Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 460

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Chapter 460: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

329. God’s Fire (5)

“Magic… What do you mean?”

A faint rhyme that makes you feel like you’re pretending not to know.

It’s also natural that the guy knows that the power he possesses is not divine but magical.

But I never thought that someone would notice that.

This is Draenic, a country that doesn’t particularly like magic.

“It’s fine to act like a god or an agent of god, but it’s going to get discovered later anyway.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“If you don’t know, there’s nothing you can do. It’s not important.”


As I swung my sword once, I heard a laugh from the man.

“What will you do with me with your sword? If you take even one step there, the fire of the gods will engulf you before you can take a second step.”

Before he could finish speaking, he put his foot forward and started walking.

Nothing happened.

All you can see is the face of a guy who missed his timing and panicked.

“Nothing much.”

“… … I gave you a chance.”

It was quite funny to see him trying to cover it up, perhaps because he was a little embarrassed.

“Yes, a chance. I will give you a chance. You have more than enough strength to surrender to the fire of this god. I can feel it. Even if not as much as I do.”

I was just curious, so I guess I should ask now.

“Opportunity. Isn’t that hard to learn?”

“It’s not difficult if you have at least a little ‘talent.’ Talent is talent, after all.”

First of all, it seems that the introduction itself is not difficult.

I guess the level varies depending on talent.

Still, it is certainly a great thing that initiation itself is possible.

Well, it’s a bit of a prejudice that vision magic is difficult.

Since it is usually passed down as a one-person story, there is an image of it being secretive and shrouded in mystery, so that image was naturally created.

“Talent? What kind of talent are you talking about?”

“It’s a talent worthy of being chosen by God. I can tell right away.”

Well, I guess that’s what it means to have a talent for magic.

I don’t know how he knows that, but if he knows about ‘the magic of the beginning’, then it makes sense.

In simple terms, this guy is deceiving people by claiming that the magic of the beginning is god-like.

But it must have been because it was such a great magic that it could be fooled, and also because it was easy to learn, that it formed such a force.

In that sense, perhaps all of the ancient, primordial magics were more advanced forms than we have now.

The fact that something is easy to learn means that it has been studied more.

Indeed, even if we look at the Arcana alone, it seems that magic is actually declining as history progresses.

“While we’re on the subject, you… … seem to have quite a bit of talent.”

“Do you think your faith is that deep? I’ve never thought about it like that.”

“When you experience the fire of God, you will gain faith you never had before.”

A faint scream can be heard in the meantime.

Up above, people who believed in him and followed him are dying, but here, this guy is trying to recruit people so peacefully.

Well, I’m a bit good at it.

“How about it? Will you burn the world with the fire of God together with me?”


Intense flames shot up in all directions, then gathered together into a whirlpool.

And the vortex spun furiously above the man’s hand, spraying sparks in all directions.

A man with red eyes.

“Look, isn’t it beautiful?”

Not only is it difficult to use that kind of fire in a basement, but the look in his eyes makes him look like he’s not in his right mind.

Apart from that, it is definitely a flame that is not easily seen.

I wonder if there is any magic that can use that kind of flame.

[It becomes clear when you see it in person. The original magic of the progenitor in the data seems to be correct.]


[It was impossible even for the wizards of Arcana to freely manipulate flames like that. It must be possible for a fire spirit who has lived for a very long time.]

In short, it means great magic.


Then how do I get that?

Should I just talk about the location of the prayer room like the guys above?

[Please wait, analyzing the magic array.]

The strange words I heard then.

“Is that even possible?”

[If you have the data, you can analyze it. Since it is a magic that has already been studied in Arcana, it is possible to analyze it. Honestly, I am a little excited.]

I was curious about what the sudden excitement was, so I listened and found out that it meant this.

[It takes a long time to study the lost and discover its true nature. No matter how great the magicians of Arcana are, it is impossible to revive and perfectly implement the magic, as it is only a guess. However, analyzing the existence of the true nature based on accumulated data is a different story.]

To put it simply, it’s probably the difference in difficulty between imagining and sculpting something you’ve never seen before and sculpting something that already exists.

[So, Dane Sogress just needs to remember the magical array he feels now.]

“You mean, add your data analysis to it and reimplement it?”


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[You understand quickly.]

A man’s voice is heard in the meantime.

“Are you out of your mind after seeing these fireworks? You’re muttering to yourself.”

Unfortunately, men don’t seem to have the knack for that vision magic.

“So, what do you think? Will you join me in purifying the world and bringing the voice of God to this land?”

When asked again, I answered like this.

“I’m not even interested in burning the bad guys, but I’m not interested in reducing the good world to ashes.”

There’s already so much to do in this world, so why are you burning it down?

Isn’t it such a shame?

Even if we only burn those who deserve to die, it’s still a bit ambiguous.

“Then I must turn to ashes here and become the nourishment of the world for the god of fire.”


A swirl of flames that grows more intense.

Suddenly, that thought occurs to me.

They say that if you keep repeating a lie, people will eventually start to believe it’s true.

Considering the seriousness of that guy, doesn’t he really believe that the fire is the fire of God and that he is the apostle who will purify the world?

“Just disappear.”


