Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 452

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Chapter 452: Reincarnated as a Genius of the Most Talented Family

328. Land of the Past Life (2)

This place, where excavation preparations are in full swing, was used as several locations in the past.

It was once the site of a village, a fierce battle during wartime, and later used as a military stronghold.

Then, after the war ended and it was abandoned, magical power was recently detected underground, leading to the conclusion that relics were hidden there.

“Move quickly and get ready! We have a long way to go!”

“Reinstall the magic stone there! It’s crooked!”

“Hey, you punk! Treat every single stone around the entrance with care! Later on, that single stone could turn out to be worth more than your body!”

A tense excavation site with loud noises and swearing.

The reason why this is being done so urgently is all due to the recent trend of the Draconic Imperial Family demanding ‘magical achievements and discoveries’.

The Draconics have traditionally focused on engineering rather than magic.

For that reason, Alteon’s magical and summoning capabilities were lacking, but the imperial family has recently begun to make efforts to strengthen them.

That’s why the few Draconic wizards who have detected magical relics have to treat them this way.

“When will the excavation preparations be completed?”

Count Lebedev, who was appointed as the person in charge of the excavation, asked with the same anxious expression he had on his face since he arrived here.

“I expect it will take a day.”

The person who answered was a very precious wizard even in Drenic.

To be exact, he was a wizard who was always ridiculed and treated completely differently from Alteon.

Fortunately, with the change in the royal family’s tone, many benefits were promised, and the excavation of this relic was one of them.

Therefore, he was no less impatient than Count Lebedev, who had to earn merit.

‘If we can successfully complete this excavation, we can gain the trust of the royal family.’

‘If we can complete this excavation successfully, our Dranek wizards will be able to gain even more knowledge.’

Different dreams.

Still, the work that needed to be done immediately was the same, so preparations for the excavation were progressing quite quickly.

The border was also tight.

I thought that since I lacked magical knowledge, I would lack magical boundaries, but engineering filled that gap.

Something like this.

“What is the detection trap pressure?”

“The settings are maintained. If unauthorized personnel approach the vicinity, the alarm will sound immediately.”

“Please do additional checks to check for defects.”

“of course.”

Magic was forgotten or drained of manpower due to oppression, and in return, engineering developed in Draenic.

A clear example of this is the various mechanical devices that are rarely seen in Alteon.

And it was the electrical energy that powered it.

Because of this, wizards were often referred to as ‘bioelectric generators’ in Dranek, but things seemed to be different now.

“By the way, what on earth is going on?”

Count Lebedev muttered, stroking his thick white beard.

Drenique is changing.

That was something that every noble living in Drenique could now feel firsthand.

‘The magic preferential policy will only be the beginning.’

The new emperor is destroying the traditional rules, customs, and culture of the Draenics one by one.

Under the proposition of ‘New Draenic’.

In an empire, an emperor is like a natural disaster.

There is no going against the flow, and so a wise man must move in accordance with it, whether a typhoon is coming or a drought is coming.

So is Count Lebedev.

That is why I participated in the excavation of this magical relic, overcoming fierce competition among nobles who shared the same thoughts.

‘I still don’t like these wizards though.’

By the way, I heard that in Alteon, just across the border, wizards and summoners are treated very well.

What on earth is so great about it?

They can draw fire and ice from their hands, and a very small number of them can even teleport, which certainly seems impressive… … .

“Hey, wizard.”

“Yes, Count.”

Count Lebedev could not contain his curiosity and asked.

“What will we find if we excavate that magical relic?”

“Big. Well, we’ll have to dig it up to find out, but I’m sure there are more relics and secret arts than our wizards can imagine.”

“Hmm. I hope that helps.”

What he meant by help was his own advancement.

“Of course. It would be a great help.”

What the wizard meant by help was the development of magic in this country.

One person hopes for his own advancement, while the other hopes for the advancement of the nation and magic.

There has never been a dream like this.

‘Anyway, as long as it works.’

Count Lebedev nodded at the bright future he pictured in his mind.

One thing that’s a bit concerning is that some strange things have been happening within the Empire recently.

It’s hard to believe, but aren’t there nobles who drink the blood of other races and even receive blood transfusions?

Don’t you think that fundamentalists who are dissatisfied with the policy of deregulating magic and summoning are furious?

Aren’t religions that were strictly banned in the empire now appearing here and there?

‘Is this a time of chaos now that the war is over?’


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Meanwhile, some good news was heard.

“He is a merchant of war!”

“How did you find your way here?”

“Hey, look at the size of the bundle. Is there anything in it?”

Immediately after the expedition, a war merchant came to the camp to provide the food and snacks that were always in short supply.

“Stop! There will be a checkpoint!”

The two soldiers guarding the front of the barracks pretended to be strict and stopped them, but they were also happy to be the ones conducting the search.

“Ahem. Hmm. There’s a lot.”

“Ooh. This looks pretty tasty… … but let’s check it out first.”

There was no such thing as a security check.

If we delayed, the soldiers in the barracks would explode with frustration.

Could the expression ‘a drop of rain in a drought’ be more fitting?

After disarmament, not only is there no food, but sometimes even three meals a day are lacking.

