Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 453

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Chapter 453: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

328. Land of the Past Life (3)

If I had to name the biggest problem with Draenic at the moment, it would be the unresolved conflict after the war.

On the surface, it appears stable and there is no fighting, but in reality, not only are the emperor and the nobles at odds, but warlords on the outskirts of the territory are also gradually expressing their discontent.

Of course, if this were all there was, I would be able to get by just fine.

There has always been conflict between the emperor and the nobles, and it is actually a good thing that they keep each other in check and maintain balance.

Warlords are also a risk that empires that manage vast territories must bear.

However, when it comes to other problems scattered throughout Drenique, the story is a bit different.

A representative example is those who call themselves ‘martyrs’.

“Who’s coming again? A new war merchant?”

“I wish I could. I wish I could buy more stuff. What did you buy earlier?”

“Dry goods and side dishes? Oh, they were selling cookies, and they tasted really good. They seem to sell a lot of different things. Of all the war merchants I’ve seen, they seem to have the most stuff.”

“Ugh. I found out a little late. It’s a little pricey, but I’d buy more if I had more… … How many days was this mission?”

“It’ll probably be about three months. If you include the return trip, it’ll be more than four months.”

“Damn, what the hell are you digging for that long?”

To be exact, those who call themselves ‘martyrs by fire’ have been growing in power throughout the empire recently.

The problem is that this martyrdom does not take place only among them in some unknown place.

“Hmm, I think there’s someone coming this way again.”

One of the two soldiers who were chatting away while guarding the outer perimeter noticed two people in the distance.

Judging by their robes, they seemed likely to be travelers, and were heading this way.

“Or another war merchant?”

“I hope so.”

As long as no accidents occur, it’s better than boring guard duty.

I thought so until two travelers approached.

However, the atmosphere changed when an approaching traveler opened his mouth to ask a question.

“This is the Imperial Army’s operational area. If you have no other business, please return.”

“If it’s something you need, there’s plenty for you. Our fire god says.”


“I have come to convey the message of the God of Fire.”

God of fire.

The god worshipped by those who call themselves ‘martyrs’.

The soldiers also heard the rumor and flinched as they aimed their spears.

“Those fire-crazy guys?”

“Be careful what you say. We worship fire and live a sublime life.”

Ignoring the soldiers’ spears aimed at him, one of them spread out both his hands and continued speaking.

“You say that this world must be purified by the fire of God. But before that, you are looking for those who will respond to the divine call.”

“What the hell are you talking about… … .”

“Please call the commander of this camp. I would like to give you a chance.”


A blazing flame enveloping both outstretched hands.

“This is a chance to throw yourself into the fire of God.”

The two soldiers flinched and shivered in the intense heat.

A threat that is felt instinctively.

“We have come on a mission. It is a mission to save the world. You are the first step toward saving the world.”

The words that continued in the sophistry were as follows.

“Thus, if you throw yourself into the fire of God, you will be the first to set foot on the purified world when God finally burns it. You will be saved.”

The soldiers’ minds were gradually becoming hazy as they listened to the sermons that were being delivered one after another and the flames were burning brightly in their hands.

“Look, isn’t my hand, engulfed in this fire, unharmed? To you, it is the most frightening and hottest fire in the world, but to me, it is a warm and comforting flame like my mother’s embrace. Jump into this embrace like I did.”

Eventually, one of the soldiers made contact inside.

It’s not because I was moved by the sermon.

I felt like I would collapse from the heat if I continued like this.

And after a while, a captain-level officer came out accompanied by arresting soldiers.

“They are the ones who are disturbing the country! They are to be arrested and detained by the Count’s orders!”

No questions asked.

The soldiers may not know it, but at least among the officers, there was an order to be wary of anyone who worshipped the ‘god of fire’, regardless of the reason.

Of course, if you have the chance, you should also arrest them.

Because it was already causing trouble throughout the empire, including facts that people were not yet aware of.

But there was one thing that was overlooked.

In an empire the size of Draenic, the fact that it is perceived as a ‘problem’ means that there is a reason for it.

“What a pity you have thrown away your chance to be embraced by God.”

When the hood is removed, a tattoo symbolizing fire is revealed on the face.

And that moment when that tattoo shined.

Boom! Whoosh!

Where he had stretched out his hand, a huge pillar of fire arose, engulfing the officer he had just commanded.

“Captain! Oh my god!”


Amidst the soldiers’ screams, the captain was burned to death without even being able to scream.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


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“Even if you reject God, may you rest in peace.”

The soldiers panicked and sounded an emergency alarm inside.

Ding, ding, ding!

But that doesn’t mean that the body that was once set on fire was safe.

“Oh my god… … these sons of bitches… … .”

The soldiers, unable to do anything, ended up witnessing it.

After the pillar of fire disappeared, a charred corpse was left.


“These, these crazy guys… … .”

Even the words of the priest who looked at the corpse were amazing.

“God, please let those who refuse to be held in your arms rest in peace.”

The soldiers felt fear amidst the muttering that seemed almost mad.

