Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 459

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Chapter 459: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

329. God’s Fire (4)

In short, it is a diversionary operation.

While Karnas is burning the walls, an emergency is declared, and Professor Cross and I enter the castle during that time.

Hiding one’s body by hiding in shadows, etc., is a plan that is made based on the duration and environment.


And Karnas was writing the legend of the dragon in Drenic today.


“Get out! Mu, bring me water!”

Those who served the fire of God and burned others are screaming and looking for water as their own bodies burn.

Some counterattacked, spitting out flames, but the moment they touched the flames that Karnas threw, they were ‘absorbed’.

Karnas’ power to swallow other fires and make them his own, transforming them into greater flames.

Thanks to that, I also heard some funny things.

“Oh, it’s fire! It’s the lightning of God!”

“Oh God! Why have you done this to us who serve fire!”

It seems they think that the ‘real’ fire of God has descended upon them.

“It’s amazing every time I see it.”


Professor Cross and I watched the guys riding for a moment with eyes that showed no sympathy, then entered the castle.

“Intruders! Intruders! All priests, to the walls!”

“What the heck is that! Is that a flying monster?”

“It’s a huge fire!”

As we passed by, the guys rushed towards the wall.

The numbers alone are in the dozens, sometimes even hundreds.

That’s not a huge number, but considering that these guys can shoot fire like those priests, they’re quite a threat.

“How many do you think are inside the castle?”

“I’ll have to look into it more closely, but roughly speaking, it’s around ten to twenty.”

That’s what I felt when I expanded my perspective.

But none of them are threatening at all. At least not to me.

“I think Drenique must have had a hard time since he’s shooting out flames. Hmm, that’s how it is. Drenique needs to accept magic soon.”

Is it because the long war has left Alteon with the image of magic and summoning, while Draconic has the image of mechanical engineering?

Perhaps this is because they have been rejecting the image of Alteon for a long time as an enemy country.

Well, that’s Dranek’s concern.

Now all we have to do is enter the citadel and figure out how to deal with that guy called the Bishop.

“Oh, they look a little different.”

At that moment, the door of the large building inside the castle opens.

The door to the building where the lord once resided opened, and a group of people appeared, all wearing quite luxurious priestly attire.

“Your attire looks a little nicer than those two priests.”

“Um… … So, you’re roughly at the level of a high priest?”

“I think it’s easier to call it that way.”

Certainly, the concentration of magical power exuded by them seems a bit higher than that of those priest guys.

Are these the priests who are immediately below the bishop?

The number is about five.

“What’s going on outside?”

“According to reports, there’s a flying monster that I’ve never seen before that’s breathing fire.”

“Then isn’t it a wyvern? No, wyverns can’t breathe fire.”

While we were talking, I also heard this.

“There’s no way it’s a dragon.”

“How could that be? It’s been so long since the last one passed beyond the horizon.”

“By the way, this is not the time. We should go and find out what’s going on. Brother Victor, why don’t you go?”

“I, I mean?”

“Yeah, is there anyone else here who would go besides Brother Victor?”

It seems that beating up those of lower rank is a time-honored tradition that can be seen among both Alteon and Draenic.

As the high priest, who looked young, finally left amid the bloody screams, the four remaining priests chatted peacefully.

“Doesn’t it seem like the commotion will die down soon?”

“Hmm. One monster is plenty.”

“It’s a shame. Those who died in the fire didn’t die in the fire of God, so it’ll be hard for them to return to the embrace.”

“Anyway, we can just replenish it. Don’t you all know that? The number of people seeking the fire of our God is increasing. The brothers the bishop sent to various places are finally seeing results.”

From what I’ve heard, this is their base and they’ve already sent many priests throughout Drenic.

The two priests we met earlier must have been those kinds of guys.

It seems that the so-called ‘evangelistic work’ is progressing considerably.

“What about the two who went to the military?”

“It’s about time to send some news. I intentionally sent them to the excavation team that has almost no combat capability, so soon the number of brothers will increase by hundreds.”

“If that doesn’t work, wouldn’t it be better to just tease the guys you locked up?”


You don’t know that those two guys were talking to me all this time before one died and the other was captured.

By the way, listening to what the guys were saying… … .

“There was a reason why I didn’t care about a few people dying.”


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People just fill it up.

It seemed like the idea was to make new priests out of those who were led by the fire of God.

Anyway, it means that we have to deal with those guys carrying loads over there before we can go inside.

Here are the ‘captured guys’.

“By the way, it seems like the bishop is planning to select more high-ranking priests soon. What do you think?”

“If that is what the Bishop thinks, then we must follow it. Aren’t we beings who have surrendered to the fire of God?”

“Hmm, even so, the bishop has been going into ‘prayer’ quite often lately… … Didn’t he just give an order and then go back into the prayer room?”

In the meantime, here’s some advanced information.

It’s a prayer room.

I guess I’ll just deal with those guys and head over there.

I glanced towards the castle wall.


“Blood, bleed! The flames are too strong!”

“Eww! Water, water! Turn off the lights here!”

I think it’ll be enough to leave that side to Karnas, so now I just need to worry about this side.

