Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 465

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Chapter 465: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

331. The Great Hand of the Empire (3)

Attitudes toward the Romantic Club at the Imperial Academy varied.

A club that everyone wants to join.

A club led by Dane Sogres.

A club that disappears somewhere during vacations and sometimes even during the semester.

Festivals are festivals that sweep away all the clubs, etc.

In addition to this-

“What the hell are they making again?”

“You were making amusement rides last time, what are you doing this time?”

“My goodness, why is the booth area so big?”

Even the rich clubs.

In fact, it might be natural, considering that Sogress and Termion are the two great noble families of the Empire.

However, due to the nature of the academy, which tries to avoid external funding as much as possible, all of those were close to club assets.

This is the amount earned so far in festival prize money and merchandise.

“There’s going to be a flea market soon, right? Then what are they selling?”

“Since it’s a romantic club, wouldn’t they sell anything? It would probably be really unique.”

“I heard it seems like they’re exhibiting some kind of painting.”

Anyway, this flea market is the biggest event before the second semester final exams.

Because the demon subjugation battle was suspended for various reasons, participation from each club and department was very active.

In particular, clubs and departments with limited budgets showed their determination to make money at this flea market.

“… … When did we ever have such a lack of budget?”

“Ha. Damn. If only we hadn’t made such a fuss back then!”

“It’s all because of those stupid seniors.”

“Shh, listen.”

In particular, the Department of Swordsmanship and the Department of Magic had budgets that were incomparably smaller than before.

Of course, it was all my own doing.

They charged in with confidence and ended up getting completely destroyed, and the Department of Swordsmanship even suffered the humiliation of having its head kicked out.

Because of this, the situation of the Department of Magic, which was already spending a huge amount of money, worsened, and it had no choice but to cut the budget in other areas.

An event that is useless right now, like a flea market.

The same goes for the swordsmanship department.

Although this department spends less money than the Faculty of Magic, the new head of the department has started to monitor the budget.

A completely different look from the previous department head, Esteranza.

Anyway, for that reason, it seemed like the Department of Swordsmanship and the Department of Magic wouldn’t be able to do much at this flea market.

In the midst of all this, the day the flea market finally began.

“Did you go to the Romantic Club sales booth? It was awesome.”

“What? What? Why?”

“It’s so beautifully decorated. Go and see!”

The Romantic Club booth, which had been attracting attention even before it opened, had a huge line as soon as it opened on the first day.

“Okay, teachers. Please take your tickets and wait!”

“Please wait while we each have a glass of cool juice!”

“For those of you who are bored, I will tell your fortune using astrology.”


The weather was cool enough to make the wait worthwhile, but the Academy students would have waited in either summer or winter.

Because it’s the romantic club booth.

The Romantic Club has already become a trusted icon within the academy.

“Wow, look inside. It’s ridiculous.”

“Isn’t it so pretty? Isn’t this a ‘jungle’ theme?”

“It’s very well organized.”

The booth lived up to expectations very well, and for one person in particular it was a joyous surprise.

Today, a student came to see his admired senior, Dane Sogres, up close.

Ornier, a first-year student in the Department of Creative Writing.

“This is where the senior’s adventure story is contained.”

Even before I entered school, I had known of Dane Sogress’ fame, which was spreading throughout the empire.

And when I entered the academy and saw the actual performance, I was met with even greater awe and respect.

That’s why I came to see you today.

Senior Dane Sogres.

Actually, it’s okay if we don’t meet.

Just seeing it up close will make you feel incredibly good.

‘I have to go and see it.’

But before that, let’s first take a moment to admire the booth created by Senior Dane Sogres and the members of the Romantic Club with a reverent heart.

“Hmm. It starts in the West.”

It is said that the adventures in the West, North, East, and South are arranged in order.

“Okay, take this and then you can come in.”

“thank you.”

“Please write before entering.”

Was the person I just met Senior Dorian?

By the way, the item I received was a pair of goggles.


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I thought it was strange, so I put it on and stepped inside, but suddenly a sandstorm blew in.


I was dazed.

It felt like I was really in a desert sandstorm.


It was a situation so realistic that if it were real, I would have been terrified and tried to escape somehow.

That wasn’t all.

The North, East, and West each presented their own unique environments, greatly impressing Ornier.

“As expected, this is such a cool club… … .”

While others are busy selling items by placing them on the table, this is a club led by senior Dane Sogress.

Although there were some who reacted like this because their respect was extreme, in fact, other students also admired him, although they did not respect him.

It’s just because Ornier’s fandom is so great.

Anyway, the quality of the booths that properly implemented the environment of each region was excellent.

It really felt like an adventure… … .

Thanks to that, the pictures I finally encountered after leaving the experience booth seemed more realistic.

“This is a painting by Mr. Ernest Dylan.”

Ernest, although not as famous as Dane, is quite famous.

Likewise, although not as much as Dane, he was one of Ornier’s seniors whom he respected.