Because the sight of their superiors burning to a charred corpse in an instant was so unrealistic.

Above all, the ‘power’ of this Draconic to breathe fire and call wind is something to be feared.

Unlike Alteon, it was not a country where magic spread.

Above all, the powerful weaponry displayed by the wizards of Alteon during the war was a kind of ‘trauma’ to the Draconic people…

As a result, even the soldiers who ran out were in great shock.

“What the heck is going on… … .”

“It… was… burned?”

“What the heck… … .”

The ‘Priests of Fire’ became even more proud at that sight, and spoke confidently in front of dozens of soldiers.

“Today we bring you the message from the God of Fire. It shows what will happen to those who will not be able to rest when the sacred fire covers the world.”

“Whoever wishes to find rest, whoever wishes to be embraced by God with us, come forward, kneel down, and receive the fire.”

Of course, no soldier came forward.

Without going crazy.

“It’s a shame.”

Then the priests raised their hands and muttered as if they were truly sorry.

At the same time, a huge fire broke out.

* * *

Should we say that things went well for this reason?

The moment the sound was heard, all the soldiers in the barracks ran to one place.

“What the hell is going on!”

“Sudden emergency?”

There were also soldiers who were picking up things absentmindedly.

The soldiers who had just bought the mountain looked excited at the thought of eating the mountain food.

Even the soldiers were licking their lips in regret, asking if there was more.

Thanks to that, the war merchant, or rather Professor Cross, couldn’t help but be dazed for a moment.

“Hey, War Merchant. There’s an emergency right now, so you’d better get out.”

In the meantime, even the soldier who gave him kind advice ran away, leaving Professor Cross alone.

I was wondering what on earth was going on and was thinking whether I should stop for a moment, when I suddenly raised my head.

“This level of magical power in Draenic?”

The direction the soldiers ran.

There is definitely a magical scent there.

But, it’s a little dark.

And it’s a little different from the magic you know.

“It can’t be that Dane.”

Magic is magic, but there are two cases where it is different from normal magic.

One is Dane.

The guy’s magical power is so different that it should be completely out of the question.

And one more thing.

That which is expressed and emits its own magic of determination.

“This is vision magic.”

“What, when did you come?”

Professor Cross looked surprised at Dane’s sudden appearance.

“What about the excavation?”

“For now, I’ve left the job of removing the entrance seal magic to the mini golem.”

What is now sleeping beneath these ruins is Decanius’ laboratory.

It’s a mini golem created by Decanius, so of course it can be unsealed.

“But I heard it would take some time, so I came in the meantime.”

“Can I leave you alone?”

“There won’t be any problem. I’ll bring a good guard.”

There’s no need to worry, since Karnas, who bickers but is secretly a good friend, is with you.

“I guess I’ll have to wait and see how things turn out before I make a decision. For now.”

Dane looked in the direction the soldiers had run to.

“It seems like vision magic is right… … .”


It is strange that there is any vision magic left in Dranek.

It is a place where even talented people are forced to use their talents elsewhere rather than becoming magicians.

But Dane’s reaction is a little different.

The guy probably knows this, but his current reaction seems to be thinking of something else beyond that.

“I think it would be better to look at the situation and then decide what to do next.”

“Let’s do that.”

Professor Cross also agreed.

Getting out is possible at any time, but it would be more efficient to assess the situation before doing so.

So, Dane hid in the shadows, and Professor Cross approached him pretending to be a war merchant trying to escape. The sight he encountered was quite shocking.


A number of charred corpses.

A pungent smell.

There are hundreds of soldiers, but no one dares approach them.


“They… … have a rather unique outfit?”

Inside the encirclement, two men dressed in red clothes that looked like they had been dyed red.

“Listen! The time given to you is short. Now, turn to the fire of God and be saved!”

Dane and Professor Cross, who heard what was being shouted, had the same reaction.

“I often see this in Alteon too.”

“That’s right. Wherever you go… … It’s a bit unusual. Bewitching people with vision magic.”

In that kind of religion, one of two things is essential.

Usually I have both.

The influence of the cult leader.

And something magical that will captivate people.

Maybe that’s vision magic over there… … .

“Are those two the leaders?”

A situation that is difficult to imagine in Alteon, where magic is relatively well known.

You’re acting as a cult leader with magic.

How ridiculous it is if we look at it from the perspective of the law that divine power and magical power must be completely separated.

But this is Drenique.

Magic is rare here, and even if you know about magic, you probably don’t know much about arcane magic.

Dane also put forth another hypothesis here.

“Or maybe he passed on his vision magic to several people.”

“Passed on to many?”

In general, at least in Alteon, the transmission of vision magic is not something that is given to just anyone.

Usually, one-person transmission is typical.

Because vision magic is that precious.

But that is a traditional and conceptual meaning everywhere.

More than anything, it was a little strange that such a possibility even occurred to me.

“Hmm. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Professor Cross focused on what was happening.

He glanced at Dane, who seemed to know something he didn’t know.


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