that okay?”

“There are a lot of treasures left in our club, right? We should use them. Dane says that even if you use them, it won’t show.”


The goal of an adventure is to gain something.

In that sense, there is no motivation as certain as treasure.

And our club still has a huge amount of treasures from our adventures.

Even though they were distributed to each person, there were still a lot of treasures.

So, this is when you should use it.

We are recruiting the talent we need, so shouldn’t we be sure to use them properly when we hire them?

“Then, should we start making announcements?”

I wonder what kind of guys will come in this year.


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