Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 476

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Chapter 476: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

334. For the Emperor (2)

Chief Secretary Hank actually had more than one or two objections.

I understand the fame and talent of the boy named Dane Sogress, and the Emperor’s favor, but… … .

Even so, they are making a ‘carriage’.

It’s a carriage, you can make it if you have the technology and materials and a craftsman.

But the biggest problem was that the person riding in that carriage was the emperor.

‘If something goes wrong, there will be more than one person who will lose their head.’

The Emperor’s carriage was, of course, built under strict surveillance.

Rather than checking the carriages that were built, all the items that the Emperor would use were personally checked one by one during the manufacturing process.

This was a strange occurrence due to the assassination attempts on the emperor over the years, but it was also something that was expected since it was basically something used by the emperor.

Moreover, the person in charge of the inspection was himself.

It was nothing else than a carriage, so he thought he had to go.

So the Branson carriage factory we visited was very busy, and yet Hank was treated very warmly.

“Big. The factory is quite large. It’s bigger than I’ve heard before.”

“Yes, it may feel that way more because the heat inside is so great.”

It’s definitely very hot.

No, should I say that this is ‘extreme enthusiasm’?

There was a heat in the air among the people working at the factory that Hank found difficult to define.

‘Did they even say they’d double my salary?’

“If this job goes well, everyone here will get a ‘bonus salary.’”

“I see.”

“Yes. I guess it’s because we’re doing a very big project.”

Hank shook his head inwardly at Colton’s words.

So why did you do something so out of the blue… … .

But what can I do?

Even His Majesty the Emperor himself came and couldn’t hide his excitement.

That made it even more absurd.

Just one carriage?

I have so many carriages that I could ride in different carriages for a whole month and still have more left over.

Hank still couldn’t shake the feeling that it was ‘just’ a carriage.

The idea of ​​a carriage that travels without speaking is a great one, but I can’t think of anything beyond that.

I thought that way even though I saw the entire process of making it.


“This is it.”

Hank’s perspective changed little by little after seeing the real thing.

“It doesn’t look like much has changed… … but strangely, it has a glossy sheen.”

“It’s the magic of Dane Sogress. To be exact, it’s the magic of Arabella Sogress.”

“What if it’s magic?”

“I don’t know much about magic, but from what I’ve heard, they applied some magical treatment to the surface to keep dust from settling.”


Was there such magic?

As expected from the children of the Count of Sogres.

Even without that, the carriage was at the peak of its splendor, using only the most luxurious materials and supplies.

A carriage with a statue attached to it and decorated with strong and beautiful patterns.

Since he said he would go without saying anything, the horse’s stables were lowered a little.

“All the latest specifications have been applied. The rattling has been reduced by magic, and there are heating and cooling functions inside. There are also built-in protection functions to prepare for emergencies such as terrorism and collisions. All tests have been completed. You will understand when you see it.”

Hank nodded at Colton’s words.

Even so, amidst the questions that arose, Colton’s proposal was suddenly heard.

“Would you like to try it?”


“Yes. You will probably feel the difference.”

“Um… … Of course, His Majesty the Emperor goes first… … .”

“Of course His Majesty the Emperor will be the first to board that carriage. Although it may not be as good as that, there is a good enough prototype prepared.”

After a while.

Hank climbed into the prototype Colton had prepared.

And the sense of coziness and comfort.

It felt better than any carriage I’d ever ridden in.

“This is… … amazing.”

A muttering that came out without me knowing.

But a carriage is a means of transportation.

There’s still more to it than meets the eye.

-If you press the button you see in front, you will be connected directly to the groom. If you have anything to say, just press that button.

“Okay, I understand.”

And after a while.

“… … ?”

Hank, who had been comfortably lying on his back, tilted his head.

Why aren’t you going?


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Does it take a long time to prepare?

‘Well, I guess I should take that into account since he said he would go without saying anything.’

But it was the same a little while later.

Why isn’t it moving?

Hank sat up and looked out the window.


But it was already moving.

The carriage was moving forward.

‘No rattling at all? I couldn’t even imagine it moving?’

My mouth fell open.

Doesn’t it feel like you’re sliding on ice?

“How on earth is this… … .”

After completing the test drive around the factory, Hank got out of the carriage and asked blankly.

“Did you trick me with magic?”

“By magic? How do you mean?”

Hank hesitated and answered Colton’s bewildered question.

“That… … like using magic to make the surrounding scenery pass by… … .”

“Haha. Well, maybe if you ask Lady Arabella Sogress, she might be able to tell you?”

“Well, then… … ?”

“Of course not. It’s just… … the ride is superior to the original horse-drawn carriage. Of course, magic is added.”


