Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 469

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Chapter 469: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

331. The Great Hand of the Empire (7)

Past life.

Among my men I met on the battlefield, there was a merchant. To be exact, a businessman. According to his own claims.

A guy who ran various businesses in the capital, but then went bankrupt and failed when the war broke out, and then fled to the front.

The name is Bezonov.

That guy Bezonov said something to me.

‘This business, there’s no point in just taking things and selling them as is. They say that the basics of business are to buy cheap and sell expensive, but if you’re going to buy cheap and ‘make expensive’ it’s better. What do I mean? That’s what I used to do before I came here.’

‘Then isn’t that wrong? You said you came here because your business failed.’

‘Hey, it’s a failure. It’s just a temporary suspension of business. And I came here just to do market research… ‘

‘Oh, I think the debt collector is here.’

‘Please, tell me you didn’t see me!’

Anyway, there is no other reason why Bezonov’s words, which were a bit funny, come to mind at this point.

There is no point in just selling what you have.

Special magic stone.

It’s clearly an incredibly good thing that doesn’t even have an official name yet.

An efficient item that would be coveted by anyone, including wizards and those who know how to use magic stones.

The existing magic stones can be treated as useless stones.

But I don’t intend to be satisfied with just selling that ‘mere’ magic stone and ending it.

It’s not because I don’t have enough money.

There are endless things you can do if you just have that magic stone.

Of course, I’m not saying I’ll do everything, but I’d like to at least try what I can do.

Because I thought it would be fun.

One of them is this.

“A carriage that goes without saying a word?”

The other person looks a bit dumbfounded, but this is something my older sister and I have been thinking about for quite some time.

“That’s right.”

“Are you talking about something philosophical?”

“Business is also a philosophical field. Of course, it is very mathematical now.”

At this point, Colton seemed to realize that I wasn’t just saying that.

“Please get straight to the point.”

“Isn’t there something you need to answer before that?”

“… … You mean using factory equipment? Oh, yes. Of course. If we could make a carriage that runs without horses, how much equipment would that cost? We would invest in it.”

A carriage that goes without saying a word.

Something new that has never been seen before.

The advantage is that no further words are needed.

This alone is not enough.

From a businessperson’s perspective.

“Okay. I’ll remember that, sir.”

“… … To be honest, it sounds like a bit of a ridiculous story, but I’ll listen to it anyway, Junior Dane.”

I raised one corner of my mouth.

“There will be quite a bit of calculations to be made in a little while.”

“If it’s something to calculate… … .”

“You’ll know when you see it. Let’s go.”

“Huh? Where… … .”

“This is the site of our romantic club. I have something to show you there.”

To attract investment, you have to win the hearts and minds of your prospects.

And there’s no better way to do that than by showing it to them.

* * *

Immediately after learning that I could create absurdly efficient magic stones with my magic power, my eldest sister became obsessed with various inventions.

Among them, there were some useful items, but once they were invented, there were also some items that were difficult to use for various reasons.

Then, the idea of ​​using the superior efficiency provided by this magic stone to create an object that provides power came to mind.

The intention is to realize what the existing magic stones could not do due to efficiency issues.

So this is what came out.

A prototype that was finally completed a while ago.

“Hello, Colton Branson. My name is Arabella Sogress.”

“My goodness, I get to meet the greatest inventor in the Empire here.”

But before that, I introduced you to my older sister first.

Colton shook hands with his older sister with a truly embarrassed expression and asked cautiously.

“I… … I have sent you letters several times until now… … .”

“Ah. Sorry. I’m really busy.”

“Ha, haha. I see. I understand.”

The eldest sister is the empire’s greatest inventor.

As a result, everyone, including celebrities from all walks of life, nobles, and businessmen, wants to form a relationship with him.

Perhaps if my eldest sister had been the type to like going out, she would have had the best connections in the empire.

Of course, that’s not the case, so he’s called the greatest inventor now. It’s a result-oriented story.

“I, but… … I’m a little confused right now. Does what you’re going to show me have anything to do with Lady Arabella?”

“Dane, you didn’t explain it to me?”


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I shrugged my shoulders at my older sister’s question.

“I was going to come and show you.”

“That would be it. It would be something like that.”

My older sister also raised her expectations to the max by singing along to my rhythm.

Colton looked at us both with a strange expression that was a mixture of bewilderment and anticipation.

If I delay any longer here, I’ll probably get cursed at inwardly.

“Yes, then.”

I snapped my fingers and removed the magic curtain.

Then, a carriage that had not been seen until just now appeared before my eyes.

Our prototype.

A carriage that goes without saying a word.

It’s something my older sister and I can confidently reveal.

Colton asked, startled and confused.

“Isn’t this… just a carriage?”

Of course, it looks a bit strange on the outside.

It was as if only the horses had disappeared from the carriage.

To be exact, the shaft that connects the horse and the carriage was removed, so naturally there was no rope.

But there are also clear differences between it and a carriage.