“What are you going to do this time? A sword?”

“Well, since I’ve already written it, I’ll just write it down.”

It was the first time, or at least the first time in a very long time since my previous life, that I held a Draconic-style longsword while dealing with the priests of fire.

I had been using only the Alteon-style longsword for over ten years, so I thought it would be a little uncomfortable, but it still felt comfortable in my hand.

So I decided to write this.

If you were to wield a sword against a fire-breathing opponent, and there are four of them, people would probably think you’re crazy.


Damn it.

Because I don’t think it will work.

“Huh? Who?”

This is even more evident when I see him greet me without any sense of caution.

“It seems that none of the brothers have heard the order.”

“Didn’t you hear me say, brother, to go to the castle walls and stop that flying creature?”

I answered the guys who asked me questions casually with my sword.


As the sword was pulled out, a fountain of blood spurted from one of the guys’ shoulders.


And then the guy right next to me got his chest slashed open –

“Hey, who are you!”

The hand of the guy who was trying to start a match and breathe flames was cut off.

Here’s the last one.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The moment when the guy with flames wrapped around his hand rushed in while the three were falling.


My sword stopped in front of the bastard’s neck faster than the flames could pour out.

I gently placed the tip of my sword on the last guy’s neck without stabbing him, then asked him in a curt manner.

“Where is the prayer room?”

* * *

During the war, that is, in my previous life, when I was promoted to the position of officer and received military training, I learned something.

The wizards of Alteon are mostly weak, so it’s not difficult to kill them once you get close to them.

That was actually the case.

However, in reality, such cases are very rare.

Unless you’re an idiot, would you allow wizards and summoners, who are classified as asymmetrical power, to approach you?

But after successfully doing it once or twice, I realized that it was true that wizards generally had poor physical abilities.

It’s probably because I have to study so I don’t have time to lift my butt off the chair, and it’s impossible to maintain both core and circle at the same time.

Well, it’s possible for me.

Anyway, that ‘formula’ was the same in Drenique as well.

They were just too slow, even without my strength.

“Ugh, ugh… … .”

“Blood, blood!”

“help me…….”

If they were average level knights, I could have surprised them and killed them both just like I did.

To sum up, these guys are quite flimsy, but the impact of the flames is strong.

I think it’s fortunate that I discovered it at this point.

“Please, please, save me. Please.”

Surprisingly, they opened their mouths obediently.

“I won’t ask again. Where is the prayer room?”

“Hey, if you go inside here and go to the basement, it will come out.”

It didn’t even take 10 seconds for the answer to come.

These guys were supposed to be high-ranking priests, but in terms of loyalty, they didn’t even seem to be as loyal as the priest I had been carrying around on my horse.

“I’ll watch over here. Go ahead.”

“Yes, please.”

“Hey, when you go down, do it gently. But if you want to find out something, you have to answer, right?”

I walked into the building, chuckling at Professor Cross’s completely carefree reaction.

The inside was quite luxurious, unlike the gloomy castle atmosphere.

There are various decorations, and a rather luxurious carpet is laid on the floor.

“There was no need to ask.”

The intense magical power below that is caught in the feeling.

It’s a stronger magical power than any other guy, including the high priests I just subdued.

At this level, even the most skilled wizards of Alteon would easily surpass it.

“Where should we go?”

The stairs leading down were right in front.

However, when I went down, all I saw was a tightly closed door.

Of course, it didn’t open, but instead a voice was heard from inside.

“Are you brothers?”

After thinking for a moment, I answered.

“That’s right.”

“If it wasn’t urgent, I would have told you not to bother me.”

What more urgent matter could there be when your servants are currently being burned by flying demons?

“It’s just that, as it turns out, there is an intruder.”

I answered whatever came to mind, but I received a sharp reply.

“An intruder. Then what are you doing now?”

“I have come to report to the bishop.”

“Is that so? But you seem stronger than the high priests, and this is the first time I’ve heard your voice.”

The moment I finished speaking, a magical power began to boil over from beyond the door and rushed in in an instant.

And the moment I took a few steps back –

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The door was burning and finally came face to face.

“As expected, the feeling of alienation I felt earlier was you.”

A man wearing a robe adorned with a dazzling pattern of flames.

He was a middle-aged man with a beard, and his hands were so red that it looked as if flames would burst out at any moment.

That is the ‘magic of the beginning’.

“If you felt it, why didn’t you come out right away?”

“I tested my brothers. Are they worthy of this ‘fire of God’?”

The man clicked his tongue.

“Unfortunately, they weren’t those guys. It turned out well anyway. They were just fighting each other.”

And then he asks:

“What about you? Someone like you… … seems to have the qualifications to go to the ‘realm of the gods’ with me.”

“Is this a recruitment offer?”

“I said it was to give me a chance to enjoy the glory.”

It’s been a while since I’ve had a proposal like this from the Academy professors who have been eyeing me.

But what can I do?

“I’m not interested in religion.”


I pulled out my sword and spoke to the guy.

“But I’m not very interested in magic. Especially the magic you have.”

It was seen.

The eyebrows of the guy who wiggled at the word magic.


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