As I looked at the vivid painting, I felt a strange thrill as if I was there.

I just came out of the experience booth, so the effect is amazing.

But the real thing started now.

“This… … Oh my god… … .”

Next to the picture.

There were jewels displayed in a luxurious manner.

There was a crowd of people gathered around a small fence, and I managed to squeeze in and read the explanation that went like this.

-This gem was discovered by the Romantic Club during their expedition to the West, and with the advice of the Odd Gem Appraisal Institute, its origin and… … .

Experience booth.

A jewel that looks ridiculously expensive.

And an additional explanation that the source of the jewel is adventure.

It was a moment when those three factors fit together perfectly.

Here’s one more surprising fact.

“Are these gems for sale?”

“I want to buy it. Should I ask the price?”

“It looks expensive… … If it was made by dwarves, it must be amazing, right?”

“You idiot, I told you that you got it appraised at the ‘Odd’ Gem Appraisal Center. This place refuses to appraise cheap gems.”

Even a layman could tell that the jewels were incredibly expensive.

The most careful display, expensive anti-theft devices around the exhibition hall, and the natural beauty of the gems.

What’s surprising is that they don’t ‘sell’ these gems.

Maybe that’s why.

The jewels seemed even more valuable, and set the hearts of many young ladies on fire.

“I have to buy it no matter what. I’ll contact my father.”

“Where is the romantic club member? Have you seen him?”

But all the young ladies heard the same answer.

“I won’t sell it even if you give me a few gold coins. I’m sorry.”

This was Althur’s response as he stepped forward.

But that answer only fueled my anger even more… … .

“It seems like things are going as Dane intended.”

“Anyway, I said he’s a scary guy.”

It was just as Dane intended.

“It was a success, so was this event?”

“That’s right. We don’t have anything to sell.”

Dane slyly chimed in on Leila and Ernest’s self-evaluation.

“Why aren’t you selling it? You’re selling the sights.”

By the way, entry to the experience booth is free.

Dane’s strategy is to attract more people to see those gems for free.

If they hadn’t limited the number of people waiting and watching so as not to interfere with sales at other flea markets, this entire flea market might have become a place to promote the Romantic Club.

“Now the rumor will spread really well. What do you think?”

“We’re going to make a lot of money. We were already asking when we’d recruit new members next year.”

“Well, we all have to think about that together.”

Dane makes the decisions, but we all worry together.

This is clearly different from the Academy’s fencing club, where decisions are made almost unilaterally based on grade level, family prestige, or skill.

“Let’s think about whether or not we’ll receive it next year later, and let’s just finish this flea market well first.”


However, there were some people who showed interest in unexpected items.

“Hi, I had a great experience. It was so artistic.”

It was a female student who came to see Dane and his group.

She had a certain dignity in her speech and appearance, but her appearance was strangely different from that of the other female students.

“That’s why I became interested in it. In many ways.”

“Sorry, I don’t sell jewelry.”

“No. I’m not interested in jewels, but in something else. Of course, jewels are great, too.”

“Anything else?”

No, if you think about it, it might be obvious.

It’s an item that even an art professor came to highly praise.

“Yes. When I look at the picture, I don’t even notice the jewels.”


He was talking about the picture Ernest drew.

He insists that it is a ‘sketch’ and that he is only exhibiting it, but isn’t it just a painting after all?

“I came here on the recommendation of Professor Serenity from the Department of Fine Arts. She said there was a very dynamic and lively painting. She said I should buy it now.”

The female student who said that introduced herself along with the family name that the group had heard of.

“My name is Wendell Thalia, the eldest daughter of House Thalia.”

House of Thalia.

A family that has amassed enormous wealth solely through collecting and selling art.

It was also a place called the so-called ‘art family’.

All members are well-versed in art, and even when selecting employees, they look at their level of knowledge of art.

The eldest daughter of such a family.

No, the eldest daughter of that family was now praising Ernest’s painting skills.

“Oh, since this is the Academy, I guess I should introduce you to Wendell Talia, a fourth-year student in the Department of Fine Arts.”

“The eldest daughter of the Thalia family… …my painting?”

“That’s strange. Don’t you know your own talent?”

Everyone in the club here knows that Ernest is good at drawing.

But that is also a relative viewpoint, and it was just an impression of ‘you draw well’.

“The lines are rough, but the expression of each element is excellent. To put it simply, it means that strength was given to the necessary parts. It has been a long time since I have seen such a lively work.”

I didn’t know you would praise me like that.

Because of this, Ernest couldn’t come to his senses.

“I think this is the first time I’ve seen such a dynamic work since Meriem’s ‘Agony.’”

Meriem is a master of nihilism and an artist who changed his style three years before retirement and created a buzz with his dynamic paintings.

But Ernest has no way of knowing this fact.

“In that sense, I want to buy it.”

Rather, the words that followed struck my ears even more.

“If I may, then everything.”


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