Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 461

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Chapter 461: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

330. The Mysterious Hero (1)

The first thing Major Morozov saw as he entered was a few more corpses than outside the citadel.

Of course, they were all dead.

Knock, knock… … .

There are still embers everywhere, and many buildings are just charred skeletons.

“Has there been an internal strife… …?”

“If that’s not true… … .”

“Oh my god, what is this… … .”

Some of the soldiers here have experience in fire scenes, but they have never seen bodies charred like this.


By the way, I see something strange.

There is no posture commonly seen in the corpses of people who have died from burning.

Each of them had a different posture, as if they had all died in an instant.

‘What the hell is going on? How strong is the flame…?’

Major Morozov shivered involuntarily in fear and turned his head towards the direction of the explosion.

An explosion so powerful that it was accompanied by tremendous noise and vibration.

Judging by the smoke rising, it doesn’t look like it was a very powerful explosion…

It brought back eerie memories of the war.

At that time, I had just become an officer, and on my first sortie, I happened to encounter the wizards of Alteon.

I still can’t forget the explosions of fire and magic that the wizards of Alteon fired.

‘If it weren’t for him then, I wouldn’t be here.’

A life-saving person who suddenly comes to mind.

The only reason I can feel trauma now is because of the person who saved me from being absentminded.

‘If he were alive, he would have been of a much higher rank than me.’

Major Morozov advanced, recalling the man whose face was vague but whose name was clearly Agric.


And at the sight I saw, I let out a scream without knowing it.

What the hell is this?

A whole building had completely blown up.

A huge hole that is clearly visible.

Even just looking at it, you can tell that it didn’t explode above ground, but underground.

‘Could it be that he was going to cause an explosion, turn his gaze away, and then run away?’

An explosion of this magnitude would be enough to obliterate anyone within the blast radius without a trace.

A sight so gruesome that even the experienced Major Morozov shuddered.


At that moment, an officer’s shout is heard.

“There is something you must come and see.”

After a while.

Major Morozov found the people groaning.

However, unlike the corpse I saw earlier, it wasn’t burnt black, and the clothes it was wearing looked more luxurious than the others.

Major Morozov looked at the tied up guys and asked.

“Report the situation.”

“Yes, during the search of the surrounding area, we found three survivors like that. They all had wounds, but we stopped their bleeding for the papers.”

“Sword wound?”

A sword wound?

All the guys I’ve seen so far on my way here have all died from burns, but this time they’re injured by a sword?

‘Wait, Count Lebedev said earlier… …that the agent uses a sword. Then one more?’

My thoughts became more complicated.

I have no idea what the heck is going on.

“One of them looks relatively unharmed. Should I question him?”

“Let’s proceed right away. The rest of you, form groups and search the surrounding area. If anything unusual occurs, report it immediately.”

“Yes, I understand.”

That’s how the newspaper started.

“Who are you?”

“We, as high priests of the brothers who serve the fire of God… … .”

High Priest.

I think I caught it pretty well.

“What happened here?”

“Intrusion, there was an intruder. Suddenly a flying monster came in and started spraying fire… … .”

Flying monster?

Major Morozov frowned.

Are you crazy as a group?

“Explain in detail.”

“I don’t know anything more than that. We just give orders… … .”

So these guys gave orders while carrying the load on their backs, and all the poor guys who received the orders got killed?

No, it’s not pitiful.

These guys deserve to be treated like that.


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Even being struck by lightning and burned black, just like he did to innocent people, what better punishment could there be?

“If you say high priest, does he have that rank?”

“The bishop… … .”

Their gazes were directed to one place as if they had made a promise.

Just now, in the direction of the building that had just been blown away by an explosion.

“There… … was there… … .”

Major Morozov called two officers.

“Take three brave men and look down. Don’t go down too deep, and if you see anything strange, get out immediately.”

“All right.”

As the officers who had received the order approached the building, Major Morozov asked:

“So you guys were growing your power here?”

“To rule the world purified by the fire of the gods that will come one day… … .”

Even if you’re crazy, you’re really crazy.

Even in this situation, it seems like they have been properly brainwashed to preach the doctrine.

It’s fortunate that it’s flowing smoothly.

It was at that moment that Major Morozov was thinking of the following question.




Suddenly, the three men who were being interrogated each screamed and fell to the floor.

Then, my whole body started shaking and convulsing.

“What is this… … Priest, priest!”

I called the priest urgently, but the situation only got worse.

Calling on divine power to cover the three, they writhe in even greater pain.


“Stop it! Save me!”

This happens because their power is magical power, not divine power.

Therefore, the proper prescription would be to use a specially refined potion, but Major Morozov and the priest did not know about this.

Of course, the priest now realized something was strange.