“Look here. It’s a horse statue. Doesn’t it look a little different?”

“The lower part… can be covered.”

The horse’s head was originally completely exposed.

But this carriage has a kind of ‘cabin’.

Should I say that it is a space where the groom can put his legs?

Thanks to this, I won’t be teased if I spill something I eat.

Of course, this is not a core feature.

“Let’s go up and take a look.”

Colton looked at me for a moment, looked hesitant, then looked at his older sister and went up as if he had made up his mind.

“Look, youngest. My trust.”

“That’s great.”

Anyway, Colton got on the carriage and just hung his head in a daze for a while.

To be exact, he would be looking at something intently with his gaze slightly lowered.

These are devices I’ve never seen before.

“This is… … uh, so… … .”

“It’s a device.”

“Oh, um. Yes. I see.”

“When you press the button, the magic stone detects the signal and sends power to each designated location.”


A bit confused and unsure.

Fortunately, like any businessman, he seemed to notice it after a while.

“So… … you’re saying that by pressing this button, the carriage will roll?”

“Yes, it is.”

“… … .”

But noticing and accepting are two different things.

“Hmm. Honestly, I find it a bit hard to believe. Yes, I know that you can move or turn things with magic. Of course, it could be done with a magic stone, since it’s an object imbued with magic. But… … .”

I said something at first, seeing her worried expression.

“Press the one with the wedge pointing forward.”

“Oh, um. Yes, I understand.”


And the moment you press the button, the carriage starts rolling forward.

“Uh, uh uh.”

The speed is very, very slow.

At least from our perspective, having experienced it hundreds or thousands of times.

But for those riding for the first time, it really feels like the ‘horse’ is walking.

That’s faster than you think.

“Hey, how do I stop this?”

Instead of answering, we waited.

And, as expected,


The carriage stopped as if he had pressed a button with a wedge pointing backwards.

“As expected, it’s intuitive, just like my older sister said.”

“Yes. Because the lump of iron is moving.”

Back and forth.

It was my older sister’s suggestion to make the buttons for directions easier to see.

“Uh, uh, back now… … .”

“Pull back the lever on the left slowly.”


A carriage stops, suddenly.

Colton sat there with a blank expression on his face.

“How is it, senior?”

“Can this… … change direction? Other than going back and forth?”

“First, press the forward button.”


“Try pushing the lever on the right to the left.”


The front wheel turns to the left, indicating that it was pushed to the left.

“Oh, oh.”

As the direction of the wheels changed, the rear wheels, which were responsible for the power at the rear, pushed, and the carriage rolled to the left.

“It changes direction well. This should be fine even in the complex streets of the capital.”


I got used to it quickly, pressed the button, pulled the lever, brought it to a complete stop, and got out of the carriage.

“… … You did a great job researching the mechanical devices. They seem to be moving along smoothly.”

But judging from his expression and tone of voice, it seemed like he wasn’t completely satisfied yet.

“That’s great. This prototype alone is worth it. But as you know… … there’s a reason it wasn’t built.”

“Yes, I know. It’s inefficient. You have to put in 50 existing magic stones to get enough power to run for just one hour.”

A carriage that only runs for an hour after investing 50 magic stones.

And the used magic stones need to be replaced, and there are a whopping 50 of them.

This is the height of inefficiency.

You can probably sell the horse later, but you can’t sell the magic stone once it’s been used.

“It’s impressive, but it seems like it’ll be difficult unless we address efficiency.”

Colton then brought up a welcome story.

“What if… there was a magic stone made by some reclusive wizard that was only rumored?”


Certainly, it would be possible if it was a magic stone made by that hermit wizard.

So, even if that carriage runs for a whole week, half of the magic power of the magic stone will still be left.

“What if it were possible to insert that magic stone?”

“Well… … I should hand over the equipment without hesitation. That magic stone is something we’ve been looking for. It’ll be a great help in improving our factory equipment.”


I have that magic stone.

“Then I understand that you will rent the equipment.”


“If what you just said is true, it sounds like it could be possible.”

“Ah, yes. Of course… … As Junior Dane said, if you have the magic stone of the hidden wizard… … .”

Colton paused after saying that.

“Hey, do you have it?”


“Oh my god. How?”

Instead of answering, I just smiled, and Colton’s voice was shaking so much.

“One or two… … that’s not it?”

“There is more than that.”

“At least roughly… … .”

“I’ll tell you later when our relationship of trust deepens, but what’s certain is… … .”

I opened the subspace and showed the inside, continuing to speak.

“At least there will be more than enough to meet the demand in the capital, sir.”

Colton was a businessman after all.

Inside subspace.

A considerable amount of accumulated magic stones.

“… … One per carriage, is that right?”

“That’s right.”

As soon as he heard my answer, he came up to me without hesitation and grabbed my hand.

“Let’s go see the factory, Junior Dane. No, Junior. No, no.”

The title has also been revised.

“Our investors.”


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