A whirlwind flew towards me, followed by a three-pronged spear of flame.

It’s powerful.

If I had just obtained the Ancient Magic Concentration a year ago, I would have definitely considered it a threat.

But now it’s different.

Because I’ve become incomparably stronger than before.

A whirlwind of flames flying through the air, burning the ground.

And the flying spear of flame.

“It’s my first time trying this, I wonder if it’ll work.”

In the midst of muttering, I swung my sword, executing my thoughts-


I felt a strong shock along with the explosion.

To be exact, right above the magic barrier installed in front.

Kukukung… … .

This is the vibration caused by the explosion.

There doesn’t seem to be any injuries.

“Oh, he was a pitiful guy.”

Yeah, I’m a guy who’s too good to die like this.

After the dust cleared, the reaction was as expected.

“Uh, how?”

What I did was simple.

The use of three types of magical power at the same time.


“I extinguished the whirlpool with my sword.”

“What the heck is that… … .”


“I hit each flying spear with a magic bullet.”

“That’s nonsense!”

The last third.

“It was a little warmer thanks to the explosion.”

“… … .”

A magic barrier was erected.

That is, by imbuing the sword with magic power and dispelling the whirlpool, he fired a magic bullet to hit each of the flame spears, and then blocked the explosion with a barrier.

How would Professor Cross react if he saw this?

He must have just nodded his head as if he wasn’t even surprised anymore.

This is my first time doing three at the same time, so I was wondering if it would work, but it definitely seems possible after obtaining one more ancient magic power concentrate.

Of course, it would be a bit shocking for the person on the receiving end.

“this guy……!”

Whether it was out of distrust or anger, the bastard was trembling. Seeing that, I asked the mini golem.

“What about the analysis?”

[It’s almost finished. I’d like to have a big room, though. Did Dane Sogress remember the magic array?]

“Just about. But I wish I had a little more.”

[Since our opinions are in agreement, I think things will work out on their own if we leave it as is.]


I guess so, seeing as his magic power is boiling over.

By the way, that guy is really good at casting fire magic in this sealed basement.

It’s probably starting to get harder to breathe.

“Hoo… … Haa… … .”

I knew it.

But it didn’t seem to be just the fire’s fault.

“Those who defy the fire of God… … must all disappear… … .”

Unfortunately, the desperate measure he pulled out amidst his muttering wasn’t a ‘big one’.

Rather small.

Because it was a sphere the size of a marble spinning around at the tip of a finger.

But in terms of the power contained within, it is incomparable to the flame whirlwind or spear that was sent out earlier.

[It looks pretty strong, be careful. But I think that should complete the analysis.]

“Me too. The magic power arrangement is unique and simple. I confirmed it.”

I expect there will be a powerful explosion or a huge sea of ​​fire.

Well, it doesn’t matter.

This time, we just have to avoid colliding.

This is a dark basement.

It’s the perfect space.

“Get out!”

I moved my feet as those tiny beads of flame flew around.

Into the shadows.

* * *

“Beware of traps!”


Boom, bang!

From the mountain range just a little east of the border, unexpected explosions and screams were erupting.

“f*cking bastards, damn it!”

Major Morozov spat out the words.

We’ve already lost ten soldiers with this.


And three more were just added.

“Kwaaah! My, my arm!”

“Legs, legs aaaaah!”

A terrible sight.

They are truly vicious men.

There are so many traps like this along the way.

Fire bursts out from under your feet, and explosions occur when you touch a symbol that appears to be theirs.

But that doesn’t mean we can delay any longer.

“Carry the injured two at a time and recover the dead later, go up!”

There was no time for complaints to explode.

If I had backed down, it wouldn’t have been strange if Major Morozov had beheaded me right away.

Fortunately, there were no more traps after that.

To be exact, all the traps have been activated.

It seemed like the agents had turned everything on as they entered the area midway.

It was probably done intentionally.

“Major, over there, over there, I see the citadel!”

A cry of joy or fear burst out from a soldier.

Sure enough, the citadel is visible.

It was so creepy and smoke was rising everywhere… … .


Major Morozov sensed it with his intuition, honed from his long military career.

That’s not just smoke rising from a fire.

It’s smoke from a fire.

You said you were ahead of the curve, but have the royal family’s ‘secret agents’ already turned the place upside down?

In a confidence that rose louder than smoke, Major Morozov and the soldiers quickened their pace.

And after a while, I reached the castle and saw it.

“What the… … what the heck… … .”


In front of the castle, below the castle wall, the sight of corpses that had fallen and were charred black.

Judging by the number of them, they don’t seem to be imperial agents, but rather guys who were originally here…

‘Did you return it in the same way? It’s the royal family. How fierce.’

That’s when I thought about it.

Boom, quaaaaang!

An explosion bigger than all the explosions that have occurred on our way here combined has just occurred inside the citadel.



“Oh, the ground is shaking!”

“Major, please lie down!”

Major Morozov was left speechless by the shaking and loud noise that seemed to shake the earth’s axis.

What on earth is going on in this fortress?

‘As expected of the royal family… … They dealt with such a ridiculous matter so quickly.’

A misunderstanding that is half true and half false.

Major Morozov gave the order without hesitation.

“Come inside!”


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