“It’s so alien. I can feel the repulsion. This is… … like magic.”



Major Morozov asked again, responding to an answer he had never expected.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m not used to magic or sorcery, but I’m sure what I’ve learned is correct.”

It was a vague answer, but it was enough.

Even in Draenic, the priests’ credibility and influence are at a considerable level.


So, are you saying that the powers these guys were showing off just now, talking about the fire of God, were actually ‘magic’?

This is quite shocking, considering that magic is not very common among the Draconic race.

But why these guys all of a sudden?

“Hee, the power… … the power of God… … .”

“The strength is gone! The strength is gone… … .”

“Oh God! Bishop! How can you take the fire out of our bodies?”

The desperate scream I encountered at that time.

You lost your strength?

* * *

Indeed, he was a man who could handle magical powers that felt threatening.

A flame ball that contains enormous power despite its small size.

But it wasn’t difficult to avoid.

“It’s a shame, you could have preached the word of God more powerfully.”

I am a person who is coveted in many ways.

But what can I do?

“Next time, try flying in a brighter place.”

“Uh, how?”

I’m still alive and well now.

I glanced at the ceiling where sunlight was streaming in through the gaping holes, then turned my gaze towards the bewildered guy.

“That power is quite attractive.”

“this person…….”

“If I had been born in Alteon, they would have tried to take me from all over the Magic Tower. Well, being a cult leader isn’t so bad.”

“Shut up! This isn’t magic! This is the true power of the gods, which only the chosen ones from the beginning can carry on!”

It’s not wrong to say that it’s the primordial magic that becomes the ancestor, but at least it’s not the divine power that he’s talking about.

I’m alive and well like this.

“Really? Then what is this?”


I launched several magic bullets into the air.

Magic power incarnated.

He probably knows too.

If you add all of this up, it’s more powerful than the fireball you just shot at me.

“So is this a power that transcends something divine?”

“You… … who are you! Who are you to suddenly show up and ruin everything for me!”

I answered the screaming guy.

“My name is Dane Sogres.”

With him, the magic bullet flew away, turning into a blade with the magical power that had been embodied-


It slashed at several places and disappeared, too fast for him to stop, and too fast for him to feel.


And the body slowly crumbling.

I remembered my name from my previous life.


It was once called by that name here.

It’s a past life that has already passed.

Still, it is an unforgettable name to me.

I walked straight to the guy’s body, and before I could even search through his arms, I could hear the mini golem’s words.

[It’s a waistband.]

Sure enough, a small brooch was found right away as soon as I rummaged around my waist.

It was an object with a red jewel embedded in it that gave off a splendid light. It looked quite old, but it also had a sense of nobility.


[You can feel it, but it seems like the magic was passed down through this. Only those who possess this jewel can unleash its true power.]

Now I think I know why it was easy to learn, even though it was vision magic.

After all, the true power of that vision magic can only be used by the owner of this medium.

[Now Dane Sogress has inherited that primordial magic.]

Although Dranek is a place where magic is relatively uncommon, it is still a fire magic powerful enough to be believed to be the ‘fire of god’.

It would be perfect for wiping out a group of enemies.

[If I go back and analyze it, I think I can get a lot of information. Oh, and if I’m going to do it, it would be good to do it with the eldest sister.]

Look at this guy.

It looks like you’re having fun researching with your older sister.

“Or so.”

By the way, it is the magic of the beginning that becomes the beginning.

If I figure this out, will I now have some insight into the secrets of my magical powers?

An ancient magical power concentrate.

The power that only I can fully wield.

Where did it come from, where does this power end, and where are the other ancient power centers?

There’s still a lot I don’t know.

But I don’t intend to force myself to know it or to look for it unconditionally.

It’s an important part of my life, but it’s not something that’s absolute to me.

Because I’m already living well.

[So are you going back to the academy now?]

“That’s right.”

[I think he feels a little disappointed.]

Did it look like that?

Well, that’s true.

It’s been years since I’ve been here.

Since I’m already here, I’d like to play Draconic to my heart’s content and stroll around the streets of the capital that I’ve never seen before…

Not now.

It’s sometimes fun to relive memories from a past life, but I’m now Dane Sogress of the Sogress Counts.

“There will be another time.”

[To find Dekanius’s lab again.]

I chuckled at the guy’s grand dream.

“Okay, let’s do that.”

Now, let’s go back and find Professor Cross.

When I zoomed in on the scene, it seemed like there was a group of Draconic soldiers chasing us above.

Professor Cross is probably hiding himself properly, or he’s just curious and looking around.

I slowly threw myself into the shadows.

“Go down carefully! If you step wrong, it will collapse!”

“Can you see something inside?”

“I think there’s a body over there!”

I gave an invisible greeting to the approaching Draenic soldiers.


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