Hank was speechless.

Can something like this exist in the world?

The idea of ​​a carriage that travels without horses is surprising, but it wasn’t just a carriage that traveled without ‘horses’.

Advanced technologies compared to previous carriages.

As far as Hank knew, it wasn’t because they couldn’t put in those technologies that they didn’t make it.

Because it was not efficient, the existing magic-powered carriages also had high maintenance costs due to the constant replacement of magic stones.

“Is the maintenance cost okay? The technology is great, but… … .”

Dane appeared and answered that question.

“You don’t have to worry about maintenance costs. According to our estimates, one magic stone in a carriage can easily last for at least two years.”

“Two years?”

“That’s right.”

The existing ‘compromise’ carriages last only a few months at best.

But, even the magic stone of the carriage that moves with this magic power lasts for two years?

“In addition, His Majesty the Emperor’s carriage is divided into a power section and a convenience section, each operating with a magic stone. Of course, the operation will not stop just because the convenience section lacks magic power, sir.”

“iced coffee.”

“Furthermore, I would like to inform you that carriages of equal or better specifications are exclusively for His Majesty the Emperor.”

What do the high-status people want?

It is different from others.

To be exact, I want something ‘my own’.

Dane saw right through that point when he spoke.

Of course, it was also a matter of survival.

Selling a carriage with the same specifications as the one presented to His Majesty the Emperor is something that could be used to frame you for assassination if done well.

What would you say if the buyer analyzed it and said there was a risk that it could be used for assassination?

Anyway, it’s complete now.

And Hank, who had not been very pleased with it until then, was now nodding his head.

“… … His Majesty the Emperor will be very pleased.”

I’m glad in many ways.

After presenting it to His Majesty the Emperor, mass-produced carriages will finally begin to be sold.

And this is exactly what Colton was worried about.

‘Is it really possible that things will no longer be purchased only by nobles or merchants?’

Dane did.

Now, carriages will no longer be the exclusive domain of a few wealthy merchants or nobles.

Of course, not right away, but he said that one day, a carriage could become an item that every household in the empire would own.

To be honest, it was negative.

I don’t know what kind of confidence you have, but you’re selling that expensive carriage so cheaply that everyone can own it?


Well, if that’s possible… … .

I even imagined that I might be able to monopolize the empire’s wealth.

‘If that happens… … I will definitely be able to inherit the family.’

Assuming it’s possible, though.

* * *

The construction of the carriage for the Emperor has been completed.

And now it’s time to start selling in earnest.

“You’re not going to mass produce it right away?”

“We only make basic models for specification installation.”

“Ah. I suddenly thought something had happened again.”

Colton is worried that carriage production may be halted.

That probably won’t happen.

“As I mentioned, Branson’s new carriages are custom-made. You can set the price by adding your own specifications to the basic model.”

“The price will vary greatly depending on who buys it. As we discussed before… … Is it really okay to use that method?”

“What method is it?”

“A way to induce competition among the nobles.”

“iced coffee.”

I curled the corners of my mouth.

“They both say they don’t want to lose to each other, so we have to respond to that.”

“The competitiveness of the nobles is beyond imagination.”

“I know. So we have to use it well.”

Colton’s reaction is probably because he hasn’t been very involved with the nobles so far.

But now it’s different.

To do business and make money, you have to aim for places where there is a lot of money.

If it’s obvious, then it’s obvious.

“How are the preparations for the ‘test ride’ to which we secretly invited a few nobles?”

“The list has been compiled. First, I’ve narrowed it down to the wealthy nobles and families.”

The list I received contained several familiar names.

Our father and Duke Termion will not be invited.

This time, since my name is on it, there is no need to hold a test drive.

This is simply a means to induce ‘competition’.

So, it is not an event that suits those two.

“As previously discussed, the test drive specifications must be lower than the ‘Imperial’ grade presented to His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Understood. We are preparing for the ‘Oderon’ specifications.”

Preparations are progressing steadily.

Now all we need is time.

It’s time for the nobles to come and check out our carriage and then take out the money.

That means everything is perfect.

That’s why I was already thinking about my next move.

Now that I’ve started building the carriage, I’ll next move on to building some equipment that I’ve been talking about with my older sister.

And I have already spoken about this with His Majesty the Emperor.

The emperor also readily accepted.

In fact, it was not a matter of asking permission or not, but the emperor seemed very pleased with the fact that I told him this story.

I guess you could call it a kind of emotional sharing.

It’s exciting in many ways.

My heart is pounding.

Even if you don’t go on adventures, there are tons of fun things to do during the vacation.


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