Thanks to that, the infiltration of Dane and Professor Cross was really, really easy.

To be exact, it was a Dane infiltration.

Professor Cross is the only one pretending to be a war merchant now.

‘I guess they’re already looking for an opportunity.’

Even for Danes, it wouldn’t be easy to infiltrate with this many soldiers.

The plan is to infiltrate while Professor Cross is drawing attention by releasing items like this.

The plan worked better than expected, because the Draenic army was in worse shape than expected. I didn’t expect to see the new emperor’s disarmament benefits like this, but it worked out well anyway.

“Come here, it’s not every day you come here. This war merchant, Justa! For over ten years, I’ve been wandering around the border, swimming in mountains, and crossing rivers, and I’ve gathered a lot of new and excellent items from all over Drenic! Hey, even soldiers with some spare time, stop holding onto your weight and come and choose quickly! Today, whoever takes off their ranks and grabs them first is the owner! Of course! How can I prevent them from being robbed and robbed in the middle of the night?”

The comments that flow into the Cheongsan River are a bonus.

“Hey, let me see too.”

“Sergeant, I picked that up first!”

“Hey, it’s mine. Man, this looks delicious.”

Still, an empire is an empire, I guess.

It seemed that there was no such thing as soldiers at the front not being paid, and that there was no reason for anyone to not be able to buy things because they didn’t have enough money.

“Cahem, let me see too.”

“Huh, sir?”

“Shh. Shut your mouth.”

Even the officers who were supposed to command these soldiers were leaning towards it.

Thanks to this, Dane was able to infiltrate the barracks with surprising ease.

There is even a moment to release the shadows from hiding.

“I think we could have infiltrated without having to hide in the shadows.”

That muttering was no exaggeration.

Even the soldiers guarding the entrance to the ruins seemed to shiver at the mention of the war merchant.

Professor Cross did an amazing job.

“Let’s try.”

Dane tried channeling his magic before dealing with the soldiers guarding the entrance.

As expected, there is a ‘device’ hidden around the ground near the entrance.

It’s a mechanical device that’s rarely seen in Alteon, but it seems to be combined with magic to send a signal somewhere.

In simple terms, it means that if you touch it wrong, you will be caught.

To the soldiers over there, or to those somewhere else.

But Dane knows that device well.

I have never made one, but I have experienced it often in my past life and even installed it.

The way to get in is simple.

“The area… … would be from here to there.”

Finding out the area being detected.

From Dane’s point of view, there was no need to show any sensitivity.

Because you can roughly guess what it looks like just by looking at it.


Still, I wanted to be sure, so I zoomed in and took a closer look, and it was detecting the area I expected.

As long as you don’t step on it, you won’t be detected.

Once you find out the truth, the rest is a breeze.


Dane disappeared into the shadows.

“Hey, how much time do we have left for our shift?”

“You’ll probably have about 30 minutes left, Corporal.”

“Oh, shit. In 30 minutes, there won’t be a single piece of jerky left when we get there. Oh, damn it. Why are you working at this time of the year!”

After lamenting that he couldn’t even see the war merchant coming, Dane headed towards the entrance quite naturally.

The point is simple.

First, explore the ruins without being noticed by anyone here.

The ruins of Del Horno.

Dane recalled the ruins he had explored before and slowly but secretly poured his magic into the ground… … .

“Over there.”

Finally found the entrance.

However, the entrance is still underground, so the dirt needs to be dug out, and according to the mini golem, the magic lock blocking the entrance also needs to be removed.

[Considering the circumstances of the Draenic Empire that Dane Sogres mentioned, it is highly likely that even if they found the entrance, they would not have been able to open it. No, it would have been the same for any country.]

“Forcing it open?”

[The entire lab is set to collapse if that happens. Lord Decanius doesn’t like anyone to enter the lab except himself. Except me.]

In conclusion, it is likely that Drenique’s excavation attempt was left unfinished.

It would be an embarrassing thing for Dranek to find out.

Yeah, in that situation, wouldn’t it be better to treat it as theft?

With such shameless thoughts, Dane moved to the land where the entrance was located and installed his older sister’s inventions that he had prepared in advance all around.

Welcome generator.


The moment I snapped my fingers, the illusion generator started working, but there was no change.

At least from the outside.

[No matter what happens inside, the current scenery will be visible outside.]

“That’s correct.”

The illusion created by the illusion generator was nothing more than an ordinary scene.

Simply put, it is creating an illusion that appears no different from the usual scenery.

It’s a way to hide the Danes inside, and people outside won’t notice unless they deliberately approach.

But it is impossible to prevent accidental approaches.

If we try to physically block it, it’s obvious that it will arouse suspicion.

[You’ll have to move quickly.]

The bottom line is to move fast.

Just go inside, collect everything as quickly as you can, and then go back as if nothing happened.

Then, as I was quickly digging through the dirt and finally reaching for the magical lock at the entrance that was revealed,

Ding, ding, ding!

An alarm rings out within the barracks.

“Intruder! Everyone, prepare for battle!”

The unexpected news brought Dane to mind one person.

It was Professor Cross.

By any chance, have they found out my identity?


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